Intervention: NGOs in the province of Marinduque, Philippines and the 4th class municipality of...



Randy T. Nobleza, Marinduque State College 5th ARSA Conference September 2-5, 2014 National University of Laos Vientiane, Laos PDR

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Intervention: NGOs in the province of Marinduque,

Philippines and the 4th class municipality of Buenavista

Randy T. Nobleza, Marinduque State College5th ARSA Conference September 2-5, 2014

National University of Laos Vientiane, Laos PDR


Given the context of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Nations) 2015, when the Southeast Asian nations become a common market, there might be emergent losers and winners. Marinduque, a small island province in the heart of the archipelagic country, the Philippines is in transition. Since the post war period, there had been a number of Non-Governmental Organizations and during the last 30 years there had been Civil Society Organizations which came and went. Buenavista, a 4th class municipality in the province is still within the poverty threshold.

Marinduque, MIMAROPA, Philippines

1.0 introduction

The initial fieldwork was done within 18 weeks (september 2009 to March 2010), it was divided into three parts to determine the feasibility of putting up an alternative community center. The first 6 weeks, the researcher went to 6 town centers in province of Marinduque.


The next 6 weeks, the researcher went back to the same selected communities from the 6 towns in the province. The researcher provided orientation about independent media center within the global, regional and local context. The orientation involved development models survey, mobile exhibit, micro film screening and putting up blogsites.


During the last 6 weeks, the researcher tried to account for the communities which did not participate in the FGDs and preliminary survey. Despite repeated attempts and persuasion, the researcher was able to get the only partial and incomplete results.

2.0 Methodology

The main instrument and unit of analysis for the study is ethnography. It both refers to the data gathering procedure and the output of the study. Ethnography is a particular form of documentation which makes use of observation, direct and indirect to characterize a specific group of people in a particular milieu, geographical locationa and historical setting.

2.2 Theoretical Framework:

Ekontradiksyon Blindspots of development


Blindspots of Development

4.0 Results and Discussion:

In November 2009, the researcher was able to be in contact with a non permanent institution. Yet another one in the last five decades in Marinduque. It is an indication that nothing much change during years after the 2nd world war. But compared to other NGOs, there was a different approach. It was not the first time for the island provinc e to be on the receiving end of aid in one form or another. Through children-led congress in the town of Buenavista in coordination with the Norwegian Mission Alliance-Philippines (NMA-Phil).

Demographic Profile

Norwegian Mission Alliance

NMA Philippines Support Programs

1 Volunteer Management

Promotes spirit of volunteerism among all NMAP communities. It organizes willing and committed individuals to volunteer groups and build their capacities as community leaders.

2 Research and Documentation

Gathers concrete information about community needs as basis for designing appropriate interventions. It documents the organization, partner communities and stakeholders’ experiences and learnings to provide models for effective and efficient delivery of programs and services

3 Development Cooperation

Facilitates forging of partnership and synergy building with various government agencies, non-government, socio-civic organizations and other stakeholders to complement NMAP efforts in effective responding to priority community needs, issues and concerns

The Child-Centered Community Development Program (3cydp) is the main approach to developed being advocated by the NMA Phils. (the program is focused with the total development of children and youth based on the understanding the psyche of children.

5.0 Conclusion

In the age of information, the communities in Marinduque, like any other island province in the Philippines even in Asia Pacific is in the verge of transition which would entail becoming hopeless or hopeful. The island province of Marinduque was located in the world map due to the Mining Tragedy and the annual celebration with during Lenten season.