Corporate Identity

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Introduction to corporate identity and branding

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Corporate Identity

When you come up with your product for your enterprise you need to think of a name for it, a logo and a 'strapline'.


Companies spend a lot of money developing a brand look - this moves beyond just a logo.

It can involve a specific font and colour as well as just a logo.

Products that have been effectively branded can be instantly recognised without you seeing the product.


Look at the similarities between this burger companies' logo and the famous McDonalds sign.


Heinz use the same shape surrounding their label, and the same font for the word Heinz, although the actual products may differ quite considerably


The Coca-cola trade mark is so widely known you would be able to tell that there was Diet Coke in the can on the right even if you didn't read hebrew!


A logo is a type of symbol used to represent a brand and to promote products and services.

Just about everything you buy has the company's logo on the packaging and sometimes on the product itself.

Good logos are usually simple in design, distinctive and original and easy to reproduce in different sizes.


Good design and consistent use of a logo can make a huge difference to the success of a company or enterprise.

Product Name

Choosing the right name is really important.

Should you choose a name that reflects what the product is or a wacky name that people won't forget?

Some enterprises choose something really simple like a person's name and rely on a really good logo or colour scheme.

Product Name

Task: Think about the names of the products below:

Product Name

Task: Think about the names of the products below:

Strapline or slogan

A strapline reinforces the message of the product.

They are usually a short phrase used by the company alongside their logo.

They can be used on all materials or on a specific product.

Strapline or slogan

Strapline or slogan

Strapline or slogan

Some companies are set up to come up with corporate identity for other companies.

There is lots of money in this!!

Saatchi and Saatchi are one such company.

Choosing a font

When you choose a font think about what impression you want to make.

Your choice of font should complement your logo.

Choosing a font


Colour plays an important part in just about everything an enterprise does.

It is used to attract attention and can be very persuasive.


Colour plays an important part in just about everything an enterprise does.

It is used to attract attention and can be very persuasive.


Colours may be used to make you think of a particular image. British Airways use the union jack colours to trigger thoughts of Great Britain.


The Harrods colour scheme uses a classic green colour and gold to give the suggestion of quality and good taste.
