Zmot travel hospitality_media mosaic



In late 90's and early 00's, the prime challenge and focus of all services brand was to ensure a positive customer experience. Proactive brands were busy restructuring the organizational structure, service blueprinting, employing internal marketing strategies to motivate employees simultaneously ensuring a positive customer experience. The focus was to align and optimize any interaction with customer to its best potential in the value chain. With advent of information age, we saw a series of disruptive innovations with huge potential to affect the whole value chain transformation. Internet evolved to became an integral value chain/channel component for almost all the products and services. At Media Mosaic we call this 'Embedded Reality', where information, interaction and transaction can flawlessly move across the online and offline world (we see these as one world with each embedded in other). Click and Brick are part of the same world for consumers where they move seamlessly from one to another i.e. may get a demo at retail store and buy the best deal online or vice versa. Travel industry is one of the industries that was completely changed since information age, transforming each business activity i.e. branding and marketing, customer satisfaction and experience, booking, operations,marketing, partners and channels to name a few... Gradually the whole value chain for the travel industry got restructured with INTERNET and communication becoming the backbone. The 'high involvement' nature of travel service to consumer (partly also due to the previous marketing and sales strategies used by the industry which was primarily focusing on the push strategies), the online medium became a consumer's medium where they can research, evaluate, share experiences and perform transactions. And the trend is only increasing day by day. THE TRAVEL VALUE CHAIN HAS UNDERGONE A COMPLETE CHANGE IN LAST DECADE 1. TRANSPARENCY – DYNAMIC PRICING 2. COMPARISON (C2C) – SOCIAL TREND 3. NICHE COMMUNITIES – PROFITABLE NICHE BUSINESSES 4. LONG TAIL DEMAND PATTERN - VALUE ADDED EXPERIENCE 5. UNINTERRUPTED COMMUNICATION - DISRUPTIVE INTERMEDIARIES A travel consumer visits 21+ sites on average/purchase The range of interaction a travel consumer indulges in the research phase includes Search Engines, aggregators such as TripAdvisor, Tour Operators, Blogs, Social Media, Photos, OTAs and conversation with sales representative etc. A Google Study says an average purchaser travels through 12 ZMOT (Zero Moment of Truth) Touch points before making the decision. Some of the social Media Strategies: Facebook contests Location based initiatives social loyalty customer service initiatives Crowd sourcing initiative Customer surprise Other innovative campaigns Social CRM

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