We are not selling snakeoil: how the internet of things is for everyone

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Keynote given at Over The Air 2013 on September 27th 2013.

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We are not selling snake oil or how the internet of things is for everyone really


Tinker London 2007-2010

Good Night Lamp March 2012

IDII 2004-2006

•  London #iot Meetup •  EyeHub •  Observer on Parliamentary advisor groups

•  1st Arduino UK distributor •  Workshops •  Design & R&D


The internet of things is accessible & understandable (almost).

Accessible -  Hardware (Arduino,RPi,mbed) -  Software (Xively,BergCloud, IFTT,

ThingWorx) -  Product (Hackspace) -  Pre-production design (Fritzing,

DesignSpark, Angeldev)

Knowledge is not a barrier -  Videos -  Forums -  Workshops (Codasign, Space) -  Books (Arduino project, Arduino

for Dummies, Rpi for Dummies, Designing the Internet of Things)

Fear and loathing in Silicon Roundabout Startups vs Big Business Standards & security Fear & uncertainty about the reach of technology

Understandable Tell good stories about how we’re going to get to a connected world. Connectivity is a given & technology is boring

Understandable The winners are people with graphic designers & crazy numbers, not necessarily people who are right.

But it’s possible. It’s a question of time & effort.

Feasible Build bridges between startups & large corporations.


Feasible Incubators are starting to support #iot startups

@bg_ventures @springboard / @techstars

Feasible Government gets it. EU funding & UK funding on #iot is pretty comprehensive.

Feasible PR & tradeshows are very accessible if your message is crystal clear. You have to be completely clear about why a customer would want to buy what you’ve made.

Feasible Retail is interested in change and new products. Staples wants to be an #iot retailer. @Works_Shop

Barriers Funding is always a pain. You will need others (designers, marketing, business) You will find them though. meetup.com/iotlondon

Good luck @iotwatch @GNLteam @Works_Shop @eyehub @connectinghomes
