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Davis, Phyllis • ", I

From: Richard Placone [rcplacone@sbcglobaLnet]

Wednesday, February 10, 20105:34 PM

Council, City

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Sent: ! D FE'! ! ,

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Subject: Destination Palo Alto

February 10,2010

Dear Council Members:

Subject: Destination Palo Alto

I note from your action at the February 8,2010 council meeting, that the council unanimously praised the program, Destination Palo Alto, agreeing with staff and the hired consultant that it has been an outstanding success. Even so, council then agreed with the consultant to shut down the present program for which the consultant is working, and to transfer the program to a regional effort sponsored by the hotels and other businesses. This is a good thing.

However, I take issue with the council's unanimous agreement that the program has been an outstanding success. The data offered the council prior to the meeting suggests the opposite - the program has been an abysmal failure from the beginning, as I (and others) predicted it would be in my letter to the council when the program was started. Moreover, the data presented to council contained serious and perhaps misleading information about the finances related to the program.

From my understanding of what went on at Monday's meeting, not a single council member picked up on this error, which calls into question one of two possibilities: a) council members did not do their due diligence prior to the meeting, or b) they did not catch or chose to ignore a glaring miscalculation.

CMR 138:10 prepared by Susan Barnes, Manager of Economic Development, sent to council prior to Monday's meeting reported the results of the first year of the program. Both staff and consultant seem to agree that there is no way by which either one can measure the results of the consultant's year long activities. Any revenue coming from the hotel tax (TOT) and retail sales taxes might have happened without the program. Certainly the Senior Games, on which council spent $350,000, was a program already scheduled would have resulted in increased revenue to the city. Nonetheless, the staff report took the figure of $187,061 as revenue from the TOT and retail sales tax, and declared Destination Palo Alto a success. All this data is summarized in large, very clear chart about midway through the CMR. It shows the program cost of $240,000 , revenue of$187,061 and an ROI 78%.

It seems obvious that this ROI figure is incorrect, and if for no other reason, should have been caught because it is so unrealistically large.

The return on investment formula is ROI = (gain from investment - cost of investment)lcost of investment.

Now it is true that $187,061 is 78% of $240,000, but this is NOT a ROI. For the ROI to be 78%, the revenue in the first year would have to be $427,200. In other words, the city did not "invest" $240,000 in the Destination program; rather it spent that amount of money as a fee to the consultant. It is gone, forever. The result of the first year is a loss of$52,939! How can this be considered a success?


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But it gets worse. While the council has decided to stop the program midyear, and save about $121,000 in ongoing fees, this implies that the city has spent another $120,000 on the program for the first half of the current fiscal year. So now the "investment" is $360,000, and there is still no way to accurately measure the success of the program by increased revenues to the city.

Common sense would tell one that even in this economic downturn, business has not dried up totally, and that the city would continue to receive TOT and retail sales taxes. One could reasonably assume that of the $187,061 attributed to this program, at least half would have come in anyway. In that case, only $93,531 would be attributed to this program making the city's loss even greater.

When one adds in the $350,000 the city spent on the Senior Games, (which were going to happen at Stanford anyway) the total the city has spent on promoting Destination Palo Alto comes to $710,000.

Not one to complain without offering an alternative, here is what might be a better way, and in this case I have the support of many, many residents I have spoken to about this.

Palo Alto is a fine city that is fortunate in having as its next door neighbor Stanford University. Because of Stanford, we have Silicon Valley, the Stanford Shopping Center and Stanford Research Park, and a world class adult and children's medical center, (not to mention the famed Palo Alto Medical Foundation). These are what puts Palo Alto on the map, and the city does not have to spend a dime promoting them. They are self promoting and widely known. In response to these attractions, private businesses have provided the city with fine, elegant hotels and very nice motels for the less well heeled

. traveler. The money foolishly spent on prestige-building marketing programs, about which the city knows nothing, would be better spent in keeping our infrastructure up to .the standards of the above mentioned attractions (look at what Stanford did for Sand Hill Road and the new EI Camino Real entrance to the shopping center) as compared to Lytton Avenue or Middlefield Road.

Council members and the City Manager need to begin to apply common sense and focus on the possible essential things that make any city a success. I am a 47- year resident of Palo Alto. I have done my share in trying to make this a better place to live: the Annexation of Barron Park to the city, Bol Park and the attendant bike pathway, and more. I am appalled to realize that a major CMR presented data to the council is either deliberately misleading or incompetently prepared, particularly by a staff member responsible for economic development. Worse, no one - from the director of planning to the city manager to the full council - noticed an error that would be obvious to a beginning economics student. None of this gives me a sense of confidence, not even in our new council members, most of whom I voted for.

I can only hope council members will refrain from believing the unbelievable, be more diligent in their oversight obligations and be more temperate in showering praise in the future.


Richard C. Placone Chimalus Drive Palo Alto


Davis, Phyllis

From: Sent: To: Cc:

" ":" '. 'V"i/~' ./ .• :

Jeff Hoel [] ~ "i:~;l~;' Wednesday, February 10,20102:27 PM II-Council, City fH' fB I I AM II: 42; UAC; Keene, James In f I

Subject: Google's plan to build experimental 1-Gbps network$' L Ci (..11 Y ~jANf\G[R'S OFFlCE

Council members,

Google has announced: < I. htm I >

We're planning to build and test ultra high-speed broadband networks in a small number of trial locations across the United States. We'll deliver Internet speeds more than 100 times faster than what most Americans have access to today with 1 gigabit per second, fiber-to-the-home connections. We plan to offer service at a competitive price to at least 50,000 and potentially up to 500,000 people.

Applications to be one of the test sites are due 3-26-10. <>

On 2-1-10, Council directed staff to prepare an application to I\JTIA for a stimulus grant for just a part of a citywide municipal FfTP network (namely, a "comprehensive community infrastructure" (CCI) to anchor institutions). Applications are due 3-15-10.

Should staff also look into whether to appy to Google1s FITP test program? Should Council agendize an item ASAP to talk about that?



Jeff Hoel 731 Colorado Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94303

ps: What Google says it wants to do in selected communities is a lot more like what I want for Palo Alto than what I\JTIA says it wants to award grants to do.



Davis, Phyllis




John Lauer]

Thursday, February 11, 20109:56 AM

Council, City

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10 FE'£' II

Subject: Please contact Google to participate in their proposed Fiber Demonstration program to show FTTH

Dear Palo Alto City Council,

I want the City to reinvigorate their efforts to provide FTTH city-wide Since Google is nearby in Mt. View, and Palo Alto has an existing Fiber Ring, it seems a natural collaboration. Please contact Google to make the arrangements for participation.

'public officials from the communities that volunteer to participate in Google's experiment are likely to get quite a curtain raiser.'

It is logical to participate.

Please keep me (and aU residents) informed. Thanks!


John P. Lauer Resident 650.387.6378 Cell


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From: Rudy Wang [rwang@sandforce.corrlj i', . ·;·:i '::~ ~ ;:',;'iIE'" --trf FEB ! I AM II: 42 Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 H~4F?M . I ,~

,'-_ f L:.) ; i ;-~?; ") .. ')l~ (:c.I~;[("'ic.;j To: Council, City .. , c_· ,~. 'j CiTY 1";i~Nf;GE;(S OFFICE

Subject: Please consider signing up with Google on their "ultra-high speed broadband networks" experiment

Dear City Council Members of the City of Palo Alto,

Please consider working with Google on their just announced (today, Feb 10,2010) "ultra-high speed broadband networks" experiment to bring the proposed 1Gb Fiber Network to all residents of Palo Alto,

Thanks! Rudy Wang 2881 Waverley St Palo Alto 650-326-8686


Quote from the above Google web page:

Google is planning to build, and test ultra-high speed broadband networks in a small number of trial locations across the country.

We'll deliver Internet speeds more than 100 times faster than what most Americans have access to today with 1 gigabit per second, fiber-to-the-home connections. We'll offer service at a competitive price to at least 50,000, and potentially up to 500,000 people.

As a first step, we're putting out a Request for Information (RFI) to help identify interested communities. We welcome responses from local government, as well as members of the public.


VFC Summary 04.22

Davis, Phyllis

From: David Barber []

Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 20108:33 PM

To: Council. City

Subject: View from the Cordillera

Cordillera Institute

In f.T') ! j ",-, I L.,j J ,

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47 inniscross Cres. Agincouri, ON M1V 258

C2In(-)()a (416) 293-9300

I Home I Free Copy I Register I About VFC I VFC Catalog I Programs I About CI I

View from the Cordillera A Commentary on Achieving Excellence in Local Government Read by Municipal Leaders on 4 Continents Published by the Cordillera Institute (Vol. 4, Issue 22)

Is Man-Made Global-Warming Just Another Manufactured Crisis? (part 2)

[To order the full text of this commentary or to become a subscriber, see the notes below.] [If you are having difficulty reading this, you will find the original here.]

Summary of This Commentary This issue is part 2 of our annual review to update you on the status of MMGW (man-made global warming). Because MMGW is being portrayed as an imminent crisis, many in our senior governments have been persuaded to call for major shifts in public policy and the spending of significant amounts of public money. Considerable pressure is also being put on our local governments, not just by the special interests but also by those members of the public whom they have convinced to support their cause. So, how should you be responding to this alleged crisis? From our experience with past crises, we have applied a 5-step process to assist you in determining your response. In part 1 of this series, we covered steps 1 to 3. In this issue, we cover steR-3;,AQ.Q.l't-L.ogic and,~~ason and ster::L5..;..Be..8\Nar~ of a_n_'L.SimilarEvents. In step 4, we pose a series of questions designed to address the anomalies data which appear to contradict the MMGW hypotheSis -- in the recent global temperature record. In step 5, we review other examples of controversial 'science' which have been used to persuade public officials -- and the public .:- of a crisis. That begs the question: is there another agenda to consider? If so, how might it be advanced? The issue concludes by answering 3 crucial questions. How have our senior governments responded to this alleged crisis? Is there a consensus of reputable scientists? And, most importantly, how should local governments respond?

As always, we welcome your comments.

David Barber Director Cordillera Institute (416) 293-9300 tvcprdinstl

To Order This Issue You may order the full text of this issue of View from the Cordillera by replying to this e-mail. Just put the word 'Order' in the subject line. Or, send us an e-mail with your name, title, organization, and e-


VFC Summary 04.22 Page 2 of2

mail address. Please include the volume and issue number or the title of this issue. Each copy is only $5.

To Order Any Other Issue You may order any other issue of View from the Cordillera by replying to this e-mail. Just put the word 'Order' in the subject line. Or, send us an e-mail with your name, title, organization, and e-mail address. Please include the volume and issue number or the title of the issue(s) you want. Each copy is $5. If you are ordering multiple issues, enquire about our discounts. To access the on-line catalog of publications available from our archives, here is the VFC Catalog link.

To Become a Subscriber You may become a subscriber to View from the Cordillera by replying to this e-mail. Just put the word 'Subscribe' in the subject line. Or, send us an e-mail with your name, title, organization, and e-mail address. We will e-mail you a confirmation of your subscription and an invoice for your records. A 1-year subscription (50 issues) is just $50 per person. That's only $1 per issue. If your elected officials or management team would like to subscribe as a group, enquire about our special group subscription rates.

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About This Publication Each week, View from the Cordillera covers some aspect of excellence in local government. It may examine one of the success elements; it may present a case study; it may introduce a resource (an individual, a group, a publication, etc.) which is advancing excellence; it may advocate a new direction for local government; or it may identify a wrong turn in public policy and offer an appropriate remedy. This electronic publication is being sent to those who govern, manage, support, and sustain our municipalities. For more information, here is the About VFC link.

About the Cordillera Institute The Cordillera Institute is an independent research and public policy organization dedicated to excellence in local government. Since our founding in 1994, we have studied many high-performance organizations to learn what makes them successful. From this research, we have distilled a set of principles, paradigms, policies, programs, and practices which are the key elements of their success. Our mission is to be a catalyst -- to empower municipalities, public utilities, school boards, and other

local public agencies to achieve excellence by adopting and applying these success elements. For more information, here is the About CI link.

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Dedicated to Excellence in Local Government


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Davis, Phyllis

From: Donna Wallach [] fa Sent: Wednesday. February 10.20106:01 PM


Subject: Fwd: Fueling Israeli Apartheid: Corporate Profits and Accountability with Dalit Baum (Tuesday 2/16. SF)

Greetings all,

Please attend and promote this upcoming important talk by Dalit Baum, please read below for details.

in solidarity Donna

Forwarded from Bay Area Campaign to End Israeli Apartheid presents:

From: info@baceia.Qr9 Subject: [BACEIAannouncements] Fueling Israeli Apartheid: Corporate Profits and Accountability with DaHt Baum (Tuesday 2/16, SF) Date: February 10. 20102:34:57 PM PST

The Bay Area Campaign to End Israeli Apartheid presents

Fueling Israeli Apartheid: Corporate Profits and Accountability a conversation with Dalit Saum of


Tuesday, February 16 0 7pm EI Centro Del Pueblo Auditorium 474 Valencia at 16th St., San Francisco Donations requested at the door

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Israeli and international corporations are directly involved in apartheid and occupation: in the construction of Israeli colonies and infrastructure in the occupied territories, in the settlementsl] economy. in building walls and checkpoints, in the supply of specific equipment used in the control and repression of civilian populations. In 2007, the Coalition of Women for Peace initiated Who Profits from the Oecup-ation, a unique on-line resource with research on hundreds of companies directly involved in the occupation of Gaza and the West Bank, a major component of IsraelDs apartheid structure, exposing many of the companies for the first time.

Dalit Saum, PhD, teaches Gender and the Global Economy at the Haifa university and Beit Berl College in Israel. She has coordinated the Who Profits project for the past 3 years.

Organized by SACEIA, a coalition of: Break the Siege, the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (Bay Area), and Global WomenDs Strike. Co-sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee 0 Pacific Mountain Region, and Queers Undermining Israeli Terror.

More information: http://www.baG~ia.Qrg/2010102Ifueling-israeli-apartheid/

Download and print the complete flyer:

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Please forward widely!


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Davis, Phyllis : '-': ! '. ,--, '-~



abjpd 1

Saturday. February 13, 2010 12:58 PM ",' ','" rd:,Lli \4'tU

10 fEB J 6 AN /I: 48

To:; public,records.requ~~t\tra~Ki~~iOcSm:Eearwopa@yatloo,com; Keene, James; bhuang1103@gmaiLcom;; Carlsen, Russ; Morariu, Kelly

Cc: Council, City; Price, Gail (internal);; klein,larry@dorsey,com; Holman, Karen (internal);; Yeh, Yiaway (internal); Espinosa, Sid (internal); Burt, Patrick; Keene, James;; Schmid, Greg (internal);; letters@dailynewsgroup.cpm;;; Emslie, Steve

Subject: Re: CNG ww Can Palo Alto Really Do More than say it is green? by Tim Gray

Excellent, Tim! Aram

Palo Alto City Government has a lot of good Green things in action. One action was to announce that the City was building Natural Gas fueling station as an incentive for alternative fuel vehicles.

However, that project came out of the gate with great fanfare and big announcements on the City web site, but Palo Alto went as far as taking the credit, but putting the promise into action had been dropped.

The project to provide a retail CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) fueling station at the Municipal Services Center has stalled. I purchased my Natural Gas Honda based on this "incentive", however, one-and-half years later, it is the same answer: "The equipment has been installed but we are still working out the retail mechanism so that it can be open to the public."

That was the same answer I got from the City when I inquired about the progress six months ago. At the same time, Pinnacle Natural Gas can install a retail station from start to finish in 90 days, This observation perpetuates the notion that City Governments are inept, and that only private businesses can be world-class service organizations.

As an advocate for enabling the City to be able to fulfill its potential, I resist making that conclusion. The empirical experience with the CNG station is alarming if it really means that City government really does take many times longer to get work done. That translates in higher cost no matter how we look at it. It is natural to suspect that there may be other broken practices beside the CNG station and the infamous California Avenue "tree experience".

If we don't have the expertise, then letaETMs get a private contractor in to do the work, and have the users of the system absorb the extra cost.

I offer this, not as criticism, but as a Citizen co-creator that is cheering for a "can do" municipal government.


Timothy Gray


Davis, Phyllis

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Wayne Martin [] Monday, February 15,201010:46 AM Council, City THE GREAT CLIMATE CHANGE RETREAT

Palo Alto City Council City of Palo Alto 250 Hamilton Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94301

Elected City Council Members:

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The release of emails between a number of key Climate Scientists has caused Wlon~'>ft;' over due scrutiny of the claims of many so-called "experts", such as the unelected UN IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) work that has claimed that "climate change" is man-made, not natural (or words to that effect).

The following article, from a UK on-line newspaper source, recaps some of the information that has emerged in the last couple of weeks about the state of "climate change", and some of the concerns of one of the key scientists involved in "Climate Gate":




A key scientist has conceded that there has been no "statistically significant"· rise since 1995

Monday February 15,2010 By Ed Price

THERE has been no global warming for 15 years, a key scientist admitted yesterday in a major U-turn.

Professor Phil Jones, who is at the centre of the "Climategate" affair, conceded that there has been no "statistically significane' rise in temperatures Since 1995. .

The admission comes as new research casts serious doubt on temperature records


collected around the world and used to support the global warming theory.

Researchers said yesterday that warming recorded by weather stations was often caused by local factors rather than global change.

The revelations will be seized upon by sceptics as fresh evidence that the science of global warming is flawed and climate change is not man-made.

The Daily Express has led the way in exposing flaws in the arguments supporting global warming. Last month we revealed how the UN/s International Panel on Climate Change was forced

. to admit its key claim that Himalayan glaciers would melt by 2035 was "speculation ll

lifted from a 1999 magazine article. The influential IPCC then admitted it had got the key claim wrong and announced a review.

The Dally Express has also published a dossier listing 100 reasons why global warming was part of a natural cycle and not man-made.

Yesterday it emerged that Professor Jones, whose raw data is crucial to the theory of climate change, had admitted he has trouble "keeping trackll of the information.

Colleagues have expressed concern that the reason he has refused Freedom of Information requests for the data is that he has lost some of the crucial papers. Professor Jones also conceded for the first time that the world may have been warmer in medieval times than now. Sceptics have long argued the world was warmer between 800 and 1300AD because of high temperatures in northern countries.

Climate change advocates have always said these temperatures cannot be compared to present day global warming figures because they only apply to one specific zone.

But Professor Jones said: "There is much debate over whether the Medieval Warm Period was global in extent or not. The MWP is most clearly expressed in parts of North America, the North Atlantic and Europe and parts of Asia.

"For it to be global in extent, the MWP would need to be seen clearly in more records from the tropical regions and the southern hemisphere. There are very few climatic records for these latter two regions.

"Of course, if the MWP was shown to be global in extent and as warm or warmer than today, then obviously the late 20th century warmth would not be unprecedented. 1I

Professor Jones first came under scrutiny when he stepped down as director of the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit in which leaked emails were said to show scientists were manipulating data.

Researchers were accused of deliberately removing a "blipll in findings between 1920 and 1940, which showed an increase in the Earth/s temperature.

John Christy, professor of atmospheric science at the University of Alabama and a former


lead author on the IPCC, said: "The apparent temperature rise was actually caused by local factors affecting the weather stations, such as land development. 1f

Ross McKitrick, of the University of Guelph, Canada, who was invited to review the IPCC's last report said: "We concluded, with overwhelming statistical significance, that the IPCC's climate data are contaminated with surface effects from industrialisation and data quality problems. These add LIP to a large warming bias. 1f

It is very important that the City Council be aware of these revelations, and that it insure that City Staff not continue to pursue local "environmental" controls based on what is likely to be very lIunsettled science". Otherwise, the City will doubtless be involved in any number of law suits that will challenge the City's right to restrict personal rights and privileges based on "science" that does not actual pro\{e that humans are responsible for changes in "climate" that have be quite natural for over 4.5 Billion years in the past.

Wayne Martin Palo Alto, CA


Davis, Phyllis

From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

. "><:'>< ' Jeb Eddy [] ~ ,<,;" . .,.."'.

wed, nesday, February 10, 20104:06 PM /0 Council, City • E8 1 I AM II: 1; 2 Peter Drekmeier; Edith Eddy . City of Richmond adopts 350 ppm as C02 limit l\ilG

/n I U I l

en y r~,'.tlf~GER'S OFFICE

Dear Mayor and Council Members,

I hope we will do the same!


Jeb Eddy 2579 Cowper St.


Last Tuesday evening, February 2, the Richmond, California City Council passed a 350 CITIES RESOLUTION which recognizes 350 ppm C02 as the sensible limit to prevent catastrophic climate change.


Richmond, CA Passes 350 ppm Resolution--Will Your City be Next? By May * 9 February, 2010 - 11:26

Our good friend Dr. Jeff Ritterman sent us this great update from his community in Richmond, California, where the city council just passed a 350 ppm resolution. Not only is this a significant local action your community could take, but also, it is significant for Richmond--a city home to a large Chevon oil refinery. We've posted about Richmond actions in the past, in part because there is an active movement to cap the crude at that refinery--the largest point source of emissions in the state of California.


Last Tuesday evening, February 2, the Richmond, California City Council passed a 350 CITIES RESOLUTION which recognizes 350 ppm C02 as the sensible limit to prevent catastrophic climate change. The resolution was sponsored by Vice Mayor Dr. Jeff Ritterman, Mayor Gayle McLaughlin and Councilmember Jim Rogers.

Given the lack of national leadership on lessening climate change Vice Mayor Ritterman


decided to take action on the local level. The Richmond resolution recognizes 350 and commits the city to a series of educational presentations. The city will work with the school district, the neighborhood councils and the Council of Industries to begin a city­wide effort to help everyone understand the necessity of adopting the 350 standard. In addition, the city will organize a series of meetings to enlist broad based participation in the creation of a Climate Action Plan.

Vice Mayor Ritterman hopes that other cities will follow suit. Can your city be next? Can 350 cities adopt the 350 standard by this time next year?

Here is the Richmond 350 Resolution. Feel free to modify it for your city.



WHEREAS, the current level of C02 in the atmosphere is 387 ppm; and,

WHEREAS, one of the world's leading climate SCientists, Dr. James Hansen stated in 2007 : "If humanity wishes to preserve a planet similar to that on which civilization developed and to which life on Earth is adapted, paleoclimate evidence and climate change suggest that C02 will need to be reduced from its current 385 ppm to at most 350ppm" and;

WH EREAS, there is a growing consensus among researchers that there is a need to get atmospheric concentrations of C02 down below 350 ppm as soon as possible or risk self amplifying feedbacks that will result in abrupt, catastrophic, and irreversible heating of the earth and; WHEREAS, annually, global warming is causing more deaths than ten times the number of people killed from the events of 911; and,

WHEREAS, failure to limit C02 to 350 ppm will likely: kill more people internationally than anything short of all out nuclear war; create a worldwide refugee crisis; impoverish more people than any economic downturn in recorded history; destroy more species than at any time since the extinction of the dinosaurs; and cause the inundation of coastal cities and towns which are home to one billion people; and;

WHEREAS, the world's leaders at the December 2009 Copenhagen meetings on climate change were unable to provide world wide leadership and;

WHEREAS, the plans agreed to by the world's nations would result in 770 ppm C02 by 2100, a concentration of C02 incompatible with human life and;

WHEREAS, the residents of Richmond, California have been national leaders in


Environmental Justice and;

WHEREAS, the world's leading experts on climate change state that immediate reductions in C02 must occur this decade if we are to prevent island nations from gOing under water and runaway climate change and;

WHEREAS, the longer we delay, the higher the financial and environmental costs will be;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the Richmond City Council on behalf of the residents of Richmond, do hereby accept 350 ppm C02 as the sensible limit; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that city staff and members of the City Council will work with the school district our neighborhood councils and the Council of Industries to provide educational opportunities to teach about the necessity of adopting the 350 ppm standard; and,

BE IT ALSO FURTHER RESOLVED, the Richmond City Council directs staff to convene 3 community meetings to gain preliminary input for our Climate Action Plan (CAP) that is currently in the pre-planning stages.

I certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Richmond at a regular meeting thereof held on February 2, 2010, by the following


Davis, Phyllis




Pat Marriott [patmarriott@sbcglobal.nellO FEB /6 Monday, February 15. 2010 11: 57 AM

Council. City

Cc: Keene. James; Emslie, Steve

Subject: Comprehensive Plan

Council Members,

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.fH-FEB 16 AM II: 45


Once again, an expert on "smart growth" aka dense housing, is scheduled to speak on the comp plan: William Fulton, a highly regarded expert on California and national planning trends, and author of "Guide to California Planning/, the authoritative summary of state planning and environmental issues and regulations.

New Urbanist concepts were actively discussed in preparing the 1998-2010 Comprehensive Plan, and two of its leading proponents (Andres Duany and Peter Calthorpe) led presentations and citizen workshops regarding the concepts of Ne~ Urbanism .

Why are we not hearing from anyone who isn't a believer in the fantasy of new urbanism? I say fantasy, because I have yet to see any real data proving that dense housing near public transit will cause people to live in the city where they work and reduce traffic over the long haul.

I have asked for proof in the past, and the only thing I got was from Yoriko Kishimoto: TCRP Report 128 Effects of TOO on Housing, Parking, and Travel at bttp:llwww.cLsan­

There is absolutely nothing in this report to satisfy the claims made by proponents.

What we do know is that more housing will put a burden on schools and city services at a time when city and state budgets are running big deficits.

Developers are touting the Saltworks Project as a way to decrease traffic - again without any data to prove their ad pOints.

Yesterday I was in San Mateo and stopped at the Whole Foods store in the humongous development built where the Bay Meadows race track used to be. The entire development feels like a movie set, as if you're inThe Truman Show (if you've seen the movie). !tIS completely sterile and soul-less.

Do the new urbanists really know what they're doing? Are we following them blindly because it IS

the "greenll and "trendyll thing to do? Is this really \\smart ll growth?

Are the ABAG numbers for projected population growth accurate or are they greatly exaggerated -­perhaps calculated by the same folks who project HSR ridership?

I hope you are all asking yourselves these questions, because the future of Palo Alto and the entire Bay Area is at stake.

Pat Marriott


Minor. Beth



elK-Silvia Vonderlinden []

Thursday, February 11, 2010 11 :59 AM

To: Grider, Donna

Cc: MGR-MaJcolm Smith

Subject: Saltworks letter

Attachments: letter to other councils 02-10-10 - PApdf

Hi Donna, Please be kind enough to disseminate to your full Council. Thanks

Silvia Vonderlinden, City Clerk 1017 Middlefield Road Redwood City, CA 94063 Email: Phone: 650-780-7222 Fax: 650-261-9102 Valuing: Excellence, Integrity, Service and Creativity.

~ Save A Tree - please don't print this unless you reallv need to.

From: Council-Jeff Ira Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 20104:56 PM To: 'Patrick.Bu' Cc: GRP-City Council Subject: Saltworks letter

Dear Mayor Burt, Please see the letter attached. Sincerely, Jeff Ira Mayor, Redwood City


Page 1 of 1

Mayor Jeff Ira Vice Mayor Alicia C. Aguirre

Council Members Ian Bain Jeffrey Gee Rosanne S. Foust Barbara Pierce John D. Seybert

February 10, 2010

Honorable Mayor Patrick Burt 1249 Harriet Street Palo Alto, CA 94301 (sent via email)

Dear Mayor Burt and Members of the City Council:

City Hall 1017 Middlefield Road

Redwood City, CA 94063 Voice (650) 780-7220

Fax (650) 261-9102

Understanding the great interest by you and your community in the Saltworks proposal, I want to offer you a brief status report on Redwood City's review and evaluation application.

As you may know, on February 1st Redwood City held a City Council Study Session on the Saltworks application review process. The session's purpose was to provide the Council and community with an overview of the Summary Reports that have been produced regarding the "Tier One Topics" - those issues identified as requiring more extensive and detailed review (jurisdictional issues; water supply and demand; and transportation/circulation). The relevant documents are available on Redwood City's website ( - click on "Reports and Documents"). I hope that you'll have the opportunity to review the over 150 pages of analyses in the Summary Reports.

The conclusion of the Summary Reports is that there are no "insurmountable obstacles" to the proposal at this point - but of course a great deal of complex and in-depth further study is needed before we can even begin a useful discussion toward an eventual informed decision. The CEQA environmental review process provides the framework for that necessary level of study of this proposal.

Please understand that this proposal is still in the early phases of review, and that the CEQA process will provide us with the comprehensive and exhaustive level of detail necessary for us to confidently understand all aspects of the proposal, to engage in an informed discussion, and to ultimately make a decision. I'm sure you'll agree that having all the relevant details and analyses which an in-depth environmental review will provide is crucial to everyone's understanding of the proposal, its alternatives (including the no-build alternative), and its potential impacts -and will best inform our discussions, deliberations, and decisions.

To that end, we are pursuing further information and detailed analyses, through the CEQA evaluation, before embarking on any decision-making process on this proposal. That is clearly the prudent course for our City Council, and in my opinion this is also true for other councils on the peninsula that have an interest. This further evaluation process will give us, as elected officials, the ability to make the most informed decisions. It will also provide ample opportunities for all interested community members to learn more, participate in, and fully discuss this issue with all the information available, as is their right.

We'll be sure to keep you apprised of the upcoming opportunities for learning more and participating in discussions about this proposal.


Jeff Ira Mayor C: City Council, Redwood City

Davis, Phyllis

From: Sent:

" ~,-" /.' f

Wayne Martin [] /~,.£} :~';'2!~~:"" Wednesday, February 10,201011:41 AM . .Q..4.

To: Subject:

Council, City v I FEB f f AN {,. I,.~ Erroneous HSR Ridership Projections, and a Request of US Department 01 Transportation Intervention.


wem_ba9_ridership ... EI t d C't Off"" I ec elY ICia s:

Please see attached MS-WORD file that deals with suggested actions of local 3:

governments in the light of information about the possibility of manipulated I-f~R ridership numbers. s:;

wayne martin palo alto, ca



Elected Public Officials:

Subject: Erroneous HSR Ridership Projections, and a Request of US Department of Transportation Intervention.

The Daily Post (of Palo Alto), in its 02.10.10 edition, published an article which reports on a meeting of the Peninsula Cities Coalition where Palo Alto resident Elizabeth Alexis revealed information about the methodology used by the High-Speed Rail Authority (HSRA) that has produced very questionable ridership numbers for this train system. Ms. Alexis claims that the HSRA used a secret model to compute the ridership projections-a model which was not peer­reviewed, or is not now available to the public for its review.

Additionally, the article states that Atherton, Menlo Park and other advocacy groups plan to take legal action over this revelation. Oakland attorney Stuart Flashman is quoted: "What this amounts to is fraud. Not fraud in the criminal sense, but that there was miSinformation" given to the public.

The article goes on to say that Ms. Alexis carefully studied the rail authorities projected ridership numbers and discovered that the projections were based on a model that had not been released to the public, nor reviewed by independent experts. She later obtained a memo from the Authority that confirmed that the model, which had not been peer-reviewed as to its accuracy, was generating the rail authorities figures-figures which have been criticized as overly optimistic. In one instance, the model projected 60 times more ridership than pOSSible, and the numbers were never revised, Ms. Alexis claimed.

This is incredibly important information, as one of the key reasons for having this transportation system was the claim of HSR proponents that California's current transportation systems could not handle future loads. There's very little evidence that the people designing the system have the Slightest idea what future populations in California will be (particularly in the face of long-term economic downturns and the globalizing of manufacturing and intellectual property). Therefore, estimates should have been made on a number of possible scenarios, and the methodology made public as before this matter went before the voters.

If it is true, that a secret ridership prOjection model was used by the HSRA, then there are a number of actions which I believe local government should take, including:

A demand for public access to this model should be made to the HSRA which includes:

• All worksheets, spreadsheets, documentation and computer code. • All memos, emails, and telephone conversation recordings relating to ridership


A letter from all Bay Area governments to the US Department of Transportation (DoT), in which member governments should state:

• That cities of the San Francisco Bay Area have grave concern about the integrity of the management process of the HSR.

• That the integrity of the ridership projections, which is key to justifying such a system, is most likely in error--requiring a comprehensive review of the ridership projection methodology by local governments, and the DoT.

• That the DoT should put a hold on all funds intended to the HSRA, until such time that a complete review of this program has been performed both by local authorities, and by the US DOT.

This letter is a request to that you make appropriate contacts with other Bay Area City Governments to consider these issues and to craft a letter as quickly as possible to the US Department of Transportation requesting their intervention, their review of this critical aspect of the justification for the HSR. Most importantly, such a letter would demand the withholding of all funds for the immediate future to be allocated to the HSRA. (It might even pay to send representatives from the Bay Area back to DC to meet with DoT officials to better explain our collective concerns about what is quickly becoming destructive to the communities in the path of this rail system.)

It is clear that the HSRA can not be trusted to tell the whole truth to the public. Local governments now need to step up and exercise their obligations to protect their citizens from harm, no matter what the source-even if that source is another government agency.

If these projections have been manipulated in any way, then member cities of the Bay Area need to start demanding some sort of action--such as a suit to nullify the original election results, or a "do-over' vote.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter.

Wayne Martin Palo Alto, CA




Tuesday, February 16, 20104:49 PM

Council, City

PABAC; pwecips; Rius, Rafael

Subject: PABAC comments on Cal Ave Streetscape Improvements

Attachments: CalAvePabacLetter.pdf

Cedric de La Beaujardiere 741 JosinaAve Palo Alto, CA 94306 February 16,2010

Mayor and City Council City of Palo Alto 250 Hamilton A venue Palo Alto, CA 94301

Honorable Mayor and City Council,

Page 1 of J



1O ..

The Palo Alto Bicycle Advisory Committee (P ABAC) has reviewed and endorsed the California A venue streetscape improvement plans, including the changes to lane striping, and auto and bike parking. PABAC believes the changes will benefit cyclists riding through and stopping on California Avenue. We are particularly pleased with the additional bike parking capacity planned for both sides of the length of the business district, and the improvements of existing bike parking racks.

PABAC believes the reduction in lanes from two to one in each direction, and the conversion of parallel parking to diagonal parking will not be a hazard for bicyclists. The roadway widths will continue to be sufficient to permit bicyclists to avoid parked cars, and to permit drivers to pass cyclists on the left, as they do now.

We also discussed the proposal to expand the plaza on the island at the eastern end of S. California Avenue by relocating the bike lockers to the current vehicle parking area and to Caltrain's property. On the whole, if bike locker capacity is not reduced, and even possibly expanded, then P ABAC is supportive of this change. PABAC has advised staff to design minimally-conflicting bicycle and pedestrian flows through the redesigned plaza area. As this location is one of the most used bicycle facilities in the city, PABAC hopes that this new plaza will include a map of Palo Alto's bicycle network, to help educate bicyclists and pedestrians of safe routes through town.


Cedric de La Beaujardiere Chair, Palo Alto Bicycle Advisory Committee


Davis, Phyllis _.: \"

~~~::.a;:!~a~~~~~~~~gliil;lD O/F~C~" ,0 f2 ':0~'d> From: Sent:

Council: City rnrsn.rr f.Mr' trTFEB /5 AMI/"'S To: Subject: Rendenng Software Use OhrpUI!>hC'WdFKS1(PN.v¥Projects • "f

Palo AltoCity Council City of Palo Alto 250 Hamilton Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94301

Subject: Rendering Software Use On Public Works (P/W) Projects

Date: 02.13.10

Elected Council Members:

Why isn't the City of Palo Alto using "renderingll software to provide residents and businesses visual ideas of what proposed changes in public works projects are going to look like after completion, and how these changes will affect residents and businesses alike? Certainly there is more than enough on-the-shelf software available that would provide both manipulation of digital images, videos and animation to be blended into renditions of proposed changes to streetscapes, traffic flows, and on street parking projections that would provide very clear intentions on the part of City P/W planners.

Google/Streets and Google/Earth are both innovative and exciting demonstrations of what is possible with current software. City governments that continue to ignore, or disdain, the adoption of these exciting ideas waste both ways public funds, as well as the opportunity to educate the public about the proposals for change that municipal employees are charged to effect.

If the Pa 10 Alto P/W Department were required to provide incremental views of how the California Avenue project would look, say a specific milestones on the project timeline, then the clear cutting of trees, and how the streetscape would look in the coming years, would have provided both information about the tree cutting exercise, and probably enough foresight into the future of California Avenue to stem the outrage by the public following the disappearance of the trees.

Videos would give us all a better idea of what California Avenue would look like with only two lanes. What traffic flow would look like during busy times and provide the public a clear understanding of why this lane reduction is being proposed. These renditions would help the City to explain its vision of benefit that would be provided to both businesses and the


public by these changes. And hopefully this sort of video augmentation to the planning process might allow the question to be asked: "if they really are no benefits (like increasing business revenues, or decreasing traffic flow) what exactly is the purpose of making these changes?" Too often, "beautificationll is in the eye of the beholder -- -­and the changes that we've seen in Palo Alto frequently do not benefit the public at large, but some special interest. Providing the public access to the vision of what proposed changes would bring to the section of town undergoing a "planning exercise", would certainly be beneficial to all.

It's time for a new Department head in the Public Works Department, who was not afraid of digital/Internet technologies, nor is afraid of the exposure to public scrutiny P/W projects that these technologies offer the public.

Examples --

Google Maps With Street View:

Google Earth:

Arch itectu ra I Rendering Software:­software-226S.html­software-engine-and-services/

Video Renditions Demonstration Palo Alto HSR Impacts: 14abZE2syno

Wayne Martin Palo Alto, CA


Davis. Phyllis






Tuesday, February 16, 2010 10:44 PM

pu blic. records. request. tracking@gmaiLcom; Keene, James

Council, City; bhuang11

Daily Post - When Cop gets DUI

Attachments: Post - When Cop Gets DULpdf

Please note: forwarded message attached


Page 1 of 1

~j -......., rr; c-~

-....l -0 :$ --..

TUESDAY, Feb .. 16, 2010

When a cop gets a DU I Cases handled differently in San Mateo and Palo Alto


Dally Post Staff Writcls

Police departments vigorously promote their efforts at catching drunken drivers through check­points and saturation patrols. After­ward, the court process begins for those arrested for DUI, and their names often appear'in the paper.

Buf when Palo Alto and San Mateo cops gel a DUI. the story is a little different.

On Mar<:h 5, 2009, San Mateo police officer. Antonio Loza, 34, was' drinking off-duty with fellow officers at the Crowne Plaza Hotel

in Foster City when he decided to drive home, according tdprosecu­tors. He plowed into a woman's car on Highway 92 near Highway 101, leaving her with scrapes and bruises.

His blood-alcohol level was 0.23 - nearly three times the legal limit, according to prosecutors.

San Mateo police didn't tell the public that one of their own had been arrested for DUl, but they did inform the district attorney. The DA then included the officer's name lind occupation in a Teport about ongoing cases that is given to

the media each day. Loza's name hit the newspapers. He also left the police de­partment. Police wouldn't say if he was pushed or he jumped, but Deputy Chief Mike Callagy confirmed that Loza isn't one of San Mateo's finest anymore.

Loza, a Belmont resident, was sen­tenced Jan. 30 to 20 days in jail and three years probation.

Keeping secrets In Palo Alto, the story is " different.

The fact thaI one of Palo Alto's police officers was arrested and convicted of DUI might never have come to light excepl for the fact that the city had hired a police auditor to oversee how police handle complainls and disciplin­ary mailers.

In a Dec. 16, 2009, report to City Counci I, the auditor reported that an unnamed Palo Alto officer had been ar­rested and convicted of drunken driving in 2008 in an off-duty incident. The of­ficer roUed his vehicle, the report said.

The city has refused to identify the officer. and it isn't known where the accident occurred. It's possible Ihat it didn'l even occur in Santa Clara Coun­ty since many Palo Alto officers live in other counties.

The police fil,ldilor, Mike Gennaco, said thaI at the time he wrote the re­port. Palo Alto police hadn't finished its investigation of the matter, and so he hadn't been presented the case to re­view. Gennaco's next rep.ort to council. which is due al the end of this month, should shed more light on the DUI.

In the meantime, the officer was put on desk duty, Gennaco wrote in the Dec. 16 report.

Neither San Mateo nor Palo Alto has

a written policy for dealing with ofli­cers who get DUls.

In Palo Alto. a variety of factors, including the officer's attitude and his­tory. and whether someone was harmed in the crash, would be considerations. said Lt. Sandra Brown, who is in charge of internal affairs.

"It changes," said Brown. "It de­pends on the case."

'Proud' of officer Brown said she is "very proud" of

the way the Palo Alto cop has handled his conviction. and thllt he is a "hard­working officer."

Punishments an officer could receive range from being forced to take time off work with or without pay, being kept on the force but taken off the streets, or possibly being lired if it was a second offense or someone was harmed as a result of tne officer's drunken driving. sHid Brown.

Police Chief Dennis Burns declined to comment to the Post for this story.

Brown sHid there is no mandatory requirement for an officer to be fired for a first drunk driving offense. liar would the officer be subjected to ran­dom checks for alcohol. Whether the officer was arrested for drinking while on duty or off would also factor into the punishment.

Palo Alto police conferred with other departments to see what kind of pun­ishment officers received for similar crimes during their investigation of. their officer's drunken dri ving arrest, said Brown.

Palo Alto police would not llave to attend mandatory alcohol counseling

for a drunken driving. conviction, and an officer who had been convicted of drunken driving would still be allowed to make drunken driving arrests, as a matter of public safetl', silid Brown.

Palo Alto police have declined to identify which officer was cOllvicted

for drunk driving because he wa$ off duty when it happened. Brown snid thaI for the department to irienlify him would he .111 unwarranlcd i O\-:l:;.ion of his privacy.

"We all have our right to priv;,cy, we are all human and we allmuke mistakes, no nmtter who writes our paycheck," said Brown.

In San Mateo, police officers con­victed of misdemeanors. includin" DUI. "Ie dealt with on u cnse-by-cas~ basis, said Lt. Mike Brunicardi. il all depends on the severity of the offense and the officer's prior b~h"villr, Bruni­cardi said.

Stress disorder Ofticer Loza's attorney, Eric Huve.

argued in court that his client's heavy drinking was the result of post-lrau'­matic stress disorder stemming from" 2007 shOal-out at a mental health clinic in San Mateo between Loza, his pal1ner and a suspected bank robber. Hove ar­gued Loza shouldn'l serve aJl 20 days for the DUI. bUI Superior Cmll1 Judge Robel1 Foiles disagreed.

One difference between the two cit­ies is thaI while the Palo Alto orficer's identity has been kept from the public the San Mateo officer who got u OUI was identified.

The police report listed Loza as work­ing as a San Mateo police officer. which tipped off prosecutors. said San Mateo County Chief Deputy District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe. But, Wagstaffe added, the lOp brass at the Sail Malcu Pulice Department called his office to noti fv them about the situation. -

According to Wagstaffe, thaI iS1I'1 al­ways the case. Tile longtime prosecutor can remember a DUI case where prns­ecutors tried a man and didn'l know he wu's an officer with an agency on the coaSI uutil well arter it was cIused.

Wagstaffe said that detail is impnr­Wilt 10 knoll' beclIllse if thai cop sholiid ever testify in court again, prosecutors need 10 disclose Ihe conviclion to Ihe defense. A defense attorney mieht trv tn use a DUI to discredit ali {)fli~er \~ho tcstifioes ill a court case.

Page 1 of 1

Davis, Phyllis

From: Public Records Request Tracking System [public.records.requesUracking@gmail.comj

Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 12:20 PM

To: Gennaco, Michael J.; Miller, Rob; Burns, Dennis; Council, City; Beacom, Bob

Cc: abjpd1;

Subject: California DUI checkpoints under fire


New statistics regarding the success of DUI checkpoints in California have caused many to question whether the intent is to prevent drunk driving or simply turn a profit.

An editorial appearing on points out the use ofDUI checkpoints to punish lower class or minority motorists instead of truly focusing on DUI arrests. The article highlights a UC Berkley investigation showing impounding of cars at DUI checkpoints generated over $40 million in profits for local police and private towing companies.

Police officers ar~ also paid overtime for their work on DUI checkpoints, wbich_generatedsom_e $30 million in pay for officers involved in the checkpoints in 2009, all funded but grants frQID theCalifornia Office of Traffic SafetY..

Of particular concern to the team of investigators at UC Berkley, though, was the fact Y~hicles_.flJ~ mostly seized from minority motorists or illegal immigl]ll1tS. Contributing to the concern was the fact the checkpoints are often in Hispanic areas, the impounds may be against a federal court ruling saying impounds are not permitted in the case of unlicensed drivers and the checkpoints may be overstaffed.

These factors combined tell the story of aggressive money-making tactics to target lower-class or minority drivers under the veil of public safety against drunken driving. Most checkpointsresu1t in relatively kw DUI arrests, perhaps one or two out of hundreds of vehicles stoJ2l!~d._

However, the money making element is stops for lesser offenses. Seat belt violations, failure to provide insurance or driving without a license result in tickets. Unlicensed drivers may have to pay hundreds of dollars to have their cars released from impound. Among the groups profiting are private, for-profit towing companies, collecting $200 per car or more.

S 1 :5 ~W 9 t 83.:1 0 I


Davis, Phyllis

From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Palo AltoCity Council 250 Hamilton Palo Alto, CA 94301

Subject: Secret

Wayne Martin [wmartin46@yahoo,com] Tuesday, February 16, 2010 12:39 PM Council, City Keene, James

:.'> \~,':~~\ .~'~ ~:.> :

P;?~;~~;;~D i

,0 \ ):r(FEBI7 PM11:33

Police "Community" Meetings Should Be OI;l.€HI,l9"P,p,blid''i\U r."- . vi' "hflii.GtR S Ur ~ ICE

Police "Community" Meetings

Elected Council Members:




r···· :".~-" .•. ,

attributed to members of the so-called Police Chief Dennis Burns "secrecy committee ll in today's Daily Post continue to frustrate me. My frustration focuses on the composition of Chief Burns "committee", as well as the purpose of this group-that continues to meet behind closed doors against the concerns of many of us in the "general population".

Openness to the fact-finding and decision-making process surrounding the public's business is one of the most important differences between the US and most of the world's governments. When Dennis Burns holds these meetings and private--he deserts the the very premise, and

'cornerstone, of American self-government.

Comments by Human Relations Commission member Daryl Savage are so bizarre that her continued roll on this unnecessary Commission should be evaluated. If accurately quoted in the 02.16.10 Daily Post, Savage said: IIIf people are so interested in coming to the meetings, they should have applied like the rest of the members who were interviewed and selected by Burns." Savage's comments simply defy logic. No matter how many people applied to sit on this committee, only some certain number would have been selected--and the rest would have been denied access the meetings. Doesn't Commissioner Savage remotely understand this tiny bit of kindergarten-level logic? If not, perhaps it's time to review the basis by which her appointment to this Commission was made.

We need to remember that Dennis Burns provided little in terms of advertising for this committee, and even less in terms of stating the qualifications that he was looking for in selecting committee members. As memory serves, a well-known defense lawyer was rejected for inclusion in this group--presumably because he was not qualified to discuss the activities


of the Palo Alto Police behind closed doors? One can only wonder why he was rejected? Perhaps because of his having dealt with the police as a defense attorney, and was aware of issues Burns didn't want made public? So the public is left with the question--if a defense attorney is not qualified to discuss the public and police interactions, who is?

Another disturbing comment is attributed to secret Committee member Karen Purvis: lithe reason that we are here is to help explain what discrimination is. I don't feel comfortable talking about this in front of the community." Perhaps it would be time to ask why Purvis was selected for this Committee? What in her background makes her an "expert on discrimination"-­so much so that she cannot explain, or defend, her position on this topic in public?

No Evidence of On-going Police Misconduct/Bias

A few years ago, the so-called Human Relations Committee held a sort of "witch hunt" by asking the public to come forward with stories of police misconduct (or words to that effect). A small group of people showed up to tell their stories about his treatment at the hands of the Followed about the police. My memory of this meeting is hazy--but I don't remember one person who could provide any evidence of police misconduct. At best, the attendees who spoke to the Commission could only complain about police behavior that reflects "proactive policing". One person complained about the police arriving at his apartment to inform him that playing loud music from his balcony at 11 p.m. was not acceptable in Palo Alto. And that the music would have to be turned off. This qualified to this person as "police mistreatment".

A woman, an African-American, came to complain about having been fired from this Stanford Law School. She's she spoke articulately for about five minutes about her mistreatment at the hands of Stanford, but introduced no evidence whatsoever that the Palo Alto police had anything to do with her employment difficulties at the University. Nonetheless, the commission listened to her-- and did not stop her when it became clear she was not speaking about the Palo Alto Police.

When all was said and done-the so-called HRC could provide nothing to forward to the police of any substance as a result of this exercise.

Charges of institutional racism have been leveled at the Palo Alto police from time-to-time. The Police have recorded public contact information, at least where traffic stops are concerned, over the last several years. While the statistical analysis on the part of the police department has certainly demonstrated that our police department is probably staffed with math-deficient individuals, nonetheless, the raw data, and the statistical analysis, provided no evidence that the Police Department has been engaged in "racial bias" in the way individuals are stopped, or processed.


While similar data for nearby cities is not available, what did emerge from this exercise, and other police data, is that about two-thirds of the traffic stops involve nonresidents. Palo Alto traffic enforcement is probably more "proactive" than that of other cities. So, some people, used to loose traffic enforcement in their own cities, have leveled charges of "racism" against the Palo Alto police, who simply were applying a higher-level enforcement than most surrounding cities, it would seem.

Certainly this is an opinion on my part, but having observed Palo Alto police in action on Charleston and Middlefield for several years now, one comes to the conclusion that: 1) there isn't much police enforcement in South Palo Alto, 2) The police abide by the 85% rule, 3) In most cases, it's impossible for the police to see the race of the driver when they begin to chase them. Therefore, it is my belief, that where traffic stops are involved, there is no racial bias that can be demonstrated in the activities of the Palo Alto police.

No Secrecy

I am opposed to this Committee being held in secret. Chief BLlrns told me in a private e-mail that he intended to post meeting minutes on the Police WEB-site. While he did not say when he would do this, it certainly seemed to me that he meant he would post meeting minutes contemporaneously with the meetings. I am disappointed that Chief Burns' lack of candor, or honesty, regarding his comments to me on this matter. Certainly, audio recordings of the proceedings would help the public understand what was said behind this veil of secrecy, also,.

I believe that this secret Dennis Burns "committee" violates the basic tenants of American Democracy, and should at the very least, be opened to the public, notes posted on the City's WEB­site, and these minutes entered into the permanent public record.

Alternatively, this committee should publish his results, issue some sort of concluding statement, and then shut down.

In short--either open up these meetings, or shut them down!

Wayne Martin Palo Alto, CA




Page 1 of2

Gennaco, Michael J.; Miller, Rob; Burns, De'1?:if;8f~~~i~~C~ty; f' _,;; FAIRBAN1<S.?\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ericnalder;

Subject: Drunk-driving trial for state police officer

Mr. Genanco - True of false question:

"I think he should be made to answer like any other citizen for what he's done, but I don't thiIH\he ~~ should be held to a higher standard, either, just because he's a police officer. II . • :;,;.

Other similarities:

Quigg was assigned to a desk job after the December accident and "won't be on the road," a state police spokesperson said.


Palo Alto police officers name not released with police auditor Mr. Genanco' s approval of PAPD Chief Dennis Burns decision not to release officers name ..... .

A Pennsylvania State Police accident investigator accused of drunken driving had a nearly empty bottle of vodka between his knees when he was found slumped over his car's steering wheel in December, according to court documents.

Officers said Cpl. John Quigg Jr. was off duty when found in a Honda that had coasted to a stop against the guard rail along Route 422 in Upper Merion just after 9 p.m. Dec. 17. Quigg was not injured and damage to the car was minor, court records said.

Quigg's attorney, Timothy Woodward Sr., said yesterday that the officer's blood-alcohol level was 0.30. A person is considered legally drunk in Pennsylvania when blood alcohol is 0.08 or greater.

District Judge William Maruszczak said Quigg appeared in his King of Prussia court in an unscheduled hearing Wednesday to waive a hearing, and will stand trial. The appearance had been set for yesterday.


Page 2 of2

Quigg, 48, of Wyndmoor, who helped supervise sobriety checkpoints in the Philadelphia area, was charged with drunken driving, reckless driving, and violating the open-container law.

In an interview yesterday, Woodward portrayed Quigg as a "dedicated, hard-working police officer who made a mistake and deeply regrets it. He's remorseful, and he's doing everything he can to address it."

Woodward said Quigg had completed a 30-day inpatient program at the Caron Treatment Center in Wernersville, Pa.

He said, "I think he should be made to answer like any other citizen for what he's done, but I don't think he should be held to a higher standard, either, just because he's a police officer."

Quigg has spent more than 20 years doing crash reconstruction and investigations from his office at the Belmont Barracks. He is also trained to assess the behavior of drivers under the influence of drugs.

At the time of the incident, Quigg was assigned to the Collision Accident Reconstruction Specialist Unit. The unit reconstructs crashes on major highways and in some municipalities.

Quigg was assigned to a desk job after the December accident and "won't be on the road," a state police spokesperson said.


Page 1 of 1

Davis, Phyllis






Public Records Request Tracking System [public.records.requesttracking@gmail.comj

Wednesday, February 17, 20102:27 PM; Burns, Dennis

Keene, James; Council, City;; Espinosa, Sid (internal); Gennaco, Michael J.; Miller, Rob; Brown, Sandra; I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; NM.ST;;;;;;;; RI. ST; SC.;;;;;;;;;; ericnalder;

Re: Daily Post - When Cop gets DUI

Attachments: Post - When Cop Gets DUl,pdf


Did I read this story correctly? Did PAPD Lt.Sandra Brown say she is proud of the drunken PAPD police officer?

What about the PAPD officer arrested and convicted of sexually assaulting female motorists? Is she equally proud?

Does this mean Genanco stands behind her comments as well? They must both be under the influence ....... Drunken sex pistols ...

Mark Petersen-Perez

On Wed, Feb 17,2010 at 12:43 AM, <> wrote:

Please note: forwarded message attached

.;c", "". ::7: (1';;' ,

t.o -. -CJ)


TUESDAY, Feb .. 16, 2010

When a cop gets a DUI Cases handled differently in San Mateo and Palo Alto


Dally Post Staff Writ ...

Police departments vigorously promote their efforts at catching drunken drivers through check­points and saturation patrols. After­ward, the court process begins for those arrested for DUI, and their names often appeadn the paper.

But when Palo Alto and San Mateo cops get a DU!, the story is a lillIe different.

On March 5, 2009. San Mateo police Officer. Antonio. Loza, 34, was'drinking off-duty with fellow officers at the Crowne Plaza Hotel

in Foster City when he decided to drive home, according to prosecu­tors. He plowed into a woman's car on Highway 92 near Highway 101, leaving her with scrapes and bruises.

His blood-alcohol level was 0.23 nearly three times the legal limit, according to prosecutors.

San Mateo police didn't tell the public that one of their own had been arrested for DUI, but they did inform the district attorney. The DA then included the officer's name and occupation in a report about ongoing cases that is gh'en to

the media each day. Loza's name hit the newspapers. He also left the police de­partment. Police wouldn't say if he was pushed or he jumped, but Deputy Chief Mike Callagy continned that Loza isn't one of San Mateo's tinest anymore.

Loza, II Belm9nt resident, was sen­tenced Jan. 30 to 20 days in jail and three years probation.

Keeping secrets In Palo Alto, the story is a different.

The fact that one of Palo Alto's police officers was arrested and convicted of DUr might never have come to light except for the fact that the city had hired n police auditor to oversee how police handle complnints and disciplin­ary matters.

[n a Dec. 16, 2009, repon to City Council, the auditor reported Ihat an unnamed Palo Alto officer had been ar­rested and cOllvicted of drunken driving in 2008 in un off-duty incident. The of­ficer rolled his vehicle, the report said.

The city has refused to identify the officer, and it isn't known where the accident occurred. It's possible that it dido't even occur in Santa Clara Coun­ty since many Palo Alto officers live in other connties.

The police ulJditor, Mike Gennaco, said that at the time he wrote the re­port, Palo Alto police hadn't finished its investigation of the matter, and so he hadn't been presented the case to re­view. Gennaco's next rep,ort to council, which is due at the end of this month, should shed more light on the DUI.

In the meantime, the officer was put all desk duty, Gennaco wrote in the Dec. 16 report.

Neither San Mateo 1101' Palo Alto has

II written policy luI' dealing with om­cers who get DUIs.

In Palo Alto, a vnriety of faclors, including the officer's attitude and his­tory, and whether someone was harmed in the crash, would be considerations, said Lt. Sandra Brown, who is in charge of internal affairs.

"It changes," said Brown. "It de­pends On the case."

'Proud' of officer Brown said she is "very proud" of

the way the Palo Alto cop has handlcd his conviction, mId that he is a "hard­working ofticer."

Punishments an officer could receive range from being forced to take time off work with or without pay, being kept on the force but taken off the streets, or possibly being fired if it was a set:ond offense or someone wns harmed as a result of the officer', drunken driving. said Brown.

Police Chief Dennis Blints declined to comment to the Post for this story.

Brown said there is no mandatory requirement for an officer to be fired for a first drunk driving offense, nor would the officer be subjected to ran­dom checks for alcohoL Whether the oflicer was arrested for drinking while on duty or off would also factor into the punishment.

Palo Alto police conferred with mher depaltments to see what kind of pun­ishment officers received for similar crimes during their investigation of their officer's drunken driving arrest,' said Brown.

Palo Alto police would not .have to attend mandatory alcohol counseling for a drunken driving. conviction, and an officer who had been convicted of drunken driving would still be allowed to make drunken driving arrests, as a matter of public safety, said Brown.

Palo Alto police have declined to identify which officer was convicted

for' drunk driving because he wa~ olT dUlY whcn it happened. Brown said that for the department 10 identify him would be an unwarranted tnvasinn of his privacy.

"We all have our right to privacy, we are all human and we all mnkc mistakes. no matter who writes our paycheck:; said Brown.

JI1 San Mateo, police offkers con­victed of misdcJllCnnOrs, including DUI, axe dealt with on a case-by-case basis. said Ll. Mike Brunicardi.' It all depends on the set'crilv "I' the nffel1.~e and the officer's prior behavior, B .. uni­cardi said.

Stress disorder Officer Loza's Ilttomey, Eric Huve,

argued in court that his .client's heavy drinking was Ihe result of pool-tra,,'­malic stress dlsonler stemming front a 2007 ,hom-nut al a Illcnwl h<~alth clinic in Sal) Millen bctwe-e,1i Loza. his, pal111l:1"

and a suspected bank robber. [-Juvc ar­gued Loza shouldn't sen'e all 20 dat's for Ihe DUI, but Superior COlin Judge Robelt Foiles disagreed.

One difference between the Iwo cil­ies is that while the Palo Alto officer's ide)ltity has Deen kept from the public, the San Mateo officer who got" DlJl was identified.

The police report listed Lozil as work· ing as a San Mateo police onleer, which tipped off prosecutors, said San Milten COUllty Chief Deputy District Allnrncy Steve Wagstaffe. But, Wagstaffe added, the top brass al the Sail Mmco Police Department called his office 10 notify them about the situation.

According to Wagstaffe, thm iSIl'1 al­ways the case. The longtime prosecutor can remember II DUI case where pms­ecutor, tried a man and didll'l know he w~fs an officer with an agency 011 the coast "llIil well arter it wa" closed.

Wagsraffe said that detail is illlpnr­lant to know because if tlmt cop should ever testify in cmU1 again, prnsecutllrs need to disclose the conviction to the defense. A defense attorney might try 10

lise a DUI to discredit nn officer who testifies in a court case.

Davis, Phyllis

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Wayne Martin [] CJ';::~ii;;:~/ Wednesday, February 10, 2010 12:45 PM ,ZW .,",',~'

Council, City -ftf F!:"R I Time To End Traffic Patrols--Just Not Cost Effective' t_L! I AM I': 43

Palo AltoCity Council

Just now, as I was out for a walk, I noticed a Palo Alto policeman, on a motorcycle/ cruising up and down the street. It's difficult to understand why we pay $200,000 a year for someone to do this. Certainly red light cameras, video surveillance equipment, and other kinds of electronics will provide the same services, at a far more effective cost. Moreover, electronics operate on a 7/24/365 basis--not just during the nice weather that Palo Alto motorcycle police seemed to prefer.

We're way past time for, as the town/ to begin re-thinking the whole police function. Getting rid of old-fashioned traffic enforcement/ the way we're doing it/ is one of the first things that should be on the agenda.

Wayne Martin Palo Alto




Gennaco, Miqhael J.; Miller, Rob; Council, City;

Subject: Police Officers under Investigation for Covering Up DUI Hit-and-Run Accident

Police Officers under Investigation for Covering Up DUI Hit-and-Run Accident

Page 1 of2

Four Manhattan Beach police officers are under investigation for their role in a hit-and-run Los An~k~ car accident and the allegation of a cover-up in that case.

According to a news report in the Daily Breeze, the incident in question occurred January 31, 2010 on Sepulveda Boulevard near Manhattan Beach Boulevard and involved three vehicles.

It resulted in minor injuries, but possibly involved a drunk driver. Police officers arrived on scene, but the driver who caused the accident had left the scene. None of the victims sustained life-threatening injuries.

The damaged car, which caused the collision, was apparently driven to a gas station a short distance away and parked there.

Police got to the gas station and found out that the car was registered to a Manhattan Beach police officer. No report was taken and no arrests were made.

Police Chief Launches Investigations

The investigation was apparently initiated by the Manhattan Beach police chief who learned about the DUI car accid_ent a day later.

He ordered an independent investigation by the Los Angeles Sheriffs Department and initiated an internal affairs investigation as well.

The chief is asking that members of the public reserve their judgment until the results of the investigation are released on these four officers.

The offic~r, who allegedly caused the accident, was off-duty at the time, ~ccQrdingJ~Ltl}~X~.PQrt.

This is apparently the second similar incident in the South Bay area. In September an off-duty Torrance police officer left the scene of the crash he caused while under the influence.

He was not charged although he admitted he fled because his judgment was impaired by alcohol. He was let off the hook because the victim in the case "chose not to prosecute him."

DUI and Hit-and-Run Laws Apply to All


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This is a deeply disturbing report. These are the people we count on to serve and protect us! I commend the chief of police for doing his job and doing the right thing -- something his subordinates possibly failed to do in this case.

We all have heard about that bond of brotherhood, which all law enforcement officers share.

But such cases are proof that the line between right and wrong can blur in the context of that "bond."

In this case, the intoxicated off-duty officer who caused a hit-and-run accident and injured people, should have been arrested. Another person who did the same thing would very likely have faced felony DUI and hit-and-run charges.

Why was this officer let off the hook? I hope the Sheriffs Department conducts an objective investigation and ensures that justice is done for the victims who were injured in this car accident.

Such cover-ups also damage the public's trust of police officers -- a trust that is earned over years and decades.


Davis, Ph llis

From: Sent: To: ~~~~£~~;~:!JrJ~1~1~~:=!::::,'t~E8~~~i~i~r~~~coml Cc: abjpd; Subject: Officer Michael Cruz resigned

Mr. Genanco ..... do you approve?

A woman who was groped and fondled by a Phoenix police officer after a collision in July said the officer took advantage because she was drunk and fearful of getting a second drunken-driving charge, according to internal police records.

Officer Michael Cruz resigned in December after he was told he would be fired for inappropriate sexual contact. His partner, John Urban, also resigned after the investigation showed he lied and failed to report Cruz.

Investigators found that Cruz and Urban failed to properly investigate the potential drunken-driving rear-end collision. Cruz admitted he had evidence to cite the woman for driving under the influence, but "it was hot, and he was lazy/' the report showed.

The 23-year-old woman never pressed charges, though she claimed that she was fearful the officers could have raped her and that Cruz "knew he could get away with something; "

"I feel like ... these cops were not doing their job, like I should have been Breathalyzed," she told detectives.

Both officers involved in the incident said the woman kissed Cruz and made aggressive sexual advances. She denied the officers' detailed claims about her behavior.

Cruz and Urban responded to the collision in the 4300 block of West Yucca Street, near 43rd Avenue and Cholla Street in northwest Phoenix about 5:30 p.m. on July 26.

They located the woman less than a mile away and arrested her on suspicion of leaving the scene of the accident. She was placed in handcuffs.

The officers drove a few blocks away to a shady spot near a set of dumpsters in a parking lot at Arroyo Elementary School to complete the accident paperwork.

Cruz said that he believed the sexual contact was consensual and that the woman propositioned him to avoid the DUI charge. The woman feared for her safety, she said later, but allowed Cruz to touch her after he released her from the handcuffs.


The woman said she "probably should have been arrested for intoxication." However, the officers cited her for failure to control speed to avoid a collision.

After the incident, the officers dropped her off near a bar at a shopping center, where she hugged Cruz and said goodbye.

Sgt. Tommy Thompson, a spokesman for Phoenix police, said Cruz would have violated police policy for having sexual contact on duty, even if the contact was consensual..


Page 1 of 3

Davis, Phyllis {

From: Public Records Request TraCking~Y~t~~JbH&rJc6r~ltfekiiJe3'0racking@gmaiI.Coml Sent:



Wednesday, February 17, 2010 1:33 PM,.iT" '.1 :\E(;C!yFD Gennaco, Michael J.; Miller, Rob; Burns, De.{n\$~~e8fifi8il?<tlfr.l~ene, James; Brown, Sandra;

Subject: Riverside police chief had visited strip club prior to wreck

a -., !"1 u co

Should P APD join forces? co

Riverside police chief had visited strip club prior to wreck u::> .. CJ1

Special Section: Police chief crash probe

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C"""';, rr:

before crashing his city-issued car last week, Riverside police Chief Russ Leach spent several hours drinking at an area strip club but appeared "fine" when he left, an attorney for the club said Tuesday.

.. -,~,,~


. ,

the California Highway Patrol has obtained copies of surveillance footage at Club 215 in Colton that shows Leach arriving shortly before 10:30 p.m. on Super Bowl Sunday and leaving after the club closed, at 1 :48 a.m., said Roger Jon Diamond.

he appeared to have "maybe three" drinks along with food, Diamond said, and did not seem impaired upon driving away - roughly an hour before he crashed.

"He wasn't drunk, he wasn't disorderly," Diamond said by phone. "The chief was a perfect gentleman and conducted himself properly."

Leach, who is seeking retirement for medical reasons, did not return a call Tuesday.

he has previously said he was disoriented on prescription medication when he wrecked his 2006. Chrysler 300 and continued driving on the car's rims for more than 3 miles, until his own officers pulled him over.

though they filed a report indicating Leach had been drinking, the officers did not give Leach a field sobriety test and did not recommend criminal action. the case's handling has led to an internal affairs probe.

the chief of nearly 1 0 years has said he does not remember what happened, other than thinking he drove into a field and had a flat tire.

Hour in Between

still unaccounted for is the hour between Leach's departure from Club 215 which offers nude exotic dancers - and the time police reported that he drifted across lanes on Central Avenue, 8 miles away, and went up a curb to strike a light pole and fire hydrant.


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he was stopped at 3: 1 0 a.m. at Arlington Avenue and Rutland Street, 3 miles past the collision scene, after a caller said his heavily damaged car was throwing sparks.

CHPInland Division Chief leffTalbott said Tuesday that he could not "refute or confirm" Diamond's statement about Leach's whereabouts before the crash. Investigators continue to interview witnesses and review evidence, he said.

"We're actively looking into everything," Talbott said.

Diamond said that he and Club 215 owner Todd Gibboney have cooperated fully with the CHP, turning over footage from every camera on the property. he said it shows Leach clearly for the entirety of the three-plus hours he spent at the club, alone and composed.

"They're not going to serve anyone who was impaired," Diamond said of club staff.

Riverside city officials have not commented on the status of their internal affairs probe, launched after allegations that police supervisors provided Leach special treatment by driving him home without citing or arresting him.

on the day the city made the initial police report public, the 61-year-old Leach announced he was seeking a medical retirement.

Post-Job Benefits

His years as Riverside's chief could allow him to collect more than $72,000 a year in pension benefits, and he might be eligible for about $48,000 more annually if he is granted job-related disability benefits.

some of that income could be tax-free, depending on how his retirement is categorized by the city.

Riverside provides retiree benefits through the California Public Employees Retirement System, or CaIPERS. under its regular police retirement program, Leach likely could collect about 30 percent of an average figure based on his final salary, $241,020.

If Leach is given industrial disability retirement, which is specifically for job-related medical problems, he could collect roughly 50 percent of the final salary. the city must approve such a request.

To earn it, an employee must have a doctor explain how a diagnosed medical condition prevents the employee from performing job duties. Non-industrial disability retirement, which can be sought after off-the-job injuries, provides a lesser payout.

in spring 2009 Leach took several months of medical leave citing surgery for a back injury. he said at the time the injury was job-related but declined to elaborate.

"My health is extremely important and I can't be ~fvalue to my family if it's deteriorating," he said last week. "This horrible incident that occurred (Feb. ~, clearly told me that medical issues have increased to the point requiring my full attention."

City Manager Brad Hudson said Tuesday he couldn't comment on whether the chief was claiming ajob­related medical retirement, adding he had not seen any claim he may have filed.


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before coming to Riverside, Leach worked for the Los Angeles Police Department for 20 years and spent three years as chief in El Paso, Texas, both of which make him eligible for significant additional retirement benefits.




Gennaco, Michael J.; r1; Burns, Dennis; Council, City; I

Subject: Riverside police chief resigns after accident

Riverside police chief resigns after accident

Page 10f3

An investigation into the department's handling of Monday's early-morning crash is also launched.

Riverside Police Chief Russ Leach, who has been in the post since 2000, stepped down hours after the Police Department released a report about his single-car crash. (Irfan Khan 1 Los Angeles Times 1


Page 2 of3

December 16,2003)

Riv~tside Police Chief Russ Leach stepped down Thursday just three days after he crashed a city-owned car under circumstances that have raised questions about his behavior and his department's response.

City Manager Bradley Hudson said Leach's retirement for Itmedical reasonslt was effective immediately. He also announced a "sweeping Internal Affairs investigation" into the Police Department's actions after the crash, to be overseen by Hudson and former Riverside County Dist. Atty. Grover Trask.

Leach, who has been chief since 2000, resigned hours after the Police Department released a report about his single-car crash that occurred about 3 a.m. Monday.

The report describes a confused Leach, who was apparently unaware that he had just plowed into a fire hydrant, hit a light pole and then driven on the rims of his black Chrysler 300 for three more miles before the car came to rest.

Sgt. Frank Orta, who wrote the report, checked a box for ItHBD -- Impairment Unknown. It HBD stands for "has been drinking, It although the report provides no indication that Leach was given a field sobriety test.

Leach "was unable to provide a~statement regarding the traffic collision, It states the report, which was posted online by the Press-Enterprise. He "repeated several times that he had a flat tire and needed to fix the tire. It was evident that he was unaware that he had a collision and his vehicle suffered major damages."

After the crash, Leach, 61, was placed on medical leave. Earlier Thursday, before his retirement was announced, he apologized for the accident, saying he was on prescription medication and It disoriented. It He did not say whether he had been drinking.

The incident occurred near Central and Hillside avenues. A passing motorist flagged down two police of~cers to report what appeared to be a drunk driver who had struck a hydrant and pole and kept on going.

The officers found the car with major damage to the grille, fender, doors and rear end. Inside was their chief, dazed but otherwise unhurt.

The driver "would only say that he had a flat tire and that he had driven into a field or dirt road. He also could not recall the location of the field or dirt road," the report said.

It concluded by saying the accident had been caused by the chiefs "unsafe turning" and that he had failed to drive on the right side of the road, which caused the car to jump a curb and hit the hydrant and pole.

A few days earlier, Leach had warned citizens against drinking and driving on Super Bowl Sunday.

"Designating a sober driver should be on the top of everyone's Super Bowl party list," he said. tilt's just one of several easy steps to help save lives. II

Riverside Assistant Chief John DeLaRosa has turned the investigation over to the California Highway Patrol, which is examining Leach's car and will interview the officers on duty that night.


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Jim Abele, assistant CHP Inland Division chief, said Thursday that his investigators were still tracking down witnesses and gathering evidence in the case.

"I don't want to comment now until we get all the details," he said. "We came into this 48 hours after it happened, and we are still behind the eight ball."

In the meantime, the agency put out a news release seeking the public's help. "Anyone that might have seen a black sedan driving within the city of Riverside on its rims on February 8, 2010, between the hours of midnight and 3 a.m. is asked to contact the CHP," the release says.

Witnesses should call Officer Mario Lopez or Officer Danny Hesser at (909) 806-2486 or (909) 806-2487.


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Davis, Phyllis

From: jerry doll []

Sent: Sunday, February 14,201012:37 PM 10 FEB 16 11:48

To: Council, City

Subject: Your Detectives retarded comment

Here is a link to a blog site that has been commenting on your detectives comments about shooting open carry gun rights advocates, I suggest you read all the comments and pay close attention to what is being said ... You may need to copy and paste the link, Don't ignore this and think you're to good to listen to what the citizenry has to say,We're PISSED!!!!!

http:/ /!cop:-says-open-carry -advocates-should-be-shotl

If you want to avoid the blowback you are about to come under,I suggest you fire this dipshit before he gets your whole force shot up ... America has no place for a public servant who believes his badge is all the authority needed to shoot people at will just because they express their right to carry a firearm. (legal gun owners aren't the problem,and you know it) This jackass you call a detective is a very big problem in the eyes of millions of us Citizens who choose to express their rights and open carry a firearm. . Many more millions of Americans take a statement such as made by your officer as a direct declaration of war on our freedoms and liberties,including myself, Why you haven't fired this guy is beyond most of our belief" If you don't fire this jerk and make a public announcement condemning his actions,you probably won't be politicians come next election"but by all means,if you agree with his statement,give him a raise and praise him in public for making such a public statement about killing innocent people for no other reason than he fears anyone with a gun besides another cop because he's a coward. And before you write me back with some form letter telling me how great your city is and I should come visit,Just remember this,if I did ever come to your city,you can bet you bottom dollar that I will be carrying a firearm. Also as stated in many of the comments in that link above,criminals don't carry their guns in the open,they hide them,so tell your dick head detective that he doesn't need to worry about those of us who do carry our weapons with pride, we don't have ill intent just the knowledge of our forefathers and the wisdom to know why they expressed this right as to never be able to be abolished or amended because little people like yourselves and obviously your police force think they are over us,instead of employed "BY US" .... Where people fear their government there is tyranny Where a government fears their people there is freedom ...

Remember that famous statement"We the People are ultimately in charge, If you try to change that,you are only declaring war on your Citizens,and we understand that the declaration has already been made. Fire this detective,It's the only right thing to do.ifyou keep him on your force,you too are declaring open carry gun owners should be shot by proxy .... you're political career will be over if you decide to stand by this dumbass,I'll make sure that the citizens of your city know exactly how you feel about their freedoms if you choose to support this idiot,you will be defeated and you will never be electible again.I have lots of friends with influence, Do the right thing rnr.lms. council member,


Page 2 of2

Fire you're i'll informed officers before they start shooting~Y91Ir law abiding people!!!

Sincerely, Jerry Doll aka INFERNO freedom fighters unite against tyranny,


Davis, Phyllis

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Larry[] Sunday. February 14.20107:18 AM Council. City Concerning the facebook article of Det. Rod Tuason '" " ..


10 16 II: 48

I just finished reading the report from your Oet. Rod Tuason1s facebook article where he advocates shooting innocent citizens if they move a muscle while in the prone position. Really, Ladies and Gentlemen, how can you continue keeping someone with that inherent attitude on your police department. Sounds like this person quite obviously does not have the proper mentality for his present job, and he is a danger for your city for lawsuits.

I have served on the City Counsel of my town, and I can assure you that if I were still in that position and this happened in my town, I would be pressuring the Mayor or police chief to discharge him, or if not feasible, then make him a dispatcher or some other functionary where he is not a danger to the public.

Thank you,

Larry Sellers Festus, Mo.


Davis. Phyllis

From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

iJ2<~I;3'> ~~~~y~~~~i~ary 14, 2010 1 :23 PM ~ FEB I 6 AM II- ~ ~ (! :: • I 0 rED I h Keene, James; Council, City _~'r',- ,;/ r.u "/ FW: Concerning the face book article of Del. Rod llj<?;oPi;l'!~AGE'p OFFICE


Mr. Sellers,

Thank youJor your email with regard to the Facebook entry allegedly made by a detective of the East Palo Alto Police Department. Palo Alto City Manager James Keene requested that I respond to your email.

This detective is employed by the East Palo Alto Police Department which has jurisdiction over the City of East Palo Alto, The City of Palo Alto is a separate community with our own police department.

Please feel free to call me at 650 329-2103 if you have questions about this. thanks, Dennis Burns, Police Chief, Palo Alto Police Department

-----Original Message----­From: Keene, James Sent: Sun 02/14/2010 10:26 AM To: Burns, Dennis Subject: Fwd: Concerning the facebook article of Det. Rod Tuason


James Keene Palo Alto, California

Sent from my i phone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Larry <> > Date: February 14, 2010 7: 17:34 AM PST > To: city.council@cityofpaloalto,org > Subject: Concerning the facebook article of Det. Rod Tuason >

> I just finished reading the report from your Det. Rod Tuason's


> facebook article where he advocates shooting innocent citizens if they > move a muscle while in the prone position. Really, Ladies and > Gentlemen, how can you continue keeping someone with that inherent > attitude on your police department. Sounds like this person quite > obviously does not have the proper mentality for his present job, and > he is a danger for your city for lawsuits. > > I have served on the City Counsel of my town, and I can assure you > that if I were still in that position and this happened in my town, I > would be pressuring the Mayor or police chief to discharge him, or if > not feasible, then make him a dispatcher or some other functionary > where he is not a danger to the public. > > > Thank you, > > Larry Sellers > Festus, Mo. > > > > >


Page I of3

~;,' p;~;:=:" =::;~ ;~-p~4;~~'~) .......................... . To: public.records.requesl, tJr FEB I 6 AM II: 45 Ce: H~rrera, Steve; earwop~@yahoo .. com;;,.netfki~n!; BI,I.rt, Patrick: Espinosa, Sid (intemal): Price, Gail; Yeh,

Ylaway (Inle~nal); Schmid, (Internal);;;; DHowe@da,scGgOV .; dan.ryan@cltyofpaloal!, Brown, Sandra, Venable, Mark: Burger, Kelly; Martinez, Nicolas; DeStelano, Thomas' Beacom Bob' Watsoni R<ll\! ik .;; Burns, Dennis; Council, City;;; dia'na@~i!ljiaqilj.i\q#' ~bil!&m';;;; HRC;; •

Subject: Re: Anendance at Secret Police Advisory Board--should IPA Gennaco res ign?

Hi Mark,

In reference to my demand that the Palo Alto Police Advisory Board be opened to the public immdiately--- below I will copy the preamble to both the Brown Act and the California Public Records Act:

Preamble to the Brown Act

... [T]he public commissions, boards and councils and

the other public agencies in this State exist to aid in the

conduct of the people's business. It is the intent of the

law that their actions be taken openly and that their

deliberations be conducted openly. The people of this

State do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which

serve them. The people, in delegating authority, do not

give their public servants the right to decide what is good

for the people to know and what is not good for them to

know. The people insist on remaining informed so that

they may retain control over the instruments they have



6251. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the California Public Records Act. Aram:

6250. In enacting this chapter, the Legislature. mindful of the right of individuals to privacy, finds and declares that access to information concerning the conduct of the people's business is a fundamental and necessary right of every person in this state.

Thanks for passing on your comments. Mr. Genanco seems to be wallowing in his own self gratification. What is made clear is that Mr. Genan "If it were not for our report, you would have never learned about the incident. Consistent with our mandate, we will These comments in ltts self highly suggest the non-disclosure of other important police improprieties that may be taking place, but not repo Mark Petersen-Perez On Mon, Feb 15,2010 at 4:41 PM, !!l:>lruJl@iuno.oom <Wi<9J.1aljuno.ponp wrOle:


Re: Attendance 1\1 Secret Police Advisory Board- and failure to release the name of II Ie DUI convicted memher of the PAPD---should IPA's Mike Gennaco resign?

Hi Mark,

I approve of the officers resignation in the situation outlined in the article you sent-out (but why no criminal charges for sexual assault)??

My guess --the old double standard at work--- one set of rules for the police and another for the rest of us.

And --Mike Gennaro ( our alleged IPA) is complicit in this double standard mentality--he should release the name of the PAPD officer convicted of the DUI involving an accident-- ASAP--and --depending on the all of the circumstances--prior conduct or misconduct record of the officer--Gennaco should recommend the approprinle discipline--anything from reduction of rank --to firing.

Gennaco's failure to release the name of the convicted officer makes him complicit in the cover-up. Gennaco's continued obstruction and obfuscation on this matter is


Page 20f3

unacceptable. J f god forbid--this officer injuries or kills someone on the job--- due to an unresolved drinking problem--r will personally hold Mike Gennaco responsible.

And --Gen~a~o's attendance at the most re~ent scc:et meeting of the Palo Alto Police Advisory Board--is not only a violation of his responsibility to remain independent ( between cItizens and the PAPD) but IS --m my mmd --a baSIS for Gennaco's contract not being renewed.

The City of Palo Allo really needs an IPA who is truly Independent-and not--as John Crew --former head oftne ACLU of Northern California's Police Practices

Project once said: tbe consumer fraud vers ion of police oversight

I am not buying Gennacds defense--my contract made me do it ( attend and apparently present to the secret police advisory board. Or am I buying his shameful argument that I should feel lucky hiS report let's US know --at alJ--that a member of the PAPD was convicted ofa DUJ--so why am I whinning for the officer's name?

Shame on you Mike! Why not spare us all the grief and consider resigning now!!!

Very Sincerely Yours,

Aram James

(Cal state-bar # 80215)

P.S. Here is a recent c-mail to me from Mike on both topics --the DUI convicted officer and --Gennaco's attendance at the last meeting of the secret PAPD police advisory board.

RE: Daily Post - Secret cop panel to meet Auditor (February 9, 2010)

,~, Eariefnal

(~} m~Ucgk~&tI

Click here to display images in this message or edit your settings for all messages. External Images and objects in this message have been blocked. What's.Jhis?


I Prillt

Regarding the DUI case, I think there is one important point that has been forgotten. It was the IPA that brought this incident to the attention of the public. Ifit were not fo our report, you would have never learned about the incident. Consistent with our mandate, we will report the way in which the Department responded to the act administratively, which again, were it not for the IPA, you would never know about.

As reported in the media, your views that my attending the Committee meeting last night showed bias On behalfofthe police is absurd. I have a contractual responsibility to learn what the Department has been doing in response to addressing Ihe controversial comments made by the former Chie[ The Department touts the Commiltee as pal of its response to that controversy. It would be remiss for me to not learn to what degree the Committee is addressing the issues coming Oul of Ihal controvers),.

Michael Gennaco

Mr. Genanco ..... do you approve?

A woman who was groped and fondled by a Phoenix police officer after a collision in July said the officer took advantage because she was drunk and fearful of gelling a second drunken-driving charge, according to internal police records.

Officer Michael Cruz resigned in December after he was told he would be fired for inappropriate sexual contact. His partner, John Urban, also resigned after the investigation showed he lied and failed to report Cruz.

Investigators found that Cruz and Urban failed to properly investigate the potential drunken-driving rear-end collision. Cruz admitted he had evidence to cite the wOlllan for driving under the influence, but "it was hot, and he was lazy," the report showed.

The 23-year-old woman never pressed charges, though she claimed that she was fearful the officers could have raped her and that Cruz "knew he could get alVa), wilh something. "

"I feel like ... these cops were not doing their job, like I should have been Breathalyzed," she told detectives.

Both officers involved in the incident said the woman kissed Cruz and made aggressive sexual advances. She denied the officers' detailed claims about her behavior.

Cruz and Urban responded to the collision in the 4300 block of West Yucca Street. near 43rd Avenue and Cholla Street in northwest Phoenix about 5:30 p.m. on July ]6.

They located the woman less than a mile away and arrested her on suspicion of leaving the scene of the accident. She was placed in handcuffs.

The officers drove a few blocks away to a shady spot near a set of dumpsters in a parking lot at Arroyo Elementary School to complete the accident paperwork.


Page 3 of3

Cruz said that he believed the sexual contact was consensual and that the woman propositioned him to avoid the DUI charge. The woman feared for her safety, she said later, but allowed Cruz to touch her after he relcased her from the handcuffs.

The woman said she "probably should have been arrested for intoxication." However, the officers cited her for failure to control speed 10 avoid a collision.

After the incident, the officers dropped her off near a bar at a shopping center, where she hugged Cruz and said goodbye.

Sgt. Tommy Thompson, a spokesman for Phoenix police, said Cruz would have violated police policy for having sexual contact on duty, even ifthe contact was consensual.



Dav is ~ .. ~~~~!~~~.- .. -----.--.--..... -.~----.----.~~~r~:(:(:-LLi~Ks'~·b£E'c(~~,..__,zil._ From: Public Records Request Tracking syste1 ~'ffti§.rfgor~j{Trprtsg tracking@gfttffJiin/6AMTI=45

Sent: Monday. February 15.2010 12:23 PM i1ECli\!tlJ



Gennaco, Michael J.; Miller. Rob; Burns, Dennis; Council. City CITY HMU\GEfrS OFFICE;;;;;;;;;;;;;; KY.STA;;;; MS.STA;;;;;;; .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Subject: Cop Driving Squad Car Takes Sobriety Test In Pajamas

Mr. Gennaco do you approve?

Just Google drunk driving police police officers and you be amazed at the shear numbers arrested.

The common thread Mr. Genanco is that in every case the name, the name of the officer is revealed. Why is that Mr. Genanco??

When was your last drug and alcohol test administered? Stop hiding the name of the Palo Alto police officer arrested and convicted of a DUI !!!

WINTER SPRINGS -- A reserve Windermere police officer has been suspended from her job after being stopped on suspicion of drunk driving while behind the wheel of a police cruiser.

Officials sais Officer Kristie Fink showed up early Thursday morning at the Winter Springs home of a fellow officer, whom she claimed to be dating.

"She was pounding on the door, and he believed that she was probably intoxicated," said Winter Springs police Chief Kevin Brunelle.

After Fink left the home, an officer pulled her over after spotting her squad car.

She was asked to take a field sobriety test, walking the line in her pajamas. Police said she passed, although records showed she used her arms for balance, and missed putting the tip of her finger to the tip of her nose.

"There was no arrest made after the investigation of the DUI," Brunelle said.

According to police reports, Fink admitted to drinking three beers, and said she probably should not have been driving, but the Winter Springs officers did not think she was too drunk to drive.


Page 20f2

Brunelle insisted Fink was not held above the law, saying if they needed to take her to jail, they would have.

"There is no professional courtesy," he said.

A Windennere lieutenant came to pick up Fink, and the squad car was towed.

Police said Fink will remain on administrative leave until an internal investigation is completed.


Page 1 of3

Davis, Phyllis





abjpd 1@juno.comln (:"1:';'~ I 0. ;, "'I II: 4 9 t U ~ Ll ... - "- .

Monday, February 15, 20107:10 PM __ ~r·~'r··-; J'~ ,

public.records.request.tracking@gmaiLcom;;CII·lefrer.~·f!S~;$ GFFiCE timothygray@sbcglobaLnet;; witcoh@gmaiLcom .; Council, City; Burns, Dennis;;; F AI RBA; greencountry.; ok.;;;;;;;; NORTH EASTREGION.I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Pacificnw.

Subject: Re: Cop Driving Squad Car Takes Sobriety Test In Pajamas

Hi Mark,

You've hit the nail on the head. Mr. Gennaco can continue to engage in a dance of linguistic obfuscation and moral bankruptcy but --when all is said and done-- he has both a legal and moral obligation to report to the citizens of this community re the name of the convicted DUI Palo Alto Police officer.

Anything less then a full and immediate disclosure is unacceptable--and continues to make the streets of Palo Alto a potential public safety hazard. Keep up the pressure!l


Mr. Genanco:

That why it is necessary that full disclosure and accountability be achieved. Your responsibility in this matter should not be taken lightly.

The fact that you in your original report make no mention of the seriousness of this matter speaks for it's self. To the contrary, Mr. Gennanco I have examined in detail your report and understand the facts as presented by you and Mr. Miller.

What is made clear Mr. Gennanco in your report is that, this accident could have caused a fatally. Drunk driving "Kills".

What I find absolutely repugnant is your lack of any public safety concerns as noted in your original report and your cavalier comments to the press further demonstrates this fact. We await and look forward to your final report.

Mark Petersen-Perez


Page 2 of3

Mon, Feb 15,2010 at 3:00 PM, Gennaco, Michael J. <MJQ~nna~@l!:l_~_Q.Qt:g> wrote:

Dear Mr. Petersen-Perez:

I find it extremely ironic that but for our report, YOll would know absolutely nothing about the DUI involving a PAPD ofl1cer.

As we stated, we will work to ensure individual accountability and to provide the public information about how the Department handled this matter and report on that ill ollr next report.

Michael Gennaco

From: Public Records Request Tracking System [mailto:public.records.reguesttracking@gllliijl.col11] Sent: Monday, February 15,2010 12:23 PM To: Gennaco, Michael J.; Miller, Rob; Bums, Dennis; city.council@cityofpaloaltQ,Qrg Cc: !!hipd; dprice@p!ldailyp(); F AIRBANK$; gt'; ~k,;;;; CT.STA TE@madd.oxg; DE.ST A;!;;;; KY,ST A; L.'h$TA; MO.STA; mndllit.s:@mlt(I~LoJ:g; MS.STA TE@ma<; info.nebr!; NJ.~TATE@m<!dd.()Ig; Nt""LSTATE@lJ1ad!l,org;; IlG.statE@madg&rg; ElJgene.pacificl]"Y@mltgd.Qrg; !l1fldclml@Yeri!;;; madgnortb£S:ntrjllp_lt@.Y~xif:!2.rLllet; RLSTATE@madd.Qrg; SC.STATE@madd.ol'g; CODINGTON.SD@mad(;; [;;; danieJa.smothelman@mac!;;;

Subject: Cop Driving Squad Car Takes Sobriety Test In Pajamas

Mr. Gennaco do you approve?

Just Google drunk driving police police officers and you be amazed at the shear numbers arrested.

The common thread Mr. Genanco is that in every case the name, the name of the officer is revealed. Why is that Mr. Genanco??

When was your last drug and alcohol test administered? Stop hiding the name of the Palo Alto police officer arrested and convicted of a DUI !!!


Page 3 of3

WINTER SPRINGS -- A reserve Windermere police officer has been suspended from her job after being stopped on suspicion of drunk driving while behind the wheel of a police cruiser.

Officials sais Officer Kristie Fink showed up early Thursday moming at the Winter Springs home of a fellow officer, whom she claimed to be dating.

"She was pounding on the door, and he believed that she was probably intoxicated," said Winter Springs police Chief Kevin Brunelle.

After Fink left the home, an officer pulled her over after spotting her squad car.

She was asked to take a field sobriety test, walking the line in her pajamas. Police said she passed, although records showed she used her arms for balance, and missed putting the tip of her finger to the tip of her nose.

"There was no arrest made after the investigation of the DUI," Brunelle said.

According to police reports, Fink admitted to drinking three beers, and said she probably should not have been driving, but the Winter Springs officers did not think she was too drunk to drive.

Brunelle insisted Fink was not held above the law, saying if they needed to take her to jail, they would have.

"There is no professional courtesy," he said.

A Windermere lieutenant came to pick up Fink, and the squad car was towed.

Police said Fink will remain on administrative leave until an intemal investigation is completed.


Page 1 of 1


Davis, Phyllis ;

From: abjpd 1 AMII=42 Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 10:51 PM . ".

To:; alphonse9947@gmalLcdrtiXGk\~;s OFFICE .

Cc: HRC; Council, City

Subject: FYI: Jeff--re your comments last night re the need for body guards

Hi Jeff: ( Jeff Rosen --candidate for Santa Clara County District Attorney)

At last night's debate at the Billy Defrank LGBT Community Center--you mentioned--and correcimejf I am wrong re any of the details--that at one time (maybe while attending college at UCLA) you apparently took what was perceived by some as a controversial position ---subsequently requiring you to have body guards. So here is my question:

What was the circumstance/situation/position you took that required your subsequent need for body guards?

Okay--Jeff--I look forward to your response including any correction re my recollection of your comment~ lastnight. Thanks.


Aram James


Davis, Phyllis

From: : ~." C, Sent: To: Cc:

Drew Koning [drewkoning@gmaiLcom] Thursday, February 11, 20109: 16 AM Burt, Patrick Council, City ! I ,: 2= 28

Subject: Re: PA Utility

Dear Mayor & City Council,

I'm writing to complain about the incompetence of Palo Alto's public utility company. My family moved here several months ago from New York and have had non-stop issues with PAIs utility company. From multiple mis-readings, erroneous billing practices, threats of shutting off the power, and a general incompetence to remedy any of the above or to communicate across departments. I have been in contact with a manager (Lisa Rendawn (sp» who has apologized for the above, but the issues remain.

As a high paying tax member of this community, I am appalled by how much of my time has so far been wasted dealing with all this. As a lawyer and father of two, my time is finite.

I realize my remedies are limited, so I guess the next stop is either the press or backing representation who can sort out PA's services.

Best, Drew Koning


Davis, Phyllis

From: Jolene Smith [melanie@first5kidr(?f9~:B I G bH!!: I.; 9 Thursday, February 11,20105:10 PM Sent:

To: Council, City

Subject: Bidders Conference: Superior CourUFamily Resource Center Initiative

FIRST 5 Santa Clara County Announcement


Bidders Conference for Superior Court/Family Resource Center Initiative RFP

Dear Partners:

Page 1 of 1

FIRST 5 Santa Clara County will be hosting a Bidders Conference to review all elements of the The Superior Court and Family Resource Center RFP.

When: Wednesday, February 17,2010 from 10:30 am -12:30 pm Where: FIRST 5 Santa Clara County, Community Room, 4000 Moorpark Ave, San Jose, CA 95117

Please call to RSVP at 408-260-3700 or email by February 16, 2010.


Jolene Smith, FIRST 5 Executive Director

FIRST 5 Santa Clara County I 4000 Moorpark Avenue I San Jose, California 95117 I 408.260.3700 I

Forward email

121 SafeUnsubscribe® This email was sent to by Update Profile/Email Address I Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ I PrivacyPoliQ!..

FIRST 5 Santa Clara County I 4000 Moorpark Avenue I San Jose I CA I 95117


Page 1 of 1

To: Council, City

Subject: Invitation to MRA Meeting on Traffic Issues

Mayor Burt and Council Members,

I'd like to extend an invitation to you to attend the Midtown Residents Association's general meeting on traffic concerns in Midtown. The m~eting is on Tuesday, February 16, at the Friends Meeting Hall, 957 Colorado. Doors open at 6:45 PM and the meeting starts at 7 PM.

Traffic is something like the weather - everybody talks about it, but nobody can do anything about it. Or can they? Speakers will include those most likely to do something about traffic in Palo Alto:

• Police Chief Dennis Burns • Planning Director CurtiS Williams • Chief Planning Official Julie Caporgno.

Learn how the Oregon Expressway Improvement Project will impact traffic on Middlefield. Find out where Midtown's danger spots are, what environmental changes can reduce speeding, how changes to the traffic division impact enforcement, and what you can do to help. Have a great suggestion for improving traffic in Midtown? Share your ideas and suggestions with your city officials and your neighbors.

Sheri Furman MRAChair


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Davis, Phyllis

From: peter bothers []

Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 11 :50 AM

To: Council, City

Subject: alert alert alert

To the city of Palo Alto

I am a resident of Palo Alto and I have a concern, which I need to express to the city of Palo Alto. This city needs to enforce a law to the airport on the accident, which occurred today at Sam. When the airplane crash into the power lines it affected a great deal of business. It is very clear that some ofthe plot does not use common sense, due to fail in equipment, or just a big ego, meaning if the visibility is poor, "do not fly."

Thanks you

Sign Resident of Palo Alto.

Good day

c::) --,' .-,',

1::J -.! pii;


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Davis, Phyllis

From: Emslie, Steve

Sent: Tuesday, February 16,20104:51 PM

To: Council, City CiTY OFFiCE Cc: Keene, James; Morariu, Kelly; Williams, Curtis; Turner, Steven; Campbell, Clare

Subject: FW: Open Space Zone Changes- Council's Initiation

At a recent Stanford hospital briefing with City Manager Jim Keene and myself, Councilmember Scharff asked for background on the Open Space Zoning. The following links provide background to City Manager Reports on the Open Space zoning with minutes from Council meetings.


From: Turner, Steven Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 12:22 PM To: Emslie, Steve Subject: FW: Open Space Zone Changes- Council's Initiation

<-'J Steve, this is the information Councilmember Scharff requested regarding the OS district regulations . .."

fTI 'G:J

From: Campbell, Clare Sent: Tuesday, February 16,2010 12:15 PM To: Turner, Steven Cc: French, Amy; Williams, Curtis Subject: RE: Open Space Zone Changes- Council's Initiation

This started back in 2007.

Council Meetings

07/30/2007: CMR D=8611 Minutes:

1.0 .,

Webcast http://www.communitymediacenter.netlwatch/pacc webcastiJulylPACC_Ql~_QQ7,-htmJ , item #12

09/21/2009: CMR htlp;// D= 17093 Minutes Webcast

http://www.communitymediacenter.netiwatch/paccwebcastiSeptem~er/PACC092109.html. item #25

Clare Campbell Planner

From: Turner, Steven Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 10:57 AM To: Campbell, Clare Cc: French, Amy Subject: Open Space Zone Changes- Council's Initiation

Clare, Steve Emslie is following up with Councilmember Scharrf regarding the changes to the Open Space zoning regs. Can you provide me with a copy of the original CMR and minutes for the meeting where Council initiated


this work? Scharff is interested in the reasons why the changes to the OS were requested.


Steven Turner Advance Planning Manager Department of Planning and Community Environment City of Palo Alto (650) 329-2155


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Davis, Phyllis





Emslie, Steve

Tuesday, February 16, 20104:44 PM

Council, City

Keene, James; Williams, Curtis; Turner, Steven

Subject: Bicycle Facilities Improvements

Page 1 of2

At a recent Council briefing on the Stanford hospital projects with Jim Keene and myself, Council member Scharff asked that staff provide background on the timing for bicycle improvements. Staff has provided the following link to the Master Plan which includes a table which summarizes improvements and their priority.

From: Turner, Steven Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 12:27 PM To: Emslie, Steve Subject: FW: City Bike Lane Improvements

Steve, Councilmember Scharff also requested date regarding improvements to the bicycle facilities. The report below details many types of bicycle related projects. I couldn't find a specific summary just for bike lane upgrades. However, there is a table (Table 6-3) that lists the strategic improvements, which are high priority projects.

From: Likens, Gayle Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 11:16 AM To: Turner, Steven Subject: RE: City Bike Lane Improvements

This information is in the Palo Alto Bicycle Transportation Plan at htt}2:llwww.cityoi}2aloalto.orgjcivicajfilebank/blobdlQad.a@}BlohI12=-7.693

Chapter 6 includes the list of High Priority Projects and associated cost estimates. We will be updating the Bicycle Plan during 2010.

Gayle Likens Management Specialist Planning and Transportation Division City of Palo Alto P.O. Box 10250 Palo Alto, CA 94303

Phone: 650-329-2136 Fax: 650-617-3108

From: Turner, Steven Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 11:00 AM To: Likens, Gayle


Page 2 of2

Subject: City Bike Lane Improvements

Gayle, Steve Emslie is following up with Councilmember Scharrf regarding a program to improve all of the City's existing bike lanes. Does such a program exist? Scharff is interested in the estimated costs to complete this work. Can you provide me with this data?


Steven Turner Advance Planning Manager Department of Planning and Community Environment City of Palo Alto (650) 329-2155


Davis, Phyllis




write me []

Tuesday, February 16, 20104:15 PM

Council, City

Subject: I am opposition of any liquor sales

Page 1 of 1

by or near any schools. In fact Alcoholic beverages often lead to death and irreversible health problems. It creates violence and aggression. It's a leading cause of spousal and family abuse. Drunk driving also kills. Drug stores or any stores ..................... NO to liquor sales !I! Jerry droz

, . t:;::) -~.--.



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Davis, Phyllis

From: Sent: To: Subject:



Len Lehmann [] Tuesday, February 16, 20103:14 PM Council, City Open Space District zoning changes under consideration by the Council

PAPOS-reponse ToCity2-16-1 O. pdf

Ity2-16-1O.pdf.... 'I b d CIty Counci Mem ers an Mayor,

I am forwarding today's communications to City Staff for your information.


Leonard Lehmann for the PAPOS neighborhood association of the Open Space District





'fl =;r:~.:·~ 0) g;;

On February 12th you sent to Open Space homeowners a statement of the City's intent in considering a maximum house size and restrictions on basements in the Open Space District.

That statement comes after three years during which residents and the neighborhood association asked what was driving the rezoning effort, and what problem the City was trying to solve. The PAPOS neighborhood association has asked me to respond to you on behalf of tne association.

We thank you for the response, but we find it unconvincing. There are no findings of fact that a problem exists. The Council has rejected the recommendations of the Planning Commission and Staff.

Attached is the association's written response and comments relating to the City's statement of intent, Please add this to the public record.

Thank you,

lien lehmann 850 Los Trancos Road for the PAPOS neighborhood association


PAPOS: Palo Altans Protecting Open Space The neighborhood association of the Open Space District

Comments (indented, in italics) February 16,2010 on the City's intent with respect to maximum house size and basement restrictions in the Open Space District

Intent of Maximum House Size:

Reduce impacts of energy and water use.

There is no direct connection between house size and water use. Water use is determined primarily by landscaping needs, and secondarily by the number of occupants. if the City is sincerely concerned about water use, it should limit lawns, garden plantings, and related needs for irrigation.

Similarly, there is very little direct connection between energy use and house size. An intelligently designed home will alwaysusefar less energy than a poorly designed home. The use of overhangs, light-colored roofS, lack of air conditioning, use of attic fans, and similar design features make a huge difference. if the City is sincerely concerned about energy use, it should incorporate these guidelines into its building code for construction throughout the City.

Reducing the impacts of energy and water use is a worthy goal which should be applied equally to aI/jurisdictions within theCity and need not be limited to the small number ofresidential properties in the District.

Comprehensive Plan Policy N-6: Through implementation of the Site and Design process and the Open Space zone district regulations, minimize impacts of any new development on views of the hillsides, on the open space character, and the natural ecology of the hillsides.

See Policy N-7 below.

Comprehensive Plan Policy N-7 (#1): The development should not be visually intrusive from public roadways and public parkiands. As much as possible, development should be sited so it is hidden from view.

These are good policies and these factors will always be considered during Site and Design Review, since the issues are very property and design specific. Many properties are not visible from surrounding areas, and have no visual impact. A good design always mitigates this concern, while a maximum house size is not very effective.

The guidelines in 18.28.070 (P) already address all these issues.

Comprehensive Plan Policy N-7 (#8): To reduce the need for cut and fill and to reduce potential runoff, large, flat expanses of impervious surfaces should be avoided.

There is no connection between the size of a home and the need for cut and fill, in general.

Runoff has never been a sincere concern of the Council. There have been no environmental studies and no findings concerning runoff The potential for runoff is highly specific to particular parcels. For example, the Lehmann parcel is located in a bowl; runoff is impossible. The City of Palo Alto is the largest generator of surface runoff in the as District, yet there has been no attempt by the City to mitigate this source.

Intent of Basement Limitations:

Comprehensive Plan Policy N-7 (#8): To reduce the need for cut and fill and to reduce potential runoff, large, flat expanses of impervious surfaces should be avoided.

Basements reduce the flat expanses of impervious surfaces, since the space they provide is nested underneath the upper levels.

Runoff has never been a sincere concern of the council. There have been no environmental studies and no findings concerning runoff The potential for runoff is highly specific to particular parcels. For example, the Lehmann parcel is located in a bowl; runoffis impossible. The City of Palo Alto is the largest generator of surface runoff in the as District, yet there has been no attempt by the City to mitigate this source.

Reduce energy consumption (use of large quantities of concrete).

The Federal District Court, in Lingle v. Chevron U.S.A. Inc., 544 U.S. 528 (2005) invalidated the approach of substantially advancing legitimate governmental goals on the backs of a particular zoning district. If the City is sincerely interested in reducing energy consumption, it should provide the same set of rules throughout the City, for examp}e passing a limitation on basements regardless of zone.

Reduce excavation, energy, and water use in an environmentally sensitive area.

Basements do not add to energy use or water use in any material way. To the contrary, living space located in the basement uses less energy per square foot than the same living space located above ground. Some level of excavation is almost always needed under a house; It is unclear what the public benefit is to reducing the depth of the excavation under a house in the as district.

Page 1 of2

Davis, Phyllis

From: Sent:

Robert Gaebler [] Tuesday, February 16. 20104:54 PM 17 PMII:32

To:; Perez, Erin Cc: Council, City Subject: Re:FW: Web Site Comment Form CITY i1i\NAGER'S OFFICE



Thank you, for your quick action, which we don't see from other, nearby cities, where a Park or other city management problem may fester, without any e-mail response OR direct action, to the source of complaint.

Hoover Park Basketball Court has a bit of mud in the middle, but the sand has been attacked.

If only we could keep that sand off hoop courts, we'd all have good legs, like mine. I tend to keep the sand and gravel contained, or slide.

.' ,---

If only Bern Beacham wasn't on the dodge about energy cost-passing, then the City wouldn't try to coast, on that, all the way through 2010, or how InnVision Opportunity Center is occupied by Phillip Da's gang, despite how Lynne 10hnston was forced to resign as PAPD Chief, for a mere statement, about profiling! THE GANG PROFILES US.

So why don't we have a PAPD, which profiles THEM, at InnVision in San Jose, Palo Alto, Mountain View, AND in EPA, as needed, since the gangs include media perverts, passing illegal costs, pretending they don't hear, how budgets are crashing?

The lot of city employee organizations are failures, at process.

Website Comment Form


City: of Palo Alto

02/09/201018:34:00 - Receipt No. 4009F34C051 ae2CC68Pkpj1 02578

Thank you for submitting the Web Site Comment Form. This is a courtesy copy only. Your comments, suggestions and information content requests are invaluable to the continuing success of this web site.


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Web Site Information



Select a Neighborhood


Page 2 of2

Message Hoover Elementary School abuses HOOVER PARK, without supervision for rowdy school-kids, which pour SAND, in any place, particularly on the basketball court surface, to make a hazard. The Principal is negligent, in every way. He approached me, to infer I mis-spoke to his female volunteer hall monitors, letting kids play kickball on a muddy baseball lot, while others played in the wet sand. They made a fuss about my use of legitimate basketball court, but they left sand and mud, ALL OVER THE COURT. After the Principal left, I almost went down, in hidden sand-patches. Title II ADA applies, ifTitJe I or 3 do not. Fix that sand. Get it off Hoover hoop court. Cause the PAUSD to clean city property, it abuses.

Referring http://www.cityofpaloalto.orgidepts/csd/parks_and _open_space/neighborhood -parks. asp URL

Site Area City Manager

Receipt Number 4009F34C051 ae2CC68pSvh1 02570

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Davis, Phyllis



Tejas Mazmudar [tmazmUdar@gmaiI.Comb f prQ, r

Thursday. February 11, 2010 1 :26 PM c.L' () Ni 8:f0FEB 12 AM II: 51 To: Council, City [",LeEi Ii l::.ij

CiT'( i'1At~r,GER'S OFFICE Subject: Google Fiber for Communities

Dear Palo Alto City Council Members,

As a resident of Palo Alto, I would like to draw your attention to the Google Fiber for Communities Project: http://www.gQQgle.comillnpserve/fibenfi/

While I'm in no way associated with Google, I assure you that the benefits of such a facility to the city and residents of Palo Alto are numerous. I would highly encourage the City of Palo Alto to submit a Request for Interest in signing up as a community and helping Google to make Internet access better and faster for everyone.

Thanking you, Sincerely, Tejas N. Mazmudar

861 University Ave. # 4 Palo Alto, CA 94301 650-799-9240


Davis, Phyllis


Sent: Jared Bernstein [jared@erosenfeld·q<wJTEB /6 M1 8: ~ FEB 12 AM II: 51 Friday, February 12, 201011:11 AM

To: Council, City OFFICE Subject: Speeding city vehicles

Dear City council:

Page 1 of 1

I was surprised to see a PA city car (e 988074, white malibu, 1428) speeding down Alma in the SE direction from seale to pageMill at 10:50 this morning, Feb. 12th. It turned southwest onto page Mill.

It overtook me and whipped past, so I sped up to clock it. My speedo showed a steady 50 mph.

Do we have a policy on this? who should this be reported to? It cost gas, and (like graffiti) it sets a bad tone.

thanks for any attention you might pay to this message.

/Jared Bernstein 1330 Tasso St. 94301


Page 1 of 1

Davis, Phyllis




Casey Estorga []

Monday, February 15, 20109:32 PM

Council, City

Subject: Too complex of a government


10 16

My name is Casey Estorga and I am a student at a local university currently pursuing my the degree of Master in Public Administration (MPA). I am writing in an effort to collect your views on my research topic in which I am exploring how the complexities of a modern democracy affect society.

What happens when residents so seldom understand what is happening within their government? What happens with individuals within a government do not understand an issue, because it is too cpmplex or because they have not reviewed the necessary documentation? What affect does this have when they act/vote on a topic that they do not fully understand? (Measuring one's understanding is rather impOSSible, so for the sake of this conversation, we can measure strictly in terms of a perceived understanding.)

I am fascinated by the fact that so few residents have the ability to understand and become engaged in their governments. This lack of ability may stem from a number of attributes that includes a lack of cognitive ability, preoccupation, miSinformation, etc. Further, I'm interested to identify and hopefully measure how a lack of trust or lack of interest in government affects civics.

I am currently collecting data for municipalities within Santa Clara County and am measuring the grade level at which staff reports are written and comparing that information with the overall education levels of your residents. I hypothesize that if public information is only available at a certain, very specific reading level, it alienates a majority of the population. Should this be the case, how then do governments compromise to create documents that fully capture the context of a given issue, but at the same time are comprehendible?

I don't write this as a "they" or "you" problem, but as a "welt problem for we all are mechanisms of the government machine.

I look forward to your response to my inquiry. Should you rather meet in person to briefly discuss this matter, please respond appropriately and I will certainly oblige your request.


Mr. Casey J. Estorga

Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. Sign uQ now,


Davis, Phyllis

From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

CamiUerlg@aoLcom ... ',I

Sunday, February 14, 20102:29 pM I 1 Council, City Keene, James 10 FEB I 5 Thank you!

Dear Mayor Burt and Palo Alto City Council Members,

Hello! I hope you are having a great weekend.

On this Valentines day! I just want to say thank you for all you do! As an elected official myself, I know that we are not thanked enough for all the hard work we do, seemingly endless meetings, etc ....

I am enjoying the ability to work in the city of Palo Alto--1 have met many wonderful and dedicated people, including some of you. It has been a delight to work with the Project Safety Net leaders, school leaders! and community leaders! and I look forward to continuing to support this effort! as the group looks to develop sustainable changes in the environment for our youth so they can be happier, healthier, and more resilient.

Part of my strength comes from my great aunt Aggie Robinson, a long-time Palo Alto resident who served in various leadership positions in the city, She advocated for "whole child" education while on the PAUSD board in the 1960's ... 1 am honored to follow in her footsteps.

Thanks again for all you do!


Chris Miller Director, Youth Ministry! St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Palo Alto Trustee, Los Gatos Union School District 408-395-7949

Giant Book Sale This Weekend! - Friends of the Palo Alto Library Page 1 of 4

Davis, Phyllis


Sent: upcomingSaleS@fr(Tr~~ly~tOllBff~: l~ 9 Wednesday, February 10, 20109:28 PM

To: Council, City

Subject: Giant Book Sale This Weekend! - Friends of the Palo Alto Library



Saturday February 13 Bargain and Children's Room

Open 10 am - 4 pm Marty's (Main) Room open 11

am - 4 pm Outdoor $1.00 Sale opens at 9

am Ephemera Opens 8 am (weather permitting)

Sunday February 14 All Rooms Open 11 am - 4pm


Africa (History/Politics/Culture) Sailing

Asian Language (Chinese/Japanese)

Science Fiction and Fantasy Cooking

Psychology and Self-Help

Over 50,000 items available!


Visit our web site

February Sale Highlights The rainy weather kept the donation volume down for a little bit this month, but our donors took advantage of breaks in the weather and came through big-time to bring us great books as usual. .. There is a lot happening this holiday weekend and we hope you'll find some time to spend at our sale. As we celebrate President's Day and Valentine's Day, we also have the first days of the Winter Olympics and for Sailing fans, the America's Cup races -and we just happened to have received this month a wonderful collection of books and periodicals on Sailing. You can find them in the Transportation section, next to Sports .... Books on matters of sex and relationships can be found in our Psychology and Self-Help section, which is once again brimming with great stuff.. .. History buffs can find books on PreSidents Lincoln and Washington (and others) in both our History aisle, and the Biography section .... We received a very unique donation of books on Af rica from a local retired professor of African History. Many rare book on African Culture, Sociology, Politics, History, and more. Located on the Specials table next to the checkout tables ... There were many items left from last month's featured books and magazines on Dolls and Doll Collecting so we've slashed prices to move them out this month. They can be found on the other Specials table and in the White Showcase near the entrance ... The Science Fiction and Fantasy section is once again fully stocked thanks mostly to the generous donation of one of our regular patrons .... Our Foreign Language sections are seeing more and more sales thanks to wonderful donors. This month there is a very large selection of books in Chinese and Japanese languages ... .If you come early remember we have a Tent Sale right outside the Main Room entrance. It opens at gam and everything there is

Giant Book Sale This Weekend! - Friends of the Palo Alto Library Page 20f4

4000 Middlefield Road Palo Alto

NW corner of the Cubberley Community Center

(650) 213-8755

Mag More information on the sales

Donate your old books


Marty's (Main) Book Room In our Main Room, prices are way below what used book stores charge. Paperbacks are 50 cents and up, and hardcovers are $1 and up. Numbered tickets for the Main Room are given out beginning at 8 am on Saturday.

Children's Books in K-6 Room K-6 in the K wing (see mag) is entirely filled with children's books and toys. You'll find picture books, school age fiction, award winners, non-English titles, and books for parents and teachers, many for under $1. This room and the Bargain Room open at 10 am on Satu rday.

Bargain Books in K-7 Next door in K-7 is the Bargain Room, where paperbacks are 50 cents, hardcovers are $1, and children's books are just 25 cents each. The room also contains many LP records and 78s at $1 each. On Sunday, the room opens at 11 am and all prices are half off. Save even more on Sundays


only $1.00 each!

Preview Our Shelves

Check out some of the tens of thousands of books that will be on sale this weekend using our shelf greview gictures.

Exceptional/Collectible Books Display Case The books in this case are offered to our regular customers for one month before they are listed online. The prices at the sale are significantly BELOW what they will be offered for sale online. On Saturday there will be a sign up sheet

. on the case for priority access. Due to the crowds in the room in the early part of the sale, no books will be sold from the cabinet until 1pm. On Sunday, access to the cabinet will be any time during the hours of the sale. See any FOPAL volunteer to unlock the case for you.

Click here to view the Excegtional Books inventortiHTML}

Click here to view the Excegtional Books inventory (PDF}

Foreign Language Texts Popular -Greek, Latin & Dutch Texts Featured This Month We've always gotten a good number of donations of books in many different languages. We are getting regular donations of really nice books in French, German, Spanish, and Russian, but more and more we are seeing larger donations in other languages as well. Our selection of Russian books now resides in its own book case under the window in the Foreign Language section. We've also got a good selection of titles in Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Latin and much, much more.

Don't Forget Bargain & Children's Rooms

Giant Book Sale This Weekend! - Friends of the Palo Alto Library Page 3 of 4

by buying grocery bags from us for $5 each and stuffing them with any items in the room. Buy 4 bags and get the 5th one FREE!

Library Closed for President's Day Holiday All libraries will be closed Monday I February 15th, for President's Day. Regular library hours resume Tuesday February 16th.

Non-Profit Book Giveaway Non-profit organizations and schools that need FREE books should come to the Bargain Room this month from 4 to 6 pm on Sunday, February 14. Please bring your own grocery bags to put books into. More information.

Suggestions? We're always eager to hear your suggestions for ways to improve our book sale. Please email them to us at or mention them to a volunteer at the sale.


Some of our customers don't realize that the Book Sale is comprised of THREE SEPARATE ROOMS. In addition to our Main Sale Room (Marty's Room) we have two rooms in the K-Wing of the Cubberley campus. The Bargain Room (K-7) is loaded with great stuff and nothing is over $1.00. Books sell for $1.00 for hardbacks and 50 cents for ANY softcover book - yes, even that 800 page computer book is only 50 cents! Lovers of vinyl LP records will find an eclectic selection of LPs at $1.00 each .... Next door, the Children's Room (K-6) is filled with books for Children up to age 14 plus books on teaching and parenting. .

Sunday Fun Day - Mystery 500/0 Off Sale; Free Books for Sunday Shoppers Sundays are a great time to shop the Book Sale. The atmosphere is quiet and peaceful and there are still thousands of great books available. Each Sunday we have a 50% off sale on one category of books in the Main Room. The category will not be announced ahead of time, the only way you can find out which category is on sale is by attending the sale on Sunday. Signs will be posted on the doors and on the shelves of the section involved on the morning of the Sale. In addition, we will have a small selection of FREE books available to shoppers on Sunday. One free book per person, and you must purchase at least one item from the Sale. There are a limited number of free books and first-come, first-served. This applies to the Main Room only. Doors open at 11 am.

Think Ecologically! - Bring or Donate Your Own Bags Due to the increasing reuse of grocery and other bags, we tend to run short at our sales and encourage you to bring your own cloth tote or paper bags to the sale. If you have any extra grocery bags in good condition please bring them for your purchases at the sale. We would also gladly accept any extra bags you wish to donate. NO BOXES are allowed in the sale, however.

Support Palo Alto's Libraries While You Shop By shopping at Kepler's Books in Menlo Park and, a percentage of your purchase price can help the Palo Alto Libraries at no cost to you. At Kepler's, just mention to the cashier that you want to support the Friends of the Palo Alto Library. For, always start your shopping session by clicking here or on the Amazon link on the top right of any of our web pages at Virtually all purchases you

Giant Book Sale This Weekend! - Friends of the Palo Alto Library Page 4 of4

make at Amazon are eligible, not just books. Over the years, we've raised thousands of dollars to help our libraries through these programs.

This notice comes to you from the non-profit organization Friends of the Palo Alto Library. No trees were felled in the making of this e-mail. While the Better Business Burepu recommends that no more than 35% of a charitable organization's expenses be for management and fundraising expenses, ours were under 1% for our 2007-2008 fiscal year. In other words, over 99% of the money we raised went to help Palo Alto Library users. Visit our 'iY.eb sitg. Become a m('lmbe[ by joining online.

Be sure to receive your own free copy of this e-mail notice so that you'll know about all special upcoming books sales. To sign up, just e-mail us. We carefully protect the privacy of your e-mail address. We will not share your e-mail address with any other organization and we will not use it for any purpose other than to send you these notices. If you do not wish to receive these e-mail notices in the future, please reply with the words "Remove Me" in the subject line.
