Design communicates

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Design communicates


Importance of design

•Campaigns are about raising the profile of brands or moving customers in a specific direction to buy a company’s product or services. BRANDS are essentially the way that consumers code a specific offering in their minds: “this brand represents quality and luxury, or this brand represents comfort and value. Regardless of what the target customers hold in high esteem, a brand is shorthand for that. •EVERY piece of creative you release (brochures, blog posts, website content) says something about the brand. •If the design is less than professional and aligned with the brand’s core messaging, it can undermine years of work & good impressions •Good design speaks volumes to a company’s professionalism, quality and positioning in the market


It wasn’t until after 1950 that much attention was ever given to what the container of a product looked like. Most items were packaged in functional wrappers that were designed to protect and deliver. But, all that has changed. These days, impulse purchasing makes up 75% of the consumer spending, and if the package fails to project the right message, it might be left alone on the shelf.


Because of color trends and ever changing design taste of the consumer, the average life span of a package is 2.5 years. If a company doesn’t invest in repackaging efforts, the product itself will look like yesterday’s news and the newer, more current designed product will be more actively purchased.


Design can’t be sloppy; it must be precise and well thought out to be successful. Usually brands are established through their packaging; it is scientifically proven that humans will choose the product that is more visually appealing when deciding between similar products.
