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: Shcrubber: Asst. Prof. Manoj Majhi: Vikas, Himanshu, Mehul, Sarayu, Rishika: IIT Guwahati


Sh crubber

NeedFinding Research Analysis &

Ideation Prototyping User Testing

Problem Statement

Sh crubber

To design a product that helps in sustaining the biodiversity or conserving natural resources in IIT Guwahati campus.

We choose to work in the area of water wastage and pollution.


Field Research

Sh crubberSh crubber


To see the possible areas of water wastage and under-standing the cleaning process followed in the water treatment plant.

Mind Map

Sh crubberSh crubber


To list the problem areas related to water wastage and pollution in iit guwahati that we found in our field research and come out with early ideas related to identified problem areas


Sh crubber

Design Brief: After our field research we decided to work in the area of water wastage in the hostel mess of IIT Guwahati during washing of


Research was done to understand user needs, problems and goals.


Activity Observation

Sh crubberSh crubber


To observe all the activities of mess workers while cleaning the dishes to figure the possible ways to save water in the process.

User Interview

Sh crubberSh crubber


To know the problems faced by the mess workers in IITG, to make a solution that fits their needs and goals.

Analysis & Ideation

Sh crubber

Analysis of user research current existing scenario, problem exsiting and come out with new ideas forms etc for a product

that could solve these existing problems.“”

Use Case

Sh crubberSh crubber


To understand current method of washing utensils completely by dividing it into smaller steps and get the purpose, advantages, disadvantages and better sub-stitude for each step.

Affinity Diagram

Sh crubberSh crubber


To list down the factors that are needed to be consid-ered while conceptulization the final idea for the prod-uct like functionalities, hygiene, ergonomics, time and material.


Sh crubberSh crubber


Sketched different concepts and tried out various con-cepts to explore various forms and finalize an ergo-nomic form which would fit mess worker’s hands while washing utensils

Final Concept

Sh crubberSh crubber


Soap Compartment

Water Inlet Pipe

Soap Dispenser Head

Water Oulet Holes

Rotate to switchwater on/off


Sh crubberSh crubber


Step1: The person will hold the pipe and rotate the Shcrubber upside down to let the water come out for initial wetting of utensils. Then he will rotate it back to switch off the water outlet. Step 2: Now he can pour out some liquid soap from Shcrubber on utensils by pressing the button of the liquid soap compartment.Step 3: He can use the scrubber present on the other side for cleaning utensils by rubbing them.Step 4: At the end, he can wash by pouring water again from the shower side of shcrubber.In this whole process a lot of water is saved as while crubbing no water is used unlike previously where the taps were constatntly running.


Sh crubber

A quick prototype was made for user testing of the product.“”

CAD Rendering

Sh crubberSh crubber


A 3D model of our product to know how our final prod-uct would like and to make it easy to protype.


Sh crubberSh crubber

The Making

Step 1 : Making of Plaster of Paris mould for showerStep 2 : Vaccum forming of styrene sheet]Step 3 : Soap compartment and walls for scrubberStep 4 : Pipe and ButtonStep 5 : Putty and Color spray


Sh crubberSh crubber

User Testing

Sh crubber

A user testing was done to find out good and bad points of theproduct.“

User Testing

Sh crubberSh crubber


By user testing, we found out that Shcrubber could be a nice solution for saving water in hostels mess of IIT Guwahati but it still needs some improvements be-cause there might be difficulties while washing glasses, bowls and corners of plate using it. This could be a start of our water saving efforts.