The Third Way of Leadership – Creating the Workplace of the Future



The search for the characteristics and traits of leaders has been ongoing for centuries, and the concept of leadership is in constant evolution. As companies are faced with changing business landscapes and shifting future trends, a new way of leadership becomes crucial for thriving and winning. The Third Way of Leadership represents how men and women can join forces to create the workplace of the future by integrating their distinct strengths into a more effective style of leadership. Rana Askoul, Founder, Changing Pink

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Rana Askoul

The Third Way of Leadership

A quick warm up exercise…

1. When a CEO wants to motivate the team, ____

2. When a scientist wants to educate the public, ____

3. If a teacher discovers a student has copied someone else's course work, _____ 4. If a nurse suspects a patient has been involved in a crime, _____

Leading together?

A growing up story..



Different approaches to leading

Clashes, personal frustrations, lost messages and missed opportunities

Impact on bottom line

But are they different, really? A tale of two brains

In scientific terms, this means: “ In the brain centers for language and hearing, for example, women have 11 percent more neurons than men. The principal hub of both emotion and memory formation is also larger in the female brain as is the brain circuitry for language and observing emotions in others…The female brain has tremendous unique aptitudes – outstanding verbal agility, the ability to connect deeply in friendship, an increased capacity to read faces and tone of voice for emotions and states of mind, and the ability to defuse conflict. All of this is hardwired into the brains of women. These are the talents women are born with. Men are born with other talents, shaped by their own biological realities. “

Dr. Louann Brizendine – Scientist, Researcher, Clinician and Author

Gender Socialization: Meet Zeina and Omar

. .





Speak Softly

Take turns





Don’t Cry




Speak up Hierarc-



Take Risks

Proposal: The Third Way of Leadership

Relationship with one self

Relationship with peers

Relationship with subordinates

Relationship with superiors


Influencing & Negotiation

Business Acumen

Team Building

Networking Har




Communication: The biggest gender difference is

The communication spectrum

. . Relationship focus

Talk to collect Information and gain rapport

Talk about people and relationships

Prefers feelings, senses and meaning

Thrive on harmony and relating

Values intuition

Build consensus

Ask a lot of questions

Power / Rank / Status focus

Talk to give information and report

Talk about things (business / sports)

Prefers facts , reason and logic

Thrive on competing and achieving

Values analyzing and figuring out

Emphasize Independence

Focus on solutions


On the upside

Relationship focus

Talk to collect Information and gain rapport

Talk about people and relationships

Focus on feelings, senses and meaning

Thrive on harmony and relating

Values intuition

Build consensus

Ask a lot of questions

Ability to pick up on non – verbal cues

Strong listening skills and effective display of empathy is great for building effective teams and inclusive cultures Asking questions results in increased access to information

Positive spin on tough requests and demands


On the downside

Relationship focus

Talk to collect Information and gain rapport

Talk about people and relationships

Focus on feelings, senses and meaning

Thrive on harmony and relating

Values intuition

Build consensus

Ask a lot of questions

Results can be impaired by desire to achieve consensus vs. closing on results

Taking things personally vs. “it’s business” attitude

Coming across weak, indecisive, not confident

Detail vs. big picture balance

What happens when balance kicks in….

Indra Nooyi, Pepsi’s high-profile CEO is on one hand a plainspoken boss who drives her employees hard and has a tough reputation, both as a decision-maker and a negotiator. What allows her to get away with it and makes that tough, demanding style palatable is precisely the fact that she is unusually “communal” for a CEO.

“Definitely my sense of humor is a strength. When all else fails, I’ll laugh. And optimism. I get up everyday thinking today’s going to be better than yesterday, and something wonderful is coming down the pipe. My other strength is the ability to recognize when I need to take a step back and think about where we want to end up. Then there’s my fabulous team. I love working in teams! “ Caryl Stern, president & CEO, UNICEF U.S Fund


© Changing Pink 2014

On the upside

Power / Rank / Status focus

Talk to give information and report

Talk about things (business / sports)

Focus on facts , reason and logic

Thrive on competing and achieving

Values analyzing and figuring out

Emphasize Independence

Offers solutions

Direct and to the point interactions – effective and efficient use of time

Perceptions on compatibility to lead by being results oriented

Ability to overcome conflict and differences in opinion

Assertive, clear messages helps avoid misunderstanding


© Changing Pink 2014

On the downside

Power / Rank / Status focus

Talk to give information and report

Talk about things (business / sports)

Focus on facts , reason and logic

Thrive on competing and achieving

Values analyzing and figuring out

Emphasize Independence

Offers solutions

Tendency to not ask questions or advice might lead to inaccurate assumptions and deficient solutions

Disregard of relational aspects affects morale and team dynamics

Blunt communication can create resentment

Decreased ability to read non-verbal cues can be detrimental to results

© Changing Pink 2014

What happens when balance kicks in….

“I think one of the basics of transcultural leadership is empathy,” says Carlos Ghosn, the man who is credited with turning around major Japanese car maker Nissan.

Now, multiply differences across the board

Relationship with one self

Relationship with peers

Relationship with subordinates

Relationship with superiors


Influencing & Negotiation

Business Acumen

Team Building

Networking Har




The Solution: A style of leadership that builds on the strengths of men and women

Thank you
