Relaborate Tutorial Deck - Inside A New Post



This quick tutorial highlights the features inside the "New Post" section of Relaborate

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How to Start A Post in Relaborate

Overview and Callouts

Title Bar Editor Width Notepad Export Group Me

Questions EditorDiscovery

Create and send questions to colleagues via email. There responses will return here.

Left Side Navigation Bar, From Top to Bottom

Dashboard: The Dashboard is your "Home Screen" for Relaborate activity. Its main purpose is to help manage your obligations in the content creation process and oversee all the posts in progress. From your dashboard you can see who started a piece of content, who has been asked to collaborate and the due date.  By clicking on the title of any post you will be able to jump into the latest version of that content.

New Post: When you are ready to begin a new piece of content, click on the plus sign. A new blank content collection will be created. Make sure to title the post so that you can find it later in you dashboard. .

Question Templates: One of the best way to extract information from the thought leaders in your brand is through the time tested Questions and Answer process. We have identified about 50 types of content and deconstructed them to find the basic questions that authors ask themselves when writing an article. We realize that each piece of content is a new journey and specific questions might not apply, which is why we have created the ability to delete, add and alter the guide questions to fit specific blog topics.

Calendar: In order to stay organized and avoid large (and embarrassing) gaps between publish dates on your company blog or social channels we have built in an editorial calendar. By clicking on the calendar button you will be taken to your personal calendar where all you can view all of the pieces of content you are involved with that have been assigned due dates. Set reminders for your teammates involved with the post. Toggling to the company calendar lets you view all of the company wide content being created.

Reporting: Click on this button to see how many posts have been created, how many have been exported and how many users are on your company account. The reporting for our app is quite elementary at the moment, but expanding our reporting functionality is on the product road map.

Settings: By clicking on the gear button you will be taken to your account settings page. On this page you can change your credentials, avatar, skill set, etc. You can also click on your in the top right corner of the app and a drop down menu will appear. If you are an agency this is where you switch between accounts. You can also manage your team, and access your personal account settings.

Inside a Piece of ContentTop Bar

• Post Title:  Give your content a title so that it can be found again in your Relaborate dashboard.  You can always change your title in the future

• Editor size: Your content collections are split into two main fields. The left hand side is dedicated to collecting resources (answers, article links, twitter handles, etc.) to use in your content. The right side of the page is your editor where you can compile and format your information into polished pieces of content. Your screen may default to only show your editor. Click the buttons above the editor to open or close the research area.

• Details: The “Details” section is the yellow retractable notepad located above the text editor and accessible from the button in the top right. Use the details area to layout the goals, directions, links, and structure of the post for the rest of your team to follow. You can also Add team Members and set due dates from here.

• Export: When you are done with your post, this button will take you to the export screen where you have multiple options.

• Group Name: If you are part of multiple groups, you will see the group you are currently in next to the arrow.

• Your Name: Clicking on your name opens a number of options, including upgrading your account, adding members to your group, toggling between groups, and accessing other settings.

Inside a Piece of ContentQ+A and Discovery Tabs

• If you Ask a Question, a couple of boxes will open giving you the chance to form your own question and choose who to email it to. If they are already in your group, just click on their icon or photo. If they are not in your group, type their name or email address in the box. Your question will be delivered to them via email and their response will be delivered right here. You will not have to copy and paste answers from emails into your research area.

• You can Use Templates to get started with an article and decide that you'd like some guidance or direction. Click the Templates tab and we'll give you the chance to choose some pre-conceived questions and add them to your research area. These are sorted by Narratives and by Job function, and are meant to be a way to get ideas rolling.

• Discovery Tab - Relaborate will scan your content as you work, identifying topics and names to search on. Once our tool quickly identifies the main topics you are covering it will then search for images, articles and influencers that are highly relevant to the topics identified in the topic bank. In the research area you can browse through the resources we have pulled and post them in your content. If the results are not to your liking, feel free to exit out of topics that are off topic and add some new specific topics of your own in.

• The editor is on the right hand side of the application. In this area you create and assemble the finished piece of content. Leveraging the answers your received from teammates and the resources you have collected and pinned you can quickly create a rich, intelligent piece of content as well as apply formatting and finishing touches. |
