презентація учнів The greatest wealth is health


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The Greatest Wealth is HealthEveryone wants to be healthy and live a long life. We should follow

certain rules for this!

Going in for Sports

Children enjoy doing sports. Some of us cannot sit on one place even for a minute! We like hopping, running, swimming, twerling, playing ball games, etc. Most kids stay fit and healthy due to their activity.

Healthy Food

Of course, all children are big fans of chips, hamburgers, lollipops, fizzy drinks and chewing gums. Fast food is very popular, it’s not easy to make kids eat fresh fruit and vegetables, cereals, meat and cheese. But if parents are lucky, their children will get a lot of vitamins and minerals from healthy food and be strong and healthy!

Good Rest

After a long working day we all feel ourselves very tired. Someone wants to watch his favourite TV programme, someone wants to go to bed and sleep, others like reading favourite books. Whatever you like doing to relax, keep doing it and you will be healthy!

Live a Long Healthy Life!

Our world is full of different wonders and lots of new interesting things! It’s great, when you have a chance to watch, feel, touch and listen to it! Only healthy people can enjoy their life in every sense every minute! So, keep your health in good condition and live a long happy life!
