Beth Granter stats that matter workshop - 23 april 2014


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A journey to meaningful measurement Stats that matter Beth Granter April 2014 @bethgranter

A journey to meaningful measurement

-  How to achieve live integrated dashboards framed by customer decision journey

-  From a starting point of multiple spreadsheets, ad-hoc reporting

-  Organisational implementation

-  Challenges

-  What’s next?

Customer journeys

Forrester engagement framework

IAB framework

The customer (or campaigner, or fundraiser) decision journey

Model first published Harvard Business Review

Mckinsey & Co’s Consumer Decision Journey Model

(or take campaign action, or donate)

Awareness Action Advocacy









Time w


In-bound links




Positive sentiment


Scale and control



Media uploads

Fans & followers

Blog posts


Low e!ort / cost High e!ort / cost

The three As

Multi channel integrated dashboards

Multi channel integrated dashboards

-  Multiple users

-  Live data

-  Meaningful as connected to KPIs

-  Actionable as each metric challenged

-  CDJ simplified (Awareness, Actions, Advocacy)

-  Customer focused not platform/channel focused

Integrated dashboards Awareness

From spreadsheets...

Where many start their journey

-  No measurement framework

-  Ad-hoc digital stats reporting

-  Multiple spreadsheets

-  Reporting not tied to KPIs

-  KPIs not tied to objectives

First steps

-  Connect KPIs to objectives

-  E.g. Objective: increase reach of brand content KPI: website visits, Facebook reach, Twitter followers, email opens

-  E.g. Objective: increase advocacy KPI: NPS, Facebook shares, retweets

Multi-channel Report metrics in context of awareness, action and advocacy stages of CDJ



Social insights

Additional, separate monthly social report based on Brandwatch data, provided as PDF document

Mid level progress

-  Partial measurement framework

-  KPIs tied to objectives

-  Integrated multi-channel spreadsheets (sales, membership, email, social, website)

-  Monthly stats and insights reporting

-  Reporting still not tied to KPIs and not all actionable

Towards actionable metrics 4.

Actionable metrics

-  Ask the question, “what action should I take as a result of this metric going down?”

-  If unknown, what is the purpose of reporting on the metric?

-  What knowledge will you gain about customer behaviour as a result of knowing about that stat?

-  Many stats don’t tell a clear story e.g. bounce rate

Rationalising metrics

-  What stage of the CDJ are we measuring?

-  What channel are we measuring?

-  What is the metric?

-  Do you need daily/weekly/monthly data points?

-  Where does the data come from?

Rationalising metrics

-  Is there an API where you can get the data from?

-  What will this metric tell us?

-  Is this metric covered by another metric you’re already reporting on?

-  How often do you need to look at this metric?

Rationalising metrics

-  What action could you take as a result of this metric going down (or up)?

-  What impact would that action have on the organisation?

-  Based on all of the above, what’s the value of this metric out of 5?

-  Would this metric be useful to others in the organisation, not just centrally?

Picturehouse Cinemas: rationalising metrics

-  Start with the customer decision journey

-  Define organisational objectives based on CDJ

-  Derive departmental objectives from organisational

-  Define KPIs from objectives

-  Check relevance

rationalising metrics

Action focused measurement framework






branch branch

Live data, daily data points

-  Live data means you can be more responsive. Monthly reports sometimes provide the information when it’s too late to act.

-  Daily data points mean you can see exactly when something happened, rather than a broad trend. This makes it easier to understand why numbers changed.

Customer before platform

-  Presenting reports with data grouped by phase of the customer decision journey rather than by channel better reflects the user experience

-  Makes recommendations / actions customer focused

-  Makes your organisation customer focused

Advanced measurement & reporting (reminder)

-  Multi-channel integrated dashboards

-  Multiple users (building a culture of data)

-  Live data

-  Meaningful as connected to KPIs

-  Actionable as each metric challenged (avoid vanity metrics!)

-  CDJ simplified (Awareness, Actions, Advocacy)

-  Customer focused not platform/channel focused

Detail remains in platform specific tools

Common challenges 5.

Common challenges

-  Multiple reports remain

-  Competing priorities of different reports, limited time

-  Priority of social/digital culturally (“what’s the impact on the bottom line?”)


-  Create a unified dashboard: incorporate sales data with website, social, online

-  Prove (some of) the value of social (attribution modelling), to increase priority of social/digital culturally, and improve engagement with data

-  Regularly re-evaluate how actionable the insights really are around each metric

Some final thoughts…

-  In itself, reporting is unlikely to drive a cultural change

-  Make data/stats central to people’s roles and reviews

-  Ensure reports are highly valuable and actionable, not just box checking

-  Less is more – start with minimum essential metrics to get reporting embedded

-  Keep metrics framed in context of why they’re important e.g. what organisational objective do they relate to?


-  Start with the customer decision journey

-  Define organisational objectives based on CDJ

-  Derive departmental objectives from organisational ones

-  Define KPIs from objectives

-  Present data in terms of CDJ (customer focused not platform focused)

-  Integrate channel data where possible

-  Check relevance – what are you going to do about it? If unsure, cross reference with assumed ideal actions (but don’t start with these)

-  Keep detail in channel specific tools

Attribution modelling 6.

Tentative steps in attribution modelling

-  Consider impact of online on offline sales (voucher codes)

-  Google Analytics: multiple touch points not just last visit conversion

Tentative steps in attribution modelling Google Analytics: multiple touch points not just last visit conversion

Tentative steps in attribution modelling

Tentative steps in attribution modelling

Tentative steps in attribution modelling

The end! Questions?

Stats that matter Beth Granter April 2014 @bethgranter
