Rel And Pb&J Sushi Roll

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A tutorial on how to make a Peanut Butter and Jam/Jelly Sushi Roll by 9 yr. old Rel!

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A WAHMs Motivated Forever! Slide Show Presentation

Step One:

Always wash your hands before handling and preparing any food items.


Measure according to liking!

Peanut Butter (any brand)

Jelly or Jam (any brand, flavor)

Bread (according to liking)

Candle is for decorative purposes only!

Materials Used:

Dinner Plate

2 butter knives

1 spoon

Candle is for decorative purposes only!

Step One: Peel off the outer crust.

Step two: Flatten the bread this way…or…(next slide)

flatten it this way

Wala! Flattened Bread. You can also use a pastry roller.

Step 3: Use butter knife to spread peanut butter to desired thickness.

Step 4: Use spoon to spread jelly/jam to desired thickness.

Ready to roll!

Step 5: Start at one wide end and roll upwards.

Rolled and ready for…

Step 6: With butter knife roll into bite size sushi.

Step 7: Serve on fun colorful snack plates.

Step 8: Stuff your face!

The End!
