Tenth Amendment Presentation


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  1. 1. TENTH AMENDMENTThe powers not delegated to the United States by theConstitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, arereserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
  2. 2. Is the power to regulate theproduction of a natural resourcein New Hampshire delegated bythe Constitution to the FederalGovernment? Does the Constitution prohibitthe production of a naturalresource within the State of NewHampshire?
  3. 3.
  4. 4. New Hampshire House Bill 153(NH153) Prohibiting thedesignation of industrial hempas a controlled substance.
  5. 5. Hemp is not a drug.
  6. 6. ClothingPaper ProductsBuilding SuppliesPlasticsFuel The Industrial Hemp marketin the United States exceeds300.000.000 dollars per year. All industrial hemp isimported.Why?
  7. 7. USE IT OR LOSE IT?Lets make sure we are using every one ofthe freedoms we are guaranteed by theUnited States Constitution.
