Q2 evaluation


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Q2- Evaluation

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

• With our target audience being mature older teenagers, we aimed it towards females due to the fact they get more interested in romance films than males would. But to demonstrate that both protagonists are very typical middle class teenagers they wore informal casual outfit, with jeans, jackets and trainers but also added accessorises like her hat.

• Introducing their smart phones will generally attract the teenage audience as it is quite common for the majority of them to have one.

• The female character is portrayed in quite a stereotypical way, they way she is very organised and tidy with her book and her alarm clock being set up for her, also her labelled medication it gives an insight on the behalf of females as stereotypically females are seen as tidier than males.

• Due to the generation being surrounded by so much recent technology we decided to add this in our opening sequence, as the male walks past her he’s looking at his phone and is far too distracted by that. But we also see a gentleman side to him once he puts the phone away and helps her up. We also see he is wearing brands such as nike implying to us that brands mean quite a lot to him and also remaining trendy.