· 1 \lalok tlleb - lo .a-1r tl .. ...,_, .. , .. wiU .-.& ... tlllt .u.,.., lerlel IIllo tlel...


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Dear ~irla: •

. _.._ .. ---------·~--• c•..,.....,..:••'"Oc.rw lniW ,.,.. ...... .... --

It""" a prirtlop to ,..pre_t ,...., tile Aaeoc1at1CD of- DlNCtoH, ao a 4elopte to tho ContoreDce of tile Intemattoaal Aa-l.T of- at -til l!'ortr18bt, llov York, 4urine the veek ot October 1~ 19116.

In a taclmicolor oottSna ot tcarlot an4 sold •»leo, b1Sb in tile O&telcille, 140 wmon doloptae tr<D '3 countr1eo •t rt til 60 AMJoicaD _, 4eltp.C.. at the lovol,r countrr oetato ot lin Alioa T McLeoD, fOWider ot the -rican - ·• Voluntarr Sorrtooe . 'l'b1o o,....S&at1CD rtth 18 other national orpni&atiCD&, ov.ch ae th& AAW, the !WCA, 01rl Scoute, Inc, tbe O...ral. Pederattcm ot Vcmen•• Olub1, tho Aaooctatlon ot Junior Le-o, tho llaticmo.l ~ .. ot PareDto • -bore M.n, the American Me4.1e&l. VC8tn•e .u-., Inc, tbe Mer1caz~ t.es1oa Awc111&rr, and otben, epooaore4 tbis ei&bt-dq ocnterenee Clll "1be World V. llaftt. "

~ rro. tbe Allled D&tiotw &D4 the Axte nat1ona •t, DOt u -.-lee, but aa trtoc4e . WtaeD ot "'slW, Bol.lan4, &IJ.c1•., l'rsnce, J'1nlaz:ld., .,1"1111, Ctocboolovalcia, Cb1na and tho l'ldllppt.,.o, Mt vi til- rz-~-. J&JaD and Ital,r. -,....,. bo4 INftorod tho...,...,. •• of ..... - -, u w ll ao voeon t'rolo South Aloorlca and llaico, - at tbt 1Drttot1on ot tho MtriCM 8 toor1D6 ec-1ttoo ot tho IntenaUcmo.l Aa-l.T of-· ac- ot tbt­»aid their ovn ·-· and otbtH - tlu<>UCh tbt bolp of tbt 18 o_..snt organ!&atlona vbo b&..., intonational atttliaUOIUI.

In all tho panola aD4 opan cUo<nUOoiono ot tbt Intonational Aaeabl.T tbere "''" unaniAitr ot opinion that- .,,t accept roopCD&!Ml11;r in tbo attairo ot tho vorld and thtt thor -..at take an 1norou1"61T act s .. part in tile pol1t1cal attA1ro ot tho vorld, Tll<lr mot do tllta in order to tako cUNct action 1D 1rracUoatSna """"' of tho "'"'"" ot .....

.,oro 1a no - 1D tile 1101'14, partl.O\llarl,r ao - 'IIIIo IIU 11- v1th var on bor 4oontep, wbo 4ole not vut to ... wr at u ID4, a pw: nent end.." V1tll tbooo vor4e, Mro Jno>ldin D llooH .. lt ooncl- bor lldANoo to tile

Intomattonal Aa-l.T of -· !Rio aloo WI'D04 U.t tile - o~4 be ouro that tlla1r f1Dd1D61 ·Npre-t - .._ .... ~ U.t tho --"' ... -throooSb tho ~- •uona for tbo -pla of u. _.u.•


i I


It,..·~ tel•- eo "'l oe4111at * ._ 111a-- oou..ttwll throllfl)l their &ttll.iaU.... tor eoola1 - o: ' o Nt0111, - lllaoll4 _. t or 0114 l.J>or- the o-tJD1 U• t or .... li&OD all ,,... * -u. ... - a Wlite4 <lo-tloo to _,...te Ill • .. .,. ... -"oal ..,U•- ot.,. prlnelploo of the lhite4 laUooa olarter,

Seaor1te X..... -· te~te "-~. Fll ote4 a Ulll ... ~ tor bec:kwroi D&Uooa wllich -a tortolt tllelr ' >illdP 1D - W lf tlae7 <11<1 DDt u ... up to ite proTI.o1ooo atter. n .. or-- tr1al poriocl,

Aa Mro - Polallto .. , 'floe 11Qor ot "-• J10l.Dte4 ""'• .. \1000 11a .. not oolnd t11o '-roof Jul•- -1•. 'fbonoo ... llttlo llUoro­n-l.en eYerJVbere 1D tbe vorlcl."'

rr.w Joeet Streck~, ill ebarp ot ~·• JII'C&l- tor t.be JUlo at.~ ""Main, the tirot ae ..... elnllon- to nait- lhito<l 8tateo a1Dc• tile var, vaa ulted b;r 111oo Ami& t. t.lll, traa Ital;r, 1t tMrl - - u un4el'll"'Ol'ld _,_t 1n ae._ d>u-iD& tile vv, l'rou streeter u.U tMrl - -no undergrow>d 110-t. II...., vlleo it vu a~t tbo _,.,... loot tile 0...... people eeuU not bello.., tho b1ttor truth,

llo.d.amo Georgeo-P1oot ot Pario, a .Uor ot tho C<maenaU" Pari •p~bl1oen <lo lo Liberto, lll&do no ooorot ot tho fact thet there vaa otrcnc op-1Uoo to CQa:nuU.., tor lnu>eo, wllilo *'- -la1Do Brow>, nee Proo14ont ot tbo l'rucb Conatituoot Aeoeoabl;r end. a -bor ot tile Jl'ronch ec-ml.ot part;r, u.14 ec-mi• vae ~ina ZUrope. hOII tiao to t1ao t.be obadDv ot C.....U• IIDil -~- toll aero eo tho <llocuoo1one hut ,.. qu1ckl;r <llopelled b;r tho otrcnc "'1011 or -r&OT.

Dt- Aaeta Sto:n.e1 ac:tift 1n tbe re•1•tADce .,.,...,_t 1D lo'l'ft7, .a14 tbt lotvo6iona ware <lotol"'l1J>o<l tbat tbalr :J'OIIIle people t1rocl b;r 1D-•- -wl DOt o1nk to tbe lnel of tile llulo. Tbo;r cooce1nd tile plaD tor tile t~ triale of ....r er1A1Dalo ao4 1D u... tho7 oct tlle1r plaDo to otller oau..,. relNltina 1D tile -bora trlalo, ~,.... 10 a en-, a crt.e tor wllich 1D<l1TI.dualo vUl beoeotorth be bel4 reaJIODiiblo.

In the d.iecua1one on tho econcalc 11 tuat1oa. ot the vorl4, tbe ....a ot tM foreign 00\Ultrloo ol>ove4 a <loop U>toroot bee- of tlle1r ti •ou - fl>r ""toriol aiel, It """ po1Dto<l out tbet 1D tile ettort to keep _.. _lo_.\ an4 4opreao1on Ja10t be """14ocl. lt.acb con be acc..,Uabo4 b;r tho :r..-t1ooal Bonk, the Mcoetar;r J'\l:nd an4 tho International -., Oreu>i&aUoo rocctl;r oot up in London, "

llo are no looaer ll Yinl 1n a vorU vllere tu1De 1o DeOON&r7, I t ,. prod>aoo to capeo1t;r - properl;r <llotributo, ... O&D proT14o a -t ·- ot un.,., an oooent1ol, 1D otobl1lh1D& poaeo, ~ oteb1l1t;r of tho lhite4 statal­vorlcl otob1llt;r.

'l'lle .. - ot tho vorU ... l'tnol,;r cooY!Doe<l tllet w -t JIOOl tile ,_..... ot tho worl4, ...t VOl'lr: toeotller to ro-IN114, ro-bab1lltate, ro--te, tot­ao4 olotlle U>1 aUqu&tol;r- tile -iel..,... ot - t;r, 1D- to br1ftl &boo>t a ..,rl4 l.D wllicll tzut IIDil Des.pboorll.J>Ma _, -.t, -.. taUII -tollonhip OlD tllri ...

Throuebout the e18ht-da,r conference tbero vae n arovina conriction ~ the women as-bled at South Xortrisht tmt sroater emphuh JDUet be placed on

spiritual values. The spiritual~ ot people eYer)'Vbero 1Jl tho worl d 1e

struggl1ne to catch up with tbe ecientitic aDd .echanical :sattem ot l1Y1Jie.

The 1/'0IIIen of the world feel that it ve can haft a world charter ottorin8

abidiJ18 values baaed on the spirit ot hw.nit7 ve ehall""'iiHi tbe ltind ot world ve van t to 11 ve 1Jl.

Marsoret Cuthbert National Broadcaatine CompaDT

