모바일 증강현실 기술동향 -...


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  • 40 OSIA Standards & Technology Review

    OSIA S & TR


    . 1992 Tom Caudell


    [1] .

    Paul Milgram 1994

    (Reality) (Virtuality) (Continuum) ,

    (Augmented reality), (Augmented virtuality)

    [2]. 1997

    Ronald Azuma 3

    . , . ,

    . , 3 [3]. Azuma




    (Google) .

    Google trends [4] 2009

    , [5]

    1) 2010


    | ,

    | ,

    Paul Milgram 1994 (Reality) (Virtuality)

    (Continuum) ,

    (Augmented reality), (Augmented


  • 41










    (Gartner) (Hype Cycle)

    2008 (10 )


    (5 10 ) [6].




    2004 .

    , (Inertial Tracking),

    (Magnetic Tracking), (Acoustic Tracking), GPS (Optical Tracking)

    (Hybrid) [7].

    | | Google trends ( : Augmented reality, virtual reality) [4]

    - 2 -

    (Gartner) (Hype Cycle) 2008 (10 ) 2009 (5 10 ) [6]. .

    Google trends ( : Augmented reality, virtual reality) [4]



    2004 . , (Inertial Tracking), (Magnetic Tracking), (Acoustic Tracking), GPS (Optical Tracking) (Hybrid) [7]. , . , ISMAR(International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality) . 2008 Mark Billinghurst ISMAR 10 10 , [8].

    Mark Billinghurst 10 , , , [8]. (jitter) (drift) [8]. (Tangible) (collaborative)

  • 42 OSIA Standards & Technology Review

    OSIA S & TR




    ISMAR(International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality)

    . 2008

    Mark Billinghurst ISMAR 10 10

    , [8].

    Mark Billinghurst 10

    , ,

    , [8].

    (jitter) (drift)


    (Tangible) (collaborative) .

    See-through HMD(Head Mounted Display) (Projection-based)

    PC, UMPC(Ultra-Mobile PC), PDA (Handheld) [8].

    , [8]. 2008

    Mark Billinghurst

    , [9].

    2009 (CAMAR: Context-Aware Mobile Augmented Reality)



    [10], (ubiquitous

    augmentation), , .

    [11]. (Challenges)

    , ,

    , (intelligent visualization), ,

    (mediation) , ,




  • 43


    . Juniper research 2009

    . 5(

    , GPS, , (Tilt sensor), (Digital compass))

    [12] Nokia, Apple, HTC


    [12]. Juniper research

    , 7 [12].



    , (, /), (, )

    (, /)

    (GPS ) () [13-14].






    2009 .



    , .


    Azuma [3]

    . 2007 Georg Klein

    PTAM (Parallel Tracking And Mapping)

    [15], 2009 iPhone SLAM(Simultaneous

  • 44 OSIA Standards & Technology Review

    OSIA S & TR

    Localization And Mapping) [16].

    [17, 24].

    (Encoding) [17, 24]. PC SLAM


    2008 Wagner , Wagner

    (20Hz) 6DOF (Markerless) . Wagner

    SIFT (Scale-Invariant

    Feature Transform) Fern [18]. Kimberly Spreen

    ARhrrrr! ,

    NVIDIA Tegra (Kit) Concorde fast GPU

    GPU . (Natural

    feature tracking)



    . A. Kruger

    (Projection AR)

    [20]. C. Woodward

    | | () iPhone() SLAM[15-16] () [17, 24]

    - 4 -

    . , .


    2009 . . , , .


    Azuma [3] . 2007 Georg Klein PTAM (Parallel Tracking And Mapping) [15], 2009 iPhone SLAM(Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) [16]. [17, 24]. (Encoding) [17, 24]. PC SLAM .

    () iPhone() SLAM[15-16] () [17, 24]

    2008 Wagner , Wagner (20Hz) 6DOF (Markerless) . Wagner SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) Fern [18]. Kimberly Spreen ARhrrrr! , NVIDIA Tegra (Kit) Concorde fast GPU GPU

    | | (ARhrrrr!) [19]

    - 5 -

    . (Natural feature tracking) [19].

    (ARhrrrr!) [19]


    . A. Kruger (Projection AR) [20]. C. Woodward , , [21]. S. Feiner (Prototype) AR street view [22]. S. Feiner , , GPS (User interface) [22]. , , [23]. .

    [20], [21], [22] [23]


    2.1 (Challenges) . , ,

  • 45




    [21]. S. Feiner (Prototype)

    AR street view [22]. S. Feiner

    , , GPS

    (User interface) [22]. ,


    [23]. .


    2.1 (Challenges)


    , ,

    [24]. , , ,

    N95, M480, M490 [24].

    , [24-25],


    [17, 24]. (Agent)


    (Mashup) [24, 26].

    (Pose) ,


    , ,

    [24, 27].

    | | [20], [21], [22] [23]

    - 5 -

    . (Natural feature tracking) [19].

    (ARhrrrr!) [19]


    . A. Kruger (Projection AR) [20]. C. Woodward , , [21]. S. Feiner (Prototype) AR street view [22]. S. Feiner , , GPS (User interface) [22]. , , [23]. .

    [20], [21], [22] [23]


    2.1 (Challenges) . , ,

  • 46 OSIA Standards & Technology Review

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    . , , .


    (Concept) .

    LBS(Location-based service)


    (Wearable computing) , 1993 Fitzmaurice

    GPS (Compass) [28] , 1997 Steve Feiner

    AR Touring Machine [29] .

    15 .

    15 .

    , (Vision)

    , 11 1999 ( SIFT [30])


    3 [18-19], 1 ~ 2



    | |

    - 6 -

    [24]. , , , N95, M480, M490 [24]. , [24-25], . [17, 24]. (Agent) . (Mashup) [24, 26]. (Pose) , [24]. , , [24, 27].


    . . , , . , (Concept) .

    LBS(Location-based service) . (Wearable computing) , 1993 Fitzmaurice GPS (Compass) [28] , 1997 Steve Feiner AR Touring Machine [29]

  • 47


    . [24-

    27] .

    . [24]

    , [17]


    . (Tagging) [27]


    [26] ,




    . ,

    (Protocol) [31]



    (Hype cycle) .

    IT (Gartner)

    SPRXMobile [32] Augmented Reality Hype Cycle

    (Hype Cycle). LBS

    (Pseudo AR) ,


    . 2D

    | | () ()

    - 7 -

    . 15 . 15 . , (Vision) , 11 1999 ( SIFT [30]) . 3 [18-19], 1 ~ 2 . (Hybrid) . [24-27] .

    . [24] , [17] [25] . (Tagging) [27] . [26] , .

    () ()

    , . . , (Protocol) [31] . .

  • 48 OSIA Standards & Technology Review

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    3D 3D













    , .

    | | (Hype Cycle)

    - 8 -

    (Hype cycle) .

    IT (Gartner) SPRXMobile [32] Augmented Reality Hype Cycle (Hype Cycle). LBS (Pseudo AR) , (Markerless) . 2D 3D 3D . (Viewer) . , . 3D .

    (Hype Cycle)


    , . () .

  • 49




    15 ,

    11 .



    . , //

    U- ,



    [1] T. P. Caudell, and D. W. Mizell, Augmented Reality: An Application of Heads-Up Display

    Technology to Manual Manufacturing Processes, Proceedings of 1992 IEEE Hawaii International

    Conference on Systems Sciences, pp 659-669, 1992.

    [2] P. Milgram and F. Kishino, "Taxonomy of Mixed Reality Visual Displays", IEICE Transactions on

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    [3] R. Azuma, A Survey of Augmented Reality, Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments,

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    [6] Gartner, http://www.gartner.com/ (accessed March. 20. 2010).

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    [8] F. Zhou, H. B. Duh and M. Billinghurst, Trends in Augmented Reality Tracking, Interaction and

    Display: A Review of Ten Years of ISMAR, IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented

    Reality, pp. 193-202, 2008.

    [9] , , , , Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 5-14,


  • 50 OSIA Standards & Technology Review

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    [10] S. Oh and W. Woo, CAMAR: Context-aware Mobile Augmented Reality in Smart Space,

    International Workshop on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality, pp. 48-51, 2009.

    [11] C. Shin, W. Lee, Y. Suh, H. Yoon, Y. Lee and W. Woo, CAMAR 2.0: Future Direction of Context-

    Aware Mobile Augmented Reality, International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality 2009,

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    [12] W. Holden, Whitepaper: Mobile Augmented Reality ~ A Whole New World, Juniper Research,

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    [13] , , SERI , 46, 2010 3.

    [14] KT, (Augmented Reality) Mobile

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    [15] G. Klein and D. Murray, Parallel tracking and mapping for small ar workspaces, Proceedings of

    6th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2007), pp.

    225-234, 2007.

    [16] SLAM on iPhone, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBI5HwitBX4 (accessed March. 20. 2010).

    [17] W. Lee and W. Woo, Real-time Color Correction for Marker-based Augmented Reality

    Applications, International Workshop on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality 2009, pp. 32-25, 2009.

    [18] D. Wagner, G. Reitmayr, A. Mulloni, T. Drummond and D. Schmalstieg, Pose tracking from natural

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    [20] J. Schning, M. Rohs, S. Kratz, M. Lchtefeld and A. Krger, Map Torchlight: a Mobile

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    [21] T. Harviainen, O. Korkalo and C. Woodward, Camera-based Interactions for Augmented Reality,

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    [22] Y. Tokusho and S. Feiner, Prototyping an Outdoor Mobile Augmented Reality Street View

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    [23] , , ,

    : , 2010. (Accepted for publication)

  • 51


    [24] , , , , , , , , , CAMAR 2.0:

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    [25] Y. Oh and W. Woo, , HCI, pp. 312-

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    [26] H. Yoon and W. Woo, CAMAR Mashup: Empowering End-user Participation in U-VR

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    [27] H. Kim and W. Woo, Real and Virtual Worlds Linkage through Cloud-Mobile Convergence,

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    (Accepted for publication)

    [28] G. W. Fitzmaurice, "Situated Information Spaces and Spatially Aware Palmtop Computers,

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    [29] S. Feiner, B. MacIntyre, T. Hllerer and A. Webster, A Touring Machine: Prototyping 3D Mobile

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    [30] D. G. Lowe, Object Recognition from Local Scale-invariant Features," Proceedings of the

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    [31] H. R. Schmidtke and W. Woo, Towards ontology-based formal verification methods for context

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    [32] SPRXMobile, http://www.sprxmobile.com/ (accessed March. 20. 2010).
