The Plan: Building Your Tribe


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The Plan:1 Define Brand

2 Goals + Tasks

3 The Strategy

4 Action!


Define BrandDefine the brand

1. Who are we? (our personality, not our name, services, or function) Green, Mom, Women, Trustworthy, Empowering and Empowered, Success, SF, Funky, Caring, Happy

2. Why are we here? (what makes us necessary, what pain point are we aleviating. not our services or function) Environement? Empowerment?

3. What are we building? What are our goals? We invision an artisian marketplace...

4. Who is it for? (not just the qualified client but the person we attract or want to attract) Women, people who have seen the products before, ...who is she?

5. What do we want to tell them? (more than what we can do for them) ??????

6. How are we different in personality? function? ??????

7. What is our territory within the market? Within the Bay Area? With each client? We’re unique, green, empowering, we’re local but you can access us online (not unique),

Building a strong brandWhat role do you want to play in the lives of it's clients?What about your will clients find energizing and enticing?What problems are we solving, what pain points are we taking away?What will the experience of being a client be (feel, smell, look, sound, taste) like?What are the strengths and capabilities that could translate into experience innovation?What is your narrative (vs statement) to clients?What is your journey (vs destination)?What might we do/be in the future and what story can become a platform for that?

1 Define and build the “Brand” voice, personality, etc.2 Positioning (research market & competitors)3 Our customer (research) & our message to them


we can answer these together, this is what will direct our research.


1. Upcoming Events:Smoothie Tasting, Greenfest2. Rebranding/Restructuring3. Getting Organized Create GQueues System Find good workflow structure

Get OrganizedStrengthen BrandGo offline and into SFBuild your TRIBEFind place in Fair Trade territory

+ Tasks

The StrategyBuild your TRIBE

How?Blogging, vlogging, & social media. Document your interactions with the community and culture. Share your POV on Fair Trade, current events, green culture, and anything relevant. People want to KNOW who GS is.You’re the queen of your kingdom, who’s behind you and who’s not? Who admires you? Who’s the princess to your queen? THAT is who will join the TRIBE. Have a following.

Get involved to build community by host and attending:events, festivals, parties, faires, schools, streets, sponsor and partner

IDEA: get real with a retail truck/cart/van for easy and distinct community involvement. 1. create 2. brand & advertise 3. use for community involvement

This starts with the SF community, getting offline.Your trible loves YOU. Communicate with them. Interract with them.


Rachel can generatecontent and organizethe digital identity.

The Strategy

Empower Network+ KNOW who you are within the network and USE that. Spread/share/teach/show.

+ Combine blogs so you only have 1 and make it RELEVANT

+ Create an EMOTIONAL RESPONSE in people

+ SHOW your success through EN “This company was funded by my EN” “EN made this business possible” “Powered by an EN member” “Supported by EN”

Where do you speak? Use all your outlets and resources to talk about EN and make what you say RELEVANT: twitter, vimeo, youtube, pinterest, paper (cards etc), email etc.


Link The G.Seahorse & E.Network

Action!1. What resources are available to you? People Networks Connections/Opportunities Other

2. What are your goals?

3. What are the tasks/challenges ahead? Connect GS and EN Streamline digital identity (blog, Social media, website) **rebuild GS with new direction in mind Upcoming events

1 2 1. Set up GQueues 2. Match people to tasks3. Keep goals in mind to stay focused

1. Blog2. GQueues3. Planning for next 3 months
