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Website Advertising - The ION ICade Arcade Cabinet For

IPad Is What We're Going To Be Looking Into In This



By Tony Mandarich -

It can be frustrating when you are just getting started in your search to understand website advertising,

but do not feel alone in that regard. We totally understand how you feel and where you are because we

were there once, too.

You have a need for timely and accurate information, and it is our plan to provide it as much as possible.

There are so many positive benefits to keeping the level of curiosity high, and we think you know that all

too well. You will sometimes find out about things that you definitely do not want to have any parts of.

There are some challenges, of course, that do not pose the same degree of seriousness - and that is a

good thing.

I do not know about you, however when I was younger one of my favorite memories was purchasing a

roll of quarters and going to the arcade that was within our nearby mall. Simply walking into the arcade

and hearing all of the different sounds was enough to get your heart pumping a bit and you couldn't

wait to come across the first game you wanted to play. Because somebody had the remarkable idea that

these games were so popular that they'd probably still be effective today, that now you are able to

actually play these all over again. For people who would like to get enjoyment out of these games once

again, you'll be pleased to understand that the ION iCade Arcade Cabinet for iPad can help you play

these again.

I just want to point out you have to have an iPad in order to get any use out of this device whatsoever.

With regards to the device itself you're going to discover that it looks much like a standard arcade game,

only smaller, and your a iPad is going to be the actual screen for game play. Your iPad is really going to

fit right into this item and will link wirelessly to the game controllers on the product itself. Another thing

you're going to find about this product is that you will need to download the free Atari greatest hits app

in order to get the games, additionally they include one game for free that you can download from the

apps store.

As we pointed out, the iPad is going to be the screen for this game and it fits into this wooden cabinet at

the most perfect angle for viewing. Something else I ought to mention is that the controls you're going

to find on this cabinet are the full size controls that you remember from the old arcade games. My

favorite game from those days was a asteroids, and naturally this is something that is available for those

of you who favor this game.

If you'd like to hear what a few of the other people had to say relating to this product you may possibly

want to head on over to Amazon and check out a few of the reviews which have been left. There have

not been an enormous amount of reviews on this device but out of the 14 customer reviews which are

there, you're going to see that 10 of these folks provided this game with a four or five star rating.

For individuals who may be interested in this item you are going to discover that it is going to cost

$69.99 if you decide to order this from Amazon. The reason we recommend Amazon for buying this is as

a result of the fact that they are actually selling this for $60.00 less than the list price you would need to

pay normally.

So…..What’s Next?

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