Web designing trends 2018

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Web Designing Trends 2018

Before knowing about the Trends let’s have a look at some Web Design Statistics of 2017…..

39% of the people across the world will stop engaging with a website if images won’t load or take too long to load.

On an average, 83% of global consumers reportedly multi-screen using 2.23 devices at the same time.

Web Pages, which loaded in 2.4 seconds experienced great mobile conversation rate of 1.9%

48% of people mentioned a website’s design is the most important factor in deciding the credibility of a business.

62% of companies increased their sales by designing responsive mobile platforms for their websites.

94% of people mentioned web design as the major reason they mistrusted or rejected a website.

Out of 100 sites analysed, only 11.8% on an average use responsive design.

94% of the visitors closed websites and stopped trusting the site if it has a degraded web design.

Now let’s have a look at Web Design Trends in 2018

Trend #1

Greater Use of Negative Space

Negative space, also known as “whitespace,” is the area of a design that isn’t occupied by anything. Think of it simply as the breathing room around page elements.

While it’s not a new concept, increased mobile browsing and changes in people's reading habits have pushed companies to put more focus on creating open page layouts that keep this in mind.

Most of today’s website visitors are content-scanners. Using negative space makes it easier for readers to stay focused on the content of a page without feeling overwhelmed.

Trend #2

More Conversational Bots

Ever since Facebook invited developers to start making bots via its Messenger app, we’ve seen the number of bots grow from 30,000 active bots in 2016 to today's 100,000 active bots.

Companies like Sephora, Whole Foods, and National Geographic have implemented them into their marketing with impressive results.

In fact, according to Facebook, since Sephora released its “Sephora Assistant” they’ve increased their booking rate by 11%. It’s also reported that they see an average incremental spend of over $50 from

clients who have booked an in-store service.

Trend #3

Mobile Influence on Desktop

Design trends that were initially only on mobile, for instance, are now becoming more common in desktop design (i.e. hamburger menus and large typography.)

Another trend will make its way over to desktop design is sticky elements being placed on the bottom of a page instead of the top.

We’ve recently seen mobile sites placing sticky elements such as navigation menus and hello bars on the bottom of a page in order to help make them more accessible and easier to click.

As people become more familiar with this functionality, we’ll likely begin to see modern design follow suit and implement the same type of elements.

VR Video to Showcase Products

Trend #4

2018 won’t be the year of virtual reality (VR). We still have a lot of challenges to address (such as production costs and time) before VR videos become a standard, but, I do predict we will see more

companies striving to define best practices for creating VR videos.

VR gives marketers a whole new platform to connect with prospects. River Pools, an IMPACT client, is one company that’s ahead of the VR-product marketing curve. They’ve created a library of videos

that lets prospects walk around and view their different size pools.

Trend #5

Card Based - Design Still Rules

Most marketers are familiar with card style design. While this trend isn’t new, it’s likely one that’s here to stay. It’s become so widespread that Google has even implemented it into its material


Well, cards are an effective way to display a lot of information on smaller screens. They also provide users with a consistent viewing experience across all screens whether it be smartphone, tablet, or desktop. This is a style of design has become popular with sites such a Twitter, Facebook, and The


The layout lets users quickly scan a handful of different topics which makes it easier for them get to the content they’re looking for. If you’re browsing on mobile, this is also much easier to click.

Alternatives to the Hamburger Menus

Trend #6

Believe it or not, many companies are beginning to move away from the use of hamburger menus due to their effects on UX -- mainly lowering discoverability and efficiency.

Although hamburger menus are currently a popular trend, it’s likely we will begin seeing people experimenting with alternatives in order to increase navigation menu clicks.

Throughout 2018, I wouldn’t be surprised if we will see other companies follow suit and begin to find better ways to display their navigations.

Personalization Will Become Smarter

Trend #7

Implementing personalization helps us create a more intimate experience for our customers. It lets us serve content personally tailored to them, which in turn builds trust and loyalty.t.

Companies of all sizes are finding ways to work personalized experiences into their marketing. One of most widely known case studies is the Coca-Cola “Share a Coke” campaign.

Significant advancements in AI and machine learning are giving marketers new and exciting ways to offer more personalized experiences to people online. With data enrichment, smart content, and a

host of other tools emerging, we’re likely to see personalization hit a new high in 2018.

Start Planning!

While we can never predict trends with 100% certainty, we can always look to past trends to help us make an educated guess on what will come next.

Based on what last year, overall in 2018 there is going to be a heavy focus on:• producing video possibly even using VR• improving user experience with things like micro-interactions and personalization• Clean layouts with content that’s easy to scan

So now’s the time to begin planning for what trends you think can really benefit your marketing.

We’ve redefined what’s possible. Now we’re looking to help you do the same.
