제 12 회 정보통신응용기술워크숍 Future IT Revolution 프로액티브 라이프케어...


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제 12 회 정보통신응용기술워크숍Future IT Revolution

프로액티브 라이프케어 기술

2007 년 4 월 11 일

경희대학교 동서의료공학과

김 태 성

동서신의학 u-라이프케어 연구센터동서신의학 u-라이프케어 연구센터

동서신의학 u- 라이프케어 연구센터

East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center2

건강한 삶

즐거운 삶 행복한 삶

질 높은 삶

u- 라이프케어

u- 라이프케어 비전

동서신의학 u- 라이프케어 연구센터

East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center3

Aging in Place

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East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center4

Smart Homes/Smart Care

How Can Technologies Help ?

Question: Can smart home systems anticipate the needs of residents or patients to improve the quality of life?

동서신의학 u- 라이프케어 연구센터

East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center5

Proactive Lifecare

Proactive Lifecare: innovations in sensors (i.e., motes), software, and wireless technologies that allow vital information about human health to be tracked remotely.

Ross et al., 2004, IEEE Spectrum

동서신의학 u- 라이프케어 연구센터

East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center6

Proactive System

• Proactive system must anticipate a user’s needs in prior to the user’s requests.– Activity tracking for status monitoring

– Task sampling for status monitoring

– Health maintenance

– Cognitive support for Alzheimer patients

– Enhanced communication with the outside

– Access to information and stimulation

동서신의학 u- 라이프케어 연구센터

East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center7

• Initiated in 2002.

• Lead by Eric Dishman, Senior Research Scientist

• Intel’s goal: make people more proactive about their own health and wellness needs, long before they have an exhausting, expensive medical catastrophe that drives them to an emergency room

• Make technology more proactive by anticipating people’s health-related needs and take whatever action that is appropriate on their behalf

• Proactive Computing, a concept developed by David Tennehouse, Intel’s Vice President of Research

Intel’s Proactive Health Effort

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East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center8

• Biological and Behavioral Sensors– Gather real-world data– Monitoring and localization– Motion, contact, magnetic, RFID, motes, etc.

• Sensor Networks– Reliable, secure, wireless network of sensors– Plug and play – Context tracking

• Statistical Inference Engines– Transform that data into medically meaningful, contextual information– Determine the types or patterns of activities– Compare life-long database and current measures

• Behavior Tracking and Recognition– Activity tracking and recognition

• Home Networks and Display– Smart appliances: digital home technologies from PCs to TVs to cell

phones – Connect everything (TV, clock, telephone, PC, PDA, etc.)– Reminder: display technology

Proactive Health Technologies

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East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center9

Major Research Areas at u-LCRC

Bio MEMS 구조체 기술

SoC 기반 스마트 센서모듈 기술

u- 라이프케어 프로액티브 컴퓨팅 기술

건강 지원 스마트 오브젝트 기술

u- 라이프케어 플랫폼 기술


동서신의학 u- 라이프케어 연구센터

East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center10


• Analytical devices which use biological interactions to provide either qualitative or quantitative measurements

• Bio-receptor is a chemical/biological molecular recognition element (ex. Antibody, enzymes, DNA, cells, tissue, or whole organ)

• Transducer converts the recognition event into a electrical signal (ex. Electrodes, pH electrode, thermistor, photon counter, piezoelectric device)

Bio-Sensor & SOC

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East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center11

Bio-SOC Bio-Sensor & SOC

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East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center12

Body Sensor Network (BSN)







Motion Sensor

Bio-Sensor & SOC

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East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center13

Challenges in BSN

• Application-driven Challenges– Data fusion (aggregate and filter)

• Erroneous sensor readings• Missing values• Feature selection• Source recovery• Distributed inference• Activity recognition

– Support of multiple data rates– Security and privacy at low energy cost– Localization

• Networking Challenges• Challenges for Sensor Nodes

– Low-complexity / low-power designs– Smart sensors

• Integration of BSN

Sensed Signal Mixture

Recovered Sources

Source Recovery using ICA

Bio-Sensor & SOC

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East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center14

Human Activity Human Activity

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East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center15

Human Activity Tracking & Recognition


Spatial Segmentation

Spatial Segmentation

Particle FilteringParticle Filtering




ANN, Hidden MarkovModels (HMM)

ANN, Hidden MarkovModels (HMM)

joint anglesjoint

anglesvideovideo skill



Human Activity

동서신의학 u- 라이프케어 연구센터

East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center16

Activity Tracking

• Particle Filters for Motion Tracking

Human Activity

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East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center17

Activity Recognition



Feature ExtractionSegmentation

Feature ExtractionSegmentation









activitymodel Aactivitymodel A

activitymodel Bactivitymodel B

activitymodel Cactivitymodel C


ANN/HMMvideovideoActivity NamingActivity Naming





Human Activity

동서신의학 u- 라이프케어 연구센터

East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center18

Activity Recognition (Ex.)

• Active Contour-based Segmentation



TrainingData Set


Human Activity

동서신의학 u- 라이프케어 연구센터

East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center19

Proactive Computing for Lifecare

Bio Sensor Daily DB

Daily Activity DB

A Priori Knowledge- Models, Patterns- 치매 패턴 , 징후

Active Proactive Lifecare

Passive Proactive Lifecare


Analysis and Processing for Dangerous Activity, Diseases

Proactive Lifecare- Warning- Diagnostics- Prognostics

Proactive Lifecare

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East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center20

Content-based Information Retrieval

• Spatiotemporally Unstructured Data Mining

• Content-based Information Retrieval (CBIR)– Daily DB 로부터 content-based

information retrieval 기술– Digital Still Images, Video, Audio– ECG, EEG, EMG, Medical Images

• Independent Component Analysis-based Content-based Information Retrieval

Proactive Lifecare

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East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center21

Constrained ICA-based CBIR

• No use of metadata where text labeling is used

• We consider the database as mixed data and the query image acts as a reference for the cICA algorithm.

• Constrained Independent Component Analysis (cICA) is used for extracting information from database.

Image Database





Extracted Information

Query Image

Proactive Lifecare

동서신의학 u- 라이프케어 연구센터

East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center22

동양의학 Proactive Lifecare

한의학의 정량적 데이터

수집가능한 ,해석가능한 데이터

( 설진 데이터 ) 한의학적정성적 지식 모델

2. 온톨로지 모델 설계 - 세부과제 및 전체과제의 요구분석을 위한

연구 선행 - Task 온톨로지 구축을 위한 연구3. 온톨로지에 대한 질의 방법 및 API 개발 연구

1. 특정 Context 에서의 정량적 데이터와 한의학 정성적 지식의 융합을 위한 알고리즘 연구

한의지식 온톨로지 및 추론 엔진

Proactive Lifecare

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East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center23

홈 네트워크

프로액티브 컴퓨팅 / 추론

행위 / 생체 DB

RFID 센서 행위 추적


설진 당뇨MEMS




동서신의학 라이프케어 시스템 Proactive Lifecare

동서신의학 u- 라이프케어 기술연구

East-West Neo Medical u-Lifecare Research Center24

동서신의학 u- 라이프케어 Proactive Computing

u- 라이프케어

서비스 정보

East-West Neo Medical uLCRC

동서신의학 기술에 기반한 u- 라이프케어 연구센터

생체 센서생체 센서데이터데이터

행위 센서행위 센서데이터데이터

환경 센서환경 센서데이터데이터





개인 이력DB

데이터베이스 (DB)

및 지식베이스 (KB)

수면 환경 …운동

설진 맥파 … …혈액정보


행위 추적 및


동양의학 기반생체정보

서양의학 기반생체정보


Proactive Lifecare
