Santa catrina market

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A colorful sense of identity and space.

LOCATIONBarcelona, Spain

ARCHITECTSEMBTEnric mirallesBenedetta tagliabue

This characteristically uproarious design does more than transform a dour NEOCLASSICAL FRESH FOOD MARKET into a flying carpet of brilliant colors and agitated forms.

A Concept of METAMORPH, bringing together the people, culture and history under one roof.

Makes a terrain that corresponds widely to topography.

A building which is both ultra-modern and very old in spirit and technique.

It fuses together the revived market, the plan of which is constantly changing.

Includes a museum, two blocks of 59 low-rent social housing and underground car park with organic waste depository.

There are 100 or so stalls in the market selling local products of almost every description.


There had been a market on the site, since 1848.

After 150 years of existence, in 1997 the commission for a new design was given to EMBT.

During renovation the work was stopped for two years after the ruins of a roman necropolis were uncovered.


Architect Tagliabue explains “we tried to break with the pattern of brutal demolition followed by rebuilding using very different typology ”.

In the new design, they retained the white painted masonry walls on three sides of the rectangular structure.

These walls has many arched opening permeable to the surrounding streets.

They bought same granite pavers used on city streets into the market interior.

The rear wall was demolished and cut in an intimate plaza.

Built on the ruins of old market.

Project began in 1997 and was completed in may 2005.

The Outstanding feature is its roof (5,500sq-ms).

Made by assembling 300,000 ceramic hexagons, supported by forest of steel pillars.

Projects beyond the perimeter of construction (3,749sq-ms).

A brilliantly colored wave-like carpet depicting fruit and vegetable designs.

Although Computer helped to generate the form of the roof but Many of the roof panel had to be cut by hand to accommodate the many curves.

Thus combining old techniques with new architectural vision.

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