The famous victories of Henry the Fifth. 1598 - Internet Archive


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tibe tlubor JFacsimile tCejrts

yamnitB Uictortea


Z)fl/e 0/ original edition of this Facsimile . . . 1598


Reproduced in Facsimile 1913

Under the Supervision and Editorship of




Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of



\ / 6 \


Jfantflus Uirtcrka


Hmrg t\ft JFiftlj


This facsimile is front an original copy now in the Bodleian


This oldplay, one of the ^^ sources " ofShakespeare's ^^ Henry /F,"

probably written about 1587, was staged in 1588 and licensed for

printing in 1594. Hazlitt, however, says it was ^^ performed '' as

early as 1585. Tarleton (who died in 1588J took the part of Derrick

the clown. No earlier edition than 1598 is known, but a later one

appeared in 1617.

The plates for this facsimile have been made by the Clarendon



~,^Pi^f^gi^^i I ipil, 1^,., ^,iipi^iffli|^»!^«W»-

•f Hcnrv thetones or ocnryfifth:

Containing the Honou-rable Battell ofAgin-comt: .

^ LONDONIliiitcdbyThoiaatCrccdc, I 5^^

.i %

(TPi:o j:




The Famous Vi61:ories

ofHenry the firth,Conte ining the Hono-rable B attcll ofA gin-court.

Efjttr thffpbvg Prwct,]^c6i(t«d Tom.

Henry the fifth.

C^mt atoa^ Ned anu Tom.Both. i^ecenii»iLO?tj,

Henr.j. CormatDa^m^llatiS:

k^ Wlme acSj^oU) muci) golD Ijaue ?ou got i

Ned. ifaitl) m^ llojD,! tjaue got fiuc !)unt>?etJ pouHO.

Hen.c. )l5ut tellme Tom,&oii3 muc|) iaft ti)ou got ;?

Tom'. iFaitl) mpilojo/ome fouce ^uno^eD pounD.

Hen.^. iFoureliuno^eD poanDS,b?auel^ fpofecnLaO0»

515atteUmefir0,t|imfeetounottt)at it tuas at3ilIainoust

part ofme to rob ii>^ fatl)eris Keceiucr£f ?

Ned. Mt)^nom\!lLo?D,ttiDagbutatricfeeof^out^.

Hen. 5.^aitl) Ned tl)ou fai?eft true.

JlBut tellme CriE5,Ujl)ereabout0 are toef

^ Tom. cp^ilojtjjiue are noto about a mile offLondon.

Heri.j. il5Htfirs,|maruelltl)atarIohn01d-caftlc

Come0 not aUja^ :^ounO0 fee Ix^Dere ^0 corner*

Enters lockcy. -

l^oljD noljj lockey,tol)at netoes toitj ti^ee? ^

lockey. 5rait^ m^ iio?o,fuc{)"netoes a0 paJfet|i,

5fo^ul)e^oVune ofP«tfort mitzn,

g 2 ^it|»

Mftjjtjueanucne after t?ouc man, r%Mi\it^ partetJ from tjs t^c lall nigtjf, .

,v' >^

0HO Ijas f£t tpoHjanD Ijat^ robo a pa);jc Carrier. ' *

Hcn,7. ^otonc0,t[)ct)ilamctl)atUJaslui?ntfofp^


lock. 3 m^ llo;i5,tuen t^c ter^ fame*

Hcn.f. i^olx) bafe mtnoco rafcal to rob a poi^ earner^

WiM It ffeilfl nofjilc fauc tlje bafe tilaines lift


31/31 mai>:baf U\ me Iockcy,Ujf)crabout be tlje Hcccinct0^

loc, iFait^ttiy^o^^jttl^v^rc^arcbB^

]i5ut tl)e beS tji^lue are a tjo^fe liacbe a»0 t^va be a fa)t(^^

1^0 U3C may cfcapc tt)cnn

Hen.5-. m^U'tA t^e^ainc0 conte^ttitteiilime l$i^:

XBut tel mc Iockey,fjoUj mucljsotfl t^oaffeomfit^c knaucg^

fm 31 am furc 3 got fomet^'rtg,fc? onroft^.eDilatttC#

^0 bclamo me about t[)c (l^oMloeMf,.»


3s 3i G^al fale it t^is monetti. -. -: r'.^^ • ii ^

lock. iraiff>mstoD,3!^aucgot^6tff«?|ti|loittUn

HcG, 5 . 3 IjwnD^fD po«no,noi» bjiauelp^ifeen lock?y


5IBiit come Cr0,laie al pour monep before mc,jloio bi? ^eaucn Ijerc is a b.zaue l^etoe


iiput a5 31 am true (!5entleman,H iuil ^aoeflje^alfe

^r tf)tji fpent to ragt)t,bnt ar5 take tip rouriK^^^er« comes tf)e5Ufceiwr0Jetme aloiw..

J^ntcrs two Rccciuers.

One. 3(00 gajDfiPllotp,tof)atMto^ oof

31 Dare neuer go ^ome to tl)e Court, fo^ B (l^aitbe^0&«)^t I(Dbe,^ere 10 tfie ^ong )a;ince,U)!)at (fysitoe Do;H^n.j. l^tp,noU)?!ool)il«ne0,iu^tareEOUiL

OneRcccj., S^peabepoato#iii.Order. ijio3lpja^/peafee^uTe|im*Hcn.y. t2aa^^otonoJ;ui?oura(caii|,tD^5(p(«kl«HiilotV

One. iFo;f(Dt[j toej)e.|d>a^ fpeabc.t?ou to ijim.

H^n.j^. &oton0,tn|aitt0 fpcah,o;iIe cutoffgoiicfjeao^*


Ai^.l X XWlli y XllV-- 111 IA1«

Other. IFojfotl) ^e cm tt\ f^t tale betfei* t^cri 3(*

Oo f. Ifo;:tott) toe be ^o«r fairtjers l^ecctucrief

Hen. ti i3ite ?oa m^ fatfjew -Kcceiiiccs ?

3D|jen3i Ijope T?e Ijaue bzoug^f me fome mone^.

One. sponciJj^lasfictoebecobti.

Hen.y. KobD,^otomanrtoccetl5crcofft)Cttie

Oae. sparry fir,tl)ere toete fouce oft^em


;an0>8nc:0ftt)emt)afi fie lohn Old-Caftlcsba^l^ebbic,

•ano ^our blacbe jpog*

Heo. 5. ^oqfi toounD0 f)oto UUe tiou iJ^id lockcyf

^iSIod ^outilattiesmtr fatt)er robo of^10 moner ab^oao,

0110 toe robt) inoutllabie0«

)!5at tell me,fn}to^man^ toece oftl)em ;^

Oneiccct^IWtt plcafe noujt^gre toere&txu oftijemi

0ttbt^ttiim one Abput tl)0 btgnefre ofi^ou


)15ut 3i am fare I fobelainbo^tm about t^e (^onloer0,

SCbat i^e toilfeds it.t&l5 mcnt^.

Hen. J,0flff0iuotmO0FoalamDf^cmfeierl?,

&o t^attljes Ijau? carrictJ atoa^ \iour mone^.

3i5nt fome(lr0»tot)at (tiallto.e CO toit^ t^e tiiatnc0 ^

, Both rcc^L % befec^ ?our grac?,be g^J^ to t)0»

Ned; 3 p.ta^ T[!Ou mij JLojo fbjgiue tl)em tljis once*

^eliaano^bp ano s^t i^ou gone,

§in\> iQjfee tljaf tjou fpeafee not atop^D oftt,

ifo?iftljere be^foto^ies ils liang tiou ano all )?oui: bin,

.; ; .ExitPurfcuanf*


H«n;f. ^ototo,l)otoUbei!0^wii

Ma0 not t^wb?auclt Done? fr

if0; noto tt)e t)tlame0 Dare not fpeaUe a too^o ofit)

Bj^auc fo fcaceotljem toitt) toojw.

^oto to^itljcc C^all toe€oe f

All. ^!2a^l?ttts)l:P;D^oubnotooatiilD^(((ii

j9t FeuerflMin.

Hen.J . ja>ur ^ottes at Fcucrfhamibtob to^aW^al toe Dc

MeSaueali)OHlfani>jpHnD about tj0, (tliere.i

0ntJ toe C^aU so to a pctrtc 2lIc<l)oufe.

^o,no : ^ou bnoU) tl)c oloc Si:auccnc in (il;flttcfjeape,

SCticccw gcDD luine : befiDes,tl)ere is a pjetie luetic^

SC^dt can talke Ujel!,foj 3! odtgt)t as imiclj in ttjcic foingf?,

30 an^ part about t^cm.

All. Affile are ceaoie to toaite tpon ^ouc grace.

Hen. 5. (Sogs iMOUttDs lDait,U3C luill go nlfcgiilKr,

mt are all fcllolDC0,3S tell rou arg,antj ttjc iUins

^\? fattier toere Deao,Ujc luoulo be all laings,

^^crefo^ccomcatuar. ^Ned. (Dogs U)OUnDj3,bMUCl^fpohcn Harry,

Enter lohn Coble i,llobin Pcwtercr,Lawrcncc


lohn Cob. ail is tucll tjere,all is Usell niaiCevs*

Robin. l^oltJ liip tow ncig^bou* lohn Coblei?

31 tl)tnUe it bell fIjat mp neighbour

Robin Pcvvterer tucnt to puDDinS lanc CnD,

janD toe toill toatcb (jcrc at BilltnCgate toarD,

IBoto fai? toil neighbour Robinjl;oto liUe ton tljis i

Robin, qparrttoellneigljbours:

3 care not mucn itJ goe to piiomng lanes eno.

X5ut ncigljbciuS,anD ton Ijcavc any aooc about mcj

isl^abe l)attc: ano if3 tjcarc ant nOo about tou,


Exit Robin.

Law.;j|ieig^bo.j,to!)at netoes bi' arc i?cu Of§ rcung l^;incej

lohn. "^I^avrt neigljbo^ , 3 Ijcare fat, Ije is a totoarD tong5fo? if!)emct ant bt t[)e Ijie toay, (l??ince,

1^ e toill not let to talbe toitl) l)im,

31 oare not call ^tm tt)eefe, but atte t)e i$ one oftt)efe taking


Law. jnnkh neigl)bour 3( l)eare fat l)e is as Uuelv

ja touns|9;ince as cucr toas.

lohn. 3,anD 3 fjeacc fat.tff)e t)fe it long,

1^10 fatliec toill cpt i)im offfrom ftic Crotone




%Vii netj^bonr fa^ notbtng of t^at*

Law. ^OjttOjtwtg^boWjBltuatrant torn

lohii..,^dg^liiour^ettmke0 pabegin to||^>'

3jfsouiDiU,li3etotHfitDoU)n, -, s^ '; ti^

j^o; 31 tbinbe It ue about mtdmglit*

Law. ^acr^ content netgbbouc>(et t»s fleepe^

EnterD erickc rouing.

Dericke. ^l)o,tD^otbet:e,lD^otbere? «.



Robin. ^ neigl)bo?s,U)l)at meane tjou to fleepe,

gnb fuc^ atio intbc ttratcg f

Ambo. l^otonoto neigl)bo^,totiatj5 f^emattecc^

Enter Dcrkkc againe.

Dericke. ?!KIlbotl)8re,U)l)Stbctc,fo^otl>ere?

Cobler. Mb^ to^at ailft tbo« ^ ^^r^ »J8 nc bo?ffiS-

Dericke.^Cf alas man,? amrobo>U)boiWh^W¥^^Robin.^oIO bim netgbbo? Cobler,

Robin. ^b\? 31 Teetbou artaplaine CloUine.

Dericke. ^m ^ a ClobmejfoUjmjJ inaifiew,

SDo CloUmes go in filfee apparcU i

31 am fuc£ all toe gentlemen CloUwee jxi Kent fcmtf go To

m^ieU: ^oUjnes ijoubnoto clotoneifberigtoetl:

l^eare rou,ar« ?ou maittec ConCable, ano ^cttbelpeafee i

^0? 3i toill not taUe ii at bis banb0»

lohn. 5faitb3?amnotmaiftccConffable,

315at 31 am one^ofl)i0 bao tiSitm, fo? b^wnot|cre*

Dericke. 3|£{ not maiaer Conftable bere f

^ell it is no matter,ile bauetbe lato at bw|)anb0,

lohn. ^a^31p?auront>onottafeetbelaU>oft)S*

Dcr. ssQieUiiwju are one ofbis beaai^ofiSa«j5.

Iohn« 3|amone ofbisbao oaSferS; ?: ^

Dcr, ^b^tt)^n31 cl|argcfi)eel©feeto^m»-' v (


- Cobler. ^a?bufc|ieai:e^efir,^oufeeme tflbe1a(rt.!»nett

ifellcto,anDtoeatep(n^eraen,anonotottsnfe^: ^

0ntj toe fcDoulD bclot^ to l)aue nti^ tl)tng at©,

Sn^ercfojc 3 p;a^ t^ecput it tjp.

Dcr. ifii;ft,t^oufaicatcue,3amanl)oncafdIoUJ,

jano a proper ^anfome fcUoto tm,

0ntJ ^ou feemc to be pE);e men, tt)crfo;c i care not ^rcatlv,

^arj3I <ioi quicfel? pacifieo


)15ut ano i?ou ctjartce to fpic tljc tljeefc,

3i p^ai? tiou late tiolo on t)im«

Robin. ^k'S tljat \33t toil,3i iuatrant rou*

Der. %{& a iDonDerful tl)ing to fee fjoto glaO t^c hiinug

3l0,noto 3S ^aue fo;:giucn l)im.

lohn. ^j^eigbbo;ja do ^clmUcabciUrouf


Enter the Thcefe.

Thecfc. ^crc is a goD fclloU) , 3 pji^r I'C" i^!)i"; is tl;e

^^a^ to V^t olD 2:aucrne in eaftcljcapcf

Dcr. mi)(Dpel)oUo,noU)C\iDs pi,UnoU)eat[)Oumcf

Tbeef. ^bnotot^eefo^anMr.

Der. ano I fenoU) ttja to; a tafeing felloto?



Thecf. 2Dt)C ix)^2:fon tiilainc IrtoulD be fenoc^f

Dcr. iT3iiiacrs,ljilaine,anD ^c be men ftanD to t)imj

^no tafec ^\B toeapcn fcom l)im,let Ijini not patTc i:ou,

lohn. !i^^trienD,lwl)atmaUc^ouab;oaOnoto?

3;t is to late to lualbc noto.

Thcef. 3t is not fcDlatc fo? true men to toalhe.

L;iw. ©me fenoU) tijee not to be a ti uc man.

Thcef. C(i:i!)pto!)atDotoumeanetototoitl)mc?

^otonc0 1 am one cf tl)e feingg liege people,

Dcr, locate t:on Cr,are ^ou one oft^e Uing5 liege peoples

Thcef. 3|macr)?am3|fir,tol)atfap^outoitf

Der. s^arr^ fu*, 3| fa\? ^ou are one oftlie jtiingfi fllclimg

Cob. Come,comc,letsl)auel)imatoa^. (people.

Thcc£ Wsto^At^aueBloonefRobin.


rRobin. SCtiouliaQrobDapo^eCelloljD,

IBnD fafecn atua^ tjls gcous from Ijtm.

Thccfe. ?muci:fatoel)imbefo3e»

Dcr. cpaiftcrs iuljo comes l)erc^

Enter the Viritncrs boy.

Boy. l^otonotugcDDmaHCoblcrf

Cob. ^oU) nolB Robin,tol)at mafeeis ffjou abjoao


Boy. $parrie 3 l)auebeenc at tlje Counter,

3 can tell fuel) nelues as ncuer\m ^aue tiearls tl)C like.

Cobler. Mll)at 10 tbat Robin,U)l)at is tl)e matterf

Boy.Mb^ ^^\s> nigljt about tteo t)oures ago,tl;ere came

iljc ^oung p;iince,ani3 ^%k o,: foure mo^e ofl)is compani*

ons.ano calico %i loinc gcoD (Jo^c, ano tl)cn tl)cr fcnt foj a

nopfeofspufittans, ano toere tertmerrij foa t^c fpaceof

an Ijourc ,tl)enU)l)etl)crtt)eir^uacfeeliUeDt^eninot, oj

* totjcttjer tl)e^ bab b?unfee tm mucl) Mine o? no, 35 cannot

^ tclljbut our pots flue againtt tl)c luals,anD tj)en t^eti D;eU>

t^eirflMcaocs, anDtoentintotbc(!rccteanbfou5l)t, anO

fome tosUc one patt,f (bme tojfec anotber , but fojttic fpacc

of tjalfc an Ijoiue , tt)ere toas fucb a blosDie fray as pallet^, <

anD none coulee part tbem bntill fuc^ time as tbe ^aio.z

ano ^Ijedffe tocrc fcnt fc?, anO tljen at tl)e laft toit^ muc^

aCcDjllje^ tffihe tbem, ano fc t^eyong^jince toas carricD

to tbe <!i:ount€t,anD tben about one honre after, fbcre came

a spc^cnaci frcm tbc Court m all tjalle from t\)tMnaM -

my U;p ^aio5 ano tbe ^Ijcrifife , but to; toljat caufc 31


Cobler. i^cre -is ncboes in>Jee5e Robert. ^

Law. Sparry neigbbour,tbisHel»esisnrangembeeuc,

31 tbinUe it befit neighbourjto rio our tjanost of tt)is feUcUJC ^,

fiift, \Thcefc. ?sa^atmeaneyouto6oetoit^itief

Cobler. wsitmean to carry yjjti to t^e p^ifonjanfi tj^ere


15 Thccfei

Thccf. %\)m Bj p^at ^oa letmi go to tlje p;tfon \»\}m

Cob#aij t^ou mufi go to g coi!ntc^p;ifon,to mlugatc,


Thccf. ^p^t^tebegoDDtome|)OtieafelIoto«

Dcr. 31 marr^ U)ill 3!, tic be tcrie cfjan'tafalc fo tlja,

5Fo; 3; toill ncuec Icaue tljde, til 3 fe f^ec on tl?c <5allQU3C0.

Enter Henry the fourth, with the Eailc ofE: cier,

and the Lord ofOxford.

Oxf. ^m pleaCc vour ^aicffie, Ijeere 10 m\? lto;0 0pa*

m ano t^g ^^etiffe ofllonDon, to fpeaU iuill) jouc i^^ate^

K,Hcn.4. 0Dmittl):nUoourp^efcncc, (Hie*

Enter the Maior and the Shcriffc.

I^cto m? ga)t) ?lo,jD fr^aio,: ofilonOott,

ftt\t caufc ofm^ fenoing fo; i?ou at tlji's ttmejifi to tci pou

cfa matter toljic^ 3! tiaue Icarneo ofmi! Counccll : \^tmn9j tjnuerftanD,tt)at ijou ^aae committcomt fonm to paifon

Icit^ont out Icaue anD Itcenfc. Mt)at altf^ogt) l)e be a ruDe

l?outt),ano lifeelp to giue occa(lon,i?£t pow mig^t ^auc con^

liDete&tl)atl)ei0ai[3;tnce, anom^torutej ononottobg^alleo to p;tron b\? euer? fnbietf^

Maior. £§a^ it pUflfe ^Qm ^aitffie to gt«e t)0 leaue to

tell our tale f

KingHen4. £);elfc(JDoOfo;bil>,otlJetluifcro«»iigl)t

t^inhe me an tnequall BJuDge , ^autng mo^e afti?(tton Um^ formc3tt)cn to anp rtgfjtfiill indgemcnt.

Maior. n^tt 31 00 not Doubtbuf iue fljal rattier Deferuc

commcnoations at vour fi^aicftica I)anD0,tl)e an? anger.

K.Hen.4. (2?c tfl),fap on.

Maior, SD^enifitpleafe^ourS^aieaie, i^iini^tbc*

t\3)ixi ttoo ano t^.2oeoft^e clocbetn tt)e mo?n!ng,mi? ILo^a

ttje ipong ^:mce twtb a.tiec? m(b?0;eD corapanie, cnme to

Ibe olo SDauerne in eaSc^eape, ano to^etljcr it bias tl)at

ft)eit ^uficke liheD t^em not, 0? I»l)et^et t^cr toerc ouer^


rant) info tl)e Qreete t^e^ U)ent,and Tome tatUm^ iio^ti ei^

iongp;mce0pact, mn Come (aoike t^rot^er, btitbettotr^

t^zmt^m it)a0 fuct) ablot)tefra?fb;t|)gfpaceof|^alfeaii

jjourc, t[)at ncitl)er toatcijme no; an^ot^er coulD ffap tlifj

(ill m^ b.jotl)er t^c ^tjeriiTc of ilonoon f 3 luerc lent fo;,

(ino at t^e laCt U)itt) mucl) aoo) toe HaieD ttjem , but it lua^

long 6rll,tD^ict) loas a great Difquieting to all voat loning

fabiettjs tl)ereabout0:ano ttjcnm^ goD llo;tijU)s Knctu nol

to^etber ^our grace IjaD fcnt tp2m to trie tjs j tDbctfjer toe

IvQulD t)cB tufiice, o; U)!):tt)er it U^cre ofttjeic oione tiolun^

tahetDiUo; not, lioe cannot tell : anDt^ercfo;einfuct)a

cafe toe kneU) not U)i;at to Do,but fo; our oton fafirgatd l^s

fent ^im to toarD,tuyere ^e loantett) noting ttjat is fit foi

^grace,ano^ur^aicaic0£onnc« ]^nDtl;u0 moQ^unuU? berisct)tng veur ^aieftic to t^inUe ofoar anOsere.

Hen 4. ^tant) afioe t)nttU U)e |aue turt|ier seltbetated


Exit Maior.

Hcn.4. at) Harry,Ha«")'»^wb) t^^tce acfntftO Harrvj /

ED^atliatt) gotten« fonhc, tol)ict) tottt) grafe'


Mill eno l)» fathers Oa^c0.

j©^ m^ fcnne,a p;ince t^ou art,3l ap;mce intJeed,

0no to DeCcrue trnp^ifonment,

0nt> toell ^aue t^et Done,ano lihe fatt^uU fubiett^:

E>irc^argc tl)cm ano let tbfm go.

L.Exf. 3 bcfeectJ^our (Horace, bcg®otom)f!Lo;ut|)«


Hcn.4. ^at,nav,ti0tTO mattet,let l)im alone,

L. Oxf. percl)ancc t^e g^aio; ano tlje f^^ixifft ^milene t© p^ecifc in t\)i& matter.

Hcn.4. ^0: tl)e? baue oonu Ufee faittifuU fobietf*:

.3 l»ill gom^ kiH to Difcliarge t^em^ano let tliem go.

Exit om«es.

Enter Lord chiefc luftice, Clarke oftb c Office, laylcr,

lohn Coblcri Dcrickcand the Thecfe.

ludgc. Blasterh;m t^« pjifcner (o (^c barre,

Dcr. ideate i!ou m^ JLo^D,| pja^: i;OU bjmgt!)e bat to


Judge. l^olDtt)T?^anDt)patfl)Jbarrc.

Thecfe. i^cre it 10 m\: llo;D.

ludgc. ClearkeofttjCfiDfftce^reaOe ^15 incitement,

Clcaik. mw is tt)y namc^

Thcetc. ^r> name iuas hnolwnc bcfojc Bi came Ijerc,

janC Q)all be Uj^en 3 am gonc,3i iwarrant pou.

ludgc. 3,3 tt)infee fo>b«t luc luill hnolu it better before


Dcr. ^olunes anu ron 5o but fcnD to tlje ne):t Bfailc,

WSSic are fure to fenota \y.^ niime,

51^0? tt)i5 U5 not tbc firtt p.iifon l;e tiatt) bene in, ile toarrant

Clearkc. MbatistK'nanie^ (l?ou.

T hccf. Mtjat nceo \:ou to af he,anD bane it in lu.ntinjj,

Clearkc. 3s not tbV name Cutbcrt Cuf.ei ^

Thcefe. Mfjat t^ic SDiuellneeo ^ou af b,anti hnoU) it fo


Clcark.Ml)!) t^icn Cutbci t Cutfcr,3i intiitc tljocb^ tlje

name ofCutbert Cut tcr,fo; robbing a pcD^c carrier tlic 20

tia\? of q^ai? latt paft, tntljc fourteen i^eare oftlje raiguc of

our fouiraignc Jlojo i^ing Henry tljc fourlb , fo; fctting

tpon a poj^e Carrier bpon CDaos \)i\\ in Kent, ano tjauing

beaten ano loounoeo t^e faio Carricr^ano tahen \}\s gQ}05


Dcr. €)b maitters tta^ tl)erc , na^ lets ncucr belie tbe

man,fo; be batb not beaten anu iDounoeo mc alfo , but bee

l)atb beaten anr» luounDeb m^ pacUe , ano batb tcihcn tbc

great rafe of^mgcr , ttjat bouncing iSeCTelwitt) tl;c iollH

buttocks f^oulo bauebaD,tl)atgreeue£( memotf.ludgc. G2IlcU,U)l)atfcU'cfttt)ou,artUjou0uiltie; o^not


Thccfc. ^of guiltie,my II03D.

lud^c. >5gto)SPwU)a(ti)o« be trios ^



Thccfc. )i5rniBlLo;otije)?oangl0;mce,o;bpmtfrifi

Enter ihc young Prince,withNed and Tom.Hen. J.

Come atoav'm laos ,<S5Dgg loounosf re titUatn,

lutjat maU2 ^ou Ijeer^ f 35 niull goe about m^? UufinelTe m^ftlfc.anD \!ou ntuft ftarto loitering ^ere.

Theefc. WiW m\? lLo,:o,tl)8r liauc bonnD me,anD tuill

not let me goc»

Hen.j.l^auc tljer bounD t^« ^illam,b)^r 1)o1m note mellOJDf

lo ^gc. 5 am glaD to fee ipouc grace in gtoo ^u\t^.

Hen, 5. Mlb!!m?iLo?o,tt)t3i0mpman,

S:!0 marucll tou kncU) ^im not long bzto;zt\}igy

3 tcU^ou 1)0 is a man of l)!S lranD0»

ThecFe, 31 €Jogs UjounDs t^at 3I am,tri? mc to^o ^are

luclge. ^ouc <35racc fl^al finoc fmall cceoit b^ acfenoto

leDgtng t)un to be tiourmamHcn.^. m\^^ m\? Lo?D,lx)l!|at^atb Ijcbonef (Carder.

lud. ^ntj it plcafe t?o«»^ ^aicftie, Ije Ijatt) robbcD a poaje

Der. l^earcTiaufiCjmarr^ittoasoneDcrickc,^

^©oman Hoblingsmanof Kent.

Hcn.j. ^|)atU)aftroubuttcn-b^Gec^f

Mm\> tDo;o m^ llo;}D,^e bio it but in lett,

Der. I^eare ^ou Cr,ij5 it i^our mang qualitie to rob folfejS

in ieftf 3nfait^,l)c ajall be t)aiigo in earnctt.

Hen. 5. ^eUmn jio;D,Ujt)at do i^ou meane to boM^mi? man f

ludg.anb pleafe ^our i3race,fbt lato muff paffc on |)im,

jaccojomg toiuftice,tben ^c muff be crecuteo.

Der. Ipearc ^ou fir,33 p^a^ yiouyi^ it ^our mans quaiitg

to rob folkes in ieff f gn faitb t)c l^all be ^angb in ieff*

Hen,5. mtW mi Jio?ti,U}!jat meane i?oa to bo toit|)mtmanfludg. anij pleafe ^onr grace tlje lato muff paffe onSitttj* l

^cco^oing to iuffice^tl^en^e muff bee)iea)teo>

515 3 Hen.

Hcii. 5- WL^f ((jen belike ron mcane (o ^anjjmij niaii i ^Judge.- 31 am fo;rie t^at it falles out fo.

' ^Hcn.^. 5Ha^m^ilo?o,3Ip;aB?etoJ)oam3(f

lud. 0nDpleaft^our<!I5race,^ouaremi?llo;ut^et?en5.

p;tncr,our l&Ing tt)at Cljall be after tt)f tjcceafe ofour foue*

*raigne ?lo;D,tog Henry t^e fourth, tojjom <PoD graunt


Hen. 5.^ou fa? truemr ilo?u:

*SnB ^ou iDtll ^angms man«*

Judge. 0nD libc rottr grace,! mnS n^t)$ Do tufttctt

Hcn,y . E^cllme mp Jlo;D,^aU 3 ^aitem^ man J

ludgc. 31 cannot mi? Jlo.:D« . .

Hen. J. But iBill^cu not kt |)im go


lud. 3|amro;iet^at{)t5cafet£!^rotU« >'

Hen.^. I^ufl^^cafe me no ca0ng$,(^al 31 ^mtltf? man^Judge. 31 canrtot,no; 31 mai? notm? ilo;D.

Hen.J. i^avjsn^ H l^«ii «olt fas,« t^en 3i am anfijjeretr;

Judge. ^0.Hcn.j. ^ottljen311iMlll)aittiim,

He giueth him a boxc on the care.

Ned« €^og0 tDoumg mp]io;D>aial Bl ctitoff|ttf l^eaDY

Hcn.^. ^0,31 cl}atge ^ou D;alD not vottr (\Do;^St

But get ?ou ^ence,p;ouiM a no^re of^uatian$>


Exeunt the Thcefe.

Iudge« t^eUm? llo)T),3| am content to take it at eouc|)anD0.

Hcn.5. /i5aranl>towl3enot,^ufl^aU^a«iemo;e*

Judge. 2aati?3lp;ai?^oamtlio;o,to^oam3lJHcn.j. ^ou^^obnoUiefinotiPouJ

101? man.rou are ilo;o c^iefe 3|aaice ofC^nglanfi.

Judge. JJouc (SJrace |)at^ faio trat|), t^er&^e in firibing

me in t^iis place, tion grcatl? abufe nic, anoiwt meonci?,Ijot alOo ?our father ; to^fe lieel? pcribn ^ere in f^ig place

3 P9 rep^efimt*j^ t^mto;z tptm^ sou tPtMtj^erogiu

rtiaedtticane, jcommtt^ufatf^iBirtej tmtiHtoejiaiw


• ludgc' 3|.mDao,«nDftjerefejeam? ^ftn awa^

Exeunt Hen.j.'with the Officcts.

^ ludge. 3fa?Ier, carr^ t^c pai&ner to #el»gafe agaittr,


lay. at ?our commandment mi^ ilo;ti j it f^lbe oonc.

, . Enter DerickcandlohnCpblcr.

Dc'r. ^pU)nti0inaiftcw,^«refiao©/,

^ll^n ]^nnce£; muS go top^tfom^

mi'i Iohn,btoa eutc fee t|ie libe f

lohn. ^Dcrickc,trul!me,31neuetfal»t^like» (Icr^

Dcr. Q©i)2 lohn t^ou matff feeto^at princes bem c^jol^



John, j^o no; %, ti)ece^aDbnieno bia^butone ivUl^

oaSeXlotdo^auebene^ang^e* ' (^>Dcr. ifaitl)Iohnj3ileteUl)ato^at,t^otiC^attbemB

l.o;o tl)tef^ 1[u(lue,an9 t^ou (^aU Ct in tt)e c^tre,

lano tie be tt>e ^ong p^tnce^no^t t^ee a ho%t on tiie ean^

iHtOt^m tlKsiit (^alt ra)^,toteac^^n U)$atpietogatinef

^eane,BI commttijon to t^e ^eete/

lohn. Comeotf,1llebei;ouc3inoge|

S^at t^on (^altnoti)itme |)aro»

lohn. f^atj^atl^^e^nev^

Dcr. ii^arr^i^e^atlroboDerlckc/

lohn. M^rt^enBI cannot let ^tmgOi:

Dcr. 3( mutt neeos^auem^mamlohn. |(»ottWnot Iraue ^im»

Dcr. ^l)aU9[not^auem2m9m^n0«t)^1^9«ei^ll^olD (a^ ^ott>M I notlanemtMnani



lohn. ^oDciickc.

Dcr. WS^^ f^tn taltefoa f^at ttllmo^ comt^

feolDneSjQ^all ^ not ^aue ^im f

lohn, Mell 3! am tontcnt to talte t^'0 at sour IjanD,

llSnt 3 p^a? ?ou,iu^o am | ^

Dcr, OTjo art t^ou,&olDnD0, DoS not fenoto tl)^ fclfe'

lohn, ^0,Dcr. ^otD atoa^ 0mple fsIloU),

t®^S man,t^ou art lohn tl)&42:oljler,

lohn. ^8,31 am m^ ILo.:o c^iicfe ^utHa ofcSngfanD,

Dcr, ©[) Iohn,^aire ttjou faift truc,t^ou art inoeca.

lohnXin\}^ tljento tead; t?ou toljat p^cjegatiuegmtmS commit ^o« to tfje jfleetc.

Dcr. CSHcl 3 tDilI go,but ^fait| i?ou gra^ bearD hnmt.Exit, And ftraight enters again. (BilCCOarfet^OB,

£)!j Tohn,Come,come out of tl)^ ct)air,tol)^ to^at a clolcn

toeart tf)ou , to let me \)it ttjee a bor en tt)e eare , ano nob)

tfjou feeff tljep tuill not tafee me to tl)e irlate,3l t^inbe tliat

^ \. ^^o« art one ofttjefe Mo^enDap Cloluncs.

lohn. i5ut3maruelllB!)att3DiUbccomeoft!ja^

Dcr. 5faitMlefaenomo;5eaCania;,

lohn.. Ml)atU)iUt^ouDQ)tljenf

Dcr. 3ileDU3eUU3it^tl)ttanDbeaCoblet.

lohn. mit|)me,alatft 35 am not able to fe«pet!)0?,

C®^1? t!)8u toilt cate me out oCti(»;c«,

Dcr jS)t)Iohn,noIohn,3l am none of tbefe great flou/j

cl)ing fclIotocs,t^at ocuoure tl)efc great peeccs ofbeefe anob;eUJC0,alaCre a trifle fcrueg mc,a ;j:cUDDcoche,aC^icfeew,

6; a Capons legge,o>an? fac^ littU tl)ing ferues me,lohn. a Capon,li)!j^»ian,3| cannot get a Capon once a

teare,ei;ccpt it b: at C^;ji0ma5,atfome ctljec man« Ijonfe,

ft; loe^Coblers be glai^of »D(fl^ ofr(i)te«.

Dcr. J^a)te0,W)^arc^oufogartJatra)tmji?




lohn )15nt Dericke, t^ou^ tDe be fa po^e^ 'Hl^et tottiue l)aue in tto;e a crab in tlje Sre,

^^ittj nut-b?olunc aie,t^at is ftill Cale,

tiaat)ic^ iuil aman quailCjanD late in t^e mire.

Der. iabot!Soni?oii,anObebatfD?\iouraie,

3[lc^UjelMt^ roujcome let0 atoaij au fatt as toe can.


Enter theyoong Prince ,with Ned and Tom.» Hen.j. Come atoa?iir0,(©Oj2p5U)aimD« Ned,

E>ioll^^l)oti not fe^ iu^af a bore on t[)e e^re

fl tobe mp llo^D c^iefe Blu&ice^

Tom. iBpgogsJblffittitfiiomegooDtofoeif,


f Enter fir lohn Old-Caftlc.

{ Hen.j. l^otoHOU) fir lohn Old-Caftle,

* ^^atneU)e«l»it^^0M:?

;loh.Old. 31am glao to favour grace at liberfie,

31 b)a0 come 31)to t)i6t i?ou in p^ifon*

Hen.^. SDofeiCtme, oibftti^ounotfenotDtl^atBtama j^y

gjinces fon , lul))? ti$ inoug^ fo; me to lobe into a p^ifon, Jtl^oug^ Bl come not in m^ felfc,but Ijeres fuel) aoo noie a# J^fia^e0,^cre)5 p?ifoning,l)ere« l)anging , tD^ipping,anD t^a


siuci ano all ; but 35 tel^ou firs^^en 3( am J^ing^toe toil! ^

^aue no fuel) t^ingSjbut mi?laD0, if ttie olD bing ms fat^ec

U)ereOeaD,li3el]$oulDbeaUking0* i

loh.OlcL i^tt i0 a gcDO olDc man , (15oD tafee ^im to iiiiS^

mercpt^cfoiner. 1

Hen.y. 5i5ot Ned,fo ffinc 801 amtog, t^e fitll t^tng

!ltoil^o,(l^albetopHtmT!!Loji3(t)iefBiueiceontofomce, .


jano tt)ou ttjalt bem^ lojo c^icfe luSiceof^uglanU.

Ned. ^l)al! 3 beHo^jD ctjiefc Jntticef

X5t?gog0luoanDj^,ilebet^eb?aHeftJLo?Dc^iefe^wttiC« >


Hen-v a:tjenNea,iIcturnealll^fep)ifen0tntoftnc« >

!&c!)a)lc0,ano 31 i»iU fnone tjiee toit^ ti)em,Uiit^ lanbr^ to

maintaine tljem luttljal! : tljcn 3 toil ^auc a bout totfI) m?ILo;^ clj'cfc 3|uGice, i^ou I^aU ^ang none butpichc purfes

anD i)o:rcaeaJcrg,anu fuel) bafeminDeo t!llatnes,buttt)ae

fcllotu tfjat toiU ffano hy ttjt !)igt) toar Doc couragioufi^

toitf)!)wrd)0?DanDbirt:{tIer anofahe apurfr, tt)atfcIIoiii

gutct)im commci7oat{on3,bcQDc tijaf^fcno t)"n tomcano

3 luill giuc l)im an anuallpcnJicn out ofmt Cvdjcquerjto

uiaintoint^ w all t\)z Dopes of ijis life.

loW. iiloblT? fpolien Harry,U5c (^a!l ncuir Ijauc



lco;l3 tU t^f. olD be Dean,

Ned . But \ii\iiit)tt are re going nolu f

Hen. 5. 2i;o t{)c Court5fo;3 ^eare fabmu fatljcr lies t)2*


Tom. XSuflDciibtljetoiJnotMe.

Hcn.9. ^eilpiilj soelt)itE)cr,fo2tl)eb,:catf)f5aIbe nofoner out of [jis moutt) , but 3 u?il cKip iljc CrcUme on m^^caD,

lockcv. VSHa poiifloc to tl)c Court toit!) ttjat cloafee fa


Hen. 5. Cloahe,i!at-l)olcs,neeDlfg,ant) alltoarj ofminaolonc Deuifing,anD tl)£i:efo^e 91 toil lueare it.

Tom. 3 p;ar i!ou mp lLo;ii5U3f)at mat' be tljc meaningtljercoff

Hen.7. mifv man,fi5 a (ignc tljat 31 Cano tjpon t^o^0,til tbe Crotonc be on mj? bfao.

loc. £); ttjat cuerp neeDlc migtjt fac a p;icft to tlieir liarts

t^atrcpmc at pour Doincfif.

Heii.^. JI^ou faiS true lockey ,but tlytv^ fomc \i)i\ la?,

tl)e pong p.2ince todi be a U)cU totoarD pojngman oi^.D all

this s^arc , tl)af 5 tjao as leeuc t'gep iuoulo b.jcaUs mp Ijeal)

toitl) n pot, as to fap anp fuel) ti)ing,but toe (!anD p;attnsIjece tm long,3l muttnecDs tpeahe toitl; mp raipcr^tVito^come atoap.

Porter. m\)nt A wppiws bccp ^ott ot tl)e Hiings Court


|j Hen.J. igeresonet^atmufitpcafeetoit^t^cSmff.

Hen.J. j]^oi'ourafcall,oot»ounoflino'ujnice

Por. ^ouarcm^Jlo;fitl)crong|S^mce.

Hen. 5, 2b|[)cri goe anD tell nig fat^ec , t^at 3! muffmmXuillfpeaUctDit^ ^im.

Ned. &I)aU|cutoefl)iSf)i^ao^

Kcn.y. i|io,no,tl)ou5|) 3 iooalo l;dpe ?oa in otljcr plfi^

ce0,l7tt Bj baue notl)tng to oos {jece^ U)|)at ihsu ace in m^ fo^

t^tts Court.

Ned. H U)t(liDaitet)un inm? Sables , fo;t fo ixone as 3B

ammm &o^d chiefs luttk^toil put iitm out of j^iK^&fice.

i T he Trumpet founds.

Hen.5. Cos0U)Otm<»8rd9t|ieilimscomes9


Enter the King^with the L«rd ofExeter.Hen. 4. anD is it true m)? ilo)o,tt)atnvg (bnne Id alrea«

t)te fcnt to t\) z ifIcetc i nolo trul)? t^iat man t$ nio;e fitter to

rule tt)e iScaline t^eu 31 ,fb; b)? no tneancs coulD 3S rulemgronne,ano t)e b? one ii}o;t9 ^att) caufeo ^im to be ruleD«0t|

mi? ronne,mt! renne,no foner out ofone p^on>biit into ano(^er,3| bat) tbousbt onee U)l)ile0 % |)ao liaeO)to ^atte {ixm

tbis noble IXealme of Cnglanofiourifl^b^ tl)« XfKZ ^Bsmtbut noU) 3i ft£ it jjocs? to ruine ano occaie.

He wcpeth.

Enters Lord of Oxford.

Ox. 0nb pleafe i)onr grace,|)ere 10 mt&o;b fcuc fonne»

SDt)at commetb to fpeabe iott| T^n>

^e Caitb.^e mua ano Uiil ^eabe toitl) ^oa*

Hcn.4. Mlljo mi? Tonne Harrys

Oxf. I ano pleafe ronr ^atettie.

Hen.4. BilmoU)U]i^crefb)^$e^oiiimet^

l^ut loHe tj^tnone corns U»i4; bim*

€11 Oxg

Oxf, a bene Di(o;iDereD compani? , mti ^t\)w mafte

WtU til rnlcm i?onr^ateS^ ^enfe*

Hen4. Mell let l)im come,

)i5ut loobe t^at none come ^it^ [)tm.

Hegoeth.Oxf. 0n]&pIfafe?oucfitace,

^\) !lo.2^ tlje J^ing,fenDjs fo; i^oti,

Hcn.^. Comeali3(i^fit5,lcfiO!goaUfogifljer»

Oxf. iSntj plcafc v'our gracc,none muft go luitt) ton, -

Hen. 5. Mi)p 3 mntt neeUis Ijauc t^jem lultl; nic,

jSDtljerUjifc 31 can Do m^s father no ccuntcnancc,


Oxf. SL^e j^ing ^our fathercommaunD£{


S^licre fl^onlo none com?


Hen. 5. ^icil fits t^mht gone,

jano p^owioe me ti)?«e ^o^fc ofgpufiftan£f>

' Exeunt kniglits.-

Enters the Prince with a dagger in hi% band.


Hen .4. Comemt fomie,come oria (^ctmmmt^3 fenoto Uj^erefo;e t^i? commtng !0,

€)^ w^ fonne,mi) fonne,iD^t caufe l;at^mt bene,

%W t|)ou n^ouloa fo.:fafee me , ano folioU) f!)ts btlDe nnBKep^iobate ctimpan^ , Ujl)icl) abufct^ t?out^ fo maniftttli::

^^m^fo«ne,t|)ouhnotoeat^at rt)efetl)^Doias5


Hcweepcs.3! ro,fo,m5 fonne,tl)o« feared not taajjp^oacl^ tf)e p;iefence

of tl»? ficfefat|)er,mtl)atDtfgmfei> fo.:t,3 tcltl)cemi?fonne,t^at tliere w neuer « naDle in tlj^ clohe, but it is a p;jich tom^ Ijeatt, f neuer an ilaf-^oIe,but it i0 a ^oto to mi? fonle j

anDtoljerefoje t^ou b^inged tljat Da0serint^p l)ant>c Ifenoto not,but b? comedure.

He wcepes.Hcn.j.^p cofcience accafetlj me.mol! foueraign iLo^t),

ano Wbeloueofat^cr , to anftoer? firtt to tfielaft point.

n^tuf, to^ereas von ttmctmttW i^in^mnmxn ffjfe

iagger fl^all be armoc apinft yeut life : no, bnoio mt? be^

JoueD fattjer, far hi ffje fljougtjts of^out fonnc, foniie faio

3, ati t)ntoo.:t^ic fonne fo; fo«ffil» a fatten bnf farre be ft)e

ftjoMgbtg ofant! fuel) pacrcnccD mifcl)iefnanl> 3? {"off Ijnm^

blu ccrtDer if to i!Our grjaiellics ^anojawD Itucmr ?lojD anD

foueraigne foj euct:anD*jDttl) i?our dagger arme (1)0Uj Itfee

Vengeance tjpoa tlje boDic oft^at ^oui fonne, ]f toas; about

fap ano Date not, at) iuoe is mc t^crcfo^e, t\)at tjour luilDe

flaue , tis not f^e Crotonc tt)af 3 come fo; , ftoeete fattier,

bccaufc 3[ambnluo.2tt)tc,anDtl)ofet)ilDe irepjobafcccjm

pang 31 abanDoHjd bttccl? abolil^ t^eti' company? fo.: eucr«

j3aroon fiwixte fatl)er,parDbn: tlje leaC tiling ano mofiwfire:anu t\)iB ruffianly cIoaUc,3C ^cre tearc from m)? barfee,

nnD facnfice it to tljc Diucl,iu^icb is maiffer ofal mifcfiiefe:

^nroo mcjfujcet fatljcr^parDon me : goD m? Ilojt) ofExe-

ter fpeah fo; metparDon me,part56 goo fatl)er,not a Ujo^b:

al) !)e toll not fpeak one too;D:^ Harry,neto t^m fenliap*

pie Harry.X3Httol)at fl^al 3 Dof3 toil go tafee mc into fome

folitacic place, ano t'oere lament mp 0nftiU life^ anD tol)cn

31 tjaue DoneJ toil laie me Dotone ano oie^


Hen.4. Call ljimagaine,callmg fonne againe, ,

Hen.^. ano oot^ m^ fatl)er call me againfhoto Hany,i^appiebe i^t time tl)at tlj^ fat|)er callef^ f^ee againe,

Hcn.4. ^tano bp m^ fon, ano oo not t^infe tl)? fai\}tt^

S5ut at ft)e requcff cft^ m)? (omtSM paroon^t^a,-

jSno CE^oobleflTeftiMno mafee t|ial)id (eruant*

Hen. J. 2Ct)anfedi(D0 ni?ILoio,f no Ooiib|6ut t|»0Oa)?5

<a;Bent^i50a\»,3laml}OJRemtoagatne*- • • -^ ^Hen.4.Comemg Ton ano llo;Ds,takeme bf l^t^mW,' Exeuntomncs.

Enter Derickc.

Dcr. 2:i)Ottartaflinfemgto^0;e,fat»|)i^fonCinfefng

E>oeCttVinHeiletabeit«tt|i^t)^O02 (to|io?e,

C i £ntct

Enter lohn Coblcr running*

lohn. Dcrick,D.D.?^carcaa,

m^'i^W toil mt! ne!st)bo?5 U\>,mniW go atoa^ fo i

Dcr. ^Ijos 51 narrant U>t)oje,ano Bile ^xw t^e laUjc on

{OU loho.

lohn. xn^ tu^at Ijtitfj (5c Done


Dcr. ^artv'niarUetboulohn.


John. sa3t)atiPiUt^onp;omf

Dcr, EljatfljccalDim in to Dinner. ,

lohn, marUe t^c talc iocj l^hn , auD lu^en 3 luas fet,

^l)c b^oug^t mc a oi{^ ofrtDtcSiSno a pa:cc ofbarrel butter

t[)crein : atiD H^tisa teric hnaue,

jflno ttjoa a D;ab it ttiou tahe ^cr part.

lohn. l^£arcttaDcrickc,i5tt)ij5tljC matter?

j|ia^,anD it be no too;fe,tDe tuil 30 ^omc againe,


Dcr. fl)^ lohn, Ijeareda lohn, IB all tocU i

lohn. Bl,aUbSiJDer.

Der. SCtien ile go liome befo;c,anD b;ea^ all tl^e gladie


Enter the Kmg with his Lords.

Hcn.4. Comem^ Lojus j^intit boates mc not fo taUe

zmvWf^M all t^e )dl)tfitian£i in t^c Uio^lo cannot tmtme,QO not one. But goD m^ ilo;^0 ,remember m^ laflt

toil ano SSefiament concerning mpConne, fo? trul^ m?!lo>De5, 3i boo not t^iinbc but t)e luil p;>one as taltant anD

I3i(to;iou0al&ing,as cuer raigneo in CnglanD.

Both. iLet ^^auen ano eart^ be UiitneQe betiocene ^^Mtoe accompliO^ not tt)r toil to ttjetjttermott

Hcn.4. 3 giuc ^ou mott tonfaincD t^abs,gcDb m?» 10200,

SD;ato t^e Curtaines anb Departmn ct)amber a to^tU,

^0 cauTe tome ^uCche to rocb(me a fleepe.

He ilccpctb. (Exeunt Lords.

Enter the Prince.

Hen f. ab Harry, ttljice tJrt^appie,tljatM "tfiUct fo

So^^^^^^ *>^ fouleis,\rl)ereas it mew no fco.

tl 2r Co mml;,an;i coulo not IB crauc patuon fo^ all. SH) mi?




negligence mglcctcDfofomc , 3 ^l ^eepcmm mgljt

tonta tl)c fijuntainc bem^i^ ^>Jeptng.

Enter Lord ofExcternnd Oxford.

Exc. Come cattli) ni)p llo?o,fo; baaHmg oftlie Hitns*^

Hcn.4. iliDtonii!ilo?O0,

Oxf. i^oUJDotlriPonr^raccfttlctourfelfe^

Hcn.4. ^ometoljaf better aftermr Qapc,

SSut gou mt 11G?D3 taUe offmt! Crotone,


Ambo. ano pleafe ^cur 5t5cc>tt)e cruton 10 t^e aV»a?.

Hen.A. SLbc CroiDUC taUen aiua^,


lao Doubt tis fomc tiltc traito? ttj^at liatlj oone it,

SCO Dcpjiue mt! fmwe,t^e^m Ujoulo Bo it "cVd,

monlD fabcto fcrapc anofcr&balefo; it after m^ocat^^

Enter Lord ofOxford with the Prince.

Oxf. I^jreano pleafe ^our<3I5raaj,.

3I« m^ Jlo^tj tt)e ^cflg lii);incc Untl) ttje Crotonf


Hcn.4* t®l|ii2l)ctonoiiJ»"^fonne^

3 ^ao t^oug^l t^^ Intt time 3 ^au 120H in (c|)A)UnjJj

31 ^aQ giuen ^ou a Icffon to; all,

<3lnD (0 tou noU} begin againr ^

TOi^telmem|fonne„ ^^^

m?om t0ou t^tnKe tl)e ttuie fo long,

%}^ni t^m InoulDcfS |)aue it bcfc;c t^e

le^eat^ be out ofm^ moutt) f

Hen.^. ^off roueratgn?LojMni3loelb0ioucD fatijcr,

3[ cams into ^our Cljambcr to comfo.:t tfje nulancfjds

^pulc ofsour boDic,anD Qiioing ^ou nt t^at time

^aff all recouerie,anD Deao to mp tljtnUing,

tiDoo is mi? toifncCTc : an^ to^at fijoulo 3< boj,

315nt toitl) topping tears lament J oeat^i of\?ou m^^ fatljcr,

^no after tbat^fesing tlje Croiune, 3 tofee if:

^nDfel memEfat[)cr,to^omig|if bettertabeittf)en3!>

0ftcr t!Our Deatlj ? but feeing t?ou line,

31 moa Ijumbip rcnDer it into t?our spaicCics '^anos,

^nD tl;e Ijappiett man alitie,tbaf mv father liue:

0no liue mp iLo,:o anu ifatberjfo; euer.

Hen.4* ^tanobpm^ifonnc-,'

S^^ine anfujere ijatl) founoe^ toel in mine earc0,]

if0; 31muK neeo confeflTe tl;at 3 iuas in ater^ (ounD deep,[

dno altogitljer bnminDful oftti^ eomming



HButcomenearem^fonne, , ^^

j^inD let me put t|ee in polTeSion \iJli)i\St gl line,]

S^at none Dcp;iue t^ee ofit after mv Dcatl;. • »

Hen. 5. mcll mat) 3 talxc it at ^our maiefiies l)ant)0, *!

X5ut it (]^alneucrtonc^m?beaD,fe log as m^ father liueg. <

He takcth the Crowne:^

Hen.4. (IE5oDgiuet{)aeiopm^fonnc,j


^nD feno t^ce a pjofpcrous raigne, i

Sto; (E^oD UnoU)cs mr? ronne,ljotD ^arDl]? 3! came b^ it, 1

^no ^olJD ^arDl^ ^ ^aue maintaineD it« 1

Hen, 5. i^oU3roeuert?ou came bBtt,31bnoto not, 1

5Sut note 31 ^aue it from fou,ano from ^ou3i toil beepe it;j

$lnD be tbat fechcs to take tljc Crotonc ftom m\> brao,|

Eet bim Icoke tljat bis armour be ttiicHer f^en mim, f

^iJ i»ill pearce few to ttie ^eart, \


Hen.4. ^oblBfpofeen^nolibeammg^

iaoto trutt me m^llLo?W,K feaw not but m^tmmmm be 80 toacUfec anu bictojtoM0 al3;ince,

as euet vaigiteD in (ll;nglann»

L Ambo. i^igfbjmeclifcfl^ctoesnolcire.

Hcn.4.U)elmg lo?O0,31 bnoto not UJl)et|)ec it be fb^ Cap,

^^ D?aU)ing neare ofojolufic fummec ofoeat^,

)15ut 31 am bcrie muct) giucn to flespe,

W^tHfo;c gojomt i^o;Ds anu mi? fonne,

SD^ato tlieCurtaineSjOcpartmT? Ctjamber,

fano caufe fome SpuCcUc to rocbeme a Oeepe.

Excuiit ottines.

The King uieth.

Emcrthe Thccfc.

Thccf^. <a[l)©ob,3|amnoU)muct>Ufce(oaS5ir5

mW}^ tiat^ efcapetJ ont oft^e Cage,


SDljat t|ic olo ming toas ueaO,t)e toas glao tp letme ge,

5foa ftace ofmr iLojB tbejongjpjince:

Jul r)er€ comE» «jme ot t)t» compamonu,

3 toil faanb 31 can getame t^wgoftpem,

iFo2 olo acquaintance*

Enter Knic;hts raungmg,

Tom. ^^S«^"W^'*^^^^"«^J?f:„i/;„^.tor SDeai),tbenaog0bUDT),toe(^aUbeaUmng«,

^'^m^ «? |ote,ace toub^ofeen out of pjifoni

Ned (3I5og0toounU0,^ototl)ebillnmeftmKe0,

ioc. ^^Btot)attoilbcfomeoftl)eenoU)?


Ked. I^ID t\)k,^mi^ n couple of^ngete foi t^k,

Slnft set t^ee sone,fb?t^e !^nsluil not be loti0

3i5cfo?e l)e come tt)wi toat?


;ano ^ctcaftec I lull U\^ fcing of tfia.

Exit Thccfc».

loc. £Dl) bo^ It Dio me.6CDO,to fee i\)t fefnjj


£^c t\)om^W fcfltc lufls like tbc figure of|)cauen,

^no l)W pecfon like tjnto a <Soo.

Ned. 515ut tuljo tooulD ^auc tfjong^t, .

SLijat il)e hiwg tooulD.ljajJe c'oangtie \)iB countenance fo f

loc. SDio t?on not fee tuit^UH^atgrace

^z fent t)t0 cmbaCTage into France^to teft^e jFrencl) 'at ng

itjat Harry OfCi^nglantJ Ijatl) fent fo^ tt)e Crotone,

gno Harry Of cBnglano Iptl ^aue it.

Tora. 515ut ffcoais but a litlc to maUc ttje people bsloe ae,

2D^at t)e U)a0 fo^ie fo; |)t5 fatl)er£s Deati?«

The Trumpet founds.

Nccl. <25ogs U)jounp«,ttl0 btng ccmc0.

hiitei lucKins; with tnc/utTTOIaH^^,'^U<uthe Lord ofOxford.

loc ^oh) 00 ^OU mi? iLo;D ;?

Ned. l^olunoto HarrysSCut mg iLo;D,put al»a? t^afe oumpesj

l^ouareafeing^anirafltt^erealraeiB ^oursrMlbaf man, do i?ou not remember t^e o!o fat^in gs,^cu ImoUj Bf mufi be !lo;ti cYjkte BluOice of^nglanD,


S^iuft mc mr lo,20,me tljinha ^ou arc ber^ mucl) cljangco,^no Ub but toitb a Utle foarolaing^to mahc folfec^ bel^us%\)z Deat^ ofi?our fat^jer grecuci? ?ou,^notisnotljuigfo,

Her,'.J, 3 pjetbac Ncd,ment) tbpmaner^,»no be mo;c modeller in tl)p tearmes,ifo^mn bnfaneografeiKj notto bcrulci^bitbtjflattcrins

<Snt) Dt^emblms (alite,t|)'ou^ 31 amt^mqM^0 1am tnDeeD,anD tottM t^onbe,ano^ ^uidtl^

i^^ elfe 31 rnvSt c^uTe ttiet to be c|)aunseo*

loc. <^og0 f3DOdnQ0 ^oli} like i?on tl)i0 ^

|k>otanD0 ti0 not To (iueete a0 q^ufick0*

Tom. 31 trutt lue ^aue not ofifenoeD ^ctir gtme no U)a^«

Hen.5. jab Toro,t?oar former life greener me,SiiD maUcs me to obanDo f aboUfl^ \?our company fo? cticc

jSnD tljcrfo^e not tjpo pain ofDcntb to appaoclj mp pjelenxc

)IBi?tm miles fpace^tbcnif 3it)careU3eUfHOu,

39t ma\> be 31 toil do fometubat to^ ^ou,

^£!)ertuire loke fo; no mo;e fauouc at m)g^nn,nmat an^ otijer mans : iSnti t^crcfb;e be gone>

3Sl^ |)aue ot^ecmattcnt to talbe on«

Exeunt Knights.

jioto tn^ g(Dti Ho^O J3(rc]^t0^op ofCanterbury,

Mbat fa^ \>ou to our d^mbaOi^ into France ?

Archb. ^ouc riebt to tbe jftttn^ €xo\»nz ofFranct^

Came be font great granomofbcc IzabcJ,

Mife to !lims Edward tl)e tl)irO,

jano fitter to Charles tbe ifremb tiling


i^oU) if tbe ifrencb i^ing t)eni? itysa ttbeli> tnougt) |c toila

SLtien mutt i?ou take i^ouc (too^ ini^an^

janu conquer tbe rig^t.

Hef tbe tjfurpeb ifcencf)mmt fenoU),

^itbougb pour p>eDece(ro^0 }^am\ti it paSTe.^on toil not;

#0; pour Countrymen wcz ixHUuig ^it;; purfem^ nieit^


Snben hv^ goD !lo^d,a(isi ttM ^^^ aIU)aie£i bnctDne,

STbat Scotland bat|j.bene in league iaiS^ France, '

1i5v a fo;t ofpen(ton0 io^icb ttatl^ come from t^ienc^^

3 tijinbe it tbtrcfo;^e beC to conquere Scotland,

0nD tbe 31 tbinh t|)at poumap gc moje ea%into France;ani^t^i0 10 all tbat 3I can rap,$pi? gcoD 2.o;D* ^erbury.

Hcn.5. 3[tJanfeet:ou,mij0<Dtilo;o]aircJ>biCiiop9fC4n-

.'.i, SP 2 .' '


|j2H^affa^^3am)?gart)!lo^u ofOxford.?^

^%OxF, larni ;ant) plcafe i^out ^aiettie,: ^

31 agree to m^ iLo;0 ^cc^bi(^op5fautng in t^is^

§c t^at toil Scotland Ujm,muft firtt toit^ France begin t

;acco;Mng to tt)eolo failing, (Fram:c,

Sbtjccefojc my> gcoD Jlo?D,3i ttjmfec it bcft firtt (o inuaoe

5f0,: in conquering Scctland,^on conquer but one,

53no conqujsre France ,anD conquere bottj*

Enter Lord of Exeter^

Exc. 0nlipieafepourflpaieftie,

S^v? llo^i) (SmbaCfaOoj ig come out of France.

Hen. J. j^oU) tcutt me m^ Lo^o,

i^e toas t^e lafl man tt)at toe falUeo of,

3; am glao tt)at ^e ij? come to refoiue ^0 ofour anftocre.

Commit Ijim to our p^efence.

Enter Duke of Yoi ke.

York. <S>nt faue ttie life ofmp foueraign ILojo fljefetngi

Hen.J. ^Oto m^ gCDD ilo?D t^eDuke ofYorke,

tSl|)aj^etoc0 from our bjot^er tl)e irremlj ming^YgHS!.,, 0nD pleafe t?our ^ateliie,

a DeliuereD^tm mpcl;mbairage,

tatjereo^^l tcDhe fomcDcliberationj

5i5ut fo; ( he anCtoere ^e ^atlj fcnf


$P^ Jlc.^c •^mbaDTaDojofBurgesjt^e^nfec ofBurgony,

Monfieur Ic Colc,toitbttool)nnD;eo ani)fiftiel)oifem6ito

%o b^ng t^e €mbaaage«Hen.^ Commit m^JloaOjaircf)bi(]^op ofBarges


^Enter Archbifliop ofBurges,

i^oto mv' lip>D jarctibiO^op ofBurges,

Me Do learne bi? our Lojo (HJmb&oo?,SEtjat V'ou !)aue our meCfage to do

ifrom our b;otl)er tl)e irrcnctj tog


^erc mp gcoo Jio20,acco2i3ing to our accuflfomeU fl;5er3

SKUe giue gou free libertie ano licenfe to ^eafte,


Archb. (IE^oD(^uet^emtgi^ttei&<ngor(i^sUino, -}

i!^S ILo.:d anD mattt^Mtjc moa C^^tO^an King,

Charles t|)ereuent^,t^e gteatimtg^tiebmgfifFranccy i

0jiar?toanobIeamjC^;jiaianbmg, '

0ot mtnomg to l^eo innocent bI(DO,ui rather content

%:>o ^aelD romelDl)at totour tnreafonable oemaunD^^

^^at if fiftte t^oufano crotoneis a ^eareM^ t)i0 iraugt)tei:

jC^e faio llaoie Kathcrcn, in matriage,

0no foni ctoUmes to^ict)^ ma^ U)el fpare,

l^ot putting of^10 btngoome,

^e is content to ^eeld (oda to ^ourtnteafonableDefire*

Hen.5. Mii^tlien belike tioocilo^anDtnailler,

%\)vM to pufifeme tp toiti) fift^ t^oufand crelxmi a^e$pi tell t^^ Ho^D ano mailier,

SLbat all t^e ctolDne^ in F»iKe (l^all hotfente me^

<^cept t^e Crotone ano bingoome it klkt

^no peccliance IjercaSer 3| fxitl ^ue ^i0t)augt)ter«

Hetjeliucrcth a Tunnc ofTcnhis balks. _.--/

Archb. ano it pleafe^oucSpaiellie,y^'^

S^)?ilo;Dl^we Dolphin gcat0 sou toell,


He dcliucrcth a Tunnc ofTennisBalles.

Hen.J. M^ataguiloeosr^unnef

tpm ?ou mu ilo;ji> ofYorfec, losbe iMljat i« in it 1?

Yorke. Slno it pleafe\!oui'cS5race,

i^ece is a Carpet ano a i3unne of SDetinif ballej;^*

Hefi 5.^LSCtmneof2Ctlttli0baIle$^

Bl p;ae ^oa gcDB m^ llp;o 0rc^bill^op,


Archb. janDitpleafepo»mt>iLo;0,..^a-*^

• a meirenger sou hncU),oug^t to hape dflOaiifJWwP^a^

janO(pectal^an€imbafliaDoa» - ^Hcn.j.But a hnoU) t^atiwim^ todawsow«W<5«B?

S(o abingjtSie latDQf^inmtf alloU^eiTn6it(&>

SD 3Arcnbi


atArchb. Sp^ ILojtJ f)earms oF^our toilD^pcffe bcfo.jc ^ducj^atl)er0 Deat^,fcnt ^ou t^ium^ gcDU llo^o,

Speaningtljat^su are mo;c fitter foja^mwiB Court

iben a SelD,anO ino^e Sttcc fo; a Carpet tljcn tl^c Camp.Hen. J. $ps io.jD pjiitceDolphin ts tjec? pleanfiint tuttl)

5Buttel ijim,tfjat in ffeeo ofbaUes of leatljer, (wej

WSlt liDtl toffe Iji'm ballc0 of b^aiTe anD raon,

pea fuel) balles a0 nener ipere (ott in France,

2nt)c p;oaocff SLemiin Court ^all rue iU

31 ano tljou i^^incc ofBurgcs (^ali rue it,

%^ev(o;t get t^^bcnce^anD tel \)im tl)p mcOagf quickf^,

ileall 3 be fljcrc befo:e tljoc:atua^ p?reft,be gone.

Archb. 3 bcfcecl) pour grace,to oeliuer me ijour fafc

CotU)u(t bnDcc i?eur baoaD feale (Emanuel*

Hen. 5. j|);tiettofBurgcs,ijnoto,

KW t\)t\fm\} anD fealeofa iitncano Ijis l»o;0 10 all one,

anD in tleaD ofmp Ijano ano feale,

3 toill b;ing Ijim mi? banc anD fU)o;D


j3/id tel tbtloiJD t mdtacr,ttjat 3 Harry ofcSnglanOtkio ff,

ano 31 Harry ofc&nslanijlDii perfo^me it.

^g JlojD of yoj[kc,Deiiuei; bim our fafe conoad,

dneet; our bjoao feai«; CmonueKExeunt Archbiniop,ancl the Duke ofYorkc.

ijiotu mi? HojDBjto arme0;tjoarme0.

S^o; 3 b0to bp beatUA.ano ga|{h^^ihc p:»onD£fi

^rent^ man in all France, i^aTructbe ftme tbat cwct

%W^^mii baUe0Ujere f.nt into (Englano.

SPP iLo;D,3 toil ^ thcvc be p;cniT3CD agrcatjiaupjif(|ip0>^XSiitl) all fpeeDM South- Hampton,

^0^ tljere 3 1 ncane to Cbip »»I? n^cn,

iFo; 3 wouiD be t^cft bcfo;r^im,it it Uwre poCible,

SDbc*^ rbhje, uni Caiej.

3 i^iio ai.nca forgot tbc cbiefeC tl)ing ofall, \3)if^ ctjaflng

fi^itb ttji0 ifrcnct) d^mbaffaoo^.Call in mg ii^o^o ejiieft Jqtticcof^nglWt

rEnters Lord rhicfe lufticcofEngland.

Exe. ^erci0t^cttinsmi?iLo?o.

Mice. <2DoDp?eferue)?oucspaieffte«

Hen. 5. mt^^ l)oU) noU) m? lo?D,tol)a( i« t^i mateet j?

luftice. 31 tooulD ittoerctinbnoUine to ^oar ^awffie.

Hen^j. ^t)i?i»l)?tfatlei?oai?

luft. |5car$!paicaiefenoUjet|jmt?gncf6tDtH;

Hen.^. jSDiJ m^ s.o^o,^ou remember sou fen(me (0 t^e

luft. BI fruKsonr grace ^auc forgotten tljat

Heii.5. 3ftrul^.mi>3LojO)anDfojreuengcmeht^ 1

f^aue djofensout9b*rms^;50tcctojouermi?KtaIme,

mnfilit (^aUpIeafe CDoD to gine me fpffiOic refame •

^ut of France.

lufl:. ;anDifitpjlea&\>our9^aieltte,Blamfartmtoo?t^


Hen j« &t ms EojD,tou are riot t)ntooat|^,

^caufc3tl)mfecvoutDc;tljie: ..

fo; i?ou ttiat IwoulD not fpare me,

3 t^inkeiuil not fpace another,

^imu6 neeD0 be fo>anD tt^erefo^ come,



Enter a Caprainc, lohn Ccbler and his wife.

Cap. Come,comc,t^ere'0n0rcmeDitj

SE^ou mu(tneeO0jeruet^e !&tng.

lohn^ €^oomat&erCaptatneIetmego, ^ '

3} am not able to go Cofarre*

Wife. 3ip?Ai? ^ougoumaillirCaptaine,


Cap. <M;?.BI amture |)e in not tco gooi^ to(zmi^%tlohii. ^la^no:i)i^agreatoealet»bA9;

SCljerefo^e 31 pja^ ?ou letme go*

Cap. ^o>no^tou(lS;aUgo»


Wife. 31 pjat» t!Ott \tt l)tm go^me^ame»Cap. fiCt^ i cate not,t^ou (^altgo.

Iohn« 1©^ toife^ano ^ou ^aD bone a UmingWe to me,

SS:t)W ^ao not benc,fo; 3 l)a«2 faio manp times,

jD^at 31 tooitlo go ato5i?,ano noU) 3j mull go



Enters Dcrickc*

Der. '^Oto noil) ^tl^Bafillm Mantafii^ an OlD CO^pttce,

^^aifler Captaine t^all Uje aluar j?

$^otoiiD0 ^oti) nob3 Iohn,U)t)at a crying f

^^atmake tiou and m? oame t^ere i

Bl marueU tol^ofe l)eao rou iotU t^?oiB ti;e lf®le0 at,

^o\D toe ace gone.

Wife. 3|leteUrou,comerecIog^eat,

Mtiat DO i?oa toitl; m^ potUo i l)£ace too,

Mill pou ^aue it rapt about ^our pate 3

She bcatcth him with her potlid.

D cr. €)^ goD oame,^ece Ije C^afeea ^er,

lano B( ^ao mi^ Dagger ^et:e,3i toolD too;ie i^ou alto paces


Wife. ^oulD^oufo,31letrietl)at.

,r .-. Shcbeatcthhim.

Derii^ailierCaptatnetotUpe (hffer^cr^

CDo t(D Dame,31 totll go bacbe as far as 3( can,

)!5ut ano i?ou come agatne.

Bile clap t^c lato on ^ouc bacbe t^ats flat


3|le tell ^ou maifier Captatne to^at ^ou f|ia]i Do i

plt^zyt fo^ a foulDier,3! toarrant pou,

^[)e toiU DO as muct) g(DD as ^er l)nfbano anD 31 to.

Enters rhe Thccfc. •

fl^otones^to^o comes TonDec f

Cap. l^oWnotosa)DCeUol»;Doe(tt!)ouU7anta)nat0eft?


rThccfe. 3tral?(ic.

Cap. IJfolo fljcfe t^en,3| p^elTe t^afoj a foulDier,

%Q (erue tt)8 lining tn France.

Dcr. l^olM noil) ©a?)$,\iil)af DoeJI ftnotoeg t^nfeeft ?

Thccfe. 31, 5 feneto ttjee long ago*

Der. ideateroumatQer CaptainedrCap. ^^atfaiftftjoK? '


Dcr. 3ip.ja)?^onletmegobomeagame.

Cap. Mlt))?tB^atloouloi£tl)ouDoaf^6m^f

Der. $^jutt>Bl||4ueb;oug^ttU)G(l^trt0i)Dtt{JmC;

0nt 31 tuoulo carr^ pne oft^em t^ome againey

5fo^^ amface^eelefteale itftommr,

Ipe ts fuc^ a fiIc|)mgrelIoU)«

Cap. ^\s)mmtt^k^tMnQt1it9ititft(mt^^sComelet£(alua?«


Der. Come matSerCaptamcletitatoaf,j

ComefoUotome,lohn. Come U)ifi^,l€f0 part l0tunglr«

Wife. ifareUJcU giDD lljufbantu

Der. ifie tDl)atabiffmganoct)?ingt6l)cre;f

J&oU)ne0,Do ?c tijinfec lie toil ncuec come agame {

WH^^ lohn cotne a\xia^,tiocft tt)tnUe t^at loe ace Co baft

^tnoeo to Dte among ifcenc^ men }

&oU»nc6,U3e bnoU) not to^etljec tl)ep toitt lafe -

©3 in tlieir Ct)urcl) o: no:Come ^.Captain,lef« atoa?.

Cap. 3j cannot Caie no longcrjt^crefoje come atoa^.

Exeunt omncs.

Enter the King,PriBCc Dol phin,andLord

high Conftablc ofFrance.

King. ^oljDmi?jL03Dt)isl)<3^onaablc,

Caapt foD i?ou to o«r Cmbaffage into CwglanU i

Conft. anoitplcafe^ourapaieaie, 3lcanfa)jiwt§ingj

©nttlmp !Lo?Ds (2;mbaffaiJo;s become ^ome,

JiBut pet me tbinfecg i^okc grace |>at^ bone toell,



Kin^. 38m\!!lo?ol»cl5auefomcmnrcamacfre,

^ut ift^ttog of <2;nglaiiD mafee asainft t)0j

mu maa l)auc tl).:icc To ir.ant! moj.

Dolphin. snutm^ilojDjaltljcust) tfjcl^tngefcsaglmtl}

yBztm ant) iJuilDdjcaDeD, \?ct ncucr tljmhc t)e luill bs fa

tHnU)ifc tc mafee battcU;c m^lic ?iva;e of


King, ^g m\? ranne,nIt!io«gt) Hic lungofenglanb os

|i5(Dn3 ano totloc bcaoeo , tct nctitctl)intiC but t|s is ruls$

Enter Archbifliop of Bulges^

Aixbbv (^i^Saoe tije life of ni|? foucraip lajo ttjcluns*.

King, ijioto m)? goiD Jlo;'J arcl;bia)op cf Bus c ,

?lU)at HcUns from our bjoti)cr tljc Cn^UH) Jliuis^

Archb. auo pkarc r iJai' iJl9atcJ2tir>

l^c 10 fo far ftom T?cur expectation,

E:t)at nothing toil fcrucl)im bnt ft)c Croione

<ano Uingtiomeit felfe,bcfiocfi,t)e bao nic l)afic quicUI^,

llca(ll)ebctl)cre before me:anD fo fcvc as 3 ^care,

i^: hat^ feept p.:omtfc/o5 ttjcn fai>,t)c is alrcaoic lanuea

^tKidcocbm.Normandie.tpontljCHiuC-rofSenc, ^

^nt) laio ^w fiege to tbe (Darrifon SDoUjuc of Hai iflcw.

King, ^oubauemaoc great tjattc in tt}emeanc time,


Dolphin. 5 p;at? ro« n^T? ILo,:0,ljolu 5io tljeliiinii ot

CnglanD tsUc m^ p;{ffcn^j^:'

Archb. SCriilp mp llo2D>intJcricill part,

5Fo3 t^cfc t?oiir ballcs ofIcatljcr,

tj)2 VDill toDTc ^ou ballcs ofbwCfe ano t»;on


SDruft me mv ilojD,]] toas tjcric affraioe of Ijiitti

1^; is fuel) a Ijautic ano t)tgl) mtnoeD J^^ince,


Con, Cui^jiue i»ii moue |)(tn o^ taws a^ aliambe,



Enters a MefTeng^r.

Meflcn. CotJ fauc tl)e mtfil)tie J&ingofFrancce

Meilcn. ^noitpleafetoutspaielfie,

31 come from tout pcD^jeoiflreffcD jEColunc ofHarflcw,

tisatiicl) is fo bcfct on eucr^ fioe,

3lfl?oiic ^aiellis do notkm p.jefcnt aiD"0,

SS^e^^oiunctoill bei?eeU)?D to tt\z (ajnglifl^ l^ing.

King. Comem E.o;DS,come,(l^all toe ttano W\{

%i!li out Countci? be tpot^leo ^n^ecout notes ^

$Pi? iLoaD»,tcttl)e ^ojmanc0,i5?abants,\^tcljaroies,

l^no 2Danes,be fent to; toitl) all fpeeDe:

^no roa m^ ito^o Ijigf) Conttable,! maHe ^«nerall

^uec all mi? tol)ole 0wiie.

Monficur I5 Col!e,^aiaec Oftlje Boas,Signior Dcuens,ano all t^e rcC,at tout appointment*

bolp« SltrultpourspaieCtietoillbcfloto,

^omepart of tt). battell on mc,

31 bope not to p^cfcnt anr otljertoife tl)en toelL

Kmg. Itellt^eempfoime,

aitl)cug^ ?i n^oulD get t!)e t)(ctoa^,anb tljouloCe tjjis Wft,

^ 3 /l^puiti t^inHc mr felfc quite conqucreo,

3nC" fljp (^nglifl^ men to ^aue tl)e 1)i(to;te.

Dol. S<2ll)rtti^^o?5anDfatljec,

31 tooulo baue tlje pettie Hins ofenglan^ to fenoto,

gCbats; ice encounter Ijim in aniigrouno oftl)etoo?l04

Kine» Bibnototoellmsfonnc,

HBut at^tbis time 31 toiUl)aue it tjust

SaDtjecefojecsmeatoa^Exeunt oroncs.

Enters Henry the fifth, with his Lordsc

Hcn.5'. Comem ^03^3 of d^nftlan^

ipo Doubt il^iB goBD lucUe of toinning i^xB SEolwne,

BlsiaOgncofanijonowAble t3i(to?ie to comp,

d^ 2 !»^tii

S3ttf gesQ m^ llo;B,gomn (peabe to tl)e Captame^Mtt) aH rpee9,to number tl^e t)oa({ ofttie ifrenc^ meifj

gno b]? t^at meanc0 toe ma^ tlje better bnoiu

It^olo to appoint tt)6 battel!*

Yorke. ani) it pleaCei?our5^atcftte,

^bct^c ate man^ ofi^our men Qcke anfi Difeafe^,

0no man^ oft^em Die fo^itoant of titduali;*

Hen^^c atib to^ DID ^ou not teUme ofit before I

BIflue cannot ^anc it fo^mone?^

ioaileM b^ue itb^ oint of(ti30?T)>

%^t latoe ofarme0 aUoUi no leflf^*

Oxf. 3J befeec^ ]?our grace,to grauntme ab©ne. ^:

Hen.J. Mll^at id t|)at mi* gcoo Lo^o ^j

Oxf. SCfiat ^our grace ieotdogiueme ff)e.!


Hcn.^. J^ruttmemp !Lo;>tJ ofOxfovil, 3J cannot:

If0? 31 baue alreabie giue it to ui\? bncbc i E>ube ofYork,^et|tl)anfee^oufo;»rourgQ)OU3ilI.


A Ti umpcjt foundes.


Yorkc, It^infecitbefomcl^cralDef^rmctf,

Enters a Herald., .

Herald. togof(!!^nglanD,mt;ilo;05igj)ConlIabIe,

9nD otljers of t[)e ^oWe men of France,

^enO0me to Defie tbee,a0 open enemi? to CtoO,

jS)uc Coantrep,ano b^nb hereupon,

SDtlci? p^etentlp bio fbee battelK

Hen.^. l^eralD tcllt!jcm,t^nt 3[ticfie tfjem,

Sb5 open enemies to (©oB,m^ Countrev^o me>;anD a£ito^onftiU bfarperg ofm^ rigljt;

jantJ to!)ereag tl;Oti faitt tbcr p;tefentl)?tto me faattcll,

%m t\)em tl)3t 31 ttjinUc tl;ep hnoto Ijoto to pleafe mc


)l5ut 31 p;a)? tba tofjat place Ijat^mM gainccDolphm .

I^ere in batteU.

Herald. ^0 tt |flea(^ (onr grace^



Exit Heralds

Come%llo)D0,fcare nfif mtbK go to q« Cotjtatmi,

^aruttlefeett^enumbecoft^ejfcem|)aniieiitB((l&« .

jgftribe b:p t^e E>?ttmme«

Ekaimobnei;y Enter French Sonlidicrs.

ivSoul Come atoa^ 3iacb&D;ummer,come aioaf aS^

<3no me tetll tel touU^^at me isU Do,.

$^eis»lirootie ci)attceont^Dtcer

Mt)o ir^all baue t^e binsofenf^tib anbf^ to^b^^^.^

2» Soul. ComealiMit3l«to2E>jiimmer,



Enter Drutxjmcr:

Drum. iaDt)t^eb;anean^celjti^t^<^0l^iluiii0

|^ai?b20t^onei:,3[)»dtel^onlB^at .


$pei)abomeime|ftp;iiifbebaiHau>;tell^tnmite«^ ;



i«Soul* «|)atbott)oameaneb|?tninbea^


2,Soul. g C()ettman)alH»»b;eb l^egg> >

I« Sotil. vAwee,avwe,awcC)flfigtoiUclt*J*^VPW» 4^e ^a put fine^Uo^en aut ofm;s iNKtf^ V ^ -

ai)D aUt(Dittie(opuh^efiii<a$i|iml4t(|it

^fltt(|>mawin, - _

Drum. £)^ tije b2aue,t^c h;mz appnrd tljaf tuc (1)511

i^aue anoujbut come5nnt5 1'ouWl fee tuljv^itmc luil trc

jac ttic Uing0E>;ummcr ano jrife,

^^fi,me ^a no gcoo luche,tro ^ou,

3 Solifaltti mc toil tro at f (!l;ar!c ofNottt)»jmIx )l?nd

jSno mi! Hoao a .wiUQwby,Un(t) \}i$ great tic^fe,

^no;ting,fart5n0,Gl) bjaue |)o;fe,

i.Sol. ^a,l}«c Jlaoie ^ou Ija reafoimblc gcoD luclirj •

^oto 3 U)(l tro at tljc bins [jimfclff,


Enters a C-ptaine.

Cap. !^oU)hoU)tol)fltmahcrciil5crc,

^0 farrefromtljc Camper2.Sol.^l)aIme tel our captain tuljat luc fiauc oonc^mfDrum. jatt)ee,alwir.

Exeunt Drum.aiulonc SoulJicr.

2 . Sol. 3M ttl rou to[)at lcl)c ^am counc,

tI2tte^auc bene troing our Ujance on t\}t Dice,

^ut none can toin tlje hing»

Cap. 3 tljinUc fo^U)!)^ f)c 10 (eft bcliino fo; mc,

Sno 3 ^anc fcttl);{cie o;.foare c^jacrc-maUcr^ alvo:^?,

Ko maUe a nclu DifgutfcD cljairc to fct tl>it luoman?i>

?iiing ot(i;n5!ano in,t[)at alltl)5 people nui^ lauglj


2. Soul. ;©t)b:raic<!raptatnc*

Cap. 3i am glao,ano ^et tuitl? a Uinoc t)fpitic

SDo fee tf)epa3;je lung:

tOIi)^ iDljo cwcrfalu a mo;c Ronridjutg mmk in Trance

31n one Da^,tl)cn fjcre isi xlrc not l)crc all tf)e pcercs of

FranccT^re not ^erc tlje i|io:mani5 luitl) tljcir firic t)aniJ^

<Ii5unnc0,anD flamicfjing Ciirtfcarcs i

$lre notT)er£ tljc EMiuarians Unttj tljdr bart) ^o;k$y


0renotl)cre]3icljavocsf tuittjttjeic CrofboUic^ipicrcinjj


^r0 not t)erc tlje ILance feiiig!)f0 ofBurgondic ?

^m ont\fs otIiecfiDe.a Cte ofpoj^c d^nglil^ fcab«^ -a 'S

^t)l?tahean(l!5rigli(^nianoutofl)i$U)am«beO'- ;

0nD ^i$ Hale wUe,but one monetf;,

0nti aU0 iu^at toil become ofl)tm^

515iit fiiuc ttjc ifrenctjman a KebDiC^ rcofe,


;ano ^c iuil liueM^ it all t{)e tix£z$ ot^ia U&*


€ng!ifl^mans. (Exiu

Enters the king ofEngland and his Lords*

HeH.5. Comem^iLo?O0anbfellotoe)BOfarme0,

tisa^at company 10 t^£i;2 oftf^c iftem^men^Oxf. ^ttD if pleafe ^ouc ^aicttte,

€)ar Captained ^auc numb?eb t^m,.

^nb fo ncai'cm tt^t^ tan tubge,

SC^e? are about t^?ee(co;e tl)oufano &e;remen>

;andfo?t{et^ouranb fcDt^rmen*

Hen. y. 2L|>ei? tljjttfco^e t^otirano>

^nb lt)e but ttoo t^oufand/

lintje^ t^>eefcD?e t^oufanb fcstemen^

l^nD Ijue tlueluc t^oufano*

ne^ arc at}unb^ebtt)ou(anb,v

^nb Ixjp fojtie t^oujliRbjten to one t r

^l llo^bs anb loutnj^ Countr^mett^


^!)ougb loe be fetoe anb tlic^ mant*iFearc not,touc quarrelw gcb/anb <E5ob iuil befctib t!om

plucke bp i^our l)earts,fo5 tbw baij tuc tl^all eitl;.^r ^aur

^ baltant t)f(tp;te,o; a^onourablc bcattj«

#oU) mpilc^bs,3: l:utlt^attn^.t9ncl£ti^S>tt]toofYorkei

l^iU2 tlje auanfgarb mf^e battel!*

ilje (larlc orDarby,tljcXI&arle ofOxford,

%^t€^k ofKent .t()« Carle ofJSoctmghaixii

C^e (^arle of HuntingtonJ im1 l^aac befioe tl^ amiF,

SDliat t^ci? ma? come freC^ tipon t^cm.

^no 31 m\» felfe init^ t|)e SDufec ofBedford ,

%\^Z S>aH8 ofClarence atlO tt)0 2)uke of Gloftcr,

^tl bem tltetmdd oft^^e bateelL

5Furtbermo^c, ? luil tbatmp llo;>0 ofWillowby,

janO ttie (lEade ofNorthumberland,

caait^ t^eir troupw ofbo?fmen,lje cotinaall]? running lil^c

MtnssE on bor^ 0000 of tbe arm^ :

D9^ JLOJO ofNorthumberland, on t^C left tol'ng.

2:^en 31 fcoiljtbat jmer\? arc^ci* p^ouioc ^im a ttake of

^tcee,an:i (^arpe it at bot^i cnocs,

ano at t^e gra encounter; oftbe t)o?femcn,

JCo pttct) t[)etc liases ootune tnto t^e gvouno befo;e t^sm,

SCt^at tl)ei) mai? go;e t^emfelnes bpon tl)em,

Sno t^cn to tecot^Ic backe,ano O^ote U)^oUr altogitt^er}


Oxf. an^ it pleafc i?our a^aieflie,

31 l]}iUaket|atincbarse,ifpour grace be tl)crU)tt^ cotcnt

HcP. WcX\^ allm^ ^eart,tnt gOHj ilo;0 ofOxford


^no go ano p^ouioe qntcblp.

Oxf. Blt^anke^our^igtincire*


Hen.J. WkW mt? lloji)0,our battels are o;Dcincli,

0nD tbe ifrencb mahingoftjonfire0,ant! at tijctr banbef0j

)15nt let t^cm l(ske,fo.2 itneane to fet bpon ttjcm*

The Trumpet foundes.

j&oft,^ere0 come0 fomeotberjrencl) mcITage.

Enters Herauld.

Herald. \m% of(l£ngIanD,m^ }lo;jD bigb Conffable,

Sno otl)cr ofmp iLo;jD0, confiocringtije poj^c rCate oft^a0nD tl)p pcDie Countret' men»^cnos mc to Unoiu tobat tl)ou toilt gtuc foj tfj^ ranfcme^

Perfjapfi tljou maitt agree better cl)capc nciD,

SCi^cn ivi^entl^ouartconqueceD,


r ^enO0 Co bnolu ^liae I U)tl^e fo;m? rsttforae ^

^^oiJi trailme i^eralD,KCt fe macb as« tan oftennig bate

^0 not fo mutl) as sne pw^e fefinte ball,

Kaf^er O^aUm)? bouielic ueaom tlje fielo,to 6st) cr&iues,

2^e« euer dSnglano d^all pat one penni? ranfows


Herald, afetnglrrefrfufien.

Hen.J. i^o^eralo,ti0afeing!t«foItttion>

0n5 tlje refelution of a feing


Exit Herald.

515ut Cat mi^lloawMaJ time is it ^

. All na^imemijILo^D.

Hen.j. 2:t)cn is it gfljO time no ooubf,

^0? all (I!;nglano pjaiet^ foj bs


M^at m^ 3io^os,metbinbstoul©fe!i e^eerfUlli: bponmum^^ t^en U)it^ one boicean?jUfee true €nglil^ l)earts,

Mit^ me tl);oU) t)p tour caps,anD fo; (ll;nglanr),

Cr^ ^Gcorge,ano dDoo ano ^.George l)clpe bs, ^Strike Drummer. Exeunt omncs.

Tine French men eric within,S.Oennis,S.Dcnnis,

Mount loyS. Dennis.


Enters King of£ngland,and his JLordj.

Hen. J. Come mi??Lo^t!Scorae,b)>ttis time OWE ..... ;

^U)o;os are almott ojunbe tott^ i?renc^ btoD, ^t r :»e


)15«t m\? lio;tUs;i3Dl)ic^ ofigou tan tellme ^oUj manij of oitt:

arms be flaine in t^e battell i .. ^ . .

Oxf. l^no it plcafe ijour 9^mtftii^r.t ;;> riiirvr*?^; uTt^:

severe arejjftlje jfam^ armie flaine^ v ^ .^r y I

jaboue tent^oiifaht>,tU3entiefiirel^ta«3ie0, •/^A-^.'* v^-


Mbereofare]p?inces ann gobies bearing bannettff;:;:

3l5eeocs,aU tbe iaebiUtie ofFranv are tafeen p;i(or»rs;

^fTjour^atefhttf airmtc,are flame nonctjutttjc goju

E>uisc of Yorlce ,anD not auoue 6uc o; Q]c ano tU)entis


Hen.^. .fo:tbcgCDD2DufeeofYorkem^\)ndiIc>

3S amt)eartil? fojic,ano grcatlv lament Ijta miffo^fHnc,

^ct tl)e Ijonourablc tjirtojtc iul)ic^ tl)« llo^D ^at^ giucn tj^j

.E>otlj mafec me mwc^ ccio^ce, But (laic,

l^ere comes anotljec i?irenc^ mcffage.

Sound Trumpet,

Enters a Hcral'i and-kn€clcth.

Her. (Sod folic tl)e life of t^c moa migl)tie Conquers;,

SCtietjonoucablc king of (JnglanD.

Hen. 5. ifjioU) li^ci'alQ,mc tl;inbs t|ictoo;lD is c^angctj

tKaitt) tou niaUi, tuljat 3 am fure it is a great oifgrace to; a

i^:ralD to Unale to tfje feing of(l!;ngIano,


Her. S^]? ilo^o f maimer, tlie conquereD king ofFrance,

^cnDs tt)0elongl)ea!t!),luit^ ^eartic greeting.

Hen. J. l^cralB,^ifi greetings are totlcome,

)15ut I tl)anke <3oD (ti^m^ tjeaUt)


t2IlelIl^cralD,fap on*

Herald, l^e l)at|) fsttt me to ocOre i?our £^m^t,SLq giue t)im leaue to go into tt)e fielD to tieiu l)is po)^e

Country mcn,fl)at t^et? ma^ all be Ijonourabl^ burieo*

Hen. 5 . Mlj^ l^e^;alo,tjotl) t^^ Jlo^D ano maiCec

^eno to me to buric tl^e Deao f

llet l)im bur^ttjem a <SoD5 nams.

)i5ut 31 p^a^ tt)ee l^cratD>lut)ctc is m^ llo^D ^ic ConSabU^*Sni) t^ofe tt)at IjdouId Ijauc t)ao m^ ranfome i

Herald. 0nD it pleafe\?ourmaicftie,

l^e isas flaine in t^zhatWi*

Hen. 5. Wi\)^ ^oa maip fe,ron toillmake t!oar felttetf

^ure befojc tljc t3icto;ic be toonne,i)ut i^eralo,

W^dii Cattle is tfjis Co neere auio^ning to our CamperHerald. j^oitpleaCeconr^aieltiey



J%]A calo tl)e Ca(He ofAgincourt.

Hcn.5*WeIltt)en m^ Io;ti0 of(Englann^

^o; t^emo?8 l^onoat; ofour Cnsltl^ men,

31 ^tll tl^aC t^t0 be fi)? euer calD t^e battel! of Agincourt.

Herald, anDitpleafetourSpaieCie,

31 Iiane a fiirt^ec melTase to Oeliuer to sout ^atettte*

Hen.f. im^atust^at^eralB^ra^om

Her.^no ttpi«afe ?ouc <^aiefiie,m)j\^p ano mmller.

Crawls to parley toitl>ro«r Spaieftie.

Hen. J. Mlitt^aga)Ol]Dill,{bfomeofniT?|^obIe$

SEtcto ti)e place fo^ fcare of trectjecte ano tceafom

Herald. ^0«t: SCaCC 119500 OOt tO DOUbt t|)at.


% Hen,T» MdUcUlumt^enJlMillcome.^ofa5mi?M0;^U«Hgomtotljefid5m^felfe,

%M t)ietumi> Country mcii.ano to l)aue tljcm t)onourabl)^

jBuricDjfo;} tlje ifrcnc!) I!iing(l)an rteucr furpaffeme xx\,

Cnrtc0CjH)^aes 3 am Harry i^,ng.ofCnglano*


Enters lohh Cobler,and Robbin

Robin. ^otDjIohn Cobler,

^M tl)Qu fee bolo tt)2 filing oio bc^aue ^tmrelfe i

lohn* BntRobin,DtoQtt)ouf££tDl;at.apo!lme


Mit^ tl;e 0a&e0 of tije ti af


Robin, 31 Iohn,tl)er;cU3a«ab?auepoHme.

Enters an Englj{h roulc]ier,ronjing.

Soul, ©ffiltjat ai'e ^oum^ maifier$.i .,

Both. t20l^ptocbe€nglit^,mcn. , r .;

Soul^re rou (il5ngliC^nicn,tl)en clja^tge £0>idlUifttWl|je

Ifo^ tlje iiiings STcnts, ar^ fet a fire,*

j^no all tl)c\) tl)at fpeahe (i^ngUll) i»tU be HilO«


lohn. M^at.(^a!lU}e^aRobin,i3raitt)itli^.(l^itt9. ,

lfo?3|(mtlpeabeb;oH?ni?renfi&» i

If 2 .Rttbiii.:

^U Kobin. |?mt^ fo can 15 ,lcfs \)tm ^otx» t[)ou cana fpea!^ -

lohn, Commodeuales Manfieur.

Robin. C^affi iDcUjCome lets be gone.

Drum aiid Trumpet founds;

Eaters Dcrickc lommg. After him a Frenchman,

and takes him prifoner.

Deikkc. ^gcDDMounier-

Fi-cnch manf v£omc,comc,votl villcaco.

Der. ©g tout fir,? iDilL

Frenchman. Ccme quicfell? V^K pC^snf


Der. 3JU)i'Hfir,lw!iatC^aU3i6tucrouJ

French. 9^arr?tt)oua)altaiueme5


Dcr. ^^lia^firj^joiagiue^oumo^c,

3 iDill giue ?ou as mnn\; crolwns as fe)il lie on^ic ftuo;5i«

French. Htilt tl)ou giue me as man^ cwtons


Dcr. 3 marrtc taiU 3, 1 'jut tou muft la^ Dolonc tone

^U)o?D,o; cifc ttjei? toi!l not lie on tour fluojtu

Here the Frenchman iaies downc his (-a ord,and

the clowne takes it vp,and hurUs him downe.

Der. %\\ou tiilIaine,oarelI tt;ou Icohe tp?

French. ^gcoD Mounficrcomparteue.


Dcr. £) pou tillafnc,rtoUj i^ou lie atmt mercte,

2DoeC tf)ou remembci' fince lt)ou lainbtt mc in tl;^ et^

ia) billainejneto 31 toill Ccifee offtl)\? l}cao.

Here whiles he turnes his backe,the French

man rnnnes his way es.

Der. MI)atis^csone,niaireiamBlaiJofit,

fo^if^e l^aottaiD,3 ijoas a5;aiD t)c toolo Ijauc CutD again,

m ttjen 3 lIjoiilD t)aue beene fpilt,

3int 3B Iwill atoa^jto hill nio?c iFccncljmcm

Enters King ofFrancCjKing ofEngland,

and attendants.


r Hen. 5. ^olu mi? gajtb^otljec ofFrance,

Sp^ into ti)i0 lano luas not to D^eaDblcDD,

5i5uf fo; tlie tigljt ofm^ Countrc\>,U)t>icl^ if^ou taw 5eni>,

31 am content peaceably to leaue mi? Qegc,

0nD to Depart out ofrout iano*

Charles. MfjaC 10 it \)ou oemano,

£]^^ louingb^otbec ofEngland?

Hcn.y sp^ ^eccetatt? t)at^ it lD;itfcn,rcau it.

Secretary* 3|tem,tl)atimmeDiatclH Henry ofCnglanb

315e crotoneO Uing, ofFrance.

Charles. ben? barD fentcttcc,

.^? g(DD b?otl)er of^nslanD,

Hen. 5. ^0 mo?e but rigl)f^m^ sob b^otfjec ofFrance.

French King, Q2IIcU rcaD OH.

Secret. Bitcm,tt)at after t|ic beat^ oftlje faio Henry,

%\}t Crolwne rgmaine to })i\\i anbW licices fo? euer,

French King. Ml)s tt)cn vou bo not oml^ meanc to

E>ifpoireffeme,but aifo m^ fonnc*

Hen. 5. Qjm^^m^ grot? b?0tt)cr of France,

.^ou Ijaue Ijati it long inoug^


0nbasf0^^,:ince Dolphin,

31t ffeils not tljougb Ijc fit beCos tlje fabblc :,

%\)i\B 35 banc fet it DolDne,anb t\^nB it Ojall be.

French King, ^ou ate bcr\j peremptojie,

step gcDD bjotljct of <f;ns!anb.'

Hen. 0nb v^ou as pcrucrfe,mT? gmb b.:ott)Ct of France.

Charles-^eibv t\)m bcliUcall tljat 3 t)auc liere ig tonrg.

Hen. 5.35 euen as far as tl)e bingbom ofFrance reacljes

Charlej. 31 foj bp t^is botc beginning,

^e tljall fcarcc b.:ing it to a calnie cnbing.

Hen. J . 3t iB as rou plcarc,l)rrc is niD refolutiom

Charles, ^ellm^ b;otl;ei; ofcDnglanb,

Bifroutoill giuemcaroppic,

WitMl meete rou againe to mo^toio*

ExitKinsofFrAfice,and all their attendants.

Hen.9. Mlit^ a gffllJ totllm^ goU b^Ot^ec ofFrance.

^cctetatiS Deltucc ^im a coppte*

Spy lo^Ufi of Ct;nglano go befo;?,

^ifoBltoiUfcUoUJroUv Exeuntlorcb,j


Hcn.5^, aij Harryjc^aiec bnljappig Harry.

I^att tl)ou uolu conquercti t^e ifrcncl) tog,anDfapgmsafcct^fuppl^lBiflJtiiSDaugtifcr, ^

5i3ut twitlj li3l)at face caiifl.t^ou.Cegfee to gainc ^it loue^]

mJljicI) l)atl) (ougMto iMintjer fatl)erg Croiune i]

l^ec fatl)crs Crolonc faip 3 ^no it is mine olpne ;.

35 but 5 louc |)erjanD mutt ccaue Ijer,


^a^ 3 lotie t)ec an^.lDiU Ijsue Ijer.

Enters Lady Katbcren aji^hpj:J-§digs».

But IjcreC^e comes: ' -

i^oto noU) fairc JLaOie,Kathercn of France,



Kathren. anDtfpIeafc\?our^aieai?,

£P\? fatliec rent me to Hn&U3 if^cu li)il! ocbateanij oft^icre

dlnreafonable oemauDfi Uil)!f^tou H^uJi^e.t-

Hen.T.^^oU) truttmc Kate,

3 comm:no ttjg fatl)crs toit greatly iniWy

if03 none in the UJ!o;Id. cquIc> ffiincc ^aue maos me Debate it


yBntm mefU)ttteKatc,canttt^outeU!joto folouei

Kate. 31 cannot tiatc mi? g©Dllo?o,

SLl)3rcfo^e fat tafi^toere it fo3me to loue.

Hen.^. 2i:u5:i^K«tc,buttiilmeinplainetecmes,

C.inft t[)ou louc tljeHing of C^ng!anD;?

3 cannot oo as ttjcfe Countries Oo,

JCfjat ^cno !)alfe t^cic time in U)oing:

SCul^ U)Gnc!),3l am non<; fuch,

3i5ut U)ilt tbou go ouer fo (Il;nglan0 i

Kate. 33 iDoulD to (OoDjttiat 31)00 tour gpaiefltw,

l^sM in loue,as tou l)auc mi> fottiEr in loacreSa


3J todulo^net Mom^tafz fo mutlj as om loSe,

t^ntiil t!ou ^at) relatcQ all t^sfe tmreafonable DemanOtf.

Hen 5. CaD^ KatcJ fenouj t^ou tuoulDtt not tfc meTo

^arolr ; I3ut tell me,canft t^ou loue tt)e hing ofCnglmio;

Kate. #olu O^oulDi loue ijuii^tfiat |)at|) oealt To tiarDi^


Hcn.^. 515nt iU Dealc as eati!)? toitj tlja,

00 tt)T) ^:art can uiiagtne,o; tongue can rcquir^^

S^oU) fata tt)ou,Uit)at luilt it be i

Kdtc. ^f^iUjcreofm^otDneDtredon,

31 coulo gin? ^ou anfbere


)i5nt fcctng 32 fltano atm^U^m tkttdon,

H mua 6rQ bnoU) ^tB idU.

Hen.5« S5ut (Ijal siijaue t^v 6^5 toilm f^cwean feafoit^

Kate. Mt)£rea0 H can put ^our grace tn no afllirancej

31 bioulo be lotl) to put i?Gu tn anr Otfpatre«

Hcn.j. ^oU3 befojc (©oDjit is a ftocfctetocnc)^.

i She^ocsafiHcandrpcakcsasfoUoweth,

! Kat. 31 ina^ tljinfeem^ fdfc tlje fjapptctt in tljc too?lD,

Etjat is bc!oucD oft^e nu5l)tie king of(iSnglanD.

Hcn.^. MeUKatcare^ouat^oattlDittjinc?

i ^toeetcKjtc,t£lttj"pfatl)ei:fromme,

t SLfjatnone in t^e Ido^Id conlo fconcr liane perfijoaDct)mc to

: 3tt^entl)ou,amjfetelttn?fat!)ei:fromme.

Kac €)oDkeepc)[!Our^atefiiein6a}D|)eaUf).


Hcn^j. |FarU)clft»€,mfatt^,tti0afUjattoenc55

)i5ut if 3 hneU) 31 coutc not ^ane $er tattlers g(BO ^il)

3 U)out0fo)rotDfet^e fiLOtoersrouerfjidtares,

l^ttat $ luoulo mabe J^im bf glad to b;tng ^ec tnC)

%on ^10 ^i»0 a|itknee0«

Exit King*

Entcis Derifk<!,with his girdleftll offliooes*

Der. I^olonotu^^ctone^ it mowe e(Dd to (^^o&)

31 ototntumpt) oner tieifrcmlmeit*Entets

Bnteis lohn Coblcr rouiogjWith a packc fiiH


loho. M!)a5pe Dcrickc^Oto DOEft f^Oti ?

Dcr. Cfinijai Iohn,Comedeuales,aliuc vet*

lohn. 3 p^oiittfe tljce Dericke,31 fcapte IjarDi??,

^0? 3J 'ma$ icitljin Ijalfc a railc lul)cn one lt»a0 Uilo«

Der. ea^crcv^oufof

lohn* 3 tcua me,3i Ijau liUc bene flaine.

Der. 3i5ut once bilD,to^v it tu; notljing,

3 toas foure o> fine times flaine.

lohn. ifoiue o; (m ti\nt& flaine*

S0f)i? l)otocoulDa tl)oul)auebccnealiuet'jotii^

Der, ©Iol)n,ncucrfav^ro,

fo^ 31 Ujas calD (be blmote foiUmcr amonsdtljcm all*

John. ^[)t>tol)atDiDlt|)OUf

Der. (H2lt)^^ toil! tell tj)© John,

^ueiT t3a\? iuljen 3S iuent into ttjc fielD,

3 luoHlo tahc a ftcatu anD tl;;!Mft it into m\? nofc,

^nD mabe m^ nofe bIectJ,anD t^cn 3j luolD go into tl;e fielOj

S^nD lBl)en t^c Captainc fato nie,l)e tooulD fai>,

Ij^eaee a bUoDic fouloiec^ano bio me lianO atiDe,


liSut mvirhc ttie ct)ance lohn.

3 U)ent ano flojo bc^iirte a free,but marke tljeti lohn,

3 tl)oug^t BS Ijao banc fafe,but on a fotiainc,

sttjere tteps to me a lufliie tall jTrenct) man,

jiioU) Ije DjctoianD 3 o;eto,

/^oU) 33 la^ l)ei:e,anD l)c la? tljere,

i^oU) 31 fct t^i0 leg befb^e,anD turncD tljts bachlwarCj

Sino fkippeD quitt ouer a ^eDge,

;^nD l)e fatD me no mo;e tlierc t^at tiai!>

^nn laas not tH)is luell Done lohn i

lohn. CpaCfc Dcrickc,tboubaflEatDitticl)ea5,

Der. 31 Iohn,tbou maift fce,iftl|Oul)ata taUemi: confcl,



^Mvkz tl)ou Ijaftfaene robbing tlje ^rencf) meii.

lohn. 3 faitf) DenckcH |)aue gotten fonie reparceU '^

SCO carri? liomc to mt? U)ire


Der. ;anO3Il)auegotfomefl^cDe0,

Ifoj tic tfI tljce U3[)at 3 Die,U)i)en tl)eB toere DcatJ,

31 luoulD go taUe off all t^tit ^aie0«

John. Bi but Deticke,l)o\;D O^aU iiie get ^ome i

Der. ^a^roU)ni)05anotl)0^tafeet^e,


^ Iohn,neaei: dp fo,if it be fl)^ fortune to be ijangD,

3i5e ^ango in t^v, cUine language U)t)atfocuer tl}ou Doi(t«

lohn. Mltji? bcrickc ttjeluarres is Dune,

ensile mai? go ^ome note,

Der. 31 but ?ouma^ not go before t?ou affee tl)C ki'ngleaue, -

^ut 3 bnoU) a ^joa^ to go l)ome,ano afke ttjc Uing no Icaue.

lohn. i^0iwi£5t|)atDcrickcf

Der, C2ft^pIohn,t^oubnoUjetttt)c2DufeeofYoikcs

IfunerallmuQ be cactieD into (i^nglano^soelt tljou not i

John. 3itl)at3ioo,

Der. M^i?tl)entl)OufenDiDC(ltoee!egoiultbtf«

lohn. 31 but Dericke, \fo\i) O^aU lue DO (o; to meet t^iwi

Der. &oUjnD0 if 31 maije not Q^ift to meet tt)em, Ijang mt*

^irra,t^ou fenol»a ttjat in euer^ iotone t^ere toil

15ertnging,anD t^ere toil be tabes ano Djinbe,

^oto 3j toil go to t|)e Clarbe 3qo ^cpton

jantj beepe a talbing.ano fa\?,£D t\^iB felloto riwgs toell,

^m t^ou (i^alt go anD tabe afieece ofcabe,tt}en ile ring,

l^no t&ou (l^alt la^ ,ot) tt^is felloto beepes a goO ^nt^!9nd tl)en 31 totH go o; tl)ee all t^e toa?


"But ^ maruel to^at m^ Dame toil fa^ to^en toe come ^ome^S5ecau(e toe ^aue not a ifrenc^ too;D to catt at aE^og3i5i?t^ttoa?f


lohn. M^^to^iatf^aUtoeDoDcrickc* r

Der. m\)^ Iohn> ile go before aiiD callm^ Dame totio^e^

j^D ttiou^attcpmeaficcano^ii^eontlie^oufe.

t2£Ic ma^ Da it Iohn,fo; ile p;ouc it,

^ecaufc Vuc be foulDierd*

The Tiumpcts found,

lohn. Dcricke ^elpe me to carr?mu (^cftMnD bojtf«.

linfcrs King ofEngland. Lord ofOxford and Exefcr,thcn

the Kin^ ofFrance , Pnncc Dolphin, and the Duke ofBur2:onclic,and attendants.

Ken.9. /I5otom^gO)!Jb.20tl)CrofFranc?t

31 hopebp tbiB time voul)auc Deliberates of^ouranftocrc^

Fr.King. 3 m^toelbeloueD b.jotbecof (EnglanD,

tca^ \^&m tiictocD it oucr iMitt) our learncD Councell,

tBiif cannot 6nDe t^at i^ou (l^culD bs cvcljuncft

tog ofFrance.

Hen.c. Mijat not tog ofFrance, t!)cn noti)ui(r>

^ nuiCt be litng : but mi? Icuing bzotb^r of France,

3 cm ^arolv fo:gct tt;c late inmrics tffcr$D mc,

£;^t)$n 3 camelaft to parler,

IX^t ftmuhmm bao bfttcc a rafeco

Eijc bduclDi outof tbeir f^rtljcrscarbaffcij,

Cljca to ^aiic fiicrcD m^ JCcntef,

,vlno j: ? UaeUj tbr fonnc prince Dolphin (b; one,

3f luoulD fo rotjfe bim>a6 b^ ^as ncucr fo roU)reD.

Fr.King. ^ ouce (loeace fo;m7 fonncs innocencte

3*1 tbw matter.

liSat iftbis plcafe roujtbaf immcDratel?) i»on be

p?MlaiiiieD anD crotonco bcire anD Kegentof Francej

Jjiot i^:,ig,becaufe 3} mi? feife toas once croluncD l&mg*

Hen. r. i^circ anD Ucgent ofFrance, tljat ifi U)^ll,

^u; tbat 10 not alUbat 31 mull baue.Fr. [\ ing. SLbe reft m^ ^ecretar)? ^at^ in iu^tting*

Secret. 3tem,tbat Henry IKing ofCnglanD,

i^: CrobancDbelrc anD Kegent of France,

^miuis t^e bfe sfSimg Charles, ano attcr Ins Deot!)?

%\yt Croiunc Ijoift) all rigW«>fo remaine to iiing Henry

ja)fin^lanD ,ano to ^ts ^fires fo; fucr.

Hcn.j. Mcll mi? gCDDb;ot^cr ofFrance,

severe 16 one tbing3 muft neeos DeBre,

Fr.Kins;. laaijat ig ttjat mp goD b;jGtl}er ofClJnglamj f

Hrn.7. S^^at all tjouc J^obles muU be ftoo;nc to be frtj?

to me«

Fr.King. Mfjcrcas t^q? ^aue not flucfee Iwit!) greater

S©.Utcis,3l Unoto t\)tv\i3i\ not ttictHe iuitlj fuc^ a tnfle,

ibiQin ^ou m^ ilo;oDafee of Burgondic*

Hcn.5^. Comcmt?ilo;oofBurgondie^

Eafee tour oatb bpon mp ftno^u.

Bunion. 3Philip^ubeofBurgonJie,

^UjcaVe to Henty iking of(lEnglanU^

SCO be true to l)im, anb to become bis league-man,

ja,iD tljat if5 Philip,^eare ofanp fojraigne potoec

Coinmiiigto inuabe tt)c faio Henry 0; bis Ijcireg,

S^Ijcn 3 t^c faio Philip to fcnb l)im tDo.jb,

janD aibe Ijun luitl) all tl)s potoec 3 can make,

;anb t[)cccuntg3 tahe m? onitj.

He kifTcth the fvvord.

Hen. 5 . Come^^iHcc Dolphin,ron mutt ftoeare tffl*

I Hckiflcththclword.

|i Hen. J. Mcllm^bjOtllCr of France,

\SCljere is one tljing mo;:e 3 niutt nccbs require oftou.

1 Fr.King. QJlljeiein i« it t^at iue maf fatiffie ijouc

[\ Hen.^.^ltnflem^gojDb^otljer of France. (S^aicKte?


Bifll^e beU)illing,anO ^outtjeretDitt) content


^oUj faift tljeu Katc,canttfbou!oue tljciiiingof(£nglan5 i

Kate, ^oui f^ouls % lone t\) x,VDt)ict) is m^ fatlierstmm^Hen. 5. SCutttanonottpont|;erepoint09

SDic ^ou mutt make bs frtcnD0:

3 knoU) Kate,tl)ou art not alttle p?oub,tf)at 3|loueti)a:

Q^liatU^cncti^tlie ^inij^ ofCnglano i


I^rcnch King. SDaug^tcr let notljms ttano bettoiyt ttjc

feing ofCnslano ano tl)eB,agr(j to if.

Kate 3ll)aobcttU)^ilftt)ei£rtoiUins,

iteaQ; tol)cn Bl U)ouIo,^e iotil not:

3( red at ^oac ^ateltteis commaunt).

Hcn.j. SHtolcome fiueet Kate , bat mi? b^ctfjgc ofFriacc

HSltjatfa^ ron to itrFrench king. ^I2ait^allmi?^eart3llifecif,

)i5nt iDl^en (^aU be i^ont toeooing oai? ^

H«Q.^ SD{^efilr(t^unoaBOft|ene)1momt^7

^osoiUingtSound Trumpets.

Exeunt omne!.


