Selection methods gip

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select The right EP with the right



How do we Select the right EP by having the right Selection methods?

How to select the right EP in 4 steps!

Understand s&D for sp’s

Right selection process

Right selectionmethods



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Right selectionmethods


Selection information for IT, Marketing & Teaching!

Objective of selection:

Select students with the right profile and the right


Selecting the right EP:Selection methods

CV & Cover Letter &


[Online language/skill


In person Interview

CV, cover letter & questionnaire

CV Check students background and which year of studies he/she is in, also check if he/she has done practical projects (programming) during his studies. Leadership

experience next to his/her studies is a big plus.

Cover letter The cover letter is important to assess the candidates motivation for the internship. Read through the letter and ask follow up questions in the interview. You can also make a first assessment around the English level. Lastly, it will show

you additional insights on his/her experience.

Questionnaire Depending on the sub-product you can ask candidates to fill out a questionnaire. In this questionnaire you can acquire additional information around

specific skills, competencies, motivation and expectations. Questionnaire recommended for IT. Marketing & Teaching not needed.

CV, cover letter & questionnaire

IT Ask IT applicants to fill out a questionnaire to assess their skills.


Click here for an example IT questionnaire:

Online Selection Tests

Step 2. Automatic email to invite for interview

Thank you for applying for an internship with AIESEC.

Please schedule an interview via this link: XX.

In case of further questions or changes you can email to XX or call XX.

Ask the applicant to submit an online selection test before coming to the interview.

English Test Integration with OP

English Test Integration - We have started working with EF to integrate an English

competency test to the OP to speed up selection - Timeline for launch is at IPM. - Test is recommended for all GIP

applicants (all sub-products)- First priority is English, then Spanish, German and EF is currently developing the tests for Portuguese and Mandarin.

IT Use an Online IT test to assess programming skills

IT Advantages

1. Members without IT background and/or knowledge will be able to select the right EP

2. We can assess the programming skills (not only trust on the skills displayed on their CV/questionnaire)


Try to work with IT HR companies to use an Online IT Test!

On a global level we are looking into companies to potentially work with.

IT GCP from AIESEC in Greece

1. AIESEC in Greece uses the IT selection test to enable members to select the right IT EPs.

Every candidate can make the test online for free. A report is being generated and displays a recommendation for the assessor. Either the student is excellent, average or below


In person Selection Interview

3. Invite for introduction meeting

Interviews need to assess key competencies (eg. Proactiveness, team worker etc)

Interview (or online test) need to assess technical skills (eg. For IT or engineering)

Interviews need to assess motivation

Interviews need to assess and set the right expectations (duration, JD, location, etc)

Overall about the interview

3. Invite for introduction meeting

Every AIESEC member who is running an interview, should have had a training to understand how to select the right EP

Candidates should be interviewed by two people

Interviews can be between 45-60 minutes

Candidate should be getting enough information (and get the info at least 3 days before the interview) to be able to

prepare the interview

Simple tips for better interview assessment

3. Invite for introduction meeting

Read through the CV, cover letter, questionnaire and have the results of the online test. Formulate questions based on these.

Make sure there is a room reserved, and the applicant knows how to get there.

Make sure there is a glass of water, a pen and paper in the interview room.

Be dressed appropriately and be on time!

Preparation for the interview assessor

3. Invite for introduction meeting

Be clear in the questions you are asking

Stay friendly and patient, and make the candidate feel at easy. A relaxed candidate is better able to shows his/her capabilities

Ensure your questions are being answered, do not be afraid to ask a follow up or clarification question

Observe how the candidate is communicating

During the interview

3. Invite for introduction meeting

Role of oGIP: The oGIP side is asssessing the candidate on general ability to go

on an internship (in a specific sub-product)

Therefore we assess the candidates based on 5 overall competencies:

- Adjustability- Pro-active learning

- Team player- Responsibility

- Communication

The competencies are based on key customer feedback from the CLO initiative

Role of oGIP in Selection

3. Invite for introduction meeting

Role of iGIP:

The iGIP side needs to assess the actual specific fit from a student and a company.

The iGIP side needs to assess competencies and skills specific for the TN they are selecting the student for. These

should be agreed upon with the company and the TN manager.

Role of iGIP in Selection

You can find the interview guides in the wiki!

IT Selection Guide

Marketing Selection


Teaching Selection


select The right EP with the right


