Training techniques



made by badar e alam anwar

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Training Methods & Training Methods & TechniquesTechniques

Training Methods & Training Methods & TechniquesTechniques


We Learn

1% through taste

1.5% through touch

3.5% through smell

11% through hearing

83% through sight

We Remember

10% of what we read

20% of what we hear

30% of what we see

50% of what we see and hear

80% of what we say

90% of what we say as we act

Traditional Methods Categories

Presentation Methods

Hands-on Methods

Group Building Methods

Presentation Methods• Presentation methods refer to methods in

which trainees are passive recipients of information.

• This information may include:– Facts or information– Processes– Problem – solving methods

• Presentation methods include:– Lectures– Audio-visual techniques



Small Group Activity/Discussion

Case Study

Role Play

Presentation Methods: Lecture•Lecture involves the trainer

communicating through spoken words what she wants the trainees to learn.

Lecture method

One way verbal delivery of content by the trainerAdvantages :-1.Can reinforce trainers credibility 2.Information is concentrated & organized as desired

3.Efficient lots of information can be shared

4.Can be personalized /customized easily Cont….

Variations of the Lecture Method

Standard Lecture

Team Teaching

Guest SpeakersPanels

Student Presentations

Disadvantages of Lecture Method :-

1.One way; not effective if goal is shared responsibility

2.Details get lost in the shuffle after 15-20 minutes

3.Relative passivity of employees

4.Depends totally on trainers effectiveness and information

5.Usually no record of key points

6.Words and figures can be easily be garbled

Presentation Methods:Audio-Visual Techniques

• Audio-visual instruction includes:– Overheads– Slides– Video

• It has been used for improving:– Communication skills– Interviewing skills– Customer-service skills– Illustrating how procedures should be followed

Hands-on Methods• Hands-on methods refer to training

methods that require the trainee to be actively involved in learning.

• These methods include:– On-the-job training– Simulations– Case studies– Business games– Role plays– Behavior modeling

Hands-on Methods: On-the-Job Training

•On-the-job training (OJT) refers to new or inexperienced employees learning through observing peers or managers performing the job and trying to imitate their behavior.

•OJT includes:–Apprenticeships–Self-directed learning programs

On-the-Job Training (continued)

• OJT can be useful for:– Training newly hired employees– Upgrading experienced employees’ skills

when new technology is introduced– Cross-training employees within a

department or work unit– Orienting transferred or promoted

employees to their new jobs

Effective OJT Programs Include:

•A policy statement that describes the purpose of OJT and emphasizes the company’s support for it.

•A clear specification of who is accountable for conducting OJT.

•A thorough review of OJT practices at other companies in similar industries.

Effective OJT Programs (continued)

• Training of managers and peers in the principles of structured OJT.

• Availability of lesson plans, checklists, procedure manuals, training manuals, learning contracts, and progress report forms for use by employees who conduct OJT.

• Evaluation of employees’ levels of basic skills before OJT.

OJT Programs: Self-Directed Learning• Employees take responsibility for all aspects

of learning:– When it is conducted– Who will be involved

• Trainees master predetermined training content at their own pace without an instructor.

• Trainers are available to evaluate learning or answer questions for the trainee.

Self-Directed Learning (continued)

Advantages• Learn at own pace• Feedback about learning

performance• Fewer trainers needed• Consistent materials• Multiple sites easier• Fits employee shifts and


Disadvantages• Trainees must be

motivated to learn on their own

• Higher development costs

• Higher development time

OJT Programs: Apprenticeship• Work-study training method with both on-

the-job and classroom training.• To qualify as a registered apprenticeship

program under state or federal regulations:– 144 hours of classroom instruction– 2000 hours (or one year) of OJT experience

• Can be sponsored by companies or unions.• Most programs involve skilled trades.

Apprenticeship (continued)

Advantages• Earn pay while

learning• Effective learning

about “why and how”• Full-time

employment at completion

Disadvantages• Limited access for

minorities and women

• No guarantee of full-time employment

• Training results in narrow focus expertise

Hands-on Methods Case method


1.It can stimulate an analytical process2.Help in deriving useful generalization of principles 3.Good method in decision making and problem

solving 4.Develop in knowledge and skills 5.Real life situations will be shared6.Effective in enhancing involvement of participants

Advantage 1.Can focus the discussion and learning experience2.Can gain a shared understanding of on the job

problems3.Can provide real world application and customized

Disadvantages 1.May impose time limitations for reading and

discussion2.Difficult to develop and incorporate all the necessary

details3.Only builds and demonstrates understanding, not


Hands-on Methods Case method

It is conscious attempt to bring out the dynamics and intricacies of various role performed in real life.

Role play which participants are required to act out the role of an individual in a situation relevant to the individual.

Hands-on Methods Role play


1.Role play is key training method for engendering behavioural changes.

2.Role play emphasizes of understanding and appreciating others point of view.

3.Improve the skills in the area of problem solving and decision making.

4.self-expression and interpersonal communication and improves interpersonal effectives.

Hands-on Methods Role play

Case method vs Role play

Case method Role Play

1.Presents problem for analysis & discussion2.Focuses on cognitive learning 3.Ther and then situation4.Ther is some predictability about the discussion.5.Emphasis on facts & data

1.Locates life –like interactive setting2.Thinking and doing 3.Here and now situation4.This way situation to unfolds5.Importance of behaviour, reactions & feelings


1.Who are shy, introvert and multi-cultural for them it is embarrassing.

2.Some feel foolish before playing someone else.3.This method is open to criticism for lack of

realism.4.Not many trainers have the required skills in

writing a role play and conducting it.5.Actions and behaviour of few participants the

whole exercise can be degenerate.

Hands-on Methods Role play

Deals with certain specific aspects of management.

Enhances understanding,1.Typical organisational problems2.Inter –relatedness of the functions organization.3.The problem of organisation policy and decision

making4.The problems of working in team.

Hands-on Methods Management Game

Hands-on Methods Questioning Method

Two types 1.Structured & 2.Free Form

Questioning Skills

1.Help in estimating the participants understanding

2.Invite and participation in the group process

3.Provide feedback how the experience is being received

Skills associated with questioning

1.Asking questions of the participants.

2.Handling their answers to your questions.

3.Responding to their questions.

Handling answer to questions

1.Use positive reinforcement for correct answers

2.Acknowledge the effort of the respondent, regardless of whether the answer was right or wrong.

3.Minimise potential embarrassment for wrong or incomplete answers.

Responding to questions

There are three acceptable ways to respond to questions.

1.Provide the answer yourself

2.Redirect he question back to the person

3.Defer the question

Hands-on Methods Individual &Group assignments

• Developing mental skills the participants may given exercise like

planning project or

survey typical issues or

preparing action plan for the organisation.

Advantages of assignments

1.Oppurtunity to display initiative and creativity

2.They are closer to reality & non threatening

3.Great deal involvement and own learning all their senses

4.Good method to assess the performance of the participants

Group discussion:-

aims at structured but informal exchange of knowledge, ideas, and perception on any issue.

Generate pile of ideas by examining issues in greater depth, looking at different dimension of the issues.

Limitations of GD

1.Group is large members not get opportunity to participate

2.Dicusson may lack focus and as result, it may be unproductive

3.Some members may dominate and high jack4.As is group task some members may take it easy

and not feel constrained to participate.5.Leader is unskilled in guiding the discussion and

or not familiar with the topic or issues.

Hands-on Methods Panel Discussion Method

1.It is structured discussion format.

2.This format used before participants, views and opinion on a specific topic or issue.

3.The presentations are short lectures rather than a long lecture.

Hands-on Methods Brainstorming method


1.Generating wide range of solutions in solving a problem

2.Developing attitude among participants by encouraging them to listen and participate.

3.Encouraging shy and reluctant participants to share their ideas and thoughts.

Hands-on Methods Field trip

It is not an observation visit or a tour but a training activity designed to enhance


Hands-on Methods Demonstration method

A demonstration is an illustrated presentation to the participants how to do a thing.

Advantages:-1.Demonstration ahs verbal as well as visual components.

2.Trainer can control the pace and easily alter it to meet needs of the group.

3.Trainer can stimulate participants interest.

Hands-on Methods Basket Exercise

Attempts to stimulate the working situation by setting the trainee realistic tasks.

The trainees are presented with papers such as letters and memos placed in the basket which

they respond individually.Uses:-Development of analytical skillsConfidence gaining in decision making

Advantages:- provides concrete subjects for practical work

discussion opportunities for active participation


1.Time consuming 2.Difficult to achieve real life time situations3.If handled insensitively it may undermine the

confidence of some learners

Hands-on Methods Syndicate Method

• Syndicate learning feature of military staff college.

• Largely patterned by Henley.• Objective was to encourage managers from these

different kinds of enterprise to learn each other.

Features:-1.Composed of members with different expertise

drawn from different types of enterprise.2.Trask oriented sense that there is specified end

result.3.Self managing with in constrains of the


Hands-on Methods Programmed learning

Training given off the job. It could used in a formal training programme used.

Principles 1.Subject to be taught is to be clearly defined2.Tehn several units are to be prepared called

as ‘frames’3.Each frame will consist understandings

regarding matter presented in that frame.

Hands-on Methods Sensitivity Training

ST focuses on exploring the nature of interpersonal relationships.

This method establish learning atmosphere in which self-examination and criticism is rewarded.

Where constructive feed back is given to others and where social support given for change efforts.

Objective of ST

Self 1.Becoming aware of own2.Correctly perceiving effects of own behaviour

on others3.Correctly understanding effect of others

behaviour on self.4.Hearing others and acceptable helpful

criticism5.Appropiately interacting with others

Interpersonal & Group relations1.Establishing meaningful interpersonal

relationships2.Finding a satisfying place in the group3.Understanding dynamic complexities in

group behavior4.Developing diagnostic skills to understand

group problems and processes.5.Acquring skills of helping the group in task

and maintenance problems

Organisation 1.Understanding organizational complexities

2.Developing and inventing appropriate new patterns and procedures

3.Helping to diagnose and solve problems between units of the organisation

4.Working as a member and as a leader

Hands-on Methods Simulations

•Represents a real-life situation.•Trainees’ decisions result in

outcomes that mirror what would happen if on the job.

•Used to teach:–Production and process skills–Management and interpersonal skills

Hands-on Methods Behavior Modeling

• Involves presenting trainees with a model who demonstrates key behaviors to replicate.

• Provides trainees opportunity to practice the key behaviors.

• Based on the principles of social learning theory.

• More appropriate for learning skills and behaviors than factual information.

• Effective for teaching interpersonal and computer skills.

Group Building Methods

• Group building methods refer to training methods designed to improve team or group effectiveness.

• Training directed at improving trainees’ skills as well as team effectiveness.

• Group building methods involve trainees:– Sharing ideas and experiences– Building group identity– Understanding interpersonal dynamics– Learning their strengths and weaknesses and of their


Group Building Methods (continued)

•Group techniques focus on helping teams increase their skills for effective teamwork.

•Group building methods include:–Adventure learning–Team training–Action learning

Group Building MethodsAdventure Learning

• Focuses on the development of teamwork and leadership skills using structured outdoor activities.

• Also known as wilderness training and outdoor training.

• Best suited for developing skills related to group effectiveness such as:– Self-awareness– Problem solving– Conflict management– Risk taking

Adventure Learning (continued)

•To be successful:– Exercises should be related to the types of skills

that participants are expected to develop.– After the exercises, a skilled facilitator should

lead a discussion about• what happened in the exercise• what was learned• how events in the exercise relate to job situation• how to apply what was learned on the job

Group Building MethodsTeam Training

• Involves coordinating the performance of individuals who work together to achieve a common goal.

• Teams that are effectively trained develop procedures to identify and resolve errors, coordinate information gathering, and reinforce each other.

Components of Team Performance

Behavior Knowledge Attitude

Team Performance

Group Building Methods Action Learning

•Involves giving teams or work groups:–an actual problem,–having them work on solving it,–committing to an action plan, and–holding them accountable for carrying

out the plan.

Action Learning (continued)

•Several types of problems are used including how to:– Change the business– Better utilize technology– Remove barriers between the customer

and company– Develop global leaders