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A resume is a written document that contains a summary of work experience, including positions held at each employer, and educational background.


Preparing a resume

The combination resume borrows the best features of other resume formats. It uses the flexibility of a functional format.

It borrows the ordered work experience of a chronological format.

It allows you to present your best skills early in the document.

Change Your Thinking

The old way to prepare a resume is to look at your work history and then select the skills, experiences and achievements that stem from it.

Times are changing and the job market is more competitive than ever. Because of this, it's important to prove your worth to employers.

Not every task or skill in your work history is relevant. Know your skills and know the value of each.

Identify your job target. Know what you want to do. At least know the type of job you'd like to have. Once you do, you'll be able to create a resume that has direction and purpose.

Identify Your Job Target

In the current economic climate, jobs are fewer and the competition's fierce. Many of us are eager to accept any job that comes along.

If you find yourself in this position, you may want to create a resume for each type of job you're qualified to do.

In each resume, highlight the skills that are relevant to the job type.

Gather Your Facts

Before you begin writing, gather your facts. Later you'll need to provide the details of your work history.

The process is easier if you have these details handy before you begin.

Process of writing an effective resume


The heading is the first section of your resume. It includes your name, address, telephone number and email address.

Employers will need this in order to contact you


This piece of information may seem obvious. Because your name may be the first item a reader sees, don't use a nickname.

If your name is difficult to pronounce, make it easier for employers to contact you by adding a nickname, as long as the nickname sounds professional.

If your name is unisex, you can ease the minds of would-be callers by using Mr. or Ms. in the heading.

Don't abbreviate street names in your address. Spell out the words Street, Avenue.

Spell out your state name as well, unless you're running short on space.

If you must abbreviate the state, use the two-letter postal abbreviation.

Always include your zip code.


Telephone Number

Employers are most likely to contact you by telephone or by email. Provide your telephone number and area code.

Answer your calls professionally during your job search.

Email Address

Include an email address in your heading.

One should have an email address dedicated to job search.

Choose an email address that sounds professional as you set up your account.

Targeted Job Title

To make your resume effective and compelling, give a targeted job title just after the heading.

The job title tells readers what will come. It gives the document purpose and direction.

Professional Profile

The professional profile describes you. It tells what you have to offer.

It sums up your most relevant skills, experiences and qualities.


The skills section of your resume is a list of skills that might help your job search.

They prove your ability to perform the targeted job.

These are not the same skills included in your professional profile.

Example:Core CompetenciesKey CompetenciesCore Skills

Personal Information (optional)

List only interests or hobbies that support your target. Keep it brief.

Don't list anything that's dangerous or risky.


Combination resumes are as flexible as you want them to be.

Move sections within the body of the resume to make them more visible.

This will help you emphasize what's important.

Finishing Touches

Your resume isn't complete until it's polished.

Limit your resume to one or two pages.

If your resume does run into two pages, staple the pages in the upper left hand corner.

Be sure you leave plenty of white space.

12 Common Mistakes In Résumé Writing

Font is too small — Make sure that your document is legible. A recommended font size is 11 or 12.

Spelling mistakes — Use the spell-check tool, but remember that the best proof reader is another set of eyes.

Be sure that there are no spelling errors, poor word choice, or misuse of language.

These mistakes are not acceptable as it might appear that you are negligent with your work.

Repetitive words — Do not use the same verb to describe your work experience.

Use a variety of action verbs to prove your transferable and diverse skills.

Utilizing different action verbs can highlight the wide range of skills and knowledge that you possess.

Leaving out dates — Include dates on your résumé.

Leaving them out might seem like you are trying to hide certain information.

Inconsistent layout of résumé — Present your résumé in a consistent layout.

Set your margins evenly (right and left sides 1" margins; top and bottom).

Have an even amount of space between each heading. Be consistent with your verbiage.

For example:

If you are describing your current job, use all verbs in the present tense.

Using someone else's words — It can be obvious that what is written is not in your own words when you do not speak like you write.

It is important to prepare your résumé in your own words.

Just having one version — Résumés need to be "fluid."

The critical part is to tailor your résumé content to the job for which you are applying.

You may have several different versions depending on the jobs you are targeting.

No cover letter — A cover letter should be sent out with every résumé.

The cover letter is your sales document. It will augment your résumé.

Unprofessional email address — Use an email address that is professional.

Your professionalism has to come through in your résumé. Cluttered information — Filter out information that might seem irrelevant to the position.

Be wise in choosing certain facts to be included on your final résumé.

Including personal information — Personal information, like age, gender, and head shot should not be included on your résumé (unless you are a performing art student).

Using abbreviations or contractions — Remember your résumé is a formal document, be sure to omit abbreviations or contractions in your words or sentences.


The purpose of this discussion is to provide basic, comprehensive information to assist you in developing effective presentations.

The use of visual aids, coupled with good public speaking skills, work hand-in-hand to create effective presentations.

Your speaking style and stage presence are personal talents that you can refine with much practice and experience.

Much emphasis is given to visual aids which are essential to all successful presentations.

The visual presentation must emphasize the relevant information among the rest of the data.

This is of particular importance since presentations are often realized on print media, which allow for no or only little interaction.

Visual presentation aims for communicating and sharing information in a dataset visually to others (e.g., experts for detailed analysis).

•developer/designer knows what is important

•user not actively involved

•highly specialized

•little interaction

•user: inform

Main characteristics

•main purpose: communication

•The information to be communicated is clear/defined upfront
