5 photos outfit 21


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5 photos outfit 2

I like this photo as the model is looking directly at the camera and giving direct address. I also like the photo as the position of the model is well centred and it works well as we can see the background clearly. This photo is goo because the lighting is good and non of the photo is blurred or to dark or to bright this tell us that this image is a good quality image.The models facial expression is good as the model is smiling what shows happiness and friendliness to the target audience.As the background is plain I will have to edit the background to make it more interesting.

The models outfit is good as its got a lot of colour and it reflects the theme of the photo-shoot and it also shows how the theme has been captured

This photo is good as the model is not giving direct address. By the model not showing direct address shows that the photo-shoot is not about the model but its about the clothes in the photo.The lighting in the photo works well as it is clear and the photo is not to dark or light this means that I wont have to edit the image afterwards to make the image lighter or darker.The photo works well as the face paint on the models face helps show colour and patens. The face paint is visible because the model isn't giving direct address. In the photo we can see that there is a lot of colours and the background works well with the photo as the wall is full of colour.

I like this photo as the model is bot looking directly at the camera and not giving direct address. I also like the photo as the position of the model as the pose shows the effect that the model doesn’t care.The lighting of this photo is good as it works well and we can clearly see the model in a good light and we will not have to make brightness adjustments.In the photo we can see that there is a lot of colours and the background works well with the photo as the wall is full of colour.This photo works well as there is a lot of colour what allows the models clothes to stand out as there is a lot of colour in the outfitThis outfit is just a combination between the primary out fit and some accessories. The accessories help bring colour to the photo as well what adds to the conversion of the theme.

I like this photo as there is a lot of colour in the background and they way the model is spread out shows how energetic the image is. The way that all the colour Is spread out and there are plenty of patterns. The way that the patterns are shown Cleary on the photo it allows us to see how the whole photo shoot theme is colours and patterns. In the photo we can see that there is a lot of colours and the background works well with the photo as the wall is full of colour.The lighting on the photo is good as the model is light up and we can see the models face, clothes and the background clearly.This photo works well as there is a lot of colour and it helps show the clothes of the model. This is because the models clothes blend into the background what helps us see that the theme of the photo-shoot is colour and patens.

I like this photo as the model is looking directly at the camera and not giving direct address. I also like the photo as the clothes are shown off clearly The models outfit is good as its got a lot of colour and it reflects the theme of the photo-shoot and it also shows how the theme has been captured .I also like how there is a lot of colour in the photo not just on the background but on the models face. The makeup is bright and helps show and define the models face.The lighting on this photo is good as we can clearly see the models clothes and we can also see the background well. The darkness of the background also helps define and show off the model clearly.The background works well as the darker bricks help symbolise darkness and the satin symbol and 666 also represent darkness so the background works well against the colourful clothes the model is wearing This photo also works well as there is a lot of colour and the colour in the background also brings out and highlights the lighter colours of the clothes the model is wearing in the photo.