( 1 ) T(2nd Sm.)-History-H CC-4 CBCS 2021


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( 1 ) T(2nd Sm.)-History-H/CC-4/CBCS



Full Marks : 65

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own wordsas far as practicable.

Candidates can choose either Group - A or Group - B,Group - C is compulsory.

(P. K. Hitti)

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( 2 )T(2nd Sm.)-History-H/CC-4/CBCS

( 3 ) T(2nd Sm.)-History-H/CC-4/CBCS

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( 4 )T(2nd Sm.)-History-H/CC-4/CBCS

[ English Version ]

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Group - A

1. Answer the following questions : 1×15

(a) Write the name of an Arab nomadic tribe.

(b) What was the organisational basis of the Bedouin society?

(c) What was the mode of cultural expression of the Bedouins?

(d) Write the name of a book authored by P.K.Hitti on the history of Arab.

(e) Mention the name of any one trading item of the Arab traders.

(f) What was the chief mode of transport used by the Bedouins in the desert of West Asia?

(g) What was the principal occupation of the Bedouins?

(h) By what name was the chief of the Bedouins called?

(i) What do you mean by the word ‘Mongol’?

(j) What was the real name of ‘Chenghiz Khan’?

(k) What do you understand by the word ‘Golden Horde’?

(l) Who were the Seljuks?

(m) Who was the founder of the Ottoman Turkish dynasty?

(n) What was the name of the Mongol dynasty founded by Kublai Khan?

(o) What is the significance of the year 1453CE?

2. Answer any four questions : 5×4

(a) Briefly describe the lifestyle of the Bedouins.

(b) Give a brief account of the Bedouin tribal organisation.

(c) Discuss the chief characteristics of Bedouin lyrical poetry.

(d) What was the importance of Silk Route in the Central Asian trade?

(e) Can the reign of Kublai Khan be regarded as the Golden age of the Mongols?

(f) Discuss the evolution of the administrative policies of the Seljuks under the leadership of the TughrilBeg.

(g) What was the importance of the Golden Horde empire in the history of the Mongols?

(h) Briefly comment on the role of Janissaries in the Ottoman empire.

( 5 ) T(2nd Sm.)-History-H/CC-4/CBCS

3. Answer any two questions : 10×2(a) Discuss the position of women in the nomadic society of the Bedouins.(b) Discuss the different cultural activities of the Bedouins.(c) Discuss the administrative system of Ottoman Turks.(d) Assess the achievements of Chenghis Khan.(e) Do you think that the Mongal Culture has enriched the world civilisation?

Group - B

1. Answer the following questions : 1×15(a) Mention any one of the causes of the downfall of the Roman Empire.(b) Write the name of the book written by Edward Gibbon on Roman history.(c) Who was the Pope during the time of Charlemagne?(d) Who was the chief patron of the Carolingian Renaissance?(e) Who was Thomas Alquin?(f) Name a poet of the 12th Century Renaissance.(g) Who was Roger Bacon?(h) Who was the Pope during the Investiturte Contest?(i) Name a famous University in medieval Europe.(j) Name a famous monastic order in medieval Europe.

(k) What was Corvee?(l) When did the first Crusade begin?

(m) Name a significant art style in medieval Europe.(n) Name a scholar who did his research on the decline of Feudalism.(o) Write the name of a book written by Henry Pirenne.

2. Answer any four questions : 5×4(a) What is Pirenne Thesis?(b) Write a short note on the position of woman in medieval Europe.(c) Write a short note on the 12th Century Renaissance.(d) Explain the background of the rise of Universities in medieval Europe.(e) What is Investitute Contest?(f) What was the Manor system?(g) Discuss the relationship between the Islam and the Jews during the time of the Khalifas.(h) Write a short note on the Cluniac Reform Movement.

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( 6 )T(2nd Sm.)-History-H/CC-4/CBCS

3. Answer any two questions : 10×2

(a) Explain the causes of the fall of the Roman Empire.

(b) Discuss the features and significance of the Carolingian Renaissance.

(c) Discuss the background of the rise of towns and cities in medieval Europe.

(d) What were the basic features of European Feudalism?

Group - C

4. Answer any one questions : 10×1

(a) How would you explain the relation between Islam during the period of Hazrat Muhammad with theJews and the Christians?

(b) Was Crusade a mere religious war?