Social Media and the Future of Football

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I did a presentation for one of the leading international football (soccer... for all you Americans) club associations a few days ago, so here is a slightly changed version with some of the stuff I wanted to share with everyone. This goes way beyond social media... take a look.

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Social Media and some ideas on the Future of the

Football Business

What does the Future hold - and how will we adapt to it?

Foresight is crucial.

Translation: Networked Media.Real-Time Media.

User-driven Media.Engaged Media.



Users in Control

A huge shift in ‘Getting Attention’

Broadcast | Centralized | One-Way | Push Media


Networked Media


Networked Media

Broadcast Media

Welcome to the era of Networked Business: Redefining ‘Selling’

Online and Offline are converging

Football Clubs + Social Networks = Decreasing Role for the Middleman?


The Clubs

The Players

Everyone wants to reach the same audience

Reality Check

“Potential public relations disaster”“Encourages football supporters to find information about their favorite players outside of the official club website” “Issue of control...professional footballers are under the control of the club almost at all times”“Social networking systems threaten the status quo because its professional footballers having personal contact with fans, the media and others, which could be terrifying for some football clubs”

“Control = Money”?

Do you really have a choice?

So...who is the brand?


Same issue...?

A tough but unavoidable Mega-Trend...

En-route to digital & decentralized...

The ‘captive consumer’ is...dying

It’s the framework that is changing not just the picture...Conversations not


Engage not Enrage

Pull not Push

Return on Involvement not


Co-Producers not just Consumers > Fans >Users

Trust not


2.1 Billion on the Internet, 4.3 Billion on the Mobile

EXPERIENCE not ‘download a copy’

The Consequences of Total Control?

New Cashcows

Old Cashcow

Thinking about protecting your IP / Content?

Engage, involve, attract, aggregate!

Hyper-Competition Hyper-Collaboration

Command & Controlbecomes

Coordinate & Cultivate*Thomas Malone “The Future of Work”

Because we are all connected, soon,

‘Going Direct’ becomes

the New Normal

Clubs become...








Football Club 2.0 --------- The Mission



Going Direct: Club to Fan

Online TV channelsWebcasts / Online RadioiPhone / Mobile AppsSocial Network GroupsTwitter News Network (TNN)

Lee Strafford, Sheffield Wednesday chairman: “I don't see

how a media business owns a relationship with fans of the future”

Complete TV & Internet ConvergenceRadical Fragmentation of Audiences

3D ScreensAugmented Reality

Virtual VenuesMobile TV = Video Snacking

Where is this going?

Trends: Challenges & Threats & Opps?(Some) TV Networks face declining revenues

because advertising is moving to the Internet

Vast improvements in mobile gadgets means

fans can ‘broadcast’ from the venue, themselves

Competition for people’s attention is constantly

exploding: more choices all the time

Radical fragmentation of audience driven by

explosion in media consumption offerings

Social Media will soon beat

eMail, Video may well beat Search

Social-Mobile-Web-Native Marketing: Pull

“Followers, Friends, Fans, Users”Attract and addict

Low-cost, very targetedConversational

Engagement is the goalMessage: share. follow. talk.Based on Trust not Control

Gaining customers via Social Media

How Dell does Twitter

Source: Flickr

You are in the Audience Business

Don’t (just) sell copies - sell


News meets Magazine meets TV...?

User Interfaces make all the difference

The computer is work.The iPhone is ... kind of work.

The iPad / Tablet is... not work

What really matters is Liquidity

A Social Media Strategy

Football Clubs become

Connectors - not just ‘Directors’

Social Media is the new

Customer Relationship Management

My final advise(s)

App Store: “Media Futurist”

email me at

facebook: gleonhard

Thanks for your attention!