Safety Benefits of Premium Artifical Turf


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Artificial turf is found in a wide variety of environments these days, from the front lawns of private homes to publicly accessible parks, and its popularity is likely to rise in the coming years. Yet not everyone is sold on the benefits of artificial grass, largely because of lingering concerns about the possibly adverse health effects of these materials. These concerns are understandable but unfounded in fact; let’s explore this issue in greater detail.

• Conventional grass requires a steady diet of pesticides and/or fertilizers to ensure optimal health and an attractive appearance. The problem with this is that these products are damaging to the environment.

• Surface runoff tainted with pesticides contributes substantially to water pollution.

• With artificial turf, however, there’s no need for pesticides and fertilizers—because it’s a non-organic material.

• Pesticides and similar chemicals harm more than just our environment. They can pose a health risk to growing children as well.

• That’s because children are still developing their organs and immune systems; contact with hazardous chemicals could interfere with the natural growing process.

• One of the most common pollen allergies is grass allergy. Its symptoms include eye irritation, skin rashes, and respiratory congestion.

• A good way to get rid of a grass allergy is to get rid of the grass. Synthetic lawns provide an excellent alternative.

• Standard grass fields used for sporting events rapidly deteriorate with use. This results in unevenness to the playing surface that may cause players to trip and fall, possibly leading to serious injury.

• By contrast, synthetic turf can sustain much more use before it must be repaired.

• An NCAA study (2004) found that synthetic turf led to fewer injuries than natural turf.1

• Playgrounds and similar environments for children are more suited for use by kids with disabilities when these areas are outfitted with synthetic turf. For instance, wheelchairs can roll more easily across synthetic turf as compared with natural grass.

• In addition, surface hazards are less likely to develop on durable synthetic turf.

• Some people enjoy cutting their lawns on a sunny Saturday, but certainly not everyone falls in this camp. This is especially true for older and/or disabled individuals who have trouble with these kinds of maintenance tasks, and can become injured as a result.

• Synthetic turf requires relatively little maintenance.

Experts Agree: Synthetic Turf Is Safe

• Although some consumers worry about the possible safety hazards associated with synthetic turf, scientific studies have shown that there’s little to worry about. 2

• When all factors are considered, this material is no more hazardous than natural grass.

• Synthetic turf is increasingly popular among homeowners looking for an attractive yet low-maintenance lawn—and you could be the next to join this trend.

Founded in 2006, Turf-N manufactures and installs high-quality artificial grass lawns for commercial and residential customers. The company is based in Riverside, CA and serves customers throughout the state as well as parts of Oregon, Washington, and Texas. Visit for more information.


Synthetic turf provides a number of health and safety advantages over natural grass. This artificial material creates a more reliable playing surface for athletes, provides easier accommodations for the disabled, and eliminates the need for harmful pesticides.
