Job Board Mini Project

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Mark Rome / mark_rome@hotmail.com1

Mini Projects That Get You HiredJob Board Expanded Offering

Value-Added Employment Search

Mark Rome

Mark Rome / mark_rome@hotmail.com2

Takeaway 1– Help employers hire for the best possible outcomes, reduce the cost

of hiring, and reduce the time to fill open positionsTakeaway 2

– Provide job candidates the tools to create mini projects targeted to specific employers, a specific industry, a specific location, etc.

Takeaway 3– Offer job candidates an effective alternative to submitting countless

resumes to non-standard job descriptions Takeaway 4

– Help job candidates secure the best possible job with the most suitable employers

Takeaway 5– Offer employers an effective alternative to non-standard resumes

Key Takeaways

Mark Rome / mark_rome@hotmail.com3

Unemployment & Underemployment• The economy needs to create 6.4 million more

jobs for a complete recovery– About half for college-educated workers– To combat flat wages and a slack labor market that continues

to plague itReport: Georgetown University

Center on Education and the Workforce

Unengaged Labor Force• 54% of employees are “unengaged”

Study: Gallop


Mark Rome / mark_rome@hotmail.com4

Mini-Project Job Targeting• Help employers

– hire for the best possible outcomes, rather than hire the best that apply

– Reduce the cost per hire– Reduce the time to fill open positions– Offer effective alternative to non-standard resumes

• Help job seekers – Secure longer term, meaningful employment– Secure career opportunities best suited to achieve life goals– Lower the barriers to entry into the job market for applicants– Offer effective alternative to non-standard job descriptions

Unique Value Proposition

Mark Rome / mark_rome@hotmail.com5

Best that ApplyJob Postings• Skills (Hard)• Responsibilities• Qualifications• Certifications• Years of Experience• References

Disadvantage• Employers risk hiring individuals that

can’t deliver desired outcomes and/or fit within their culture.

Best Possible OutcomesMini-Project Profiles• Capabilities (Proven)• Performance Level• Accomplishments• Skills (Hard & Soft)• Responsibilities• Qualifications• Certifications• Career PlanAdvantage• Employers hire individuals that can

deliver desired outcomes and fit within their culture.

Market: Hiring Process

Mark Rome / mark_rome@hotmail.com6


Job Applicants• Unemployed & underemployed• Seeking career advancement, better pay &

benefits, more responsibility, longer term employment

Employers• Attract qualified candidates• Reduce the time to fill job openingsRecruiters• Seek insight & intelligence into pool of qualified


Mark Rome / mark_rome@hotmail.com7

Job Boards - Expanded Offering

New Tools & Techniques for Job Seekers• Mini Project Development

– Templates & samples to help job seekers create mini projects that demonstrate their capabilities to prospective employers

• Targeted Audience– Generic

• Industry, Size of Company (# of employees, annual revenue, etc.), Location, etc.

– Specific• Company, Company Leaders/Managers, Job Title, etc.

• Go Behind Closed Doors– Solicit feedback from current employees or individuals that have

previously worked for targeted employers, and have worked for select leaders & managers

Mark Rome / mark_rome@hotmail.com8

Mini Project Template

Process Flow Process Steps Data ElementsJob Scenario Process A

Process B

Process C

Process D

Process E

Process F

Report X

Report Y

Data A

Data B

Step 1

Description -----------------------------

Step 2

Description -----------------------------

Step 3

Description -----------------------------

Step 4

Description -----------------------------

Job candidates use process steps and data elements to complete project outlined in the Job Scenario

Mark Rome / mark_rome@hotmail.com9

Mini Project ResultsAssess candidates’ core

competencies and abilities to achieve desired outcomes

Best Possible Outcomes• Competencies & Capabilities • Performance Level• Accomplishments• Skills (Hard & Soft)• Responsibilities• Qualifications• Certifications• References from former

supervisors/leaders/mentors• Career Plan

Hiring Managers – Informed Decisions

Process A

Process B

Report B

Data A

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4


Score: 96% match

Mark Rome / mark_rome@hotmail.com10


Mark Rome• 25(+) years finance, accounting & operational leadership• 2 startups with successful exits (IPO / acquisition by PE)

