TCI2013 From #TCI2012 to #TCI2013...& Beyond



By James Wilson, Orkestra, Spain, presented at the 16th TCI Global Conference, Kolding 2013.

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  • 1. From #TCI2012 to #TCI2013...& Beyond James Wilson Conference Opening 4 September 2013

2. FROM #TCI2012 TO #TCI2013 jamierwilson TCI Network Annual Global Conference Kolding, Denmark, 4th September 2013 & BEYOND 3. #TCI2012 Context: Transformation Industrial Restructuring Response to economic crisis Investment in key STI infrastructure 1980s Clusters Focus on efficiency-driven competitiveness Proactive policy to improve business environment 1990s Innovation Evolution of cluster policy Foundations of smart specialisation strategy 2000s What were the main outcomes / messages? 4. 1. Place Matters History & culture Local demand Cluster portfolio All places are different: approaches to cluster development & competitiveness must be tailored Policy competences & legacy 5. 2. People Matter Cluster pioneers Leadership Talent attraction Whether it be private-sector leaders, skilled workers, inspiring policy-makers or cluster managers, the main drivers of competitiveness processes are always people Civil entrepreneurs 6. 3. Constantly question ? The world never stops moving and so becoming and remaining competitive requires continual transformation which in turn requires constant questioning why and how we are doing it Analyse what we do Evaluate, however difficult it is it is the route to learning, improving & staying one step ahead 7. The #TCI effect: Legacy In the Basque Country, since #TCI2012 transformation has continued and continues Hosting the TCI conference was an important step for us and has generated both learning and on-going desire to learn within Orkestra and the Basque Government within and among Basque clusters within the academic and consulting communities The every encounter equation makes for a great conference, both now and beyond #TCI2013 8. TCI Network Annual Global Conference Kolding, Denmark, 5th September 2013 jamierwilson TAK ESKERRIK ASKO THANK YOU