VPI Pet Insurance



VPI pet insurance provides coverage not only for the more familiar dogs and cats, but for birds and exotic pets.

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Apply Now for VPI Pet Insurance

VPI Pet Insurance is one of the oldest pet insurance companies in the US.

It has been around since the 1980s, and was built on a reputation of quality service and secure pet

insurance benefits.

However, as the cost of pet care has spiraled, (it is estimated that in 2006

pet owners in the US spent as much as $23b on veterinary care), pet owners are opting for even more coverage, and as a result, many new players

have emerged in the market.

Nevertheless the company remains strong, committed to its members,

and continues to maintain a competitive suite of health plan


VPI provides coverage not only for the more familiar dogs and cats, but for

birds and exotic pets, as well.

It is one of those companies that has met the strict guidelines set down by

the American Animal Hospital Association, (AAHA for short).

A seal of acceptance from the AAHA is an indication that a provider has a pet insurance program, with a high level of


VPI Pet Insurance has three main Plans on offer, these are:

• VPI Major Medical Plan, which is a comprehensive insurance plan option.

This plan is available for both dogs and cats, and cover illness, emergency,

and injury.

Both Plans have benefit schedules which clearly set out the

procedures, and treatment options that are covered.

They also openly state what the exclusions are, such as conditions that existed prior to the effective date of

the policy, or chronic ailments such as hip dysplasia.

• The VPI Medical Plan is another alternative.

It is also applicable to both dogs and cats.

This Plan provides economical coverage for illnesses, emergencies

and injuries.

It differs from the Major Medical Plan in that it has lower premiums, and as a result of that there are lower benefit


• At the lower end of the scale is the VPI Injury Plan.

This Plan is crafted for senior pets, (those over the age of 8 years), and is

considered to be a safety net for accidental injuries for older pets.

The focus is therefore on injuries like broken bones, and excludes more

serious medical conditions like cancer.

Once you have perused the plans, and decided on the one that’s best for you, then signing up is quite simple after


VPI allows you the option of visiting the vet you are most comfortable with, so there is no restriction in this regard.

Payment for treatment should be made at the time of the visit, and the claim submitted to VPI, along with the


The claim can be sent in by fax, or mail.

The amount you are reimbursed will be dependent on your policy’s

deductible, and the benefit schedule.

As a pet owner, caring for your pet is your responsibility, so it is important to

plan for their care.

Having pet insurance is one way of doing that.

So, if there does come a time when veterinary costs become too high because of unexpected illness or accident, then your pet will be


With VPI Pet Insurance, you can be sure that whenever your pet

needs quality health care, you will have the resources available to


Apply Now for VPI Pet Insurance


www. InsurancePlansForPets.com
