சிப்பிக் காளான் வளர்ப்பு



சசசசசசசச சசசசசச சசசசசசசசசசசசசச சசசசசசச சசசசசசசச • • வருடம் முழுவதும் காளான் வளர்க்கலாம் காளான் வளர்ப்ைப வீட்டிேலேய ெசய்யலாம் அல்லது காளான் குடில் அைமத்து ெசய்யலாம். • ெவள்ைளச்சிப்பி (ேகா-1), சாம்பல்சிப்பி (எம்.டி.யு-2), ஏ.பி.ேக.-1 (சிப்பி) ஏ.பி.ேக.-2 (பால் காளான்), ஊட்டி-1 மற்றும் ஊட்டி-2 (ெமாட்டுக்காளான்) ஆகிய காளான் தமிழ்நாட்டிற்கு ஏற்றைவ சசசசசச சசசசசச • 16 சதுர மீட்டர் பரப்பு ெகாண்ட கூூைர ேமயப்பட்ட குடில் ேபாதுமானதாகும். குடிைல, வித்துப் பரவும் அைறயாகவும், காளான் வளர்ப்பு அைறயாகவும் பிரிக்கவ

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சி�ப்பி�க் காளான் வளார்ப்பு

பிருவம் மற்றும் இரகாங்காள்

         வருடம் முழுவதும் கா�ளா�ன் வளார்க்காலா�ம்

         கா�ளா�ன் வளார்ப்பை� வீட்டிலேலாலே� செ�ய்�லா�ம் அல்லாது கா�ளா�ன் குடில்

அபை�த்து செ�ய்�லா�ம்.

         செவள்பைளாச்�#ப்�$ (லேகா�-1), ��ம்�ல்�#ப்�$ (எம்.டி.யு-2), ஏ.�$.லேகா.-1 (�#ப்�$)

ஏ.�$.லேகா.-2 (��ல் கா�ளா�ன்), ஊட்டி-1 �ற்றும் ஊட்டி-2

(செ��ட்டுக்கா�ளா�ன்) ஆகா-� கா�ளா�ன் த�/ழ்நா�ட்டிற்கு ஏற்றபைவ

  காளான் குடில்

         16 �துர மீட்டர் �ரப்பு செகா�ண்ட கூபைர லே��ப்�ட்ட குடில்

லே��து��னத�கும். குடிபைலா, வ$த்துப் �ரவும் அபைற��காவும், கா�ளா�ன் வளார்ப்பு

அபைற��காவும் �$ர/க்காவும்.

         வ$த்து �ரவும் அபைற :25-300 �# செவப்�நா-பைலா, நால்லா கா�ற்லேற�ட்டம்,இருட்டு

இல்லா��ல் இருக்கா லேவண்டும்.

         வளார்ப்பு அபைற :23-250 �# செவப்�ம், 75-80% ஈரப்�தம், �/த��ன

செவளா/ச்�ம், நால்லா கா�ற்லேற�ட்டம் லேதபைவ.

(செதர்��மீட்டர், ஈரப்�த மீட்டர் லே��ன்றபைவ எலாக்ட்ர/க் காபைடகாளா/ல் வ$ற்�பைனக்கு


  காளான் வ�த்து

         ஏற்ற த�ன/�ங்காள் :லே��ளாம் / �க்கா�ச்லே��ளாம் / லேகா�துபை�

         வ$த்து த��ர் செ�ய்தல் : த�ன/�ங்காபைளா அபைர லேவக்கா�டு

லேவகாபைவத்து, கா�ற்ற#ல் உலார்த்த-, 2% சுண்ணா�ம்புடன் காலாந்து,கா�லி��ன

குளுக்லேகா�ஸ் ��ட்டில்காளா/ல் இடலேவண்டும். �$ன்பு தண்ணீர் உற#ஞ்��ப்

�ஞ்�#ன�ல் அபைடத்து நுண்கா-ரு�/காபைளா அழி/க்கா குக்கார/ல்

அடுக்கா- 2 �ணா/லேநாரம் லேவகாபைவக்கா லேவண்டும்.

         லேவளா�ண் �ல்காபைலாக் காழிகாலே��, லேவளா�ண் துபைறலே�� உற்�த்த- செ�ய்த

தூய்பை���ன த�ய் கா�ளா�ன் வ$த்பைத த�ன/�ம் நா-ரப்�ப்�ட்ட குளுக்லேகா�ஸ்

��ட்டிலில் காலாந்து, ��த�ரணா செவப்� நா-பைலா�$ல் 15 நா�ட்காள் தன/��கா பைவக்கா

லேவண்டும். �$றகு 15-18 நா�ட்காள் வ�துபைட� கா�ளா�ன் வ$த்பைத கா�ளா�ன்

த��ர/ப்புக்கு ��ன்�டுத்தலேவண்டும்.

காளான் பிடுக்கைகா அகைமத்தல்

         ஏற்ற செ��ருட்காள்: பைவக்லேகா�ல்/ காரும்புச்�க்பைகா, உ�/ நீக்கா-�

�க்கா�ச்லே��ளாக் காருது

         மூலாப்செ��ருள் த��ர/த்தல் : முழு பைவக்லேகா�பைலா 5 செ�.மீ நீளாமுள்ளா

�#று துண்டுகாளா�கா செவட்டி, 5 �ணா/ லேநாரம் தண்ணீர/ல் ஊறபைவத்து 1 �ணா/

லேநாரம் லேவகா பைவத்து, தண்ணீபைர வடிகாட்டி, 65% ஈரப்�தம் வபைர கா�ற்ற#ல்

உலார்த்த-� (பைகாகாளா�ல் பைவக்லேகா�பைலாப் �$ழி/ந்த�ல் தண்ணீர் செ��ட்ட��ல்

இருக்கும் வபைர) பைவக்லேகா�பைலா ��ன்�டுத்த லேவண்டும்.

  காளான் கைபிகாள் / பிடுக்கைகாகாள் தயார் செசிய்தல்

         கா�ளா�ன் �டுக்பைகாகாள் த��ர் செ�ய்� 60 X 30 செ�.மீ ��லீத்த-ன்

பை�காபைளா உ�லே��கா-க்கா லேவண்டும் (உ�லே��கா��டுத்தும் பை�காள் இரு

�க்காமும் த-றந்த-ருக்கா லேவண்டும்).

         ��லித்தீன் பை�பை� ஒரு �க்காத்த-ல் காட்ட லேவண்டும். 1 செ�.மீ அளாவ$ற்கு

நாடுவ$ல் 2 ஓட்பைட லே��டவும்.

         பைவக்லேகா�பைலா ஒரு �க்காம் காட்டப்�ட்ட வட்ட வடிவப் பை�க்குள் 5 செ�.மீ

உ�ரத்த-ற்கு நான்கு அழுத்தவும். �$ன்பு 25 கா-ர�ம் கா�ளா�ன் வ$த்பைதத் தூவ


         இலேத லே��ல் 25 செ�.மீ பைவக்லேகா�ல் தளாத்பைத அபை�க்காவும். கா�ளா�ன் வ$த்து

தளாத்பைதயும் பைவக்லேகா�ல் தளாத்பைதயும் 4 அல்லாது 5 அடுக்குள் ��ற# ��ற#

நா-ரப்� லேவண்டும். வ��$பைலா நான்ற�காக் காட்டி,குடிலினுள் உள்ளா �ரண்

லே��ன்ற இருப்�$ல் பைவக்கா லேவண்டும்.

         வ$பைதத்த 15-20 நா�ட்காளா/ல் கா�ளா�ன் �டுக்பைகா முழுவதும் செவண்பை���ன

கா�ளா�ன் இபைழிகாள் �டர்ந்த-ருக்கும். �$ன்னர் சுத்த��ன காத்த-பை�க் செகா�ண்டு

��லித்தீன் பை�பை�க் கா-ழி/க்கா லேவண்டும்.

         கா�ளா�ன் �டுக்பைகா கா����ல் இருக்கா த-னமும் தண்ணீபைரக்

பைகாசெதளா/ப்��ன் மூலாம் செதளா/க்கா லேவண்டும்.


         பை�காபைளா கா-ழி/த்த 3 ஆம் நா�ளா/ல் கா�ளா�ன/ன் செ��ட்டுகாள் �#று த-றள்

லே��ன்று கா�ணாப்�டும். 3 நா�ட்காளா/ல் முழுவளார்ச்�# அபைடயும்.

         தண்ணீர் செதளா/க்கும் முன் கா�ளா�ன் அறுவபைட செ�ய்� லேவண்டும்.

அறுவபைடபை� த-னமுலே�� அல்லாது ஒரு நா�ள் வ$ட்டு ஒரு நா�லேளா� செ�ய்�லா�ம்.

         முதல் அறுவபைடக்குப் �$ன் கா�ளா�ன் �டுக்பைகாபை� ஒரு தகாடு செகா�ண்டு

லேலா��காச் சுரண்டி வ$ட்டு, �$ன்பு தண்ணீர் செதளா/த்துவந்த�ல்

இரண்ட�ம், மூன்ற�ம் அறுவபைட செ�ய்�லா�ம்.


லே�லும் வ$�ரங்காளுக்கு அருகா-ல் உள்ளா லேவளா�ண் அலுவலாகாங்காபைளாலே��

அல்லாது லேவளா�ண்பை� �ல்காபைலாக்காழிகாத்த-ன் வ$ர/வ�க்கா பை��ங்காபைளாலே��



Preserve MushroomsPreserving Harvested Mushrooms

by John Rahart

Mushroom gathering in New Mexico, especially collecting for the pot, is often sparse, but punctuated with episodes of abundance. Especially during these avalanches of abundance, preserving the harvest and preventing waste can be demanding. People often ask me what I do when I collect at such times   Many people continue to press me for a more comprehensive dissertation. so here goes.

1. Blanching and Freezing - This remains my most versatile method of preserving large quantities of mushrooms, especially those requiring rapid or delicate handling, such as Coprinus comatus (shaggy mane). Also, washing in water does not hurt the end product, so mushrooms noted for trapping sand and dirt can be thoroughly washed first.

Method - Washed Mushrooms are taken directly from a cold water wash basin or sink where they have been cleaned, washed and are still soaking in the tub of water with a colander or sieve, drained for a moment and plunged directly into a pot of boiling water for 1 to 2 minutes after water re-boils. They are then removed with a sieve or colander and are plunged into cold water to stop the cooking process. Once cool, the mushrooms are drained and placed in plastic freezer containers. A mass-production line can be set up; blanched product into cold water, while cooling, new raw product into hot blanch liquid, etc.  The process becomes very efficient. At the end, I cool the blanching water and place into the containers of mushrooms, leaving enough headspace so freezing won't overfill or rupture the containers (usually 1 to 11/2 inches is fine for most freezer container shapes, I especially prefer small 8oz. yogurt containers; they are a perfect size to drop into a pot of soup (1/2 to 3/4 inch headspace is OK for these). .

Uses - I use these frozen mushrooms in soups and stews throughout the non-collecting months by simply dropping the entire frozen contents into soup 20 minutes to 1/2 hour prior to the soup completion time, letting it simmer the last 20 to 30 minutes and AH! PERFECTION!  It makes especially good beef barley soup with Shaggy manes.

Advantages - Blanching stops enzymatic action and prevents mushrooms from turning into mush. Washing gets rid of sand and dirt with no adverse effect on the end product. Texture for soup remains good. Very easy to do large amounts of mushrooms in a relatively short time. Very convenient to use, just plop frozen mass directly into soup cooking. Pre-thawing is not necessary nor desirable. Flavor preservation is exceptional. Disadvantages - Not as high quality product for uses requiring frying, sauteing, or crisping of mushrooms, but actually can still be done. 2. Steaming - very similar to blanching in liquid, except steam instead of liquid is used to blanche

Method - A steamer basket is placed into boiling water bath such that it remains above the level of the boiling liquid. Mushrooms are steam blanched two minutes or so. The mushrooms are then cooled either in cold water bath and then drained and packed in freezer containers, or the mushrooms are spread directly from the steamer basket onto a cookie sheet sprayed with Pam or vegetable non-stick, spread into a single layer and then frozen on the cookie sheet until fully frozen. They can then be freed from the cookie sheet and placed into freezer bags as individually free mushrooms pieces. These can be used in soups, stews, etc., or can be placed frozen directly into an ongoing stir-fry for great results. Do not thaw first. Place a few at a time into cooking stir-fry and keep the temperature up..

Uses - Soups and stews for frozen water soaked container mushrooms or stir-fries and sautéed dishes direct from the bag for free-frozen pieces; also tempura or batter fried using frozen from the bag, batter dipped still frozen and fried immediately.-AH! Wonderful..

Advantages - Convenient, more versatile than water blanching. Excellent taste and texture preservation.

Disadvantages - Somewhat more time-consuming and more complicated than water blanch. Also, does not clean dirt, sand, and grit as well as water blanching, so pre-selecting the cleanest mushrooms works best for this method

3.  Oil or butter sauteing - than freezing - My favorite method of preserving Agaricus mushrooms, especially those with anise or almond overtones. Boletes, Chanterelles, any of the dryer textured mushrooms such as lobster mushrooms, and  Man on horseback (Tricholoma flavovirens) benefit from the sauté oils and do this method justice. 

Method - slice, chopped, or prepare mushroom pieces as preferred. Friday and butter or olive or walnut boil for any standard fried mushroom dish, stopping the cooking process slightly before normal and allow to cool by transferring mushrooms too cooled pie plates, glass or baking dishes, etc.. When cool, portion mushrooms into small freezer containers and freeze. To use, simply pop out the portion into a sauté pan with a little of the same oil or butter used to first freeze. In. Do not pre-thaw.

Advantages - Reproduces the texture and taste of a mushroom sauté best. Easy and convenient.

Disadvantages - Usually more air exposure inside freezer container; and air is what causes freezer burned, so may not preserve the quality for as long in the freezer as those methods excluding air, such as freezing under broth. Patting mushrooms gently to bottom of the container into solid block and then placing some plastic wrap directly on mushrooms before covering the container lid helps some.

4. Drying - The age-old method of drying mushrooms is still one of the best methods of preserving mushrooms. Boletes edulis are seen all over Italy, dried and wrapped in often elaborate (and expensive) displays. Methods vary from good old sun/air drying to machine drying (dehydrators) or to oven drying. Different methods give somewhat different results, but is mostly a question of how elaborate and how much you willing to invest to accomplish this. Many good home-use dehydrators are on the market. Units with temperature control, such as top-of-the-line American Harvester, are particularly versatile, especially in humid areas or during spells of rain.

Method - Slice/prepare mushrooms, set on drying trays or racks and sun dry (protect from insects and flies) or pleasing dehydrator or oven (very low temperatures 100 degrees Fahrenheit to 150 degrees Fahrenheit). Dry to low moisture level, place in airtight bags or jars and store. To reconstitute, cover with warm or hot water 15 minutes to several hours (varies with species) until plumped up.. Do not use only the water from the tap for your recipes; be sure to use the soak water from the mushrooms as it is richly flavored. Save it for other later uses if the recipe does not call for liquid. Freeze it if noimmediate use is at hand. It's worth it. David Aurora mentions that the pore-masses

from Boletes can be dried separately from the mushrooms, soaked to reconstitute not for the pore masses as they are slimy, but for the soak liquid reserved after wringing out the masses for uses in gravies, soups, etc.. It is truly a wonderful use of something otherwise usually discarded.

Advantages - Drying preserves mushrooms for very long periods of time with little or no deterioration in flavor or quality. Drying actually intensifies the mushrooms flavor of many species, especially the Boletes. Convenient in easy to store and use, requiring no special equipment or refrigeration.

Disadvantages - Drying often toughens or changes mushrooms texture; many will not fry or sought a after being dried. Sometimes flavor changes character after drying occurs. Volatile flavors and aromas are often lost. Reconstituting does not necessarily restore good texture in many cases. Equipment can be elaborate and expensive.

5 Canning - Since mushrooms have insufficient acid, they are susceptible to Clostridium botulinum (botulin) contamination and require pressure canning to be safely canned. Refer to are reliable canning guide and follow manufacturers specifications and instructions exactly

Advantages - Versatility of product. If properly done, anything can be canned, so stews, soups, preparations containing mushrooms can be prepared, then canned.

Disadvantages - Expensive, sometimes finicky equipment is necessary, complicated processes and preparation possible and very strict adherence to methods, procedures and techniques is an absolute must. This is not a method where one can cut corners.

6. Pickling - Pickling is an acid treatment and preservation process for foods, usually either lactic acid produced by brining or vinegar added directly to the items preserved. Follow only proven recipes and techniques from reputable guides. Extension Services and Pickling and Canning books are good sources.Agaricus, especially the somewhat bland store bought varieties, Shiitakes, Oyster mushrooms, and firm puffballs all respond well to pickling.

Advantages - Marinated pickle broths give great flavors to mushrooms, taking bland varieties and giving them some excellent flavors. Great for parties, catered events, etc.. As antipastos and hors dóeuvres etc. Relatively easy process to do at home

Disadvantages - Recipes must be proven and techniques adhered to rigidly. Not a good medium for experimentation on, as improper acid balance could lead to Botulism or other serious food poisoning.

7. Salting - Can be a preservation method in its own right or can be used to induce lactic fermentation. In our Aurora's All the Rain Promises there is an anecdotal reference and recipe for Lactarius deliciosis as done in Russia. It works and ferments the mushrooms well, but it yields a very salty product. Less salt risks spoilage before fermentation

begins. When I brought some to the NMMS meeting, many did not mind is all levels, others did: personal salts likes/dislikes are likely to come into play here. Salting to dry"" mushrooms is a technique similar to salting anchovies and other fish. The water is drawn out by the salt and allowed to drain off or evaporate, leaving behind preserved product. Soaking reconstitute product but often requires multiple rinses, and as mushrooms flavor is lost this way, it is better to air dried mushrooms is moderate quantities or more are to be used. But for small amounts to bring up salt levels of the dish, this remains a very good method.

Advantages - Preservation stable and can actually change the cooking qualities less than full drying does, so some versatility exists here for texture with cooking. Easy to do and stable end product

Disadvantages - Mainly in high salt concentration forcing use of smaller quantities or repeated rinses which leaches flavor needlessly. A first quick, but thorough rinse to remove salt before the mushrooms absorb much water helps to minimize this problem.

How to avoid being poisoned by mushrooms1.       Never eat any mushroom that has a cup at the base of the stem. It may be a deadly Amanita.

2.       Never eat any mushroom that has a veil that is fine and threadlike. It is a Cortinarius and the veil is called a cortina. There are some edible Cortinarius but you should know the mushrooms very well before you eat them.

3.       Never eat more than one species of mushroom for the first time in any one day.

4.       Never eat more than a taste of a mushroom the first time you eat it. Wait for at least six hours before eating that mushroom or any other mushroom again.

5.       Never assume that just because a friend says that he eats the mushroom that it is safe for you. You may be allergic to that species.

6.       Never eat a mushroom that smells bad or is starting to spoil.

7.       Never eat any small brown mushroom that you can not identify as to genera and species. It might be a deadly galerina.

8.       Never trust any so called test for a poisonous mushroom such as putting a quarter in the pan you are cooking it in and if it turns black the mushroom is poisonous. That just isn’t so.

9.       Never overeat any species of mushroom as most mushrooms are rather indigestible and can make you sick even if they are not poisonous.

10.   Never eat any mushroom you are not absolutely sure is an edible species.

11.   Get a book that tells you how to identify the mushroom species and study it before trying any new mushrooms.

12.   Join the New Mexico Mycological Society or some other society in your area and attend the meetings to learn more about mushrooms.

13.   Eat the mushrooms that you know are safe and you have previously tried as soon as possible after picking them. Coprinus will turn to black ink within a day and become inedible.

14.    If you have more edible mushrooms than you can eat at once then dry them or freeze them as soon as possible to preserve them for another time.


More Mushrooms


Coprinus Atramentarius mushrooms grow on rotting wood or other  organic matter and they are edible. However, they must not be eaten with alcohol as it contains coprine (antabuse) that causes stomach -ache and other unpleasant symptoms. It, as well as most other members of the coprinus genera, deliquesce to a black ink and then they are no longer

edible. Coprinus micaceus is much like the C. atramentarius but is smaller and daintier. It grows in large clusters often at the base of a tree.

AAnother Coprinus is the Shaggy Mane (Coprinus comatus) which can be found growing on organic matter under hard packed soil. There was an annual crop of Coprinus comatus in the median on Taylor Ranch Road. It was growing on organic matter that had been put in when the road was built and was later covered with blow sand. It is no longer producing fruits. They were quite tasty and abundant several years ago

    A number of the Lactarius species are found in New Mexico. When cut some secrete a blue liquid that stains the tissue greenish. Others may have orange, white or even clear secretions. Many of this family are edible but some have a very hot reaction and could be used only as a seasoning such as instead of pepper. Lactarius speciosus (on the left) has orange liquid secretion, which also turns to green. It is an excellent edible with a nutty taste.

    These pretty yellow fungi are Armillaria straminea. They are edible but may be flavorless. This is from the same genera as the worlds largest known living organism which covers hundreds of acres. Most of the organism is unseen because it is the mycelium that is underground or in the roots and trunks of trees. This same fungus produces abundant edible fruiting bodies that are called honey mushrooms because of their color. The scales on the stem and edges of the cap are characteristic of the genera.

    The main characteristic by which one can know the russula family is the brittle stems and tissue. Many of the Russulas are edible but few are eaten as they are hard to identify. This mushroom has a white cap but it is usually covered with dirt and/or pine needles from growing in ‘"mush rumps"’. A number of this genera have bright red to dark red caps that are very difficult to divide into species.

    Another major family of fungi are the Cortinarius. These have the edges of the cap attached to the stem by tiny hairs. As the cap expands the hairs are broken and hang down on the stem of the fungus. They become stained a rusty brown by the falling spores. Although some of this family are toxic others are good edibles but like the Amanitas only the expert mycologist can identify them and they should never be eaten by the amateur.


Many people come to New Mexico to collect our Boletus edulis (on the left) and Boletus Barrowsii (second, on the right). They are large, meaty fungi

that dry well and are staples in many gourmet recipes. They also are imported dried from Europe for specialty markets. It is fun to collect them because of their large size and their abundance in the forests. In a good season it does not take long to collect a basket full. Not all of the genera are edible. Some of the red pored species can cause stomach distress but are not deadly like the amanitas.

    Cantharellus cibarius is commonly called the chanterelle. It is a much sought after edible fungus with a spicy apricot flavor and smell. The mycelium is perennial and is symbiotic with certain

forest trees. Some fungi including this one are allergenic for some people. It can be found in the same locations year after year. The quantity is determined by the amount of rainfall.

    All true puffballs are edible. They range in size from tiny to very large. The inside should be white and look much like a marshmallow. The largest ones can be found in pastures and they can be seen for a long distance because of their size and the pure white color. If they have a very thick skin they are not puffballs and may be inedible.


Rather than producing their spores on gills or in pores, the ascomycetes produce spores on their surfaces. Some of these fungi are edible but most are too small to even consider as food. Auricularia auricula is an ascomycete that grows on wood and is

commonly called wood-ears. It is edible but rather flavorless. It is eaten for the crisp texture. It can be purchased dried at specialty or import stores.

Phallus Impudicus

Phallus impudicus is also a common yard mushroom. It can usually be found just by the smell, which is much like rotten meat. Flies, attracted by the smell get the sticky spores on their feet and spread them around. It has a spongy texture and is often mistaken for a morel. People who are upset with their presence may pick them as soon as they find the white caps coming up and pick them before they open and dispose of them, this may help to reduce the numbers as they will not then be able to sporulate and spread further.


Morchella species

The spring morel is the most sought after of all mushroom. It is fairly easy to identify, it occurs when there are relatively few other mushrooms, it is found in old orchards and other easily accessible places. It is also very tasty

and dries well. There are areas that produce them abundantly in the spring and collectors gather them in huge quantities and ship them out of state to markets around the world. There are even Internet web sites devoted solely to tracking the appearance of the fungi in the various states. This picture is from one such site. We seldom find this species in New Mexico and no one will tell you where to look lest you find their favorite hunting spot.

Sarcosphaera crassa

This fungus that does not have stem, cap or gill layer is a hollow cup-like fungus. It is sometimes eaten but is very difficult to clean as it grows under ground and the outer surface is covered with dirt. As it emerges from the soil the cup usually ruptures. I have collected it many times but have never eaten it. Perhaps one day I will try it.

Grocery store mushrooms

There are becoming more and more species of mushrooms available at the local grocery stores. Some of them have fanciful names intended to make them more salable. Most are varieties of common species that have long been eaten in other countries. The Portobello is just a more mature version of the common white button mushroom. Being more mature it is also more flavorful.

Collecting fungi can be profitable. A 1 oz. package of dried wood ears can be purchased at a local grocery store for $2.99. The same fungi could be found in the forest in wet years, for the cost of the trip. Over 700 species of mushrooms have been identified in New Mexico forests and deserts. Many more remain to be found and identified.  To view the list of New Mexico mushrooms follow this link New Mexico Mushroom Species

Resources and References

Mushrooms Demystified by David Arora, published by Ten Speed Press is the best source of information for western higher fungi. Other references will also be helpful and there are many. Build your own library, collect and dry specimens. Join a mycology society.

Now, how do you answer the question at the beginning of this treatise? How can you get rid of the mushrooms growing in your lawn? The answer is, you can’t. They will be there as long as there is a food source (organic matter) and sufficient water for them to grow and produce fruiting bodies. Those hated fungi may be a highly desirable species that you would pay top dollar for at the grocery store. Learn to identify them and to appreciate their unique beauty.

Fungi species

The listing of fungi that have been found in New Mexico are included on these pages because it may be of interest to visitors who like to collect mushrooms for the table. While the list is not nearly as extensive as some might expect or as might be found in moister climates, there are some highly desirable mushrooms that people from all over the world come to collect when they have the opportunity. In a good year with average or above average fall monsoons the mountains are rich with boletes. These are the same mushrooms that are sometimes imported from Europe for the specialty market.

    All the fungi are listed by their botanical names. Common names of fungi are either unknown or regional. For instance, the bolete is known as cepe, steinpilz, and porcini among others in the various countries where they are found . To go to the genera click on the blue underlined names below. The various species of those genera will be listed.

     For listings of common names go to the library or bookstore to learn more about fungi. We recommend the book Mushrooms Demystified by David Arora published by Ten Speed Press because it has more listings of species that grow in New Mexico than any other publication. David visits here to our mountains frequently and has helped us a great deal in cataloguing the over 700 species found here. .

Agarics Amanitas    Other A fungi Boletes & Others C to Clitocybe Clitocybula to Coriolus Cortinarius Coryne to Cyathus   D thru F Galerina to H

H thru Hydnum

Hygrocybe thru H I thru Laccaria Lachnelellius. to Leotia Lepiota thru L Marasmius thru M N thru Paxillus Peniophora thru Pleurotus Pluteus thru Ramaria Resupinatus thru Stropharia

Suillus to Z

[ Mushroom   ID  ] [ Agarics ] From the point of view of the mushroom collector the following are some of what you need to observe in order to identify a mushroom species.

 Habitat, Where the fungi is found.        In Woods        On ground        On soil        In grass        On duff        On wood

Dead wood - saprophytic w/what species Living wood - parasitic on what species Symbiotic on what species On dung On other fungi Below ground

 Mushroom characteristics

Universal veil

Absent Present Slime layer Volva

Dry tissue                 Sac like                 Friable

                Breaking up into scales


Absent Present Shape Conical Convex Flat Concave Funnel Color     Usually almost any color except true green     Combination of colors     Darker center     Darker edge

Surface texture

Smooth Leathery Felted Hairy Crackled Slimy Size

Tissue texture

Firm soft

Cap edge

Plane Inrolled Striate Deliquescent

Veil or ring

Absent Present Slimy Fibrous Cortina:     this is composed of very fine fibers that

connect the edge of the cap with the stem. Mushrooms that have a cortina are usually in the cortinarius family. On mature specimens the cortina is only visible as minute fibers that may be visible because of the deposit of spore on them. Since the spores of most cortinarius are brown then they show as brown filaments hanging on the stem.

                How it breaks

Cog wheel From stem From edge of cap


Spore bearing surface (hymenium)


Attachment to stem     Free     Adnate     Notched     Decurrent Gill edges     Smooth     Wavy     Serrate Differently colored Secrete milk when broken or cut         Color of secretion when fresh         Color of secretion when not fresh



            Color             Color change on being damaged, bruised or on

aging             Easily freed from cap tissue             Not easily freed from cap tissue


            Color             Color change when cut             Color unchanging when cut


Absent Present


Pimples on exterior surface of fungal body Spores if available from spore print

Color           Colorless to black

Other characteristics are only available by using a microscope because the spores are too small to be seen without magnification.


Absent Present


Straight Tapered Bulbous Rooting

W/ rhizomorphs W/ mycelial mat

Size        Measure it!

Length Diameter


Fibrous Brittle


W/string W/o string

Not hollow i.e. solid

Growth habit

Solitary Clustered     From single growing point (ceaspitose)     From many growing points


Pleasant None Mushroomy Unpleasant Phenolic Seminal Anise or almondy Other


Pleasant None Bland Bitter Very bitter

Peppery Pungent


Mushroom Health BenefitsMushrooms are low in carbohydrates, calories and sodium and are cholesterol and fat free!  They are high in riboflavin and contain as much fiber as 1 medium tomato.  They are also a good source of niacin, pantothenate and copper.

While medicinal mushrooms have been used in China and Japan for more than 3,000 years to boost immunity and fight diseases such as cancer, only in the last decade has their power begun to be recognized in the United States.  In more scientific terms, a number of compounds in fungi have been found to stimulate the function of the immune system, inhibit tumor growth and boost intestinal flora.  Particularly, mushroom substances called terpenoids help kill bacteria and viruses and exert anti-inflammatory effects, while complex chain-like sugars called polysaccharides have been shown to exert antitumor and immuno-stimulating properties. - The Natural Foods Merchandiser, March 2005

According to Kenneth Jones in Shiitake: The Healing Mushroom , Shiitake provides noteworthy benefits for ulcers, high or low blood pressure, liver problems, allergies and autoimmune diseases.  A 1980 study found that a virus in shiitake mushrooms could produce interferon, effective in treating cancer.  Shiitake (Lentinus Edodes) is the second most commonly produced mushroom in the world because of having both medicinal and food value.  It is a flesh, gilled mushroom that grows on wood.  When eaten, it yields 26% protein by dry weight, carbohydrates, fiber, linoleic acid, vitamins B2, C and D, ergosterol and possesses abundant quantities of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and all the essential amino acids needed in our diet.  It has been used to treat nutritional deficiencies and liver ailments.

According to Maitake: King of Mushrooms , by Shari Lieberman, Ph.D. and Ken Babel, C.N., its polysaccharide compound, beta 1,6 glucan, "is recognized by researchers as the most effective active agent stimulating cellular immune responses."  Harry Preuss and Sensuke Konno, Ph.D., authors of Maitake Magic, say that studies show Maitake (Grifola Frondosa) can hamper growth and spread of cancer cells, protect normal cells from environmental carcinogens, reduce side effects of and augment chemotherapy, stimulate anti-tumor and anti-microbial activity, and help to halt HIV proliferation.  The National Cancer Institute declared Maitake more powerful than AZT, with no toxic side effects.  Those with high blood pressure can expect a gradual decrease and Maitake also reduces blood and liver cholesterol and triglycerides, thus reducing risk of stroke and heart disease.

Oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus Ostreatus) is a fleshy, gilled mushroom growing in shelf-like fashion on wood that is a good food and promising medicinal.  Protein quality is nearly equal to animal derived protein.  Low fat content is mostly of the good unsaturated kind.  Also contained are carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins B1, B2, plus minerals, especially iron and an antioxident.  This mushroom shows activity against cancer and high cholesterol.  It has shown activity in the following areas:  antitumor, immune response, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibiotic.

Crimini and Portabello (Agaricus Bisporus) are the same mushroom, the portabello being left to grow longer and larger.  These mushrooms contain a variety of B complex vitamins, are an excellent source of riboflavin, pantothenic acid and niacin, are a very good source of thiamine, vitamin B6 and a good source of folate.  Selenium, lysine, protein, zinc, copper , manganese and iron are more benefits of eating this mushroom.

Chanterelle (Cantharellus Cibarius) contain protein, vitamin D and vitamin B, including riboflavin, niacin and thiamine.  Minerals include potassium, copper and selenium.

Morel (Morchella Elata) contain protein, vitamin D and vitamin B, including riboflavin, niacin and thiamine.  Minerals include potassium, copper and selenium.

Porcini (Boletus Edulis) contain niacin, potassium, selenium and protein.

Wood Ear (Auricularia Auricula) has shown antitumor and cholesterol-lowering properties.  They contain Vitamin B, C, D and iron.

Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) mushrooms have been used as a cure for disease for over 2,000 years.  According to The Medicinal Benefits of Mushrooms by William H. Lee, R.Ph., Ph.D., Reishi increases vitality, improves coronary arteries, inhibits platelet aggregation, normalizes blood pressure, relieves stress and asthma and prevents and treats certain types of cancer and other degenerative diseases.  The beta-glucans found in Reishi support the body's immune system in fighting cancer cells and countering the effects of aging.  According to Jones in Reishi: Ancient Herb for Modern Times, Reishi is even more effective in fighting cancer when supplemented by vitamin C.  Reishi also works as an antihistamine by inhibiting agents that cause cold symptoms, hay fever, asthma, and allergies and promotes respiratory health.

For informational purposes only, consult a health professional for medical problems.  Warning:  Mushrooms can interact with some over-the-counter and prescription drugs; check with your health care provider.

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பிலிதீன் கைபிதேயா$ அடி முகைனகையா கை5(ன் ரப்பிர் தேபிண்$( இறுக்காம முடிச்சுப் தேபிட்$, சி�லிண்$ர் வடிவம் கா'கை$க்கும். அது( செரண்டு கைகாயாளாவு கைவக்தேகாகை(த் த'74ச்சு, ஒவ்செவரு அடுக்தேகா$ ஓரத்து(யும் 5டுவு(யும் கைகாப்பி�டி அளாவு காளான் வ�கைதகையாத் தூவணும்.இதேத மத'ர4 அஞ்சு அடுக்கா கைவக்தேகாகை( செவச்சு, வ�கைதகாகைளாத் தூவணும். காகை$சி�யா காளான் வ�கைத காகைளா தூவ�, கைபிதேயா$ தேமல் நுன4கையா கை5(ன் ரப்பிர( காத்துப் புகாத மத'ர4 இறுக்காமக் காட்$ணும். இந்தப் கைபிகாகைளா ‘செபிட்’னு செசில்லுதேவம்.இப்பி, இந்த காவகைரச் சுத்த'லும் பில்பியா�ன்ட் தேபினதேவ$ முகைனயா( எட்டு(ருந்து பித்துத் துகைளாகாள் வகைர தேபிட்டுக்காணும். இந்தத் துகைளாகாள் வழி4யாத்தன் காளான் செமட்டுக்காள் செவளா4தேயா வரும்.

இந்தப் கைபிகாகைளா ஒரு ரூம்( கை5(ன் காயா�றுகாள்( காட்டித் செதங்கா வ�$ணும் (பிர்க்கா : பி$ம்). குகை1ந்த பிட்சிம் 150 சிதுர அடியாவது இருக்காணும் அந்த ரூம். தளாத்தேத$ உயாரத்துக்கு ஏத்த மத'ர4 ஒரு காயா�த்து( 5 (அ) 6 ‘செபிட்’காகைளா காட்டி வ�$(ம்..” என்கா'1வர், தன் வீட்டு செமட்கை$ மடியா�தே(தேயா கூகைர தேவய்ந்து, அகைதக் காளான் வளாருவதற்தேகாற்1 அகை1யாகா மற்1�யா�ருக்கா'1ர்.”காளான் குகை1ஞ்சி செவப்பி 5'கை(யா�(தன் வளா ரும். அதன(, இந்தப் கைபிகாள் இருக்கு1 ரூகைமச் சுத்த' தேகா74ப்கைபிகாகைளா காட்டி கைவக்காணும். தேகா74ப்கைபிகாள் தேம(, த'னமும் காகை(யா�( தண்74 செதளா4க்காணும். இத ன(, ரூதேம$ செவப்பி5'கை( 10 (ருந்து 15 டிகா'ர4 செசில்ஷிMயாஸ்க்குள்ளா இருக்கா1 மத'ர4 பிர்த்துக்கா(ம்..” என்கா'1வர4ன் அகை1யா�ல் ஒரு செதர்மமீட்$ர் செதங்குவகைதக் கா7 முடிந்தது.”செரம்பி முக்கா'யாமன வ�ஷியாம் என்னன்ன, கைபிகாகைளா செதங்கா வ�டு1 தேதத'கையாக் கு1�ச்சு கைவக்கா'1து! த'னமும் சிர4யான செவப்பி5'கை( இருக்கு1 மத'ர4 பிர்த்துக்கா'ட்$

தேபிதும்.. பித'னஞ்சிவது 5ள் துகைளாகாள் வழி4யா காளான் செமட்டுக்காள் செவளா4ப்பிட்டுடும். அதுக்குப் பி�1கு அப்பிப்பி, ஸ்ப்தேர பிட்டில்( தண்74கையா வ�ட்டு, செமட்டுக்காள் தேம( செதளா4க்காணும்.23-வது 5ள்( காளான் 5ல்( முத்த'டும். அப்பி ஒரு கைபியா�(ருந்து 400 கா'ரம் முதல் 600 கா'ரம் காளாகைன அறுவகை$ செசிய்யா(ம். இப்பி, தேவ1 இ$ங்காள்( துகைளா தேபி$ணும். 26-வது 5ள்( த'ரும்பிவும் 300 கா'ரம் முதல் 450 கா'ரம் காளாகைன அறுவகை$ செசிய்யா(ம். இதேத மத'ர4 செமத்தம் அஞ்சு முகை1 துகைளாகாள் தேபிட்டு காளாகைன அறுவகை$ செசிய்யா முடியும்.அறுவகை$ செசிய்யாப்பிட்$ காளான்காகைளா ஒரு 5ள் மட்டும்தன் செவளா4யா�( கைவக்கா(ம். ஃப்ர4ட்ஜ்(ன்ன செரண்டு 5ள் வகைர கைவக்கா(ம். இல்தே(ன்ன, செகாட்டுப் தேபிய்டும்” என்று செதளா4வகா வ�ளாக்கா'யாவர், மர்க்செகாட்டிங் பிற்1�யும் செசின்னர்.”ஓட்$ல்காள்( ஒரு கா'தே( காளான் 75 ருபிய்னு வங்கா'க்கா1ங்கா. அக்காம்பிக்காத்து( இருக்கா'1வங்காளுக்கு 200 கா'ரம் பிக்செகாட்கை$ 15 ரூபிய்க்கும், மத்தவங்காளுக்கு 20 ரூபிய்க்கும் செகாடுக்கா'தே1ன். இந்தக் காளான் வளார்ப்பு( செசி(வு குகை1வு, வரவு அத'காம்” என்1வர், அதுபிற்1�யும் செசின்னர்..”மடியா�( கூகைர தேபிடு1துக்கு எட்$யா�ரம் ரூபிய் செசி(வச்சு. ஒரு தேகா74 15 ரூபி. இது செரண்டும் ஒரு த$கைவ மட்டும் பிண்1 முதலீடு. மத்தபிடி ஒரு கா'தே( பிலிதீன் காவர் – 95 ரூபி, 175 கா'ரம் காளான் வ�கைதப் – 15 ரூபி (இந்த 175 கா'ரம் வ�கைதகையா ஒரு செபிட்டுக்குப் தேபி$ முடியும்), கார்பின்கை$சி�ன் பிவு$ர் 1/2 கா'தே( – 310 ரூபி, ஃபிர்மலின் 1 லிட்$ர் – 25 ரூபி.. இது மட்டும்தன் செசி(வு. அஞ்சு செபிட்டுக்கு நீங்காதேளா கா7க்குப் பிர்த்துக்குங்கா.. குகை1ஞ்சிது செரண்டு ம$ங்கு வருமனம் கா'கை$க்கும்!” என்1ர் சிந்தேதஷிமகா.என்னங்கா.. காளான் வளார்த்து காசு அள்ளா செகாTம்பி�ட்டீங்காளா?

- (ட்சும4கா'ருபி,