Three Simple Steps to Mapify your Big Data KPIs


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Ryan GoodmanCEO Centigon Solutions


Ryan Goodman is Centigon Solutions CEO, author, and expert in Business Intelligence. Ryan applies over 12 years designing business applications to his leadership role shaping Centigon Solutions’ Location Intelligence platform strategy. Today, Ryan is focused on pushing wider adoption of Business Intelligence through visualization and Location based services.

Machine and device generated data is a

breeding ground for new big data opportunities,

and over 80% of this data has a location


Your customers and employees are location aware beacons thanks to smartphones and wearables. The physical world we live and work in is

digitized more than ever before.

Why Location Matters?

Harnessing this location data and effectively mapifying your KPIs can expose problems and opportunities that may be hidden in plain sight.

Why Location Matters?

Key performance indicators (KPI) stem from real business problems, align to a strategic objective, and should have measurable progress.

What is “Mapifying a KPI”?

Mapifying KPIs, is the practice of identifying existing business problems where location, proximity, or distance play a vital role in creating new leading indicators and supporting analytics

Here are 3 important

steps to mapify your KPIs.

Organize your KPIs and supporting analytics


Mapifying your KPIs

should support your

existing strategic goals.

Starting with your existing

business KPIs and metrics for

sales, operations, marketing, or

HR, you can easily uncover

problems where location based

metrics can help support your

lines of business.

How to visualize and

communicate progress

using maps is not

important during this

first step.

Explore new ways to measure success


Density, distance,

proximity, and other

measurements are more

common to GIS analysts

than business leadership.

Those organizations that

master these measures

within their lines of

business have a

competitive advantage.

Hypothesize what is good or bad


For new “big data”

powered leading

indicators and analytics, it

is critical to hypothesize

your optimal measures

for success.

Then, using the analytics or

GIS tools on hand, you can

explore and standardize

before holding your

organization accountable

for increasing


Want help with this top-down approach to Location Intelligence?



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