Kristen Obaid - About

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i was born


my first love was books

the ones my parents knew I read

and quite a few they didn’t

my second love was Holden

the details of my childhood are quite inconsequential

i had a wonderful family and a lot of fun

but in 2000 the list of things I wasn’t “allowed” to do

culminated in my rebellion

i own the first passport in my family

(we descend from boat people of good Irish Convict stock)

i’ve lived in these places

and planned round-the-world-trips twice

The world is a book and those who don’t travel only read one page.


but things didn’t quite go to plan

my mad skillz as a kid

and my aspirations

earned me $$ in these jobs

and enabled me to try these careers

i’ve had many adventures at @auspost

but still search for inspiration