What have you learnt about technologies from the process of this media product?


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What have you learnt about technologies

from the process of constructing this product?

Technologies I’ve used

•  Before  star*ng  Media  AS  I  had  never  used  a  film  edi*ng  programme  so  Final  Cut  Pro  was  a  big  jump  from  no  experience  to  such  an  advanced  piece  of  technology.  I  first  learnt  how  to  get  the  recorded  footage  onto  the  computer  

•  I  experimented  with  final  cut  pro  and  put  slow  mo*on  on  one  of  my  clips  but  I  decided  it  didn’t  benefit  my  piece  over  all  and  didn’t  look  appropriate  

•  I  learnt  how  to  make  *tles  on  final  cut  pro,  as  well  as  how  to  make  them  animated  as  well  as  a  s*ll.  I  learnt  how  to  change  the  opacity  of  the  *tles,  which  proved  useful  when  I  included  fades.  

•  I  also  learnt  how  to  heighten  the  sound  of  the  dialogue  over  the  foley  sounds,  all  done  on  final  cut  pro.  

Final Cut Pro

Celtx •  My  Celtx  script  was  part  of  my  pre-­‐produc*on  process  •  I  also  learnt  how  to  appropriately  *tle  my  character’s  dialogue  and  voice  overs.  Using  

Celtx  I  learnt  how  to  intergrate  ac*on  on  screen,  dialogue  and  how  to  describe  the  mis-­‐en-­‐scene.        

Celtx •  Using  celtx  I  learnt  how  to  properly  format  a  script  by  star*ng  with  ‘int/ext.  

loca*on.  morning/evening’  

My  script  

Celtx  taught  me  how  to  look  at  my  opening  sequence  in  a  different  way  as  to  begin  with  (because  it  was  part  of  pre-­‐produc*on)  it  was  the  only  tangible  aspect  of  my  film.  It  gave  me  a  clearer  idea  of  how  to  approach  my  film  and  I  also  thought  of  a  few  ideas  whilst  making  the  script  

Freesound.org ‘Freesound  aims  to  create  a  huge  

collabora*ve  database  of  audio  snippets,  samples,  recordings,  bleeps,  ...  released  under  Crea*ve  Commons  licenses  that  

allow  their  reuse.  Freesound  provides  new  and  interes*ng  ways  of  accessing  these  


I  used  free  sound.org  for:    •  The  office  ambience  sound  track        •  Foley  photocopier  sound      •  And  other  foley  and  room  ambient  sounds!!        

Freesound.org Before  the  making  of  my  media  product,  I  didn’t  even  know  this  website  existed!  or  how  to  import  the  sounds  onto  my  film  correctly.  I  now  know  how  to  download  appropriate  sounds  and  sync  them  successfully  to  my  film.  Through  the  sound  edi*ng  I  also  learned  how  to  seperate  the  image  from  the  sound  so  I  could  replace  it  with  a  new  soundtrack.              

Survey Monkey

•  Survey  monkey  was  the  last  of  the  technologies  I  used  in  the  post-­‐produc*on  of  my  opening  sequence  

•  Survey  monkey  is  a  website  that  allows  you  to  ask  any  ques*on  and  provides  you  with  a  URL  to  send  to  your  friends  

•  I  sent  my  genre  survey  to  my  friends  via  facebook:    

To conclude I have learnt a lot from different technologies (which I

wouldn’t of known before making my film) used in pre-production and post

production, as well as the programmes used to edit my opening

sequence and make it look as professional as possible.
