Solo Pro Strategies: Rethink the Service Business Model



Selling services by the hour is easy and quick to get started but it's not a profitable business model. Here's a way to rethink the strategy and build a more lucrative business.

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Solo Pro StrategiesHow to Make a Service-Based Business Work for YOU!

Service-Based Business Model

Easy low-cost start up

You’ve already got what you need

Very low overhead to run

The back-end administration is simple and uncomplicated

The Pros

Service-Based Business Model

Tends to be structured after a ‘job’

Service is positioned as a commodity

Focus on competition and hourly pricing

Light on individual branding and current trends and technology

Light on Business Strategy

The Cons

Think Differently

Knowledge (book learning)

Expertise (applied learning)

Strategy (forethought)


Areas of Growth



Products, tools, updates

Trend watching

In New Ways

Be Different

You are unique - not a generic commodity

Your skills are you toolbox

Your background lends credibility


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