Twitter Marketing - How To Get Started On Twitter



Twitter is very easy to set up so we’ve written a guide to help everyone get set up. We’ve split it into two parts: The first part is about setting up your Twitter account. The second is about how to Tweet and add Followers.

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How to Get Started on Twitter Twitter is very easy to set up so we’ve written a guide to help everyone get set up.

We’ve split it into two parts:

- The first part is about setting up your Twitter account.

- The second is about how to Tweet and add Followers.

Part 1: How to set yourself up on Twitter

Before you do anything thing about what you want your Twitter address to be, you need to have a unique username and one that fits with your brand. So Topshop have /Topshop_tweets, Dell have /DellOutletUK etc. This

will be URL you put everywhere to encourage people to follow you. AND you’re limited to 15 characters.

- Go to

- On the right hand side, enter: o Full name

o Email

o Password - Click “Sign up”

- In the section that appears Twitter will suggest a username for you, delete what they suggest and enter what you have chosen.

- Click “Create my account” (if the username is already taken, try another until you choose one that is free)

- The next page includes a number of categories of accounts to follow based on different interests. Click on any of the categories to view more users or use the search box to find users you may be interested in. If

you want to skip this step select “Next Step: Friends” at the bottom of the screen. - The next page you see allows you to see if your friends are on Twitter (only works if you already use one

of the services listed). Iif you want to skip this step select “Skip import” at the bottom of the screen.

You’re now on your Twitter homepage, and you can start finding people to follow and asking others to follow you

(see Part 2).

- It’s worth finishing off the personalisation of your page first. So click on “profile” in the top nav, here you can click on the big “Photo” box and upload a photo of yourself – or your logo if you’d rather. You can

upload any jpg / gif / png up to a max size of 700kb.

- Next click on “your username” > “Settings” in the top nav, here you can change / set your: o Username

o Email o Language

o Time Zone o Geotagging

o Media Display Options

o Privacy Settings o Connection Type

- If you click on “Password” you can change your password - If you click on “Mobile” you can set up a phone to update your twitter from

Things get much more interesting once you get to “Design”. Here you can change how your homepage looks. - You can select one of the designs provided by Twitter, or upload your own background.

- Then you can change all the colours used in the central panel by clicking “Change design colours” and then selecting the colour you want for each element of the design. All the changes happen straight away – so

it’s really easy to work out what looks good.

- But don’t forget to save once you’re done! -

To get back to your starting page just click “home” in the header – if you can’t see it click on the big white banner to make it disappear.

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Part 2: How to add Followers

Now you’re set up you need to get some people following you, and then start tweeting your news to them.

- Start advertising your twitter account to your existing customers, add a link to it from your emails (see the

handy goodies that will help you do this on Twitter), and write your twitter address on any printed material (it’s

- On Twitter itself you can find people to follow and many of those will follow you in return. To do this log in

to Twitter and click on “Find People” in the top nav. Here you can search for specific people – or look for people who’ve put a specific word in their username. For example a search on “email” brings up lots of

people who tweet about email marketing. Then click the image with the plus sign and head next to each one you want to follow. There are many Twitter apps you can use to make this process faster

Part 3: How to Tweet

- Now you’re following some people you’ll start to see their tweets appearing on your homepage. One of the easiest ways to start tweeting is to “retweet” other people’s tweets that you find interesting. To do this

hover over the tweet you want to retweet, 2 options should come up underneath the tweet “Reply” and “Retweet”. Click “retweet” and “retweet”. You’ve now tweeted! This will appear as “RT @the person you’ve

retweeted’s username then their tweet”

- If you want to tweet something from scratch simply write it in the box under “What’s Happening” at the top of the page (remember you can only put 140 characters!) and then click “Tweet”

- If you want to reply to someone’s tweet, hover over the tweet and click reply this will put “@their username” in the box at the top of the page and you can then write the rest of the tweet before clicking


As well as lots of Apps being available to make following easier, there are many that make tweeting easier too.

Just search on Google to find what’s available and see what works for you.