VAFF 2014 sponsorship & partnership




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Table of Contents

Festival Profile 3VAFF 2013 Statistics 4Social Media Coverage 5Audience Profile 6VAFF Films & Programs 7Media Coverage 8Events & Initiatives Leading Up to and During Festival 9 -10 Sponsorship/Partnership Opportunities 11 -12Individual / Business Donor Program 13Community Partnership Program 14Advertising Opportunities 15Contact Us 16

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The Vancouver Asian Film Festival Society (VAFF) is a not-for-profit organization that celebrates diversity in film by providing a forum for independent Asian-Canadian and Asian-American filmmakers to showcase their work to audiences in Metro Vancouver.

VAFF is the longest-running Asian film festival in Canada and is celebrating its 18th anniversary on November 6-9, 2014.


VAFF is the oldest Asian film festival in Canada. It was founded in 1995 and debuted in September 1997. Since then, tens of thousands of film lovers have experienced a diverse selection of North American-Asian and international films.

Each year, VAFF attracts close to 4,000 audience members over its four-day festival and year-around events. It also reaches many more through word of mouth, pre-festival events, and traditional and social media throughout the year. We have a membership of over 2,600 people who are primarily Canadians of Asian heritage. Our supporters are well integrated into Canadian society, young (mostly between the ages of 18 and 49), well-educated, have significant disposable incomes, and are family and community-oriented.

VAFF is entirely organized and produced by a group of dedicated volunteers, and is made possible by generous financial support from corporate sponsors, public funders and private donors.

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Vancouver has one of the most diverse Asian communities in North America. The two largest Asian groups in Vancouver are Chinese and South Asians. Vancouver has Canada’s second largest Indo-Canadian population after Toronto. Other significant ethnic groups in Vancouver include Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino, Cambodian and Japanese.

By the numbers:Percentage of immigrants to BC from 2006 -13 who are from an Asian country: Over 70%

Percentage of population in Metro Vancouver who are ethnic Chinese: Over 17%

2,845 members15 e-newsletters to subscribers per year1264 likes on Facebook 1065 followers on Twitter

4 days15 programs40 films2,535 audience members140 volunteers

5 Vancouver premieres2 Western Canada premiere16 Canadian premieres7 world premieres


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51,655 pageviews

56% Google search traffic

11,680 unique visits

65% new visitors 35% returning

2013 web site traffic

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VAFF has a membership of over 4,000 people who are primarily Canadians of Asian heritage. Our supporters are well integrated into Canadian society, young (mostly between the ages of 18 to 49), well educated, have significant disposable incomes, and are family and community oriented.


High School College/Trade University Post-Graduate Professional Trade / Industry Student Retired




$100K +



65+ 18-24


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Each year VAFF screens an exciting array of features, documentaries and shorts from filmmakers from across North America and around the world. They explore a wide spectrum of subject matter, from portraying the struggles of immigrants and those who wish to reconnect with their culture, to tales of a rising Bollywood star.

Often a member of the cast, director or producer will be in attendance, and audience members have the opportunity to engage in panel discussions and Q&As.

Here’s a glimpse of last year’s highlights:

Mighty Asian Moviemaking Marathon (MAMM) 6 teams competed in a filmmaking competition with a cultural twist. The completed films were screened at a sold out event followed by a jam packed gala at Secret Location.

Opening night presentation – Canadian Premiere of INNOCENT BLOODWith producer Johnny Byul Lee in attendance.

Showcase Film - Canadian Premiere of LINSANITYWith director Evan Jackson Leong in attendance to his sold out screening.

Foreign Spotlight from China - NAIL RIVERWith director/writer Bin Luo in attendance.

Centrepiece presentation - World Premiere of JOHN APPLE JACKWith director Monika Mitchell, Producer Rick Tae and cast members in attendance to sold out screening.

Closing night presentation – World Premiere of MILLIONSWith director Andrew Chung in attendance.

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Due to its multicultural film offerings and diverse participants, VAFF, as well as the events leading up to the festival, receive extensive coverage from both mainstream and ethnic media. The amount of media coverage has grown steadily over the years, especially as the number of Asian audiences, as well as the influence of this demographic, grows within the city.

Here are some examples of the media coverage received in 2013:

NovusTV | Nov 15, 2013 - City Lights - Opening Night Event

The Vancouver Sun | Nov 11, 2013“John Apple Jack” Challenge Sexual Stereotypes About Gay Asian Men: WATCH

Global BC | Nov 8, 2013‘Linsanity’ documentary debuts at Asian Film Festival

The Vancouver Sun | Nov 7, 2013Hollywood North: Rick Tae romances the Vancouver Asian Film Festival

BCIT Broadcast News | Nov 7, 2013VAFF 2013 brings cinematic gems to Vancouver

The Georgia Straight | Nov 6, 2013Projecting change at the Vancouver Asian Film Festival

The Province | Nov 6, 2013Food fetishism a vital ingredient for festival feature

Schema Magazine | Nov 6, 2013VAFF 2013 | Linsanity (… will leave you with a Linsane crush)

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A host of events await audience, filmmakers and other industry members during the festival and throughout the year. Each of these events offers unique appeal to particular audiences (Avg. 200-300 guests per event). Partnership benefits can be customized to ensure that they achieve your specific corporate objectives and goals. Please contact us at for more information.

Summer & Fall programming and screening

The Mighty Asian Moviemaking Marathon (MAMM) An annual sold-out filmmaking competition in August

Festival launch & press party

Opening night film screening and gala

Centrepiece spotlight

Filmmakers’ karaoke party

Filmmakers’ and industry networking luncheon

Closing night film screening and gala

Festival VIP lounge

Panel discussions, workshops, lectures, forums during the festival and throughout the year.

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As a VAFF sponsor or partner, you will enjoy a high-profile association with a dynamic and diverse film festival. Through your sponsorship or partnership, you will demonstrate to our audiences and the community at large that your organization supports community initiatives, multiculturalism, and arts and cultural events. Your support will help us bring an exciting array of independent and commercial films to Metro Vancouver.

As a sponsor or partner, you will:• Position and increase the exposure of your brand, product and/or service to desirable niche markets;• Build brand loyalty and positive brand image in local communities;• Develop new business opportunities and markets; and• Strengthen your organization’s ties to the community.

We are committed to developing long-term relationships with our sponsors or partners and are proud to offer an assortment of community initiatives that you can participate in throughout the year. We offer various opportunity through annual sponsorships and festival only sponsorships. The annual sponsorships include annual exclusive title sponsor, annual director’s circle sponsors, annual leading cast sponsors, annual tier 1, annual tier 2, and annual tier 3. The festival only sponsorships include major festival sponsor, patron sponsors, supporting cast sponsors, and other individual events & programs opportunities.

Previous sponsors include City of Vancouver, Cineplex, Shaw Multicultural Channel, Bank of Montreal, CTV, British Columbia Arts Council, IATSE, Novus TV, Car 2 Go, Suki’s, Yelp, Joy TV, Vancity Buzz, S.U.C.C.E.S.S and many more....

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Key benefits:

• Reach target audiences through multiple digital channels (website, social media channels, e-newsletter);• Onscreen advertising oporrtunity during the annual events and film festival;• Branding activation opportunity;• Invitation to industry events and festival galas;• Media partnership opportunity;• Co-Host opportunity on specific screening programs or events; and• VIP passes and tickets to the film festival

VAFF welcomes all kinds of meida and in-kind support. Sponsorship can be tailored to your organization’s specific needs. Please contact us at for more details of the annual sponsorships and festival only sponsorships opportunities.

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If you love the arts and want to continue to see films from a distinctly North American perspective, join VAFF’s cast and crew! The Vancouver Asian Film Festival is the oldest film festival of its kind in Canada and after 18 years, there is still much more that can be done to support emerging and established North American filmmakers of Asian heritage. Please help us with a donation. All amounts are greatly appreciated and gratefully accepted.

Donation LevelsLeading Star ($100 - $499) - including 2 annual memberships2 VIP passes - access to annual programs & events2 Opening Night Gala Tickets2 VAFF T-Shirts / Merchandise

Director’s Circle ($500 - $999) - including 2 annual memberships2 VIP passes - access to annual programs & events2 Opening Night Gala Tickets2 tickets to program screening2 VAFF T-Shirts / Merchandise2 tickets to Filmmakers’ Luncheon

Executive Producer ($1000+) - including 4 annual memberships4 VIP passes - access to annual programs & events4 Opening Night Gala Tickets4 tickets to program screening4 VAFF T-Shirts / Merchandise4 tickets to Filmmakers’ Luncheon


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We are offering an opportunity for similar arts and cultural organizations and events to show their support for VAFF and other filmmakers in BC through a partnership. Community Partners agree to provide the services outlined below and, in exchange, VAFF agrees to provide its Community Partners the benefits outlined below.

The Vancouver Asian Film Festival (VAFF) will do the following:

• Print your logo in our festival program• Publish your logo and link on our website’s dedicated Community Partners page• Provide two admission tickets to one screening at the festival, including the Festival Launch Opening party• Post your image ad or logo onscreen, in rotation before festival screening during intermissions• Mention your events or news in our monthly newsletters (Deadline for submission is the first Friday of each month) and on Facebook and Twitter, with information provided by your organization• Provide the opportunity to include items in the film makers’ gift bags.• Provide space in the theatre atrium for any marketing material collateral such as flyers (must be brought in during festival set-up period).

In exchange, we ask that our Community Partners do the following:

• Post the VAFF logo and/or link ( on your website or any relevant marketing collateral.• Provide opportunities for VAFF to make an announcement about the festival or give away tickets as part of a contest.• Mention VAFF on your website, in e-newsletters, website event page, and/or social media. VAFF will provide the required information.• Display our marketing materials (poster and/or cards) at agreed-upon locations and/or events.• Provide us with links to your social media accounts, and information for distribution prior to our deadline(s).

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How To SubmitEmail:


Schedules:Ad Booking Deadline:August 31, 2014

Submission Deadline:September 7, 2014

Please make cheque payable to:Vancouver Asian Film Festival455 Prior StreetVancouver, BC V6A 2G3

PAYPAL payment:

Digital Advertising

Print Advertising

Category Spec. Cost Category Spec. CostWeb Site Ad (3 months) 280 px X 280 px $ 500Logo on website (3 months) 200 px X 200 px $ 250 Festival program guideE-Newsletter Ad (3 months) 160 px X 160 px $150 Full Page Colour Ad 8.5” X 11” - (H) $ 2,000Film Festival multi media ad (0.15 sec. spot)

15 second spot in 12-15 programs $ 4,000 Half Page Colour Ad 8.5” x 5.5” - (V) $1,000

Film Festival still image ad Single image in 12-15 programs $ 2,000 Quarter Page Colour Ad 5.5” x 2.5” - (H) $ 500

Annual event still image ad Single images in 3 events $ 800

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VAFF 18Vancouver Asian Film Festival




www.vaff.org455 Prior Street, Vancouver BC Canada V6A 2G3
