小学英语四年 上册教学讲座



小学英语四年 上册教学讲座. Unit 1 Our Classroom. Part A 1.Listen and follow. 关键句型 : We are in Class One, Grade Four. 注意年级和班级的语序以及大小写和标点。. 2.Let’s act. 建议教师制作不同年级不同班级的纸牌发给学生进行活动,巩固关键句型。. 3.Listen and learn the English sounds. 字母组合 ar 读作 [ɑ:]. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unit 1Our Classroom

Part A1.Listen and follow.关键句型:We are in Class One, Grade Four. 注意年级和班级的语序以及大小写和标点。

2.Let’s act.建议教师制作不同年级不同班级的纸牌发给学生进行活动,巩固关键句型。

3.Listen and learn the English sounds.

字母组合 ar读作 [ɑ:]

Part B1.Listen and follow.关键句型:I like my chair/desk.Look at the blackboard.


Look. Class One, Grade Four.Look at the blackboard.注意讲解 look 和 look at 的不同之处,例如:

Look. The light is red.Look. It’s six o’clock.Look at me.Look at the clock.Look at your books.

3.Listen and learn the English sounds.

字母组合 er读作 [Ə]

Unit 2Our School

Part A1.Listen and follow.关键句型:Which class are you in?Class Three, Grade One.

语言点:Who’s that girl?That’s Ma Li.that 指离说话人比较远的人或物。

She’s from Taiwan.注意教学 be from 的词组,用 be 的不同形式举例。

2. Ask and answer.建议教师发写着不同年级不同班级名称的小纸条给学生,让学生按照纸条内容进行问答。

3.Listen and learn the English sounds.

字母组合 ir读作 [ᴈ:]

Part B1.Listen and follow.关键句型:This is our playground.This is our library.指出 this 和 that 的不同用法

语言点:my, your, our 的用法so many computersso many 后接可数名词复数形式

2. Look and say.让学生造句,采用This is our________.的句型进行尽可能多的替换练习。参考词汇:school/classroom/teacher/clock/blackboard

3.Listen and learn the English sounds.

字母组合 or读作 [ᴐ:]

Unit 3Numbers and Animals

Part A1.Listen and follow.关键句型:We have 13 cows, 14 horses, 15 sheep and 16 pigs.

语言点:thirteen, fifteen 在拼读方面要加强训练,避免误读成threeteen, fiveteen

horses 读作 [hᴐ:siz] sheep 的单复数形式相同

2. Look and say.让学生看图说话,根据图中的各种动物数目采用 I have________.的句型进行替换练习。

3.Listen and learn the English sounds.

字母组合 ee读作 [i:]

Part B1.Listen and follow.关键句型:How much is seventeen and three?It’s twenty.

语言点:how much 后接不可数名词,如: how much milkhow many 后接可数名词复数形式

2. Ask and answer.建议由一个学生给出 20以内的加法题目,请另一位学生给出得数,回答正确时,全体同学表扬说: Very clever!

3.Listen and learn the English sounds.

字母组合 ea读作 [i:]

Unit 4Numbers and Time

Part A1.Listen and follow.关键句型: It’s nine thirty. It’s nine fifty.

语言点:thirty, forty, fifty 在拼读方面要加强训练,避免拼读成 threety, fourty, fivety

I can have a sleep.我可以睡一觉。注意 have 的意思have a class 上课have lunch 吃午饭

I’m the winner.我是获胜者。win 是“获胜”的意思,注意 winner 的拼写。

2. Ask and answer.做课本第 24 页的练习,建议教师给出写着电子时间的卡片让学生读出时间,本课时间范围限制在整点, 10 分, 20分, 30 分, 40 分, 50分。

3.Listen and learn the English sounds.

字母组合 oo读作 [u:]

Part B1.Listen and follow.关键句型:How much is sixteen and twenty?It’s thirty-six.

本课主要学习 20-59的数字,并继续学习和为 59 以内的加法。建议通过听写等方法让学生熟练掌握。

2. Play a game.学生分成两组做抢答游戏,可以由老师当主持人,也可由程度较好的学生当主持人。

3.Listen and learn the English sounds.

字母组合 oo读作 [u]

Review 1

1. Look,listen and say.这一部分是对 1-4 单元主要句型的复习。

2. Tick the words you can say.要求学生看图说出单词,最好能拼写。

3. Let’s count. 数一数主要复习有关教室的单词。

4. Look and say.复习时间的表达法,教师可以多给些题目让学生读出时间。

5. Look and read.要求学生看图阅读,短文出现单数第三人称谓语形式,稍加解释即可,在第 5 单元Part B 将学到该语法。

6. Listen and learn the English sounds.这是 1-4 单元学语音部分的总结。

Unit 5Daily Activities

Part A1.Listen and follow.关键句型: When do you get up? When do you have breakfast?

语言点:The bus is full.词组 be full 的讲解The buses are full.

Get into the car.上小轿车时需要弯身钻进去,用 get into;上公交车用 get on 。

I get up at six forty-five.在几点几分用介词at

have breakfast 注意 breakfast 的重音在第一个音节。复习 have 的两种不同用法:

I have five sheep.我有 5 只绵羊。I can have a sleep.我可以睡一觉。Let’s have a party.我们开个派对吧。

2. Ask and answer.做课本第 37 页的练习,让学生根据实际情况进行问答。

3.Listen and learn the English sounds.

辅音字母 c读作 [K]

辅音字母 c 在 e 的前面读作 [s] ice nice face dance本课没有出现,供教师参考。

Part B1.Listen and follow.关键句型:Lily gets up at 6:30 a.m.She has lunch at 12.She goes home at 4:30 p.m.

语言点Lily gets up at 6:30 a.m.a.m. 是上午的意思一般现在时单数第三人称的谓语形式在动词后加 s,如:Ben plays football at 4:00.Sally likes apples.

She goes to bed at 9:00 p.m.goes 是 go 的单数第三人称形式go to bed 是“去睡觉”的意思; go to sleep 是“睡着”的意思,注意两个词组的不同之处

2. Let’s talk.教师问一个男生 6 个问题When do you get up?When do you have breakfast?When do you go to school?When do you have lunch?When do you go home?

When do you go to bed?其他的学生认真听,并记下回答的时间。然后老师改用单数第三人称的形式问全班同学:When does he get up?When does he have breakfast?


When does he go to school?When does he have lunch?When does he go home?When does he go to bed?用这些问题引出答案 。

3.Listen and learn the English sounds.

辅音字母组合 ck读作 [K]

Unit 6Meals

Part A1.Listen and follow.关键句型:What’s for breakfast?Milk, bread ,eggs and tomatoes.

语言点:Breakfast is ready.讲解 be readyAre you ready?Yes, we are ready.Ready? Go!

milk (牛奶)是不可数名词 , bread (面包)也是不可数名词 ,tomato 的复数形式是:tomatoes 。

注意 for 的几种不同含义: What’s for breakfast?早餐吃什么?for breakfast :作为早餐And they’re good for you.它们对你有好处。

This is a present for you.这是给你的礼物。Great! I like them.them 是 they 的宾格 , 在动词和介词后要使用宾格。

到目前为止已经学过的人称代词的宾格有:me, you, them, it 如: Please give me a ruler.Thank you.Great! I like them.Great! I like it.

可以做一些替换练习来巩固 them 的用法,如:Please give them some eggs.Do you like the story books?Yes, I like them very much.

2. Ask and answer.做课本第 44 页的练习,让学生选择问答。

3.Listen and learn the English sounds.

辅音字母组合 sh读作 [ ʃ ]

Part B1.Listen and follow.关键句型:Do you like vegetables?Yes, I do.

Have some beef, please.Thank you.Have some potatoes, please.No, thank you. I’m full.

语言点:Welcome to my home.上句子中的 home 是名词更多例子:Welcome to our school.Welcome to China.

Any green vegetables?完整的问句是:Are there any green vegetables?

Do you like vegetables?Yes, I do. 是省略回答。不应省略成: Yes, I like.完整的回答是:Yes, I like vegetables.

Have some beef, please.这是邀请别人吃东西的用语。如果想吃,应该表示感谢,回答:Thank you.

Have some potatoes, please.这也是邀请别人吃东西的用语。如果不想吃,应该说“不”同时也要表示感谢人家的好意: No, thank you.

I’m full. 我饱了。举例复习巩固 full 的用法We’re full. 我们饱了。The bus is full. 汽车很挤。The buses are full.

2. Ask and answer.做课本第 46 页的练习,让学生选择问答。

3.Listen and learn the English sounds.

元音字母组合 ea读作 [i:]

Unit 7Christmas

Part A1.Listen and follow.关键句型:What presents do you want, kids?I want a robot/violin.

语言点:Christmas is coming.圣诞节就要来了。The New Year is coming.新年就要到了。

和圣诞节有关的词语Christmas treeChristmas cardChristmas presentFather Christmas

kid 是“小孩”、“小山羊”的意思 , 属口语,复数是 kids, 不如 child(复数 children) 那么正式。

2. Look and say.建议老师扮演圣诞老人的角色,问学生要什么礼物,学生可以自由发挥,用学过的单词表达。如: I want a car/dog. I want a new bag.

3.Listen and learn the English sounds.

字母组合 ow读作 [Əu] 或[au]

Part B1.Listen and follow.关键句型:Do you like your presents?Yes, we do.

语言点:Yes, we do. 是省略回答,不应说成: Yes, we like.完整的回答是:Yes, we like our presents.

It’s from Yang Ming.是来自杨明的电子邮件。复习 be from 的词组用法Ma Li is from Taiwan.These presents are from my grandma.

注意词语的习惯搭配 Merry Christmas!圣诞节快乐!Happy New Year!新年快乐!

2. Ask and answer.做课本第 53 页的练习,教师可以出示其他的单词卡片如 : bike, crayons, story books, 让学生回答。

3.Listen and learn the English sounds.

字母组合 ay ai读作 [ei]

Unit 8The Spring Festival

Part A1.Listen and follow.关键句型:How do you spend it?We make rice cakes.Do you have a family dinner?Yes, we do.

语言点:the Spring Festival注意节日的单词第一个字母大写 spend 是“度过”的意思How do you spend Mother’s Day?

We make rice cakes.我们做年糕。We make dumplings.我们包饺子。Do you have a family dinner? 你们吃团圆饭吗?

2. Ask and answer.做课本第 58 页的练习。教师可以让学生发挥想象力增加一些回答的内容。I spend it at my grandma’s.We clean our house.

3.Listen and learn the English sounds.

字母组合 th读作 [Ɵ]

Part B1.Listen and follow.关键句型:Do you watch TV after dinner? Yes, we do.Do you get any presents?

Yes, we do. We get some New Year’s money.

语言点: after dinner 晚饭后 after class 课后 after school 放学后 Do you get any presents? any 一般用在疑问句或否定 句中。如:

Do you have any apples? No, I don’t have any. some 一般用在肯定句中 Have some beef, please. We get some New Year’s money. 但是当问话者期待肯定的

答复时, some 也可出现在疑问句中,如: Would you like some tea? Yes, please. Do you get some New Year’s money? Yes, I do.

从上面的例子可以看出some 和 any 后面都可以接可数名词或不可数名词,但接可数名词时要用复数形式: some money any milk some apples any oranges

3.Listen and learn the English sounds.

字母组合 th读作 [Ɵ]

3.Listen and learn the English sounds.

字母组合 th读作 [ ]

Review 2

1. Look,listen and say.这一部分是对 5-8 单元主要句型的复习。

2. Tick the words you can say.要求学生看图说出单词,最好能拼写。

3. Look and read.看图阅读这是小狗写给圣诞老人的信,希望得到礼物。

4. Let’s talk.要求学生就圣诞节和春节两个话题讲几句话。

5. Listen and learn the English sounds.这是 5-8 单元学语音部分的总结。

