Steps to fix a UPVS Window


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Steps to fix a UPVS Window

Removing the old window and fixing a new one on your own will require a great amount of time and patience. UPVC windows are the best quality and cheap windows available. It last longer than wooden windows and are very easy to maintain. UPVC windows are a great long term investment for your house.

Tools required to change the window.



Tape measure

Spirit level

Frame fittings


Tools required to change the window.

Screw driver

Drill bit

Door & frame Sealant


Steps for fitting up a UPVC window;

1. Preparation.

2. Remove the old window.

3. Fitting the new window.

4. Glazing

1. Preparation.

Before removing a window you must make sure that there is a lintel above the window. This is done because UPVC windows are not made to be load bearing.

Make sure that the size and style of window match your order.

Remove every furniture or any other ornaments from the surrounding areas of the window.

2. Remove the old window.

Remove the openers using a screwdriver. Remove all opening sashes.

If the old window is a glass window, carefully crack and remove the glass from the inside.

Use a knife if necessary to cut through the plaster seal around the window & crosscut saw to remaining horizontal and vertical frames.

Apply nail bar, this will lever the framework away from the plaster line.

3. Fitting new window.

Put the cill profile onto the wall. Using the plastic packers level the cill.

Remove all glazing beads from the window frame.

Put the new window into position. Make sure the window is placed vertically and correctly.

Wedge the window into position and do not bend the framework by over packing. Shut and lock any opening sashes and then check within the outer frame.

4. Glazing.

Glazing prior to locating the glass sealed units into the approximate aperture.

Gently unlock and open the sashes to check that no binding occurs within the locking system. Adjust the window to achieve perfect squareness.

Remove all protective tape from the faces of the window frame, clean where necessary with warm soapy water.

Deine is a German trading venture offering a wide range of high-quality windows at affordable prices. UPVC windows are also available here. Only certified products are dealt here at Deine They have an experienced team for the supply of services for the customers.
