(Up.School) 7 Ways to Stay Motivated when launching your business

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7 WAYS to

by Graham D Brown @ Up.School

Oh, the fun of starting your own business…

Everyday a new challenge to overcome

But soon the motivation wears thin and the reality sets in…

And it ain’t easy staying motivated when you’re burning through $$$

So, how do you make every day a good day when starting out?

…MOTIVATION is the BASE of your success

1. Stay Active

Your Energy levels are key to motivation

Beware the 12 hour stints at your desk just because that’s what you’re used to

We are designed to move, get up and move around every 30 minutes

Don’t feel compelled to work “normal hours”, find and double down on your productive hours

Work when you’re motivated Rest when you’re not…

Real breakthroughs come when you’re not looking for them…

2. Set Goals

Revisit and review your goals daily

In business, you’ll spend 95% of your time off-course

…reacting to other people’s agendas: emails, requests, memos etc etc

Goals keep you focused, bring you back on course

Goals will help you push on through the hard times

..and there will be plenty of those

3. Detox the Junk

You’re well aware of how much junk food you put in your belly every day

How much junk media do you put in your head every day?

Detox junk media: Turn off the TV, Stop reading newspapers

…junk media is designed to make you feel fearful, passive and inadequate

Turn off the noise…

4. Make Time for the Good Stuff

Motivation is a muscle you need to exercise every day

Ring-fence time in your day for self-improvement or it will get lost to the world of busy

Invest in yourself: read books, listen to podcasts

If you want to live a better life, tell a better story

Focus on daily improvement

Big results can be achieved with small but consistent action

If you improve just 2% a day, you’ll double in 36 days!

Success is a marathon not a sprint

5. Surround yourself with good people

Stop selling to the unsold…

Those who live for the approval of others will die by their rejection

Avoid people who don’t “get it”

…Avoid people who say, “that will never work in the real world”

…Most “normal” people are waiting for you to make a mistake

Find people who are as passionate about your projects as you are

…people who think long term, talk about ideas and dreams like you

Surround yourself with people who focus on solutions not problems

If you need to edit your identity, you’re hanging round with the wrong people

…Find people who’ll challenge you and inspire you to go further

6. Pace Yourself

it’s not always a rainbow ride

Accept even for you, the super-powered entrepreneur, some days

just ain’t gonna happen

And many successful people have those days…

Successful people are successful because they can turn out results even

when they’re not feeling it

Beware of long term goals that can be demotivating because they seem so far away

Stay motivated by breaking your goals down into near term achievable targets

Momentum is key to motivation and success, focus on building it every day

7. And Don’t Forget to Celebrate your Goals

Share your goals with others

Big goals, small goals… they all count

Life moves pretty fast

…if you don’t stop to look around once in a while

You could miss it…