순환론적이고 생태적인 본당경영 : 지속가능경영으로 부터 시사



순환론적이고 생태적인 본당경영 : 지속가능경영으로 부터 시사. 2004. 12. 김기찬 ( 가톨릭대학교 경영학부 교수 ) kckim@catholic.ac.kr. 먼저. 너무 경영학적 용어가 많은 것에 이해를 구합니다. 교환파라다임에서 본 우리들 인생. 시장을 어떻게 볼 것인가 ?. 사회의 특성을 가장 잘 담고 있어야 한다 . 물건뿐만 아니라 말 , 감정을 주고 받고 해야 한다 . 교환파라다임에서 본 마케팅의 출발 ( 실패한 관계 ) 말과 사랑이 없는 관계. 시장은 사회교환의 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • : 2004. 12.

    ( )kckim@catholic.ac.kr

  • .

  • ? . , . ( ) .

  • ,Brand Loyalty-Sell the InvisibleSell the Visible()+ ()

  • Definition?,, .( ) ( ) ( ) (,)- check and enclosed

    3 the 3rd place .

  • (connection) . . . ? ? . . . . . . . . :,, : () .

  • - - ?

  • . .,,.13 . . 2 1 .

  • 4Ps 4Cs4P-4CProduct- Customer SolutionPrice-Customer costPlace-ConveniencePromotion-Communication

  • . 5 5 5 ()

    .(D. Kahneman) (framing) ? :Loss :Gain ? .

  • : !()

  • - : () - IQ !EQ: , , ()(), () : , , Starbucks:Caffeine Driven OasisSwatch(, )Typical () () : ( ) ( )PD ?( ) : , ? : , ()

    . . : : : , : : :

  • Brand? Reliability guarantee . Reliability guarantee Reliability guarantee

    Guarantee Trade mark Trust mark Brand=Reliability

  • 3 (Expert) .value triad(QSP) (expertise) .Customer Value Triad(3):QSP(Quality,Service,Price . ? ,() ? (Trust) . (credibility) Trade mark Trust mark : , (Emotional bonding): . (emotional attatchment) .Nike: .

  • :Trademark

    : Trust Mark

  • ? : Those who says one thing today and another thing tomorrow.?Reliability

  • WOW (: )++ WOW Product Place( !),Promotion(LS400 )

  • : , Myth:( ) 60 : 70 : 80 : 90 : ? (IMF)2000: (300, 250 )

  • ?() : ? ? ?

    ? () () ? ? ?

  • ?9-5


  • Which paradigmAmway( American Way)Toyota WayKorea Way

    Way : Business Definition Hansei + Kaizen ? ? ? . .

  • ?Amateur (TPS), Process . Advanced Practitioner Mechanism (Toyota Way) : () () (: ) . (:)Best Practitioner Organizational Capability [] Dynamic Capability - Relaiable Routine - .

  • !(What to do)(lean) ? ?

    Fat lean ?


  • ?(How to do)

    . (TPS ) (): 6 5 2003 57 , 90% .: 2003 2


  • (Why to do) 5 () .?

    1 .?

  • Why ?Who? ?(Problem solver, Decision maker)

    The way to see the world=Paradigm

    . ( ) TPS .

  • ?()--


  • ? .


  • . .- Bug? ?

  • Korea, Country of Wind ?

  • What mechanism makes Korea Big 4? ()

  • NiKE NICE ? !Reliable ?ReliableNiKE NICE ?

  • = + : 10 ( ).

    , 3 : ()+ ()+ () 3 ? 30: 20 40: 20 50: 20 , -

  • : (Mechanism Based View ) = (:Mechanism) + ,,()

    1( ) --> . 200 . (, )

    2: ((Mechanism: cooker) ) . ..--> ( 1000) : ( 72) . . .( )

    3: (Mechanism) Reliable, routine (organizational capability) Routinize organizational capability . --> (3000) ,, .(Mechanism Based View): 3000 .- --> ,,(5000)

  • Paradigm Shift?Paradigm AParadigm BParadigm C


    Way: Mechanism()

    Experts who manage this mechanism

  • Where does the competence come from? A Cup of Coffee =Water (Mechanism)Coffee, Cream, Sugar (Additives: Resources)+=

  • A cup of instant coffee at the Vending Machine A

    Coffee Mix+Hot Water=

    Source of Competitive Edge: Low price based on Additives (resources) What is important is the kinds of resources.(Resource Based View)$ 0.20

  • A cup of coffee at Dunkin Donuts

    +Recipe(Dunkin Way)=

    $ 1.00B

    = Recipe: Know-how to brew it * Way: Steaming MechanismSource of Competitive Edge: Brewing Coffee based on MechanismWhat is important is what kind of coffee maker they have. (Mechanism Based View)

  • A cup of coffee at Starbucks

    Recipe(Starbucks Way)=

    = Recipe: Know-how to mix it*The Starbucks Way: Mechanism : Barista with tacit knowledge++Routinized Mechanism = CapabilityCoffeeSteamingBubble

  • Source of Competitive Edge: Coffee with reliable and inimitable taste based on Routinized Mechanism (Capability) $ 3.00CWhat is more important is moving from resources themselves to Mechanism and people(Barista).

  • ResourceMechanismBaristaBrand532 ( )545 (BTO, )Reliability , , ?1957 1988 1985 2001 2003 H: ? + X(+)()

  • R M Toyota Way

  • ? Human capital()

    ? . . + (,) (,) . ? ?() .

  • . . . - -J & J: . new underdevelopment society . :? ?::(Love/ )

  • :Back to Basic . : ++ 50%? ? 7 , 1 ? !:R & D : :

  • ? . ?



  • What to do: KnowledgeHow to do: KnowhowWhy to do: Attitude

  • ? 2 I : Integrity : commitmentIntelligent : competence

  • : : :

  • () () ( ) : : ? ( ) .Invisible hand: () Visible Hand Market Failure Visible Hand : , , () : market governance structure Market and Hierarchy, Intermediate mode of organization() : Trust

  • :Trust App : = : Market & Hierarchy, Mind: Trust(( )

    .-- : --commitment- ( ) -

    -- Trust custome service representative .: ::

  • Moments of Truth(MOT) Moments of Trust(MOT)

  • Trust :deedsprocessperformanceTrust Marketing (MOT)(Moments of Truth)

    - - : 10 16%.

  • ? ?

  • ()--- ()-SBU portfolio - ,, ,, ()-SBU-,, ( )



  • PSBP(Philosophy-Structure-Behavior-Performance)(,2003)Philosophy : Ship ( ).Philosophy() . RM .()() . .Structure(System) : Relation------RM -Relationship NetworkBehavior :Trust, Commitment,Commitment,LoyaltyRM RM Commitment( ) Loyalty( ) ( )Performance , ,,

    Relation + shipRelation + ship/

  • Toyota 4P(J. Liker)Problem Solving

    Partners and People



  • . (Value: Asian Value,:, :, : , :,) .(frontier spirit)(enterprenership) (moral hazard), (agency problem): . adverse selection(, ) .. . . :

  • Leadership direction.



  • QUO VADIS DOMINEPhilosophy ( ). ( ) . ? Brand Loyalty .( ) : Love/(philosophy) , .:We sell for less. 1 : 6 .2 90% .

  • . 5 5 5 ()

    .(D. Kahneman) (framing) ? :Loss :Gain ? .

  • () .


    : DNA.

  • 1946 :: 3 ( , , ) . : 3

  • .Moral hazard: Oral Hazard : Legal Hazard: ()

  • Definition .( ): The 3rd Place . - 300 : 4000

    ! MBA ? make your salary twice.: .

  • : (: , (), )1. (physical capital): 2. (Social Overhead Capital): // (:,)3. : /4. ( ), , value sharing community: Trust5. (Social Direct Capital) . .() (Digital Divide : .)

    : Minimal Transaction Cost

  • : ( Pfeffer). . 2 . .= , . Reliability, Integrity,Confidence . + + . , .

    : Trust Branding . .

  • ?check and enclosed ()

    .. ( : ) .: , check and enclosed

  • -- . . 3 . . . - - - : .

  • (Susutailability) // , , , , , , . , 1987 , . , , , , .

  • : : ? : : . .: , : Haves vs Have-nots : The ruling vs. the ruled: , .

  • (TEM,TIM ): TEM(Total Ethics Mgt)TIM(Total Image Mgt)Operational Supported Adviser ChannelTRM(Total ReputationMgt)SQCTQCTQM(Sustainability)

    Control MgtStatistical Ethics Control(SEC) :KoBEXTotal Ethics ControlTotal Ethics Mgt: ,(2003)

  • (SRI) : 3P(Socially Responsible Investment) : 3PProfit - People- Planet -

  • RelationPR,IR,AR :Investor Relation(IR)AR(Analyst Relation) :PR(Public Relation):IR(Interest group Relation)

  • - : () - IQ !EQ: , , ()(), () : , , Starbucks:Caffeine Driven OasisSwatch(, )Typical () () : ( ) ( )PD ?( ) : , ? : , ()

    . . : : : , : : :

  • 2 ?? ( ) ?

    Story .

  • ? Trust : ! : . ? ! Pride ! .:

  • Trust?1. .

    // ( )-, . .Brand Loyalty-Sell the InvisibleSell the Visible

  • Trade mark Trust Mark . : - .Great Work Place

    : .

  • .() . .


    . .

  • ? () ?- -

  • ??

  • ? . . .

  • : . . : ? ? : Reliability() : Integrity( ) : Confidence( ,Confide) Reliability, Integrity,Confidence Trust 3 . Trust .

  • 7() .

  • ? ?: PSBP4P

    , . . ? ( ) >>LG>

    He is Mr, Yong-Jun Bae ,main actor of Winter Sonata which had broadcasted in NHK.Let me see A coffee in more detail first.By considering the case of coffee, mechanism-based view can be explained. Basically, once water is boiled, we poured the boiled water in the cup and dissolve the coffee.Sugar and milk can be added on our preferece. Here, water is mechanism(is defined by chemical science), while coffee is resources.Among of them, which is more important for quality coffee?Let me introduce 3 kinds of coffee here.

    Stage1 (Resource-Based Competition):Instant coffee at the vending machinefor $ 0.20At Stage 1, after we pour hot water into a cup, instant coffee is made by just dissolving coffee mix, which contains coffee, cream, sugar, in hot water. For example, instant coffee at the vending machine is dissolved coffee mix in hot water. It is very simple process, which costs only $ 0.20. What is core competence of instant coffee? Here, core competence is low price based on lower cost materials. In other word, a cup of coffee is determined by resources (additives). , not the mechanism. Stage2 (Mechanism-Based Competition): a cup of coffee at Dunkin Donuts for $ 1.00 Lets go to the Dunkin Donuts. Here, Coffee maker for steaming is needed. Coffee maker and Recipe is the way which combine coffee and bubbles. That is machanism.At Stage 2, once coffee is brewed on the coffee maker, sugar or cream can be added based on preferences. Coffee maker ismechanism. In this case, taste and aroma of coffee depend on the mechanism to make coffee. What is important is what kind of coffee maker they have. The better the coffee maker is, the better quality flavors of coffee could be produced. One of those types of coffee is Dunkin Donuts coffee. A cup of coffee at the Dunkin Donuts costs $ 1.00, compared to $ 0.20 in the vending machine. It is 5 times expensive than coffee at the vending machine. Here, core competence is the mechanism to make coffee, not the resources. However, coffee at Dunkin Donuts could not be consistent and reliable. Even the same mechanism to make coffee may result in different taste of coffee according to the person who makes coffee. Thus, the taste is not fully depend on the same mechanism because mechanism is not routinized yet. Stage 3 (Capability based on the Routinized Mechanism): Starbucks coffee for $ 3.00 At this stage, what is important is people(Barista) who brew quality coffee with tacit knowledge as well as Recipe.Companies in this stage compete with organizational capability which is derived from the routinized mechanism. Once the mechanism to make coffee is routinized with, the taste of coffee may be quite consistent over time and reliable even if the person who makes coffee is changed.

    The competitive sources of Starbucks coffee is based on the organizational capability derived from the routinized mechanism which can bring competitive advantage by making coffee with reliable and inimitable taste at any place. Thus, the taste become fully reliable. As a results of the Starbucks' organizational capability building efforts, the brand value of Starbucks is getting higher. Starbucks coffee cost $ 3.00, while Dunkin Donut coffee cost$ 1.00 or Vending machine does $ 0.20.
