NC Portfolio

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ABOUT I’m passionate about creating. Creating connections, creating relationships, creating brand promises. And in my spare time, I create decadent meals.

I’m hungry. But not only for the apple pie I just took out of the oven. I’m hungry to learn.

I believe everything I do, hear and see is an opportunity to learn. I’m infatuated with the world around me. As I navigate my way through life, I observe people to discover insights into the way they act, interact and react.

I approach planning as a combination of science and intuition. I combine my creative and analytical skills to incorporate experiences, observations and conversations into the work I create.

A born researcher, I question everything. I use my intuition to make decisions, and I approach each brief as a new challenge.

There is no recipe for creating great advertising. Every brand is different. One may need a dash of salt, but another may be fine without. It’s up to me, as the planner, to use my palate to find out.

ME 4

This portfolio contains three case studies of campaigns created at Miami Ad School during the 2012 Account Planning Boot Camp. The campaigns are products of collaboration with two separate teams of account planners, copywriters and art directors.

Every business problem in this portfolio is unique, so I executed a different problem-solving approach to each case, accordingly.

Some insights were found when studying target audiences while others were discovered when analyzing relationships between brands and their consumers.

I believe my flexible investigative approach is conducive to imaginative strategic planning.

See for yourself.


UNDERSTANDING CONSUMERS Nicole Cestaro, Account Planner

BreAnn Desecere, Account Planner Hector Bauza, Copywriter Chris Nash, Art Director

TGI FRIDAY’S Known for its obnoxious flair, random assortment of memorabilia hanging from the walls and famed parody in the movie Office Space, TGI Friday’s was the butt of many jokes. Founded in 1965 as a trendy singles bar for 20-somethings, TGI Friday’s devolved into a cheesy, boring family restaurant filled with crying babies and sleepy old people. In doing so, TGI Friday’s became one of many

indistinguishable players in the casual dining category, a far cry from it’s bar roots.

Tasked with repositioning TGI Friday’s as the antithesis of the standard family dining restaurant, we were challenged to undo the last 30 years of TGI Friday’s history.



Sixty-one percent of the Boomer population report that they feel younger than their actual age.* Even as they grow older, they feel young. To them, age is just a number, not a lifestyle.

* Pew Research Center, 2011 6

TGI Friday’s is the place where you can stay true to the “inner you.” Boomers don’t picture themselves as boring old people but rather as the vibrant, adventurous individuals that they are inside—that they always have been. TGI Friday’s will remind Boomers of the people they are, then and now.



TGI Friday’s is a fountain of youth for Boomers. Contrary to the typical casual dining experience, TGI Friday’s allows Boomers to act the age they feel.

Between the ages of 50-60, these men and women remember the opening of TGI Friday’s in 1965. They visit casual dining restaurants over 20 times per year, and 30% of Boomers already visit TGI Friday’s locations.* Unlike Millennials who have their go-to bar and are unwilling to relocate, Boomers are looking for a comfortable atmosphere to dine and drink. Boomers are in the second wind of their lives, and although society attempts to relegate them to Early Bird specials and Friday nights on the sofa, they are socially active, adventurous and looking for new life experiences. They strive to avoid "being old" by remaining engaged with what is new and vital.

TARGET Jovial Perennials


*Tracker, 2011

Stay True to You

Print executions featuring Boomers, past and present, would encourage our target to always embrace their inner-selves. “We all have a past. The important thing is not to dwell on it but to embrace it. Here at TGI Friday’s, we toast to that. Always remember, Stay true to you.”



UNDERSTANDING MINDSETS Nicole Cestaro, Account Planner

Kenneth Kebaara, Account Planner Justin Lee, Copywriter

Kyra Wehby, Art Director

FDA: Tobacco Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of disease, disability and death in the United States, and more than 400,000 deaths are caused by tobacco use each year. Tobacco use is almost always initiated and established during adolescence. In fact, more than 80 percent of adult smokers began smoking before age 18. It is the goal of the Food and Drug Administration, therefore, to reduce the enormous toll of illness and death caused by tobacco products.

Teenagers are faced with the choice of “to smoke or not to smoke” every day. Their friends taunt them with the proposition of being cool, their guts tell them it’s the only way to fit in and their rebellious undertones rise to the surface. With so many arrows pointing to “smoke,” the thought of preventing tobacco use amongst teenagers seemed ideal if not far-fetched.



Although they know smoking is bad for their health, teenagers don’t consider the future ramifications of their actions when they decide to smoke their first cigarette.


With every cigarette smoked, precious time is wasted. Every cigarette takes 10 minutes off of an individual’s life, and each of those minutes is significant. But imagine what you could do with those 10 minutes. Every minute is meaningful, so what if those 10 minutes were the best of your life?



Provoking teenagers with the fear of the future is not enough. Teenagers are guilty of “delay discounting,” meaning they care more about now than they do 5, 10 or 20 years down the road. In order to prevent them from beginning to smoke, we would counter the urge to satisfy the immediate impulse by rewarding them with the currency of now.

These adolescents between the ages of 13-17 are prone to quick-fix emotional rushes rather than rational decision-making. They are vain by nature—they care about their physical appearance and how they are seen and perceived by others. They are competitive in spirit, constantly comparing themselves to their peers. To say something about themselves in the context of society, they associate with trendy brands and images.

TARGET In-the-Moment Thrill Seekers

10 Minute Epic


Print advertisements would feature two grand prizes for the 10 Minute Epic competition, and a YouTube channel would serve as the landing page for the campaign where teenagers could post their video submissions.




BreAnn Desecere, Account Planner Hector Bauza, Copywriter Chris Nash, Art Director

NETFLIX Netflix was riding high entering 2011. Having pioneered the DVD-by-mail business and introduced Internet streaming, Netflix changed the way Americans consumed television and movies. However, Netflix angered customers in July when it increased the price of its streaming and DVD services in an attempt to raise funds to license more streaming content. Subsequently, Netflix announced it would split its two services into individual companies.


Our task was to restore brand reputation and value, create customer loyalty and restore confidence in Wall Street following Netflix’s self-inflicted controversy. The battered company, whose stock plummeted and 800,000 subscribers cancelled, would need more than an apology to rebound from a legitimate communications crisis.

Netflix users felt like scorned lovers. Netflix broke their trust and essentially ended their longstanding relationship with the news of the corporate shake-up. Consumers had seen Netflix as their “other half”, but their feelings quickly changed, leaving them bitter and resentful. However, there was a great opportunity for Netflix. According to consumer voices on public forums and social media groups, those who cancelled their Netflix subscriptions missed their once-adored service.



After a break-up, lovers often question their decisions and contemplate getting back together. They often wonder “what if?” Our strategy was to demonstrate that Netflix had changed, and it was worthy of another shot at love. Netflix would remind its exes of what they once loved about the service, give them a make-up gift and encourage them to give the relationship another try.



These one-time loyalists were ambassadors and recommended Netflix to those in their social circles before the unfortunate events of 2011. Because they were displeased with the way they were treated, they cancelled their subscriptions in an act of protest. They once watched an average of 33 hours of streaming television and movies per month, and they were itching to get the service back. By capturing this disenfranchised group and restoring their attitude towards the brand, we were confident they would return to positively recommending the brand and attract a large loyal audience.

Scorned Media Buffs


It takes more than an “I’m sorry” to win back an ex. You need to remind her of your best qualities, reminisce with her about the good times and, more often than not, wow her with a present. Not only would Netflix reiterate its incomparable features, it would offer a new innovative platform to entice those who dumped the service.

Baby, Come Back


Recognizing that advertising alone could not fix the brand problem, we created BuzzHub, a social platform that would make Netflix more interactive and personable.







University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication Advertising Sequence

Miami Ad School Certificate in Account Planning

Proficient in Iconoculture, Drupal, Expression Engine, Wordpress, Social Media, Primary and Secondary Research

Howard Breindel, Partner at DeSantis Breindel (212)994-7680

Drew Guiteras, Account Planner at McKinney (919)313-0802

DeSantis Breindel, New York, NY Associate Account Director June 2011-November 2011

McKinney, Durham, NC Account Management Intern

January 2011-April 2011

McKinney, Durham, NC Account Planning Intern

September 2010-December 2010

Fox Sports, Atlanta, GA Marketing and On-Air Presentation Intern

May 2010-August 2010

CBS Radio, Charlotte, NC Marketing and Promotions Intern

May 2009-August 2009



(704) 650-7042




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