Analysis of magazine double page spreads

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Analysis of Magazine Double Page Spreads

This double page spread from "Q" magazine April 2010, has a simple design, with one page dedicated to an image and the other to the article. The article is on the music star - Lady Gaga. The image on the left page, sees a mid-shot of Gaga, with her upper torso and head visible. She is naked and much of flesh is exposed, with her hands and a metal chain necklace covering the more revealing areas. In the photograph the model is posing

naked both for controversy, which gains both the artist and the magazine an audience, and for sexual image and attraction. This very issue is very controversial, with Gaga covering the issue with a strap-on penis as part of her outfit and her upper half exposed, this got the issue banned in Barnes & Noble, the largest book retailer in the United States. However this was not a negative for the issue, as it gained the star and the magazine, press coverage and got people interested in the cover, to see what it looks like and to purchase it. Her hair is styled to be wild, eccentric and untamed, this represents the artist to have a wild, crazy and eccentric personality that cannot be tamed. The image itself has been edited in post-production into black and white, to create mood and a dramatic effect, and to give her the look of an old film star. I like the way the first letter of her name is pasted in red across the article as I think this gives it a very professional look. This is not an interview but more of a descriptions of lady gaga and what she is up to, not something I would do on my double page spread.

This double page spread shows an interview, which is something I would like to have as the double page spread in my magazine. This particular double page spread is different to others, as it doesn't have a main title or headline, which would be something I plan to use in the creation of my magazine. However, it does have an idea to what the Article would be about, in the paragraph that is in a bigger

font, which would then lead onto the main story. I like the way they have used a quote from the Interview in a larger font, as this would entice the reader to read the interview, especially if the quote shows something interesting. I think this is a good technique that I will consider using in my Interview. I also like the one main picture on the page, as I feel this would catch the readers attention and the use of a long shot allows the audience to see the type of clothing she is wearing, I am thinking of using this kind of shot as my target audience said that they considered fashion to be an important part of the RnB genre, and I also think this would be an interesting side to look at. I like the use of the photographs at the top showing the Artist doing multiple poses, and this is making me consider whether to have more than one photograph for my double page spread, as I really like the effect this gives. The photograph also links into the description of Solange, as it says 'THE OUTSPOKEN SOLANGE KNOWLES CREATED ONE OF THE YEAR'S BEST R&B ALBUMS' and the pose reflects this, as she looks like she is outspoken, and as though she has an edgy attitude.

This is also an interview, as that is what I want to focus my double page spread on, and this follows the typical conventions of any double page spread from and R&B magazine. One of the ways that it follows this typical convention, would be the use of only one picture, which covers the whole of the page, in this case the left-hand-side. I think this has a good effect, as it catches the readers attention automatically. I also like the way the Artist's name is written in a larger pink font, as this makes it stand out. This is something which I definitely

plan to use in my magazine. I also again like the use of the quotes at the beginning of the Interview, as I feel this makes the story seem more interesting, and a reader will want to read the story more if an interesting quote is used. I will definitely use quotes from my interview, as I feel it also breaks the page up a bit, and makes it seem more interesting. I think the pose Alexandra Burke is doing emphasises the storyline more, as the phrase used to link the Artist into the Interview; 'Exclusive! Why the X-Factor winner is living the dream' the photograph makes the Artist look really important, which links to how she is 'living the dream', this phrase also links into what the Interview will be about. This is a technique which I will use when making my magazine

This is a double page spread from a music magazine. This particular article is about the Black Eyed Peas. Immediately the image will draw your attention since it takes up two thirds of the entire two pages, and a negative of the image crossing over the fold of the page is that the image is cut off and cannot be fully viewed by the audience, and this can put off the audience as they prefer to see full images rather than seeing half the image. An example would be going to see a film at the cinema, if you paid and only saw up until the last 20 minutes then had to leave you would be disappointed. Therefore I think the design of putting the image over the centrefold of the page was a poor decision.The organisation of other features such as the column of writing is clear to see, as well as the writing isn't too large and doesn't take up a vast quantity so therefore allows for more written information to be put into the column, and the black coloured font is also a contrast of the white background and hence helps to stand out to the read, attracting their attention and they read the

article, and also the simple type of font makes it even easier to read. The affect overall is that the audience will feel more compelled to read the article as there are less complications involved than there would be without the contrasting colours and simple font, and hence this will reel in the audience to read this article.The colour scheme on the double page spread is clear to identify with a mix of gold, black and white with other similar colours like beige and light grey, which are located across the page in images, writing and headings and created images. The image of BEP (Black Eyed Peas) has all varieties of these colours, with Will.I.Am wearing an all gold outfit, which outlines him as a special character, sort of like the "Golden One" or "Special One", and he has also been brought forward and overlaps the other characters in the photo. Then the other characters who are more faded than Will.I.Am are wearing black, white, beige and grey which contrast and compliment each other at the same time. The colours certainly stand out as striking and different which will catch the eye of the audience, but these colours also look good together as they make the other colours stand out too, and hence further standing out. Also, the white background helps to make the characters stand out as they are wearing strong colours, and the overall effect is that they are the main feature on the page which will draw attention.

The dominate colour scheme of this double page spread is black, white and pink. The pink is used to give the article and the artist - Rihanna a feminine side, however black is used to give her a more edgy, darker side and personality. The double page spread is dominated by the image in the top right of the magazine, it crosses over into both pages of the spread. This photograph sees the international star riding a military tank - which is striking painted a hot pink - the colour of the tank is the way to contrast against what tanks are used for - war and killing - while pink is a feminine and soft colour.

Part of costume is military boots, however a femanine and war image is combined and contrast, with the boots being glittery. Also to contrast against the idea of war, is that Rihanna is wearing a helmet that features "Mickey Mouse" ears. that are iconic of childhood and Disney. It also adds a playful and fun element to the artist, who isn't afraid to express herself through her clothing and likes taking risks. The spread features a quote from the article, to grab the audience and reader's attention to the article, it does by the text being bold and larger then the article text, also the content of the quote is quite striking and adds a bit of controversy with the artist boasting about how she can only do certain songs. The most striking bit "ONLY I CAN DO" is in pink, compared to the black of the rest of quote, this is to emphasis this part of the quote and make it even more striking in it's design and appearance. The article has no headline, however the opening line of the first paragraph is in bold and a lot larger font size then the rest of the article making it stand and allowing the reader to get straight into the article. Each new paragraph and subject discussed in the article is divided by a small sub-headline in capital letters and in the colour hot pink, to go with the colour scheme, which with a successful use of colour scheme gives the spread a professional design and view to the audience.