Social media policies




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Social Media Policies

Mandy Jenkins || Michael Roberts

Rules Values

Social Media Policy

ethics -- moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior

morals -- a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do


credibility – the quality, capability, or power to elicit belief; quality of being believed or trusted

bias – a preference or inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment


Avoid publishing anything, even in the somewhat loosely guarded confines of Facebook, that compromises the integrity of the news organization, our coverage or the public's perception of them as an independent, fair journalist.

-- Salem News (2010)

Always abide by U.S. Community Publishing’s Principles of Ethical Conduct for Newsrooms. These Principles are centered on the following themes:

•  By seeking and reporting the truth in a truthful way •  Serving the public interest •  Exercising fair play •  Maintaining independence •  Acting with integrity

-- Arizona Republic

When using social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., for reporting or for our personal lives, we must protect our professional integrity and remember: Washington Post journalists are always Washington Post journalists.

-- Washington Post

Maintain credibility: Post journalists must refrain from writing, tweeting or posting anything — including photographs or video — that could be perceived as reflecting political, racial, sexist, religious or other bias or favoritism.

-- Washington Post

Elements of social media policy

Rules Values

Social Media Policy

Elements of social media policy

•  Definition of social media / social networking

•  Company philosophy on social media

•  Company versus private social media channels

•  When / how identify yourself as company employee

Elements of social media policy

•  Promoting transparency

•  Avoiding real or apparent conflicts of interest /bias

•  Protocol for including links, link verification

•  Breaking news guidelines: Should you break news on social media?

Elements of social media policy

•  Corrections policy

•  Terms of service & copyright rules

•  Expectations / goals for using social media

•  Disciplinary action(s) for infractions

Exercise: Social media scenarios


(1) What is the problem the situation raises?

(2) What could be included in a social media policy to help avoid or offer guidance on how to deal with the situation?