Universal Design Rethinking Barriers To Quality Of Life

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Accessibility refers to the “ability to access” .....3







USE OF LIGHT .....12

TACTILITY AND TEXTURE- Sensing architecture .....13






referances and sources .....20

by // Tove Helen Grande Dyb & Laura VeBergen School of Architecture January 2010

Accessibility refers to the “ability to access”Impaired and better accessible sorrundings encreases quality of life for everyone ; the toddler, the old, the tired, the injured, the confused, the stressed, the unfocused etc. Good planning and design can help many to a better everyday life. Beeing dependent on others to manage (seemingly) simple everyday tasks can be a source to frustration ;

:traveling to work:entering the trainstation and finding the desired train:bying a ticet:getting on the bus:crossing a street:finding a shop:finding information on the internet:walking on the sidewalk:getting home, etc

the challenges can be tiredsome...

Knowing about these challenges and knowledge of the concequenses of not taking them into consideration is the most important tool the proffesional designer has got to make our environment more accessible...Cooperation, knowledge-exchange, good desition-making on the political level and seeking information from the right sources is of great importance.The Norwegian Ministry of The Environment did a pilot-project with 16 Municipalities from 2005-2008. In this period seminars were hold including very different levels of the regional and local administration and the community. Planners, responsible for purchasing, municipality advisors, organisationes, engineers, architects, landscape architects, etc...To sucseed in creating good accessible environments all professionals involved needs knowledge so that all details will work together in the final results.It is important to realise; sustainable environments are those that can guarantee not only safety, but also usability and autonomous mobility to the highest possible number of people.




Design is in the therm of Universal Design understood to be a common term for all work prossesses involved in the shaping of the physical environment. This encompasses community planning, land use, architecture, construction, activity,product development and more.

The consept of Universal Design is a strategic approach to planning and design of products and environments in a fashion that promotes an inclusive society that ensures full equality and participation for all, in the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaption or specialized design.Primary aims for the strategy is to promote equality for, and ensure the full partispation in society of individuals with reduced functional-ity, by removing existing disabling barriers and preventing new ones from emerging.

In Norway the therm of “ Universell Utforming” Universal Design, has in some design-circles, maybe due to lack of knowledge on the field, faced problems beeing embraced. The potentials and challeng-es that follows the aspect of “designing for everyone” has not been taken fully advantage of in the design-prosess in many projects.

The term of universal design is named differently in various regions of the world, small changes that indicate the focus in the different aspects of work to achive the goal of accessebility and selfmanage-ment in everyday situations for as many as possible;

USA : Universal design England : Inclusive design Danmark, Finland, Nederland, EU : Design for alle also used : Transgenerational design, Accessible design

MACBA ; Barcelona





The WWT distinguish between three different health conditions when it comes to term of accessebility; damage, function disabled and handicapped. The three groups are listed below. The better accessebility, the fewer handicapped.

People with severe disability;needs help with many daily activities, people in wheelchairs, and people with limited strength and mobility in their hands and arms.

Mobility redused due to diseace, age-related impairment. The majority of the 10 % of the population refered to as disabled.

Minor disabilities like reduced strenght and mobility, impaired hearing and sight. This group overlap with the group over.

We will all experience to be potential users of universal design suited to our everyday needs. A situation with a stroller, a bag with wheels, beeing parents in public space, an injured foot and you need to use crutch, beeing to small in hight, or to tall.

For most of us, it is not easy to be aware of these situations before they suddenly appare; the stairs become to diffi cult to get up, or to have a conversation in the cafe or in the hall of the theater becomes impossible because you can not manage to shut out all the “noise” of others talking.



“Day-to-day activities” are activities which are carried out by most people on a fairly regular and frequent basis. Selfman-agement is of great importance for everyones quality of life, not to depend on others in daily tasks. “Disabilities” to take into consideration when planning and designing our environ-ment should include;

: mobility : manual dexterity (fingerferdighet): physical co-ordination: continence: ability to lift, carry or otherwise move everyday objects: eyesight (even when wearing glasses or contact lenses), : speech or hearing: memory, learning, concentration, understanding: perception of the risk of physical danger

Sometimes it will be dificult to meet all of these issues but accessibility is about meeting as many as possible in our sour-roundings. The University of North Carolina worked on a list in the 1990ies on priciples that should be considered for designers as well as architects throughout their projects. Hav-ing all these principles in mind when designing, the environ-ment should be more suited for all to use. These priciples are

: Same possibilities for use - make good functional projects, even if it is about buildings, parks or trafical areas.: Flexible design of rooms and buildings: Easy access and intuitive use of houses, areas, traffic termi-nals etc.: Understandable information in urban public environment as well as in complex houses like hospitals and universities.: Security for all - like as fire or trafic : Low physical tire in interior - open doors etc

: Area and volum adjusted to the use of the room.

These priciples was developed to achieve equality, and by that it means that special sollutions isn`t a good enough answer. Addable sollutions can be stigmatising for a group, and must be avoided. Not just the moving disabled must be considered, but also orienting disabled and environmental disabled.It is important to strive for a holistic forming and sollutions that will be incorporated in the consept from the beginning of the project to the end. Another side of the same aspect is the acceccebility to collective trasportation.

Part of eyesight is poor or missing.

Tunnel-vision/ poor eyesight in the wide angle.

Top level of eye-sight over-exposed and hardly visible.

Poor eyesight:




In transportation, accessibility refers to the ease of reaching des-tinations. People who are in places that are highly accessible can reach many other activities or destinations quickly, people in inaccessible places can reach many fewer places in the same amount of time. The planning engineer could put it like this; .....20

Accessibility_i = \sum_j {Opportunities_j } \times f\left( {C_{ij} } \right) where:

* i = index of origin zones * j = index of destination zones * f\left( {C_{ij} } \right) = function of generalized travel cost

(so that nearer or less expensive places are weighted more than farther or more expensive places).

In planning this means that accessible zones or aeras in a city will also be more popular, and will give the inhabitants a wider set of choices than the ones living in less accessible aeras. And this has a consequence to the economy and quality of life of the inhabitants. And in the end this costs money... Said in a easier understood way; easy solutions for everyone to use save money and time.Well designed vending machines and guidelines to help the traveller to find the right train/bus/boat/gate is of course important.Wide entrances to traffic halls, train stationes and hubs to avoid pact people crowds unable to move in preferred directiones. Good signing to find information desks, kiosks, vending machines, toilets etc.In public transportation it is of preferance to have “low floor” ve-hicles in traffic, meaning easy access without stairs, and preferably without use of elevator, wide doors, and no obstacles inside vehicle so that users on wheels (strollers, wheelchair) can move around without help and those with poor eyesight not bumping into objects unnessasary.

entering a bus-stop in Curitiba (Brazil), not he best solution with elevator but with slope on the other side

entering bus from stationarial view of access to

bus-stop in Curitiba7


Moving in our sorrundings without obstacles is preferred by anyone, not only by the ones dependent on wheels.Good planning and design can give us good, accessible and obstacle-free environments.In Barcelona they have worked in their city for a long time to be user friendly for as many as possible. This has become very visible in the streets, urban rooms and in many buildings in the city. The Urban Planning office works after the strategy of “reversed priority” which basically means they consider the pedestrian environment their most important task. The private car is private, and it is not considered a public task to give the private car good conditions in the public space. Reasonable!On the subject of “accessibility and people with disabilities in Barcelona, (they say:) Accessibility in the streets and to transport, but also to education, participation, employment, training, culture, sport, leisure… Building the accessible city means eliminating physical, communicational and mental barriers to improve quality of life for all. In Barcelona, peo-ple with disabilities and their associations are key players in meeting this challenge, a challenge that must be reviewed and renewed constantly. Accessibility is a goal from which all can benefit, and it should, therefore, form part of the very lifestyle of our city.”

Therefore; In order to start a positive change in the field of urban planning, human changeability should be more consci-entiously used as the most important variable in the relation between man and the built environment; the project solutions should be made compatible with the different needs, guar-anteeing usability, safety, autonomy, easiness of perception and use, alternative ways of use, according to changeable and diverse needs. The routes should be thought so as to be easy to use also by weak pedestrians, people with reduced mobil-

ity, but also with different ability in perception and orientation such as elderly, children, occasional users and foreigners, that need references in order to orientate themselves (the so-called landmarks and road signs), that are relate to different cognitive and cultural backgrounds. The issue of the orienta-tion and perceptibility of the urban space, used by “weak” us-ers even on occasional basis, is still underestimated and very critical: in order to understand how difficult it is for a visually impaired person to move around and orientate himself freely, we can just say that when we move around we use the sight in order to gather around 90% of the environmental informa-tion. This element should influence also the choices in urban planning and in creating streetscapes and urban space.

New Old Market Square Nottingham,Gustafson Porter

Magnor TorgEidskog

clear distinction of zones


The potenciality to walk and orientate oneself within pub-lic spaces can therefore become the common denominator for different users, also with the help of the new information technologies. An intervention proposal could be the following;

To identify an area, in which to test some pilot projects, by using methodologies and strategies that pay particular atten-tion to weak users:: identify an area of intervention, or a group of priority pedes-trian pathways. Connection to important nodes, in relation to the aims of the project; services, places of tourist interest and dedicated to leisure activities, resting areas, green areas. In order to be able to realise a possible network that is continu-ous, safe, accessible, comfortable, recognisable and attrac-tive.: remove from these pathways the elements of inconvenience due to the discontinuity of the pathway, to big difficulties in using it, to the physical, visual and psychological threat represented by the motor means of transport.: access the connections with public transports, with parking spaces, with places of interchange in terms of comfort and accessibility, to optimise the communication systems, the road signs and the connected urban furniture.: access the possibility to keep together or separate pedes-trian flows from other motorised or non-motorised flows.

The urban complexity, in order to be accessible, can be man-aged with those tools and methods that are typical of Design for All and Ergonomics, disciplines whose parameters are us-ability and compatibility (referred to User Centred Design), the user-focussed project; these disciplines, that foresee the participation of final users and all stakeholders since the very beginning of the project, can give a significant contribution to the management of a quality urban project useable, enjoyable by everybody.

Barcelona; untextured surface , easier for wheels and to orientate,

symbol unnessasaryEntrance to Eiganes Park stadion

smooth surface and wide door

Sketch of Vogtsgt. in OsloSigning on surface in new streetscape in crossings of slowrail/tramline


Lowered steps to sidewalks,and no obstacles

Smooth surface in street;easier to keep clean and to

use for everyone

One smooth surface in street and place, draining element in same level as


Surface levels subtile indicated with material-colours

Wide and automatic door, smooth surface.This door can be difi-

cult for visualy im-paired to use due to

the invisible glass...

Wide ramps gives good space for different users;bikes, wheelchairs, strollers etc

Access to beach with ramps, good space around showers

and entry-aera.

Even flooring and few ob-stacles in bus and metro

makes it easy to use.

Adjustment of entrance to an old building,steps on one side and ramp on the other.

Could be better even with handrail on wallside of ramp.

All pictures show situations in Barcelona



A right use of colours are very essential for orientation in spaces. Combined with different materials, light and acoustic qualities, architecture achieve individual amosphere that also can be helpful both for the experience and the orientation for bevegelseshemma, synshemma, orienteringshemma og miljøhemmede( astma og andre allergikere.)Here is a list of some things to think of, when it comes to use of colours.

:The use of white surfaces, and specially in very bright envi-ronments with few differenciations of colour can make it diffi-cult for a person with a bad sight to handle and orient.

:Head intrances should be marked with colour, it will make it easy to find both for svaksynt and orienteringshemma.

:It is preferable to use different colours on floor and walls

:Steps and stairs should be marked in contrast colours.

:Free standing columns should have a clear colour that dis-tinct from the colours of the surrounding walls. There should also bee a clear difference of colour between floor and col-umns.

:Marking columns can also be used to convey direction.

:A use of colour codes in different “stations” or areas for dif-ferent use is very helpful both for visually impaired and those who experience difficulties orientating. This is specially help-full in big open rooms.

Main entrance aeraindicated with colour.

Outdoor playgrounds marked with clear colours.

Different stations coloured for different use.


Use of colour can separateone staircase from another.


Artificial light, daylight and sunlight can be challengig for sight disabled.With more and more glass used in modern architec-ture is also difficult for many to see the delimit of a room, a space or just where the door is.

:Blinding can be avoided by planning where to put glass sur-faces in relation to sunlight and artificial light.

:Light can be used to create open an closed rooms, or varia-tion in big open rooms and areas.

:Light can be used to mark directions

:It is important to increase lighting in spots where we usually dont use that much light, like in hallways and stairways. It can be difficult to see the stairs without light.

:There should be increased litghting by frontdoors, other doors and doorbells.

:Light can be used as signal for doorbells, or when to go etc. :Light can be used symbolically like red and green in traffic.

Light can be used to indicate direction.

Lights potential to change rooms.


TACTILITY AND TEXTURE- Sensing architecture

One of the most profound and informative senses that we have is our sense of touch. This sense informs so much of the way we “see” the world around us.

“It is interesting to think that in some way all of our other senses engage in some form of “touch” as we experience the things which make up our environments. Thus, as we move through architectural spaces, we touch what we perceive and we perceive what we touch — we extract it, interpret it and make meaning of it in our memory and through learning. You can say that “touch” helps us to understand.”

“When you touch something it has been said that you can “feel” it. One could suppose that this means that you com-pletely take it in through the senses — to cognitively and emotionally form a perception and then an impression.”


You can touch, feel, hear and see. We use all our senses when we orientate. A use of texture in walls, floors and other sur-faces, both inside an outside, can be very helpful for orien-tation for all users. The acoustic changes in different rooms with different surfaces and textures. Tactility gives an uniqe possiblilty to experience the architecture in another way than just through sight. The texture of walls, floors, ceilings etc can abstract light, be in help for orientation and wellbeeing. Big white rooms can be softened up by texture and light can give it an impression of being smaller, or bigger. Tekstures on building, in indoor or outdoor space can be im-portant factors on individual mapping or reading of a room, a space... and the place can also tell a story of its own. Another element is a greater us of textured maps, direction markers and pictogram. The whole place can be read without being around in every area of it.

Textures on walls

Textured maps

Textures on floors


ACOUSTICS The acoustic is essential to make a room, a place a situa-tion bearable to stay in. Sound can stress, distress, orien-tate or dissorientate. The sound can be to quite or load or to unfocused. Did you manage to hear what was said from the speaker system at youre local supermarket, at your last flight or at a big lecture without a sound system? We are all hearing disabled in different situations.It is important to think of different aspects when designing room and space. Good acoustic environments can be made without electric equipment, and just by using the right materi-als and the right angels of walls, roofs and floors.

:It is important to plan good understanding of speach in big rooms where the sound must bear long distances.In addition to increasing the architectual qualities, this can be used by central speakers with specific angles of direction. Theis can be complementert med telecoil or similar equip-ment.

:It is important to think of the soundlevel and the resonance time both for hearing dissabled and orientation disabled. It can be challenging to meet multiple needs, feks it can be dif-ficult for people with mobility impaired to open heavy sound issolating doors and treshholds.

:It is also essential to reduce background noise to support conversation in public space where social interaction often takes place.

recomended aqoustic relations in areas feks for educational purposes are resonance time: T; 0,4-0,6 sekbackgroundnoise: L; less than or equal 35 dbasignal and sound relation; bigger than or equal + 15 dbtotal soundlevel in spaces; Lpa; less than or equal 70 dba

Symbol for telecoil

Acoustic panel



There is a great, and increasing amount of people that is suf-fering from asthma or allergies. The indoor climate as well as the outdoor is important to consider during a prosess of de-sign. By choosing the right material, the right paint, the right surfaces etc, a lot is already improved to make better environments. Here is a list of actions that can be done to prevent bad indoor climate;

:Secure low amount of moist in materials and finished build-ings

:Secure ingestion of clean outdoor air, a way that prevent or-ganic materials like dust, snow and other moist to get sucked in to the building.

:Avoid plants and trees close to the main entrance and air systems.

:Choose materials that does not give off health damaging or irritating aviation; low emission materials.

:Choose materials and other building materials from product documentation that show good qualities in due to aviation

:Avoid hot sourses with high surface temperature

:Choose materials that got cleanable surfaces.

:Ensure airfilters

:Avoid shelves and constructions that collect dust, that seldom will be cleaned.


Relative humidity Ventilation

Achieving an healthy environment- is a balance between;

Paint with low emission and minimal smell



Obstacles referres not only to bumps, stairs and steep slopes, but it can also be lack of, or overload in signing. This can be truly confusing for the one with poor eyesight, the hearing impared or simply the tourist.Clever signing and guidelines in our environment can save us from lost time and a lot of negative stress and frustration.

Using guidelines with texture and with contrast colours on the surface can be helpful to indicate directiones, change in di-rectiones, edges, crossings, entrances, etc. But it needs good planning and design to be sucsessful, and to not make poor visual and aesthetic solutions or in worst case chaotic sorrundings for the ones depending on visual and sensory help.

It is desirable to make signing and guiding continously leading but also continously readable in large buildings and aeras in a city (or the whole city) to achieve the best results in achiev-ing this. When developing a project, one can implement this from the beginng as part of developing a strong identity and a conceptually unit language to a building or a street, etc.

Guidelines in fl oor to indicate classroom entrances.

From Dragvoll,Norway From Modern Art Museum, Iceland

From Modern ArtMuseum, Iceland

Left: good contrasts in street sign, white on pink, pink on grey back-ground.Top left: service sign; clear white “i” on orange background.Top right : service sign dark matt sign on translucent (frosted glass) background.

Street name and nr in entrance rail on light background, Sensory accessible.

Museum name above entrance; dark writing on light background.

Clear guideline in bus-stop,with surface-texture,direct to bus entreance, and indicating road-crossing and edges to sidewalk. Dark line most effective.

Clear and visual guidelines; yellow on tarmac. Metro-tunnel in London.


EXAPLES OF SMART ADJUSTMENTS IN DETAILS: Smooth ground surfaces of entranceways, without stairs: Wide interior doors and hallways: Lever handles for opening doors rather than twisting knobs: Light switches with large flat panels rather than small toggle switches: Buttons on control panels that can be distinguished by touch: Bright and appropriate lighting, particularly task lighting: Auditory output redundant with information on visual displays: Visual output redundant with information in auditory output: Contrast controls on visual output: Use of meaningful icons as well as text labels: Clear lines of sight (to reduce dependence on sound): Volume controls on auditory output: Speed controls on auditory output: Choice of language on speech output: Ramp access in swimming pools: Closed captioning on television networks: Voice output on (official) web-pages (municipality, govern ment, cinema, papers? etc)

The web-site of Malmø Municipality; one have the optiones of sign-language (1), voice-output (2), large text (3) for easy reading and other languages is an option. This makes the information more accessible for more inhabitants than if the optiones were missing.


3 4


Smooth surface for wheels and tired legs. Clear divertion in colour indicating walk-zone

From Danfors -center,DanmarkBenches and trashbin

easy to reach from path.

From Danfors

Ramps leading to different floors easy to use by everyone.

From Danfors Ramps leading to different zones,

taking you over uneven terrain.

From Danfors

Wide entrance door with change in surface on floor. Glass with stripes.

From Dragvoll, Norway

From City Hall, Iceland

Apropriate lighting; here natural overlight indicating walk-aera


From The Univercity of Iceland

Ramp with rails, next to stairs for variated use.

From The Univercity of Iceland

Large doorhandle better for visualy im-paired as automatic doors can be a chal-

lenge. Glass indicated with frosted pattern.

From The City Hall, Iceland

From The Museum of Modern Art, Iceland

Steps indicated with light, easy to locate

edges of stairs.

Entrance from street with change in surface textures indicating something happening.

Handrail indicating steps in stair, it is important that rails are continous so that someone with poor eyesight or who needs it for support suddenly is not left helpless.

Metalnails indicating something new happening; steps going up.

Lighting in roof of waitingaera to lightrail in Paris. Makes it

easy to find at night.

Good lighting on f.ex a work desk helps very much when the eyes get tired or the eyesight is poor.


UNIVERSAL DESIGN- CHALLENGING OR, A NECESSARY EVIL?Universal design have in some ways been sentral in the build-ing prossess of architects. The focus have been on easy access, m2, and ability to move, but the focus have not been sentral in the row of many other demands during the design-prossess. And the focus have also just been on ability to move, and not so much the ability to see, hear and orientate. The challenges that architects will face in the nearest future is based on the new legislation of 01.01.09, the ” law of discrim-ination”. The law says that it is illegal to discriminate on the basis of impaired ability to function. This means that Universal Design must be a output factor in all new public buildings and spaces during planning and building. There is also sanctions for those who not practise this law or not take this into consideration.This law contains a change of attitude, and a work for what is good design consider the users. Universell Design strive for a holistic design, throughout the whole prossess. By having this in mind the good solutions will most certain appear.

So is this going to be challenging and just a new irritating law that is necessary evil, or can this be a positiv challenge, that will make us architects think in new ways, be more creative and make good solutions and consepts in our projects? The intention, meaning and interepetation of the law is very diverse. But then again, we are designing for people, human beeings, individuals and it seems logic to take functions and handicaps into bigger consideration, after all its all about de-veloping sustainable projects, and sustainable is surroundings designed for lifelong conditiones. Architects may have had the reputation of beeing more interested in their personal expres-sion and art, and trivialize the needs of the users. The adjust-ment to Universal Design, have usually been “add on’s”, like ramps, ellivators, signs and soforth. But will not these “add on’s” destroy the original consept when its planned with-

out an integration in mind from the first pensil draw? Special design often leeds to segregation, stigma and not integration. Years to come we will experience the challenge in Norway in a bigger scale. The elder population in Norway will double in the next 30 years, from 600 000 to 1 million people, and a majority of these will have sight and mobility impairments. We see an increasing focus on Universal Design. Architectural competitions is sponsored by the authorities, pilotprojects are starting, there is bigger focus on class courses for archi-tects, and NAL (Norwegian Architects National Foundation)initiated Stavanger 2008 project, Norwegian Wood, focusing on contemporary sustainable timber architecture has inclusive design as one of its four quality criteria. Norwegian Wood is a learning arena both for those directly involved and for the construction industry as a whole.NAL have also created a strategy plan for Universal design.In their strategy for “Inclusive design” they write;

“Architects, planners and other associated professions contribute to all aspects of design in the built environment. They, therefore, have a fundamental duty to incorporate inclusive design in the planning and delivery of optimal solutions.”

We have in this assignment tried to find all the aspects of Design for All. The challenge will be to find good subtile solutions that will not dominate the expression in our en-vironment. Certainly we will see a change of thoughts and attitudes, and creative projects that will consider Universal Design to is’t fullest will be built. This can be an interesting direction architecture, urban planning and design can evolve to its perfection. There is a need to develope these skills into our intuition together with our construction-, shaping- and “green” skills. Exiting!!

// Tove Helen Grande Dyb & Laura VeBergen School of Architecture January 2010


referances and sources: www.wikipedia.org : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accessibility: www.ons.gov.uk : ”Accessible Train and Station Design for Disabled People: A Code of Practice”; Code of Practice Version 01 – July 2008: “Universell utforming som kommunal strategi”, Pilotkommunesatsingen 2005-2008, Norwegian Ministry of The Environment: Norge universelt utformet 2025, Regjeringens handlingsplan 2009-2013, Norwegian Ministry of Children, Equality and Social inclusion: Designprosesser med brukbarhet som målsetting - en introduksjon til brukersentrert design Tom Vavik; NALs seminar 13.november 2006 Universell utforming DESIGN OG TILGJENGELIGHET Formgivning og funksjonalitet for alle

: Redevelopment and Revitalization Along Urban Arterials-Case Study of San Pablo Avenue, California, from the Developers’ Perspective

: Barcelona-Studietur rapport, mai 2006 (www.universell-utforming.miljo.no/file.../barcelona_rapport.pdf): http://w3.bcn.es/XMLServeis/XMLHomeLink Pl/0,4022,290652867_291374213_3,00.html; english website to BNC-CITY: Urban planning and accessibility of urban spaces. Isabella Tiziana Steffan (STUDIO STEFFAN): Designprosesser med brukbarhet som målsetting-en itroduksjon til brukersentrert design.: UNIVERSELL UTFORMING - byer, hus og parker for alle, Sigmund Asmervik Institutt for landskapsplanlegging, UMB: http://sensingarchitecture.com/2469/maximizing-the-sense-of- touch-in-adaptive-architecture/: www.akustikk-selskap.com: www.hlf.no: www.statsbygg.no: www.universell-utforming.miljo.no: www.asimo.no: Formakademisk artikkel, Universell utforming i arkitektpraksis, Inger-Marie Hølmebakk: www.NAL.no/universell utforming

