Kuliah 11 pengelolaan hara terpadu & kesub tnah


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Materi 11: Pengelolaan Hara Terpadu

LandasanPenurunan kesuburan tanah dan salah kelola unsur

hara tanaman menyebabkan upaya menyediakan makanan untuk penduduk dunia pada tahun 2020 dan selanjutnya menjadi lebih sulit.

Konsekuensi negatif dari kerusakan lingkungan, keterbatasan lahan, tekanan jumlah penduduk, dan kekurangan kelembagaan serta terbatasnya pemahaman proses biologi yang diperlukan untuk mengoptimalkan siklus unsur hara, meminimalkan penggunaan input luar, dan memaksimalkan efisiensi penggunaan input, khususnya di bidang pertanian tropis.

LandasanTetapi beberapa upaya masih dapat

dilakukan untuk menghadapi kesulitan tersenut. Upaya tersebut dilakukan melalui pendekatan pengelolaan hara terpadu (PHT).

Pelaksanaan PHT memerlukan upaya bersama para pelaku dari berbagai sektor, termasuk sektor swasta dan publik, lembaga ilmiah dan kebijakan, serta Negara-negara industri dan negara-negara berkembang.

Tujuan PHTmengintegrasikan penggunaan semua

unsur hara dari sumber alam dan buatan manusia, sehingga produktivitas tanaman meningkat dengan cara yang efisien dan ramah lingkungan, tanpa mengorbankan produktivitas tanah generasi mendatang.PHT bergantung pada sejumlah faktor,

termasuk aplikasi unsur hara yang tepat dan konservasi serta transfer pengetahuan tentang praktik PHT kepada petani dan peneliti

Aplikasi Hara TanamanAplikasi pupuk yang berimbang dan tepat

adalah komponen utama dari PHT. Aplikasi pupuk yang berlebihan, walaupun

murah bagi petani Negara maju, dapat memacu, tidak menyebabkan serapan hara tanaman meningkat dan tidak memberikan hasil yang tinggi.

Pemupukan berimbang juga harus mencakup unsur hara makro sekunder dan unsur mikro, yang keduanya sering banyak tersedia dari pupuk organik seperti kotoran hewan dan pupuk hijau.

Konservasi dan Serapan HaraKonservasi hara di dalam tanah adalah komponen

penting lain dari PHT. 1. praktek-praktek seperti terasering, alley cropping,

dan pengolahan tanah minimum mengubah lingkungan fisik tanah sehingga kehilangan tanah dan unsur hara dari gerusan air.

2. aplikasi mulsa, tanaman penutup, tumpangsari, dan penambatan nitrogen secara biologi berperan sebagai penghalang angin dan erosi air dan membantu untuk meningkatkan karakteristik tanah dan struktur tanah.

3. pupuk organik seperti kotoran hewan dan pupuk hijau juga membantu konservasi tanah dengan memperbaiki struktur tanah dan mengisi kembali unsur hara sekunder dan unsur mikro.

Integrated Nutrient Management:Nutrient Conservation and Uptake Most crops make inefficient use of N Volatilization of ammonia into the atmosphere can account for a

large share of the lost N. In flooded rice, volatilization can cause 20-80 % of N to be lost from fertilizer sources

How to recudes losses ?. Deep placement of fertilizers in soil provides a physical barrier that

traps ammonia. The use of inhibitors or urea coatings that slow the conversion of urea

to ammonium. better timing, and more concentrated fertilizers, nutrient uptake

efficiency can be expected to improve by as much as 30%

Sumber Hara Tidak Termanfaatkandaur ulang sampah organik dari perkotaan ke

daerah pedesaan merupakan potensi sumber unsur hara bagi pertanian dan kebutuhan tanaman, terutama pada lahan pertanian di dekat pusat-pusat perkotaan. contoh, air limbah yang tidak diinginkan lingkungan telah

digunakan untuk mengairi ladang dan mengemabalikan unsur hara dan bahan organik ke tanah.

Seperti pupuk organik, lumpur limbah perkotaan merupakan sumber unsur hara utama, meskipun relatif miskin dibandingkan dengan pupuk komersial. Lumpur dan limbah perkotaan biasanya mengandung sekitar 3,3 persen nitrogen, fosfor 2,3 persen, dan 0,3 persen kalium, meskipun mencapai setinggi 10 persen nitrogen dan fosfor 8 persen pada basis berat kering.

Integrated Nutrient Management:Untapped Nutrient Sources If used appropriately, the recycling of organic waste from urban to rural

areas is a potential, largely untapped, source of nutrients for farm and crop needs

Like organic manure, urban waste sludge is a source of primary nutrients.

Stabilized municipalwaste sludge typically contains about 3.3% N, 2.3% P, and 0.3% K

Benefits: improve soil structure a source of the secondary nutrients and micronutrients transforms material that would otherwise be slated for costly disposal

into a useful farm product

Integrated Nutrient Management:Untapped Nutrient Sources Urban waste needs to be treated carefully because it may

contain heavy metals, parasites, and other pathogens. Monitoring is needed to ensure that heavy metal and overall

nutrient concentrations do not reach toxic levels and do not damage the environment through leaching and eutrophication.

Urban waste also contains organic compounds such as dyes, inks, pesticides, and solvents that are often found in commercial and industrial sludge: causing genetic damage, while others, such as bacteria, protozoa, and viruses can cause salmonellosis, amoebic dysentery, and infectious hepatitis

Integrated Nutrient Management:Internal Nutrient SourcesOne option is to compost the sludge: helping to kill

disease-causing organisms, slow the release of nitrogen that might otherwise percolate into groundwater, and eliminate aesthetically objectionable odors

Effective use of urban waste is hampered by its high water content, bulkiness, distance from rural areas, contamination with nondecomposable household items, and high handling, storage, transport, and application costs.

Integrated Nutrient Management:Internal Nutrient Sources Genetic engineering offers the potential for plants themselves to

generate some of the nutrients they require through nitrogen fixation. In this process, rhizobium bacteria infect, invade, and draw energy from leguminous plants, and in return the bacteria convert and store atmospheric nitrogen in a form that the plant can use for growth

Besides helping the plants themselves, cereals grown in rotation with leguminous plants can absorb the nitrates released from the decaying roots and nodules of the leguminous plants.

Experiments have shown that ricelegume rotations can result in a 30 percent reduction in chemical fertilizer use

Integrated Nutrient Management:Internal Nutrient Sources Genetic research offers the opportunity of altering or developing

microorganisms that can fix nitrogen in non-leguminous plants, such as cereals.

Some 17 genes code the enzymes involved in nitrogen fixation. Since these genes, as well as the genes necessary for nodule formation, need to be transferred, the process is complex and its realization will be costly.

Because the amount of energy required to fix 150 kg N/ha could reduce wheat yields by 20-30%, an appropriate balance needs to be found between the nutrient-supply-enhancing benefits of nitrogen fixation and the potential reduction in yields

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