? -Caseinophosphopeptide (f1-25) confers on ? -casein tryptic hydrolysate an antioxidant activity...


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449Lait 84 (2004) 449–462© INRA, EDP Sciences, 2004DOI: 10.1051/lait:2004019

Original article

β-Caseinophosphopeptide (f1-25) confers on β-casein tryptic hydrolysate an antioxidant

activity during iron/ascorbate-induced oxidation of liposomes

Germain KANSCIa, Claude GENOTb*, Anne MEYNIERb, Frédéric GAUCHERONc, Jean-Marc CHOBERTb

a Laboratoire de Nutrition, Biochimie et Technologie Alimentaire, Université de Yaoundé 1, BP 812 Yaoundé, Cameroun

b Laboratoire d’Étude des Interactions des Molécules Alimentaires, INRA, rue de la Géraudière, BP 71627, 44316 Nantes Cedex 3, France

c UMR Science et Technologie du Lait et de l’Oeuf, INRA-Agrocampus, 65 rue de Saint Brieuc, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

(Received 18 August 2003; accepted 28 June 2004)

Abstract – Protein ingredients such as hydrolysates of milk proteins may improve the nutritivevalue of functional foods. For instance, β-casein tryptic hydrolysate could simultaneously increaseiron absorption and prevent lipid oxidation in foods containing high contents of polyunsaturatedfatty acids (PUFA). The aim of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity of β-casein tryp-tic hydrolysate and of its β-caseinophosphopeptide (f1-25) on Fe(III)/ascorbate-induced oxidationof muscle phospholipids in a liposome system. Oxygen consumption, conjugated dienes (CD), thio-barbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and volatile compounds were measured during oxida-tion at 25 °C of the liposomes in the presence of either the β-casein tryptic hydrolysate (0.24–2.4 mg·mL–1) or of its phosphopeptide (0.1–0.31 mg·mL–1). Oxygen consumption was signifi-cantly enhanced in the presence of β-casein tryptic hydrolysate or of the phosphopeptide (f1-25) andstaircase curves were observed for the highest concentrations, showing complex oxidative interac-tions between iron, β-casein tryptic hydrolysate or phosphopeptide and the phospholipids. In con-trast, on an hourly scale, formation of CD, TBARS and total volatile compounds were inhibited. Theinhibition of CD and TBARS reached 50% after 20 h of oxidation in the presence of 1.2 mg·mL–1

β-casein tryptic hydrolysate or 0.16 mg·mL–1 phosphopeptide (f1-25). Amounts of total volatilecompounds produced after 24 h decreased by about 60% in the presence of the hydrolysate(1.2 mg·mL–1) and 50% with the phosphopeptide (f1-25) (0.31 mg·mL–1) due to drastic decrease oreven disappearance of alkanals and 2-alkenals. Several alcohols such as pentanol and hexanol wereproduced in higher amounts. Thus β-casein tryptic hydrolysate can protect rich-in-PUFA phospho-lipid liposomes against long-term iron-induced oxidation, mainly due to iron chelation by β-casei-nophosphopeptide (f1-25). This antioxidant activity could benefit specific food products.

Antioxidant activity / milk protein hydrolysate / phosphopeptide / iron chelation / liposome /lipid oxidation / muscle phospholipid / volatile compounds / oxygen consumption / TBARS

* Corresponding author: genot@nantes.inra.fr

450 G. Kansci et al.

Résumé – L’hydrolysat trypsique de caséine β protège les liposomes de l’oxydation induite parle Fe(III)/ascorbate grâce à la présence du β-caséinophosphopeptide (f1-25). Nous avons étudiél’effet d’un hydrolysat trypsique de caséine β et plus particulièrement du β-caséinophosphopeptide(f1-25) sur l’oxydation, induite par le Fe(III)/ascorbate, de liposomes préparés avec des phospholi-pides extraits de muscle, riches en acides gras polyinsaturés. Des mesures de consommation d’oxy-gène, de quantités de diènes conjugués, de substances réactives à l’acide thiobarbiturique (SRTBA)et de composés volatils ont été réalisées à 25 °C en présence de l’hydrolysat trypsique de caséine β(0,24–2,4 mg·mL–1) ou du phosphopeptide (f1-25) (0,1–0,31 mg·mL–1). La consommation d’oxy-gène amplifiée par la présence de l’hydrolysat trypsique de caséine β ou du phosphopeptide (f1-25)présente une courbe en escalier pour les concentrations les plus élevées, démontrant l’existenced’interactions oxydatives complexes entre le fer, l’hydrolysat ou le phosphopeptide, et les phospho-lipides. Pour des durées d’oxydation de l’ordre de l’heure ou plus, les quantités de produits d’oxy-dation des lipides formés diminuent fortement : 50 % d’inhibition des quantités de diènes conjuguéset de SRTBA en présence de 1,2 mg·mL–1 d’hydrolysat de caséine β ou de 0,16 mg·mL–1 du peptideaprès 20 h d’oxydation ; 60 % d’inhibition des quantités de composés volatils formés après 24 hd’oxydation en présence de 1,2 mg·mL–1 d’hydrolysat et 50 % avec 0,31 mg·mL–1 de peptide (f1-25). Les alcanals et 2-alkénals sont particulièrement touchés tandis que certains alcools comme lepentanol et l’hexanol sont produits en plus grandes quantités. Globalement, l’hydrolysat trypsiquede caséine β présente donc une activité de protection des phospholipides contre l’oxydation induitepar le fer ; cette activité antioxydante est probablement en grande partie due à la chélation du métalpar le β-caséinophosphopeptide (f1-25). Cette activité antioxydante ainsi que d’autres avantagesnutritionnels et fonctionnels de l’hydrolysat trypsique de caséine β pourraient inciter à l’utiliserdans des produits alimentaires spécifiques.

Activité antioxydante / Hydrolysat de protéine laitière / phosphopeptide / chélation du fer /liposomes / oxydation des lipides / phospholipides extraits de muscle / composés volatils /SRTBA / consommation d’oxygène


The involvement of free radicals, pri-mary and secondary products formed dur-ing lipid oxidation, and protection againsttheir deleterious consequences in manybiological processes and diseases, and dur-ing processing and storage of food prod-ucts, has now been largely recognized [5,16, 18, 28, 37, 47, 51]. Many biologicalmaterials such as muscles, milk, eggs andblood contain proteins or peptides whichcan exhibit an antioxidant activity [49]. Theantioxidant activity of milk proteins such aslactoferrin, transferrin and caseins has beendemonstrated in various systems [2, 25, 46,49, 54, 56]. Casein hydrolysates and casein-derived peptides have been shown to inhibitenzymatic and non-enzymatic lipid perox-idation [52]; caseinophosphopeptides weredemonstrated to exhibit antioxidant proper-ties in oil-in-water emulsions [14]. Ironchelation, scavenging of free radicals, andreactions of some side-chains of amino acids

with hydroperoxides or secondary oxida-tion products, such as malonaldehyde andother aldehydes, are the main mechanismsinvolved in the antioxidant activity ofamino acids, peptides and proteins [12, 23,24, 26, 33, 34, 44, 45]. However, as wasobserved with transferrin and ferritin, thebound iron may catalyze, in certain condi-tions, lipid oxidation [3, 32]. Chelation ofiron modifies its redox potential, solubilityand reactivity and sometimes favors initia-tion of lipid peroxidation [57], breakage ofhydroperoxides, and development of off-flavor in foods [18, 30, 31, 50].

In milk, a higher amount of iron is asso-ciated with casein micelles via phosphor-ylated groups than with lactoferrin. This isof nutritional interest because of the impor-tance of iron in human health. In addition,in vitro availability of iron bound to caseinphosphopeptides and net absorption of ironin animals perfused with β-caseinophos-phopeptide (f1-25) are high as a result of theincrease in the solubility of iron bound to

Antioxidant activity of β-casein hydrolysate 451

the peptides [1, 9, 48, 59]. The phosphor-ylated groups of casein may also play animportant role in regulating the oxidationstate of iron [15] and the subsequent devel-opment of lipid oxidation.

In foods, the protection of active nutri-ments, such as long-chain polyunsaturatedfatty acid (LC-PUFA), is of particular interest[16, 21]. The combined effects of improvingthe nutritive value through simultaneousenrichments in iron and LC-PUFA, increasingabsorption of iron by β-caseinophosphopep-tide (f1-25), and protecting the lipids againstoxidation may promote the use of β-caseintryptic hydrolysates in new dietetic foods.

The aim of this study was to determine,in a liposome system made of muscle phos-pholipids, rich in PUFA, the antioxidantactivity of β-casein tryptic hydrolysate towardsiron-induced lipid oxidation, and the roleplayed by the caseinophosphopeptide (f1-25) in this activity.


2.1. Materials

β-Casein tryptic hydrolysates were pre-pared from purified bovine β-casein (variantA1) [10]. β-Caseinophosphopeptide (f1-25)was purified from β-casein tryptic hydroly-sate (variant A1) according to Manson andAnnan [39]. Its purity was estimated at~90% by RP-HPLC.

Piperazine-N-N’ bis (2-ethanesulfonate)[PIPES] buffer solution (10 mmol·L–1;0.15 mol·L–1 NaCl) was prepared withultrapure Millipore water and its pH adjustedto 6.0 with NaOH. Sodium ascorbate andFeCl3 solutions were prepared daily indegassed ultrapure water. They were mixedin equimolar concentrations just before use.All other chemical reagents were of analyt-ical grade.

2.2. Phospholipid purification

Lipids were extracted according to Folchet al. [17] from fresh pork muscles (Long-issimus dorsi). Phospholipids (PL) werepurified from the total lipid extract on a sil-

icic acid column [35]. The purity of the PLwas checked by a normal phase HPLC sys-tem equipped with a light-scattering detec-tor [38]. Cholesterol and triglycerides wereabsent in this fraction, which contained 1.8to 4.9% cardiolipid, 20 to 28% phosphati-dyl-ethanolamine, 7.1 to 10.8% phosphati-dyl-inositol, 52 to 58% phosphatidyl-cholineand 1.2 to 1.8% sphingomyelin, dependingon the phospholipid preparation. The fattyacids composition of the PL was deter-mined by gas chromatography (GC) of fattyacid methyl esters (FAME) preparedaccording to Berry et al. [6], with the GCprocedure [38]. The PL contained 34.6 to38.7% saturated fatty acids, 22.5 to 31.2%monounsaturated fatty acids and 32.3 to38.1% PUFA. The PUFA were composedmainly of linoleic and arachidonic acids,accounting for 26–32 and 7–11% of totalFAME, respectively. The PL were kept inchloroform at –20 °C prior to liposomepreparation.

2.3. Liposome preparation and general procedure

Large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) wereprepared according to Hope et al. [29] toobtain liposomes with a well-defined sizeand stable structure, and to minimize oxi-dation during the preparation [22]. LUV(1 mg·mL–1) were prepared in degassedPIPES buffer by extrusion through twopolycarbonate membranes (Poretics Corp.,London, England) of 0.4–0.45 µm porosity.Liposomes were air-saturated by bubblingfiltered air at room temperature for 10 min.

β-Casein tryptic hydrolysate (0.6 to2.4 mg·mL–1) or β-caseinophosphopeptide(f1-25) (0.16 to 0.31 mg·mL–1) was dis-solved in the LUV suspension to give thefinal concentrations. After 10 min, phos-pholipid oxidation was induced by injectionof an equimolar solution of Fe(III)/ascor-bate (45 µmol·L–1 final concentration). Theliposomes were incubated in closed vials at25 °C in the dark. Lipid oxidation wasassessed as described below.

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2.4. Measurement of lipid oxidation

2.4.1. Oxygen consumption

The oxygen uptake was measured withan oxygen monitor (Strathkelvin, Glasgow,UK) equipped with a Clark-type electrodeand connected to a computer [20]. The elec-trode was calibrated with sodium dithionite(0% saturation) and 25 °C air-saturated water(100% saturation: 0.253 mmol O2·L–1). Onemilliliter of the solution was pipetted into anairtight 25 °C temperature-controlled cell.Data were recorded for 25–30 min afterinjection of the Fe(III)/ascorbate mixture(45 µmol·L–1). Oxygen uptake (nmol) wascalculated after 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 min ofliposome incubation with Fe(III)/ascor-bate. Measurements were performed on theliposomes in the absence or presence ofβ-casein tryptic hydrolysate or its phos-phopeptide (f1-25). Controls were made upof PIPES buffer alone, and PIPES bufferwith β-casein tryptic hydrolysate orβ-caseinophosphopeptide (f1-25) to whichthe Fe(III)/ascorbate mixture was added.

2.4.2. Conjugated dienes

The formation of conjugated dienes(CD) was evaluated after extraction of thelipids contained in 500 µL incubationmedium according to Folch et al. [17]. Thesolvent was evaporated under N2 and PLwere dissolved in 2 mL ethanol. The lipidabsorbance was recorded against ethanolfrom 200 to 350 nm, using a double beamUV-Vis spectrophotometer (Varian, modelCary 13, Victoria, Australia). Formation ofCD is characterized by the increase in theabsorbance at 233 nm (A233). The ratioA233/A214 (A214 = isobestic point) wastaken as an index of formation of primaryproducts of oxidation [36].

2.4.3. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS)

At intervals after catalyst injection, aliquots(0.25 mL) of the incubation mixture were

sampled from the closed vials stored at25 °C and TBARS were evaluated [11].Samples were diluted into test tubes with0.75 mL of water, then 2 mL of 2-thiobar-bituric acid (TBA) reagent [0.375% (w/v)TBA, 15% (w/v) trichloroacetic acid in0.25 N HCl] was added. The tightly closedtubes were heated in a boiling bath for15 min, then cooled to room temperatureunder running cold tap water, and centri-fuged (2500× g; 10 min). The absorbanceof the supernatant was read at 532 nmagainst a blank. The results are expressed asTBARS (nmol equivalent malonaldehyde(MDA)·mg–1 PL) using the molar extinc-tion coefficient of TBA-MDA adduct at532 nm (1.56 × 105 mol–1 cm–1) [11].

2.4.4. Volatile compounds

Liposomes (control) and liposomes withβ-casein tryptic hydrolysate (1.2 mg·mL–1) orits phosphopeptide (f1-25) (0.31 mg·mL–1)were incubated at 25 °C for 24 h with theFe(III)/ascorbate mixture (45 µmol·L–1).β-Casein tryptic hydrolysate (1.2 mg·mL–1) orits phosphopeptide (f1-25) (0.31 mg·mL–1)was also added to 24-h-oxidized controls.Volatile compounds were then extractedfrom the controls, the samples and the con-trols plus the hydrolysate or the phos-phopeptide, then analyzed and identifiedusing a purge and trap system (LSC 2000,Teckmar Co) coupled with a GC (HP5890;Hewlett Packard Ltd.) and a mass spec-trometer (MSD 5971A, Hewlett PackardLtd.). The experiment was performed asdescribed in Meynier et al. [41]. The com-pounds were identified by comparison ofthe spectra with those of available libraries(NBS, NIST, TNO and INRA Mass) andusing Kovats indices.

The peak areas of the identified com-pounds were integrated and the resultsexpressed as follows. First, the repartitionof the volatile compounds in each samplewas tabulated by calculating the % area ofeach identified compound in the total peakarea. This expression mode highlights dif-ferences in the composition of the volatile

Antioxidant activity of β-casein hydrolysate 453

extracts. Second, to estimate differences inamounts of produced volatiles better, thepeak areas obtained for each compound inthe presence of hydrolysate or peptide werecompared with the mean values of the peakareas of the compounds measured in tripli-cate on controls:

where A represents either a selected vola-tile compound or the sum of the areas of allidentified volatile compounds.

2.4.5. Data treatment

Conjugated dienes, TBARS and oxygenuptake were measured in triplicate on atleast two liposome preparations. Percent-ages of inhibition of conjugated dienes orTBARS were calculated from the valuesmeasured in the absence (Xo) and in thepresence (X) of β-casein tryptic hydro-lysate or of its phosphopeptide (f1-25) at thesame incubation time [% inhibition = 100(1–X/Xo)]. The results were reported asmeans + standard deviation, and varianceanalysis was performed according to Sne-decor and Cochran [53].

The calculated relative amounts and %of volatile compounds extracted after 24 hof oxidation in the presence of the phospho-

peptide (f1-25) or the β-casein tryptichydrolysate, or after their addition to the24-h-oxidized controls, were comparedwith the mean values obtained in the controlconsidering standard deviations and varia-tion coefficients calculated on control(n = 3).


3.1. Oxygen consumption

In the absence of Fe(III)/ascorbate, oxygenuptake was very low for all the samples tested[β-casein tryptic hydrolysate, phosphopep-tide (f1-25) or the mixture of liposomes +either β-casein tryptic hydrolysate or phos-phopeptide (f1-25)]. In agreement withGenot et al. [20], when Fe(III)/ascorbate(45 µmol·L–1) was injected into the lipo-some suspension (1 mg·mL–1) oxygen wasconsumed immediately with no lag phase.The very high rate decreased a few secondslater to become constant for the next25 min; O2 uptake reached about 32 nmolO2 after 20 min (Fig. 1 and Tab. I). Whenthe Fe(III)/ascorbate mixture was injectedinto solutions of the β-casein tryptic hydro-lysate (2.4 mg·mL–1) a similar pattern wasobtained and O2 consumption was on thesame order range (27 nmol O2 consumedafter 20 min; Tab. I).

Table I. Effect of β-casein tryptic hydrolysate and of its caseinophosphopeptide (f1-25) on oxygenconsumption during oxidation of phospholipid liposomes (PL; 1 mg·mL–1) induced by Fe(III)/ascorbate (45 µmol; 1/1).

Consumed oxygen (nmol)

β-Casein tryptic hydrolysate (mg·mL–1)

β-Caseinophosphopep-tide (f1-25) (mg·mL–1)

PL (mg·mL–1)

Time (min) 2.4* 0.24 1.2 2.4 0.16 0.31 1.0

1 2 ± 0 20 ± 1 19 ± 2 21 ± 2 18 ± 2 18 ± 2 16 ± 1

5 9 ± 1 27 ± 1 47 ± 5 61 ± 5 29 ± 3 56 ± 3 21 ± 1

10 17 ± 1 33 ± 1 84 ± 10 84 ± 10 71 ± 5 95 ± 5 25 ± 1

15 22 ± 1 39 ± 3 103 ± 10 104 ± 10 95 ± 5 124 ± 8 29 ± 1

20 27 ± 1 46 ± 3 111 ± 10 120 ± 10 116 ± 5 148 ± 6 32 ± 2

Results are the mean of triplicates obtained with the same liposome preparation. *: without PL liposo-mes in the medium.

Relative amount (A)area (A)[ ]sample

mean area (A)[ ]control------------------------------------------------------ 100×=

454 G. Kansci et al.

In the presence of both the liposomes andβ-casein tryptic hydrolysate (0.24, 1.2 or2.4 mg·mL–1), oxygen consumption shotup upon Fe(III)/ascorbate addition (Fig. 1).The shape of the curves differed accordingto the hydrolysate concentration. In thepresence of a low concentration of β-caseintryptic hydrolysate (0.24 mg·mL–1), theshape of the curve was roughly similar tothat observed in the presence of liposomeswithout hydrolysate. After the initial boom,that was accentuated as compared with lipo-somes alone, oxygen consumption becamelinear and paralleled the previous curve.The amount of consumed oxygen was thushigher than in the absence of the hydro-lysate, at any time of storage (Tab. I). Up to5 min after catalyst injection, similar trends

were observed with higher concentrations ofβ-casein tryptic hydrolysate (1.2 mg·mL–1

or 2.4 mg·mL–1) and the amounts of O2consumed were very close whatever thesystem (Tab. I). After 5 min, the rate of oxy-gen consumption increased again suddenlyand then decreased progressively to becameconstant again; remaining, however, higherthan previously observed (Fig. 1). It resultedin staircase curves, showing that severalreaction steps succeeded within the first 5–10 min of incubation. The amount of oxy-gen consumed after 20 min of reaction wasquite significant, reaching 120 nmol for thehighest hydrolysate concentration, which isabout four-fold the amount consumed incontrol liposomes and half of the initial amountof dissolved oxygen. These experiments

Figure 1. Oxygen uptake during Fe(III)/ascorbate-induced oxidation of phospholipid liposomes (PL,1 mg·mL–1) at 25 °C in the presence of β-casein tryptic hydrolysate (0.24 or 1.2 mg·mL–1) or ofβ-casein phosphopeptide (f1-25) (PP, 0.31 mg·mL–1). Equimolar Fe(III)/ascorbate was injected intothe medium at time 0 min, to a concentration of 45 µmol·L–1. The kinetics shown are representativeof > 5 experiments.

Antioxidant activity of β-casein hydrolysate 455

were reproducible, as shown by the lowstandard deviations found for oxygen con-sumed at different incubation times (Tab. I).

Oxygen consumption during Fe(III)/ascor-bate-induced liposome oxidation was alsomeasured in the presence of β-caseinophos-phopeptide (f1-25) (0.16 and 0.31 mg·mL–1).As observed with the hydrolysate, afteraddition of Fe(III)/ascorbate, oxygen con-sumption increased immediately with no lagtime. The higher the peptide concentration,the higher the O2 consumption (Tab. I).Staircase curves were also obtained withthe highest concentration of caseinophos-phopeptide (f1-25) (0.31 mg·mL–1) (Fig. 1).

3.2. Primary and secondary products of oxidation

Conjugated dienes were measured dur-ing liposome oxidation in the presence ofβ-casein tryptic hydrolysate (1.2 mg·mL–1)and compared with control. Less conju-gated dienes were detected in the presenceof the hydrolysate, whatever the incubationtime. These results show that, in the pres-ence of the hydrolysate, conjugated dieneswere produced in lower amounts or moreeasily broken into secondary products ofoxidation. The difference in amounts ofconjugated dienes in controls and samples

increased with time. The inhibition percent-age accounted for 15% immediately aftercatalyst injection, 26% after 6 h of oxidationand 45% after 20 h (Tab. II). In liposomesplus 0.31 mg·mL–1 β-caseinophosphopep-tide (f1-25), 24% inhibition of conjugateddienes was observed immediately after cata-lyst injection. Fifty percent inhibition wasobtained after 20 h of oxidation (Tab. II).

The observation was quite differentwhen TBARS were measured. Immediatelyafter catalyst injection, amounts of TBARSwere higher in liposomes plus β-casein tryptichydrolysate (0.6, 1.2, and 2.4 mg·mL–1)than in the control (+20 to +30%). After 2 hof incubation at 25 °C, they were lower inthe presence of hydrolysate than in the con-trol. 41 to 53% inhibition was observed after20 h of oxidation (Tab. II). This decrease inmeasured TBARS as compared with controldid not involve interference of the hydro-lysate with the TBA test, as the measuredvalues remained unchanged when TBARSwere measured on the control (liposomes)oxidized for 20 h, and in the same oxidizedcontrol in the presence of the hydrolysate(data not shown). The amounts of TBARSmeasured immediately after induction of oxi-dation were also higher in samples contain-ing the phosphopeptide (f1-25) (0.08, 0.16,

Table II. Inhibition of formation of conjugated dienes and TBARS by β-casein tryptic hydrolysateand its phosphopeptide (f1-25) in the liposome system.

Inhibition of conjugated dienes (%) Inhibition of TBARS (%)

Time (h)

β-casein tryptic hydrolysate

(1.2 mg·mL–1)

β-caseinophosphopeptide (f1-25) (0.31 mg·mL–1)

β-casein tryptic hydrolysate (mg·mL–1)

β-caseinophosphopeptide (f1-25) (mg·mL–1)

0.6 1.2 2.4 0.08 0.16 0.31

0.1 15 ± 4 24 ± 2 –31 ± 9 –20 ± 7 –21 ± 6 –62 ± 10 –48 ± 8 –21 ± 5

2 n.d. n.d. 16 ± 4 23 ± 5 22 ± 4 18 ± 3 23 ± 3 27 ± 3

4 n.d. n.d. 36 ± 1 39 ± 2 39 ± 2 36 ± 2 38 ± 3 43 ± 2

6 26 ± 3 39 ± 2 39 ± 2 44 ± 2 45 ± 2 41 ± 2 44 ± 2 48 ± 1

20 45 ± 2 50 ± 1 41 ± 3 51 ± 2 53 ± 3 45 ± 2 53 ± 2 58 ± 2

TBARS and conjugated dienes values are the mean of triplicates. Inhibition percentage was calculated asfollows: Inhibition = 100(1–(X/Xo)), where X and Xo are the value of TBARS or conjugated dienes measu-red in the presence and in the absence of the effector, at the same incubation time. n.d. = not determined.

456 G. Kansci et al.

and 0.31 mg·mL–1) than in the control.After 2 h of oxidation, 18% and 27% inhibi-tion of TBARS were observed in the presenceof 0.08 and 0.31 mg·mL–1 phosphopeptide(f1-25), respectively. Inhibition increasedwith time, reaching, after 20 h of reaction,45% for the lowest concentration of phos-phopeptide (f1-25) and 58% for the highest(Tab. II). When 0.31 mg·mL–1 phosphopep-tide (f1-25) was added to the liposomes oxi-dized for 20 h at 25 °C, the amount of TBARSdetected in the medium was unchanged andremained constant when the mixture wasincubated again for 6 h at 25 °C (data notshown).

3.3. Volatile compounds

Thirty-one volatile compounds were iden-tified in the dynamic headspace extracts ofthe 24-hour-oxidized liposomes. As previ-ously found [41], the major class of volatilecompounds, alkanals (65% of the total areaof identified compounds; Tab. III) wasmainly represented by hexanal, accountingfor about half of the total area of the chro-matogram. It was followed by pentanal(9.2%). These two volatiles are typical prod-ucts of oxidation of n-6 fatty acids, whichare the major oxidizable fatty acids of thepork muscle phospholipids. 2-Alkenals rep-resented 12% of total volatiles, and amongthem the most representative compoundswere t-2-octenal (4.2%), t-2-heptenal (3.6%),t-2-decenal (1.3%) and t-2-pentenal (0.9%).2,4-Alkadienals yielded nearly 4% of totalvolatile compounds and alcohols yielded15% with 1-octen-3-ol accounting for 6.1%of the total peak area, followed by pentanol(3.6%). The proportions of the major vola-tiles and chemical class repartition werequite reproducible, taking into account thatthey were issued from different phospholipidpreparations varying in fatty acid composi-tion [42], their variation coefficient beingaround 25% or less. The variations ofamounts of volatiles, reflecting lipid oxidabil-ity, were higher with variation coefficientsusually above 50%, the largest variationsbeing observed for minor peaks. Variationof the total peak area was less than 60%.

As shown in Table III, when β-caseintryptic hydrolysate (1.2 mg·mL–1) wasadded to the liposomes before induction ofoxidation, the proportions of volatile com-pounds produced in the volatile extract after24 h at 25 °C were largely modified. Alkanalsand 2-alkenals decreased drastically (13%of the total peak area as compared with 65%in the controls and 1% as compared with12%, respectively); 2-alkenals disappearedalmost totally except for t-2-heptenal andt-2-octenal. Alcohols increased in largeproportions and became predominant (nearly80% instead of 15%). This increase in totalalcohols was mainly due to pentanol, hex-anol and 1-penten-3-ol + 1-penten-3-one,which represented very large proportions inthe extract (around 10, 28 and 26% of the totalvolatile compounds, respectively). Theselarge proportions of alcohols in the totalvolatile extract reflect the fact that theywere produced in high quantities in the pres-ence of the β-casein tryptic hydrolysate: ascompared with control, their amountsincreased more than five-fold for hexanoland three-fold for 1-penten-3-ol + 1-penten-3-one. 3-Octanone increased too, by morethan 1.5 times. In contrast, amounts of mostof the other volatile compounds decreaseddrastically. Amounts of alkanals were lessthan 2 to 15% of control, except for decanalthat was detected in the presence of thehydrolysate but not in the control. Several2-alkenals and most of the 2,4-alkadienals,except 2,4-decadienals, were not detectedin the presence of the hydrolysate. Theamount of total volatile compounds wasreduced by about 80%.

When β-casein tryptic hydrolysate wasadded to the 24-h-oxidized liposomes, theproportions of volatiles remained very sim-ilar to the control (Tab. III), only the pentanolproportion being noticeably increased (from3.6 to 10%). The total amounts of volatilecompounds decreased, but this decrease(total amount = 60% of the control) was in theorder range of variations observed on con-trol replicates.

Antioxidant activity of β-casein hydrolysate


Table III. Effect of β-casein tryptic hydrolysate and β-caseinophosphopeptide (f1-25) on the proportion and amounts of volatile compoundsproduced after 24 h of oxidation of phospholipid liposomes (1 mg·mL–1).

Control: n = 3; samples: n = 1; VC: variation coefficient. *: standard deviation (std) and VC of total amounts of volatiles calculated for a mean totalamount set at 100 [total volatile amount = total peak area × 100/mean (total peak area)].

458 G. Kansci et al.

The proportions and amounts of volatilecompounds measured after 24 h of oxida-tion of PL liposomes in the presence of lipo-somes plus 0.31 mg·mL–1 β-caseinophos-phopeptide (f1-25) were also modified(Tab. III). The amounts of total volatilecompounds decreased by about 75% ascompared with the control. In fact, amountsof most of the individual volatile com-pounds were reduced; only amounts of hex-anol and pentanol increased. Consequently,the proportions of some volatile com-pounds, such as alkanals (from 65% to 37%of total volatiles in the control) and 2-alkenals(from 12 to 5%), were largely decreased,and those of alcohols increased (from 15 toabout 50%) (Tab. III).

When β-caseinophosphopeptide (f1-25)was added to the previously oxidized lipo-somes, the proportions of volatile com-pounds were only slightly modified (Tab. III).However, the amounts of most volatilecompounds decreased; in particular, t-2-undecenal totally disappeared. As a conse-quence, the total amount of volatiles extractedfrom the oxidized control after addition ofthe phosphopeptide tented to decrease.


The aim of this study was to determinethe antioxidant activity of β-casein tryptichydrolysate and of its β-caseinophosphopep-tide (f1-25) on Fe(III)/ascorbate-inducedoxidation of muscle phospholipids in aliposome system. The results show thatβ-casein tryptic hydrolysate and β-caseino-phosphopeptide (f1-25) have a compleximpact on iron-induced liposome oxida-tion. At the earliest incubation times afterinjection of the iron-ascorbate mixture,oxygen consumption and amounts of TBARSwere significantly increased in the presenceof the hydrolysate or the peptide. In con-trast, on the hourly or daily scales, theamounts of conjugated dienes, TBARS andvolatile compounds decreased in signifi-cant proportions. The very similar behaviorof the hydrolysate and the phosphopeptideadded at equivalent molar concentrations

indicates that most of the activity of thehydrolysate is due to the phosphopeptide.

The lowest amounts of conjugated dienes,TBARS and volatile compounds measuredin the presence of β-casein hydrolysate orβ-caseinophosphopeptide (f1-25) indicatethat these compounds protected the PL lipo-somes against long-term iron-induced oxi-dation and exhibited antioxidant activity.Conjugated dienes are primary products ofoxidation, which result from the migrationof one double bond of the PUFA, afterhydrogen abstraction in the initial stage oflipid oxidation. The hydroperoxides issuedfrom the oxidation of the PUFA of the mus-cle phospholipids present this conjugatedstructure and are thus quantified with theUV method. These compounds are easilybroken, in the presence of iron, into second-ary products of oxidation. Lower amountsof conjugated dienes in the liposomes oxi-dized in the presence of the hydrolysate orthe phosphopeptide, as compared with thecontrols, corresponded either to a protectionof the unsaturated fatty acids against initi-ation of lipid oxidation, or to their enhancedbreakdown. TBARS are secondary productsof lipid oxidation that react with 2-thiobar-bituric acid to give a pink chromogen.TBARS include molecules such as malonal-dehyde, 2,4-alkadienals and, to a lesser extent,2-alkenals. As no antioxidant, such as butylhydroxytoluene, was added to the reactionmixture, the measured TBARS valuesresulted from both TBARS actually presentin the oxidizing liposomes and TBARSformed, at boiling temperature, during theTBA test. Consequently, in the conditionsused, measurement of TBARS gave an over-all view of development of lipid oxidationin the systems tested. Interference of theTBA test with several compounds was pre-viously observed, such as, for example,with carnosine added to oxidizing lipo-somes [34]. Such an interference did nottake place in the presence of the β-caseinhydrolysate or the peptide (f1-25), as TBAvalues were unchanged when the testwas performed on oxidized liposomes towhich the protein derivatives were added.

Antioxidant activity of β-casein hydrolysate 459

Thus, lower quantities of TBARS detectedin the presence of the β-casein hydrolysateor the peptide (f1-25) actually signifiedlower amounts of primary and/or secondaryproducts of lipid oxidation in the system.Higher inhibition percentages were meas-ured for TBARS than for conjugated dieneswhen the oxidation time was over 2 h, show-ing that a favored breakdown of conjugateddienes in the presence of the peptide com-pounds is unlikely. The inhibition was evenmore marked when amounts of volatile com-pounds typical of secondary products of lipidoxidation, such as alkanals, 2-alkenal and 2,4-alkadienals, were considered. As the decreasesin volatile amounts were low when the pep-tides were added to the already oxidizedliposomes, interactions or reactions of thevolatiles with the peptides [43], reducingtheir release from the liposomes duringdynamic headspace analysis, can hardlyexplain the observed inhibition. β-Caseintryptic hydrolysate and β-caseinophos-phopeptide (f1-25) inhibited, on the hourlyscale, the formation of both primary (con-jugated dienes) and secondary (TBARS andvolatile compounds, particularly alkanals and2-alkenals) products of lipid oxidationwhen the degradation of PL liposomes wasinitiated by the iron-ascorbate redox mix-ture. This could result from the binding ofiron to the phosphopeptide, limiting bothinitiation of the reaction and breakage of thehydroperoxides. Free radical scavengingby the peptides, or reactions of peroxidizinglipids with amino groups of the proteinhydrolysate, causing losses in reacting aminoacids, cannot be excluded [23, 52]. Loss ofmethionine during storage of casein andof lysyl, tryptophanyl and histidyl residuesof whey proteins were observed previouslyin the presence of oxidizing methyllinoleate [7, 45, 55].

In contrast to other measurements, oxy-gen consumption, measured during the first20 min of reaction, and TBARS measuredimmediately after iron-ascorbate addition wereremarkably enhanced when the β-caseintryptic hydrolysate or the phosphopeptide(f1-25) were added. Apart from lipid oxi-

dation, which was inhibited as previouslydemonstrated, oxygen consumption in thepresence of iron can result from (i) oxida-tion of some amino acid residues, (ii) oxi-dation of Fe(II) to Fe(III), and (iii) formationof ferric complexes or other chelate com-plexes [15, 40, 57]. For instance, formationof ATP-, ADP- or EDTA-Fe3+ complexeswas associated with oxygen uptake [40]. Inthe present work, oxygen consumption wasremarkably high when the three compo-nents, namely phospholipid liposomes, ironand β-casein tryptic hydrolysate or β-casei-nophosphopeptide (f1-25) were simultane-ously present. Typical staircase curves wereobserved. When only two of these compo-nents were added (iron + phospholipids oriron + hydrolysate) oxygen uptake alsooccurred, but to a far smaller extent. Hence,the dramatic oxygen consumption in thepresence of phospholipids, iron and peptidesis the consequence of oxidative interactionsbetween the three components. As shownby the staircase curves, the interactioninvolved different successive steps, takingplace in the few first minutes of reaction. Itwas not directly related to lipid oxidation,but it could participate in the later inhibitionof lipid oxidation.

The results show that β-caseinophos-phopeptide (f1-25) plays a major part in theantioxidant activity of the hydrolysate.Changes in O2 consumption, amounts of con-jugated dienes, TBARS and volatile com-pounds in the liposome system with β-caseintryptic hydrolysate or its phosphopeptide(f1-25) were very similar. After 20 h of oxi-dation, the concentration of β-casein tryptichydrolysate needed to obtain 50% inhibitionof TBARS and conjugated dienes was about1.2 mg·mL–1, that is, about 50 µmol·L–1

equivalent β-casein. It was 0.1–0.16 mg·mL–1

for β-caseinophosphopeptide (f1-25), thatis about 20 µmol·L–1. After 24 h of oxida-tion, about 75% inhibition of the amount ofvolatile compounds was observed in the pres-ence of 1.2 mg·mL–1 β-casein tryptic hydro-lysate. The same inhibition was observed inthe presence of 0.31 mg·mL–1 β-caseino-phosphopeptide (f1-25) only. The activity

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of the phosphopeptide was not due to mod-ifications of the structure or of the physicalstate of the liposome, since the peptide didnot modify the fluorescence anisotropy of1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene included inthe liposome [33]. The presence of a “neg-ative cluster” of phosphoseryl residues atthe positions 15, 17, 18 and 19 enables ironchelation [4]. This cluster plays an impor-tant role since the affinity of β-caseino-phosphopeptide (f1-25) (4 phosphoserylresidues) for chelating iron [4 to 6 atoms/mol β-caseinophosphopeptide (f1-25)] isgreater than that of the other β-casein phos-phopeptide (f33-48) containing only onephosphoseryl residue [4, 8, 19, 27, 58].Chelation of iron decreases its availabilityand its catalytic efficiency [13], but inducesoxygen consumption during fixation andoxidation of the metal ion. The initiation oflipid oxidation or the decomposition ofhydroperoxides by iron are reduced, whichis in agreement with the observed decreasesin amounts of conjugated dienes and sec-ondary products of lipid oxidation. Thephosphoryl group of the phospholipids isalso involved in the overall oxidative inter-actions, as shown from the oxygen uptakeresults. The staircase curves obtained withthis method indicate that complex interac-tions are involved, which will need specialattention in further studies.


β-Casein tryptic hydrolysate exhibitedantioxidant activity against iron/ascorbate-induced oxidation of rich-in-PUFA phos-pholipid liposomes, as shown by decreasedamounts of conjugated dienes, TBARS andtotal volatile compounds. These effectswere mainly due to the β-caseinophos-phopeptide (f1-25). The significant oxygenconsumption when the peptide or thehydrolysate, the phospholipids and iron/ascorbate were together present, evidencedcomplex oxidative interactions betweenconstituents. The modifications of the pro-files of volatile compounds in the presence

of the hydrolysate or the phosphopeptide(f1-25) could benefit to the flavor of specialfoods where they would increase iron avail-ability and protect against PUFA oxidation.


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