Slate Resume Workshop



PPT addressing cover letter, and resume writing

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Resumes and Cover Letters

The Necessary Evil

Present by: Kathryn Ramirez

What does the word Resume mean to you?

What’s in a word?

The First Resumes

1482 - Leonardo DaVinci at age 30 writes the first resume

1500 -Traveling LordResumes become an institution

1930 - Resumes were formalities 1940 - Resumes are like Facebook profiles 1950 - Resumes are now expected. 1960 - Resumes start to include outside interests like

sports & clubs.

History of the Resume

The digital age

1970 - Digital typesetting & word processors 1980 – Books and career counseling 1985 - Online background checking begins 1986 - Microsoft releases an RTF universal doc 1987 - Fax machines


The Internet

1994 - The Internet and World Wide Web go public. 1995 - Email is the new, cool way to send a resume

Web 2.0

2000 - Dot Com boom hits full stride. 2002 - Interactive resumes begin 2003 - LinkedIn launches 2005 - Optimal Resume releases an online resume



Multimedia and video resumes emerge

2006 - Video resumes pick up 2007 - Video resumes hit YouTube

The Future

2008 – Resume’s make a change. Today – Social Media and Resumes

History Conclusion





Traditional Resumes



Non-Traditional Resumes


Can you use color on a resume? Design

Left, Center, Right? Lettering

New Times Roman???? Types of paper

Linen, colored, envelopes? Portfolio’s

Necessary or a waste of time?

The Non-Conformist

Writing a Resume

Do Contact information Email Website History Skills & Experience Bullet points Extra-Curricular Activities Community Service Accolades Accomplishments Business social activities

Don’t NO paragraphs NO personal information

Birthdate Weight, height, hair

color, eye color Marital status Kids Ethnicity Religion Sexual Orientation Pictures Political views


The first critical contact with employers

Compliment but do not duplicate your resume

Create an effective cover letter

They should express a high level of interest and knowledge about the position.

The Cover Letter

Application letter

Prospecting letter

Networking letter

Referral Letter

Types of Cover Letters

Use person’s first name if known

Incorporate knowledge of the company

Include skill, results and recognition keywords

Attest to your credentials

Spell check, spell check, spell check

Cover Letter Tips
